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Hailey's Pictures
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Photo Gallery

Here are a few pictures of our older daughter Hailey.  Click on each one you want to see for a larger view.  You may have to give it a few minutes to load the whole page.

The 'girls' hanging out October 2000

Sitting in Abby's car seat August 2000

Sunny Morning July 2000

Sunny Morning July 2000

Swimming July 2000

Talking on the Pool Phone July 2000

Dressing up as mom's anniversary present August 2000

Hanging out with Uncle Tran August 2000

Painting on the new easel September 2000

Craft Time August 2000

On the porch with mom September 2000

Sitting in the Binkley Apt. February 1999

Crawling on Grandma Weber's trampoline March 1999

Sitting on the trampoline March 1999

Playing with friends February 1999

Crawling away from dad March 1999

Up close February 1999

Playing with friends February 1999

First Swim April 1999

Hanging out with mom April 1999

Playing with Buddy the dog April 1999

Sitting in dad's chair with pigtails September 2000