Little Green Steam Machine Rebuild
It's WAR On Bedbugs!
This is my favorite weapon for dirt
and now.. Bedbugs! After many years of service; my Bissell Little
Green machine has to be serviced, and here is the guide to how
i do it. Take your time when making things, and this sweet little
machine will do you right. I hope you never have to fight in
a war against anyone, especially Bedbugs!
Newsletter - Spring/Summer 2010
Latest news on the DTV Kite, and I detail the experimental
use of a standard PC mouse as a video-game gun. I also describe
the changes I made to my original XBOX and how it now plays games
from: Atari, SEGA, Nintendo, SuperNintendo, Nintendo64, PlayStation,
IBM DOS, and even MAME. Its like having several game machines
in one. I love the MAME (multiple arcade machine emulation) which
allows you turn your XBOX into an actual classic Acrcade with
all the coin-op games we grewup with. Retro gaming at its best!
Here to know more or goto the
downloads page now.
XBOX Service and Repair Guide
Don't throw away that 'ol game machine! The XBOX still
has can be revived. Most users of these machines remember
all the worries to the original XBOX, but they will never forget
the money spent on such a cool machine. I myself still love its
performance (when clean). This started out along time ago as
another online project that had to be finished, but turned out
to be much more. All the details to fixing, repairing, general
service, and even a little upgrading or hacking the thing is
in this short online guide. It is also now available for download.
Here to know more or goto the downloads page
Newsletter - Spring 2008
Announcements for the DTV (digital TV) coupon program.
Plus the release of the CopyCat DTV Kite and modifications to
the RCA DTA800b ATSC Converter Box. Also, a homemade antenna
for DVBTs (digital video broadcast tuners) is explained.
CopyCat Solar Powered iPod & Cell Phone Charger
was made and tested a few years ago. In this simple online project;
you build a working solar powered battery or cell-phone charger
for about $20 You might want help from your mom or your sister,
or anybody with a sewing machine and knows how to use it.
Also can be mounted on a Backpack!
Car Runs On Water!
& The MJJ-1
(formerly known as: The NextGen Engine Project)
Over 10 years and I'm still waiting for big energy, big
oil and the automotive companies to fail. Maybe after the revolution,
we can get started with new technologies, and build better water
and power grids accross the country. Meanwhile, love one another
and give all you can to those that really need it.
Wi-Fi Flies!
Homemade 2.4 GHz WiFi Antennas really do work. Just pick
one of these easy to build wifi antennas and you'll be fly'in
in notime! Simple and effective information for all the G Band
2.0 to 2.4 GHz users. Also information on the new N Band 5.0
GHz WiFi Antennas.
A 300x Power Video Teloscope for under $40 dollars.
Using simple things around the town, you can build a telescope
that should get you the Rings of Saturn on a good night, or attach
a simple NTSC / PC color camera to it for a simple VideoTele
Scope and record your images to PC, VCR, or DVD!
Also works if you want to use it for "visual tracking"...see
the section:
"What Are They Doing Up There?" for more information.
a BigScreen Monitor for your PC
Using parts from an old Projection
TV (bigscreen) and a couple old VGA Monitors, you can make a
working 35" inch bigscreen monitor for your Laptop PC or
any standard computer.
was designed because I needed a "clean room" (a 12ftx12ft
sterilized room) with less than 100ppm (particles per million)
in just a few hours. Removes all dust, hair, dander, and even
most: Endo-toxins, Mio-toxins, and Bio-toxins from the air. Once
you have a Clean Room, you should be able to fix any Hard Drives,
sensitive photo equipment, or electronics. Special changes in
clothes and the way you go in and out of the room has be concidered.
Are They Doing Up There?
Goodbye NASA. Its been fun! An online section that details
the use of older "DOS" Ground Tracking Signals and
Software. You input the "current" data and the program
will colorfully display the Earth with all satellites, shuttle,
or space station locations at any time of day (or night!).
Where Are They Now?
Another online look at space,
and the possibility of life elsewhere. Its been a few long years
since I contributed to the SETI Program, and helped decode a
couple thousand blocks of data. You too can help in the search
for intelligent life in outter space. If you do the math, you'll
see there are thousands of possible planets in our galaxy, and
maybe, just maybe, you could be the one that decodes the signal
we have all been waiting for!
Pieces, Parts
and Other Things...
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