Home | Terms and Conditions | Belgian Medals (singles) | Medals | Para/Elite Forces | Insignia | Belgian Medal Groups | In progress | Links/Credits

Tim Gushue Militaria


Welcome to our web site!

We are researchers and collectors interested in quality original material, attrributable medal groups, single medals, militaria insignia and artwork .  We will Buy, Sell, or Trade for items of interest, as well as purchase collections and handle quality consignment items. 

A major goal of this site is to help create an environment where serious historians and serious collectors can come together to study and aide in the preservation of Military History. 

An ongoing focus is to promote public interest in the original artifacts that have been part of that world history.  By exposing all generations to the stories surrounding these relics, and respectfully educating interested parties on the meaning behind these items, we can better illustrate the personal sacrifices made by men and women in the service of their countries.  Promoting the study of military history, illustrated by original artifacts, is a key to preserving and teaching the significant impact it has had on shaping our civilization.

We promote the honouring of veterans and their families, through the relics that represent that military service.  We help place these artifacts into the hands of others willing to be the caretakers for future generations to appreciate, once the veterans and families themselves no longer can or wish to.

Belgium Medal Pages (singles and groups).  These pages feature medals and attributed medal groups from the Kingdom of Belgium.  During my four years overseas military service in that country, I came to appreciate the courage, fierce patriotism and sacrifices made by Belgian soldiers and civilians to resist aggression and preserve their liberty.  I have carefully collected Belgian medals and medal groups, some of  which I am now making available.  I hope that awareness gained through exposure to these items will give an appreciation of the important and heroic role that this small country played in the Allied cause of freedom and resistance to German aggression during the two catastrophic World Wars of the 20th Century.   Belgium was the crucible where the armies of the Allied and enemy nations suffered and bled.  The names Flanders, Mons, Ypres, Passchendaele, Langemarck, Albert Canal and the Battles of the Bulge and Scheldt bring stark images to mind.  It is hoped that an awareness of Belgian militaria and its significance by historians and collectors will complement and enhance their own pursuits and give a broader perspective of the World Wars. 

Here are listed items available for sale.  All are 100 percent original unless clearly identified otherwise.   Select thevarious buttons at the top of this page to view the listings.  Good hunting! 



Welcome Winter Sunset
Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list for sales and specials!

You can e-mail us at:
Contact me at tgushue@hotmail.com

Tim Gushue * P.O. Box 344 * Brighton, Ontario K0K 1H0 * Canada