Tennessee Ghost Hunters
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News FAQs - Paranormal  |  Links  |  Recommended Reading
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. - H.P. Lovecraft

Whether because of personal desire, personal experience or purely for research purposes, interest in the paranormal is growing. With that in mind, the Tennessee Ghost Hunters provides the following pages.

Frequently Asked Paranormal Questions is in response to e-mails and requests received by the Tennessee Ghost Hunters. The answers provided are the opinion of the Tennessee Ghost Hunters and are presented for informational purposes only. Anyone taking action based upon information found on these pages does so of their own free will and agrees not to hold the Tennessee Ghost Hunters responsible for any actions, injuries, deaths, arrests, situations, etc. resulting from said actions.

Links will take you outside the Tennessee Ghost Hunters site, and the Tennessee Ghost Hunters is not responsible for any information, photos, etc. found on these sites. By continuing to use this site, you agree not to hold the Tennessee Ghost Hunters responsible for pages found outside of this site, and any discussion of said sites will be taken up with the site's owners.

The Recommended Reading list is provided by the Tennessee Ghost Hunters that you may continue your research off the Internet. The titles have been chosen based on members' opinions, and the Tennessee Ghost Hunters is not responsible for anything contained in said volumes.

Continued use of these pages is your express agreement to all of the above and to the Tennessee Ghost Hunters' Conditions of Use.

And now that we've gotten all of the legal stuff out of the way, don't hesitate to contact us at TnHaunting@hotmail.com if you should need further information or assistance than is provided here.





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