BABCOCK FAMILY � MARY BABCOCK WARNER (1910-1993) Information needed � Whatever you know about: Dates of birth, death and marriage Names including middle name Place of birth, death, marriage and where buried also any interesting incidents you care to include in this history, like Amanda Eiklor Babcock pieced 5 quilt tops by hand the winter she was 85 years old. The only glasses she ever had were magnifying glasses she used to buy at the dime store for 10 or 15 cents a pair. Below some information I have: BIRTH DEATH Daniel Johnson Babcock December 22, 1840 February 7, 1904 Married September 1, 1861 Amanda Maynard Eiklor January 18,1848 August 28, 1935 CHILDREN Lyman Dennis December 18, 1863 December 21, 194? Hattie Malvina March 10, 1866 November 12, 1948 Arthur William June 28, 1868 Henry Daniel August 21, 1870 October 9, 1956 Charles Isaac July 1, 1872 April 16, 1877 Warren Seeley August 28, 1874 August 14, 1968 Amanda May Sept. 15, 1877 November 4, 1924 Guy Lee married Bertha E. Magee June 29, 1880 October 8, 1957 David Franklin April 27, 1883 November 30, 190? Ida Cressy January 5, 1886 May 18, 1976 Carrie Elizabeth November 22, 1889 July 5, 1912 Daniel�s father � Franklin � death, February 19, 1888, maybe buried at Vestal Center (Franklin�s father � Elisa ?) not sure about this � Daniel had 3 brothers Perry, Charles (Civil War veteran) and Isaac � 2 sisters, (Daniel was also a Civil War veteran) Arthur William married a twin, the other twin sister raised her sister and Arthur�s children. Henry Daniel married Jennie and had a daughter and a son. Amandy May married Burt Linsey (not sure of spelling), children: Ida, William and Macia (not sure of spelling) Macia died young. Carrie Elizabeth married Guy Griswold, Children: Leo and Eddie WOULD APPRECIATE ANY INFORMATION ON ABOVE PERSONS AND THEIR FAMILIES: If you have any information that doesn�t agree with this please place a question mark beside it and insert correction. Daniel Johnson Babcock, Amanda his wife, David Franklin, Carrie, Elizabeth, also Warren Seeley, wife Nellie May Stanford, Emma and Elwin, also Ida Cressy, Thomas O�Brein, her husband are all buried at Brookside Cemetery, Franklin Forks, Franklin Township, Susquehanna County Pennsylvania.
If you are a descendant of this branch of the Babcocks, Please contact me at my e-mail address below... Thanks!