Unbelievable things have changed my life, and now again the time has come to say THANK YOU to those that keep this website alive. 2018 marked 23 years here at Lycos/Tripod, and 4 years on Facebook. LINK Alot has happened since 2012, and in 2013 i lost everything to greed and corruption, including a good friend and animals. I dont have MY developer engine anymore so, please don't ask me for support on any of my software you might be using still. Any or all questions may be answered on FB messenger but, even that has limited me to non-private replies. For those of you knowing the truth about life, the Universe, and everything, I have changed the way i see my future. Nolonger will i be silent on the facts and figures needed to produce anything. Much of what was going to happen in the way of software and projects will now be totally different. Google and Android replaced most of my direction for software or apps. Currently, I am studying ways to develope new and original things to add to this site but, I'm not sure how much longer I c an hold out on having my own domain. CopyCat Multimedia and Software needs a place of own but, since the competition and name has moved up one or two steps ahead of me, its going to be difficult to continue where I left off, but I will try. -cc (update) 08/12/2020 Its been nearly 20 years now..and with the current situation going on with this world, i decided to make the CopyCat Air Scrubber more modernized. It is in its final production, and awaiting patents. There are two (2) versions - DRY and WET. Its is my hopes that this will help with the current pandemic. Its not expensive, and currently, its getting cheaper! The CopyCat Air Scrubber has been sent to the US Gov a couple days ago, but i feel like i made a big mistake. I will give them the time they need to look the thing over, but i can NOT wait 60 days! a backup, i will release the project here, and other places, just to make sure "The People" are given a chance to make this for themselves. Check back shortly! ===========================================================================