My World


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Welcome to Rosey's page. Rosey is a five yeaar old Alaskan Malamute that I rescued from the pound on July 3, 2002. She is not a purebread dog and we don't know what she is mixed with but we suspect Siberian Husky. Malamutes are supposed to be 75 pounds for females pounds and she is about 45.

Presenting ROSEY...along with 1/2 of John's head
I think I'm cute.

We originally went to the pound to get another Chinchilla..They had a male one and it said "stray" on it's cage..They live in they are native to the deserts of South America...not the subartic climate of Fairbanks, Alaska..anyways, when we went to get him on monday he was already adopted and I ended up with Rosey instead :)


Did you know? The Alaskan Malamute, one of the oldest Arctic sled dogs, was named after the native Innuit tribe called Mahlemuts, who settled along the shores of Kotzebue Sound in the upper western part of Alaska. The Mahlemuts are believed to have developed the breed to pull sleds and as a pack animal. The Alaskan Malamute is the native Alaskan Arctic breed, cousin to the Samoyed of Russia, Siberian Husky (Kolyma River Region), and the Eskimo dogs of Greenland and Labrador. The Alaskan Malamute was recognized for AKC registration in 1935. The Malamute is a true pack animal with the natural instinct to "lead or be led"; therefore, training must begin as early as three to five months of age. So you want to own an Alaskan Malamute? Originally bred to be a freighting dog, this breed's strength is second to none. Alaskan Malamutes are athletic dogs who love the outdoors, but can also thrive as house pets. Alaskan Malamutes are patient with children, but should always be supervised during play.

Rosie in clothes
why did you do this to me?

rosey the wonder dog?
So much for a sled dog

She just looks so ferocious

Couch potato

Drawing of purebread Malamute

More Rosie Pictures--->Click Here to go to John's page