Generation 1 1. August Georg Simpert von Zähringen, Margrave of Baden-Baden born 1706.01.14 in Rastatt, DE baptised as "Augustus Georgius Bernardus Simbertus Joannes Philippus" married 1735.12.07 to Victoire (Maria Victoria Pauline), Princess of Arenberg in Neuhaus, Bohemia (Hradec Jindrichuv, CZ) ruled Baden-Baden 1761-1771 died 1771.10.21 in Rastatt, DE Generation 2 2. Ludwig Wilhelm Zähringen, Margrave of Baden-Baden born 1655.04.18 in Paris, FR married 1690.03.27 to Sibylle Auguste, Princess of Saxe-Lauenburg in Raudnitz an der Elbe, Bohemia (Roudnice Nad Labem, CZ) ruled Baden-Baden 1677-1707 died 1707.01.04 in Rastatt, DE 3. Franziska Sibylla Augusta (Sibylle Auguste), Princess of Saxe-Lauenburg born 1675.01.21 of Lauenburg, DE married 1690.03.27 to Ludwig Wilhelm Zähringen, Margrave of Baden-Baden in Raudnitz an der Elbe, Bohemia (Roudnice Nad Labem, CZ) died 1733.07.10 in Ettlingen, DE Generation 3 4. Ferdinand Maximilian Zähringen, Prince of Baden-Baden born 1625.09.23 in Baden, DE married 1653.03.15 to Luigia Christina, Princess of Savoy-Carignan in Paris, FR died 1669.11.04 in Heidelberg, DE 5. Luisa Christina (Luigia Christina), Princess of Savoy-Carignan born 1627.08.01 in Paris, FR married 1653.03.15 to Ferdinand Maximilian Zähringen, Prince of Baden-Baden in Paris, FR died 1689.09.29 or 1689.07.07 in Paris, FR 6. Julius Franz, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg born 1641.09.16 in Praha, CZ married 1668.04.09 to Maria Hedwig Auguste, Countess Palatinate of Sulzbach in Sulzbach, DE died 1689.09.29 or 20 or 30 in Zakupy, CZ 7. Maria Hedwig Auguste, Countess Palatinate of Sulzbach born 1650.04.15 in Sulzbach, DE married 1668.04.09 to Julius Franz, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg in Sulzbach, DE died 1681.11.23 in Hamburg, DE Generation 4 8. Wilhelm Zähringen, Margrave of Baden-Baden born 1593.07.30 in Baden, DE ruled Baden-Baden 1622-1677 married pre 1624.10.22 to Katarine Ursule, Princess of Hohenzollern-Hechingen died 1677.05.22 in Baden, DE 9. Katarine Ursule, Princess of Hohenzollern-Hechingen born circa 1603/1610 of Hechingen, DE married pre 1624.10.22 to Wilhelm Zähringen, Margrave of Baden-Baden died 1640.06.02 10. Tomaso Francesco, Prince of Savoy Carignan born 1596.12.21 in Torino, IT married 1625.04.14 to Marie de Bourbon, Countess of Soissons or Marie, Princess of Conde died 1656.01.22 in Torino, IT 11. Marie de Bourbon, Comtesse de Soissons et de Clermont, Princess de Condé born 1606.05.03 in Paris, FR or 1603 in Torino, IT married 1625.04.14 to Tomaso Francesco, Prince of Savoy Carignan died 1692.06.03 in Paris, FR or 1692.06.04 12. Julius Heinrich, Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg Ratzeburg born 1586.04.09 of Lauenburg, DE married 1632.08.18 to Anna Magdalena z Lobkovice died 1665.11.20 in Praha, CZ 13. Anna Magdalena/Magdalene z Lobkovice/Lobkowicz born 1609.07.20 Bilina, CZ married 1625.01.30 to Zbynìk Leopold Novohradský z Kolovrat (died 1632) married 1632.08.18 to Julius Heinrich von Saxe-Lauenburg Ratzeburg in Wien, AT died 1668.09.07 14. Christian August, Count Palatine of Sulzbach born 1622.07.26 in Sulzbach, DE married 1649.04.03 to Amalie, Countess of Nassau-Siegen in Stockholm, SE died 1708.04.23 in Sulzbach, DE 15. Amalie, Countess of Nassau-Siegen born 1613.09.02 in Siegen, DE married 1649.04.03 to Christian August, Count Palatine of Sulzbach in Stockholm, SE died 1669.08.24 in Sulzbach, DE Generation 5 16. Eduard Fortunatus von Zähringen, Margrave of Baden-Rodemachern born 1565.09.17 in London, GB ruled 1588-1594 (deposed) married 