Tennessee Ghost Hunters
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News Upcoming Events

December 18, 2002

Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month at 6:30 pm. Contact Joanne for more information.

November 11, 2002

Due to the loss of our dedicated server and domain, this site has been forced into a redesign and should be ready for unveiling on or before December 1, 2002.

September 17, 2001

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected by the tragedies in New York City and Washington D.C.

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post the news of it, but I think everyone can understand after what happened Tuesday. And just as we were all trying to come to terms with that, I managed to break my toe. So needless to say, the site hasn't been forefront in my mind this last week.

We had a great meeting last Monday night with LOTS of new faces, and our monthly outing was last Friday night to a private home. We're all awaiting the results of that investigation. Our next meeting will be Monday, October 1.

August 13, 2001

News about our next meeting: Due to the Labor Day holiday, our next meeting will be held Monday, September 10, rather than on our usual schedule. We will be discussing the Rugby trip at this meeting, so everyone that will be going to Rugby must be present. If you will be going to Rugby but cannot attend then you need to let Robert, Joanne or Donna know in advance. Otherwise, your Rugby slot will be given away, regardless of a deposit. Also, everyone needs to make sure they have paid Robert in full or at least made arrangements with him by the meeting.

June 4, 2001

Another small turn-out this evening, but that's not at all unusual for this time of year. Our next meeting will be Monday, July 2, at 6:00 p.m.

This month's outing will be to the Bell Witch Cave in Adams on Saturday, June 16. We'll meet at our usual place at 8:00 a.m. We'll have breakfast at Cracker Barrel, and then we'll be on the road from there.

As usual, e-mail me for details.

May 9, 2001

We had a smaller, more intimate meeting than we've been having lately with just as many new faces in the group as "old." Not as many plans made as usual but lots of friendly discussion and information available for all.

Our next outing will be Saturday, June 2, at 9:00 p.m. Members can e-mail me for details.

And our next meeting will be Monday, June 4, at 6:00 p.m. in our usual spot. Those interested in attending should feel free to contact me or Joanne for more information or directions.

April 3, 2001

Good meeting last night. LOTS of new faces and the very welcome return of an "old" one. Michael was there!!

Next meeting will be Monday, May 7, at 6:00 p.m. So here's the rundown from last night.

Rugby trip for October is pretty much full. If anyone is interested and hasn't spoken to Robert, you might be able to get your name on a waiting list for cancellations but that would be about it. We have an outing planned to a well-known cemetery this Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Members can e-mail me for the details. On Sunday, April 22, we'll be making a trip up to our favorite haunted house in the Gallatin area. We'll meet at our monthly gathering place at noon and caravan from there. Everyone bring a picnic lunch, and we'll eat on the grounds. And the final outing of the month will be on Saturday, April 28. We'll be going to Falcon Manor in McMinnville for lunch and a tour. The cost is $16 plus tax, and if you're interested, I need to hear from you asap so that I can make the reservations. Overnight stays are available -- just e-mail me for the details.

Got any info you'd like to see included on our site? (Which I'm redesigning again, by the way!) Just drop me a line with your questions, info requests, etc., and I'll see what I can "dig up" and get on site.