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Frequently Asked Paranormal Questions

Q: What is EVP?

A: Electronic Voice Phenomena, EVP, is the capturing of spirit sounds or voices onto magnetic media, such as tape. When capturing EVP, any kind of tape recorder will work, however, certain things need to be remembered.

Cheaper recorders and those with built-in microphones will possibly pick up internal noises from the recorder itself. These sounds are frequently mistaken for spirit voices.

When EVP capture is attempted outdoors, keep wind conditions in mind. Wind and rain can simulate voices, as can other outdoor sounds such as traffic and bird calls.

Researchers' conversation should be kept to a minimum, but if required, then all researchers should speak in strong, clear voices so as not to be confused later with spirit voices.

There are two methods to capture EVP. The first involves turning the recording device on, placing it in a secure location, and then leaving that location so that no researchers' voices will be captured.

The second method involves turning the recording device on and then asking a series of questions. Each question should be asked in a clear voice, with a pause between each question. Many researchers feel this method gives some direction to the spirits and therefore produces better results. It is advisable for one researcher to ask the questions while another keeps a log, noting the weather conditions, any noises and the time each occurred.

Whichever method is followed, once recording has ceased, the tape should be listened to by several researchers to determine if spirit voices have been captured. Bear in mind that it is unlikely that anything more than a single word or phrase will be captured.

If you would like to discuss this issue further, please contact the Tennessee Ghost Hunters or place a note on our Message Board.

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