1591.03.13 to Marie van Eicken in Bruxelles, BE died 1600.06.18 Kastellaun, DE 17. Marie van Eicken born circa 1560/70 of Breda, NL married 1591.03.13 to Eduard Fortunatus Zähringen, Margrave of Baden-Rodemachern in Bruxelles, BE died 1636 18. Johann Georg I, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen born 1577 in Hechingen, DE married 1598.10.11 to Françoise (Franziske), Countess of Salm-Neufville at Schloß Hechingen, DE died 1623.09.28 at Schloß Hechingen, DE 19. Françoise (Franziske), Countess of Salm-Neufville born circa 1575 of Neufville, FR married 1598.10.11 to Johann Georg I, Prince of Hohenzollern-Hechingen at Schloß Hechingen, DE died 1619.12.14 at Schloß Hechingen, DE 20. Carlo Emanuele I, Duke of Savoy born 1562.01.12 in Rivoli, IT married 1585.08.11 to Katharina Michaela, Infanta of Spain in Saragossa, IT died 1630.07.26 in Savigliano 21. Catalina Michaela, Infanta of Spain born 1567.10.10 in Madrid, ES married 1585.08.11 to Carlo Emanuele I, Duke of Savoy in Saragossa, IT died 1597.11.06 in Torino, IT 22. Charles de Bourbon, Comte de Soissons et de Dreux born 1566.11.03 in Nugent le Rotrou married 1601.12.27 to Anne di Montafia died 1612.11.01 in Château de Blandy-en-Brie 23 Anne de Montafié (Montafi/Montasia?), Countess of Clermont and Beauvaisis born 1577.07.21 in Luc married 1601.12.27 to Charles de Bourbon died 1644.06.17 in Paris, FR 24. Franz II, Duke of Saxe-Lauenberg Ratzeburg born 1547.08.10 in Ratzeburg, DE married 1582.11.10 to Marie, Princess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel in Wolfenbüttel, DE died 1619.07.02 in Lauenburg, DE 25. Marie, Princess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel born 1566.01.13 in Schladen, DE married 1582.11.10 to Franz II, Duke of Saxe-Lauenberg Ratzeburg in Wolfenbüttel, DE died 1626.08.13 probably in Lauenburg, DE 26. Vilém "Mladsi", Pan z Lobkovice/z Lobkowicz, [courtly justice] born circa 1575.07.22 of Bilina, CZ married 1608.10.28 to Katerina Benigna Popelovna z Lobkowicz died 1647.01.01 Lobkovice family ruled Bilina since 1464 27. Katerina Benigna Popelovna z Lobkovice/Lobkowicz born 1594.03.23 in Praha, CZ married 1608.10.28 to Vilém z Lobkowicz died 1653.12.28 28. August, Count Palatine of Sulzbach born 1582.10.02 in Neuberg an der Donau, DE married 1620.07.12 to Hedwig, Princess of Holstein-Gottorp in Husum, DE died 1632.08.14 in Windsheim, DE 29. Hedwig, Princess of Holstein-Gottorp born 1603.12.23 in Gottorp, DE married 1620.07.12 to August, Count Palatine of Sulzbach in Husum, DE died 1657.03.22 in Nürnberg, DE 30. Johann VII "the Middle", Count of Nassau-Siegen born 1561.06.07 at Schloß Dillenburg, DE married 1603.08.27 to Margarethe, Princess of Holstein-Sonderburg-Plön in Rotenburg, DE died 1623.09.27 in Siegen, DE 31. Margarethe, Princess of Holstein-Sonderburg-Plön born 1583.02.24 in Slot, DK married 1603.08.27 to Johann VII "the Middle", Count of Nassau-Siegen in Rotenburg, DE died 1658.04.10 Generation 6 32. Christoff Zähringen II, Margrave of Baden-Rodemachern born 1537.02.26 in Baden, DE ruled 1537-1556 (abdicated) married 1564.06.18 to Cecilia Gustafsdotter Vasa, Princess of Sweden in Stockholm, SE died 1575.08.02 in Rodemack, FR 33. Cecilia Gustafsdotter Vasa, Princess of Sweden born 1540.11.16 in Stockholm, SE married 1564.06.18 to Christoff Zähringen II, Margrave of Baden-Rodemachern in Stockholm, SE died 1627.01.27 in Bruxelles, BE 34. Jobst Van Eicken born circa 1544 of Breda, NL 35. Barbara Van Moll born circa 1548 of Breda, NL 36. Eitel Friedrich (IV) I, Count of Hohenzollern-Hechingen born 1545.09.07 at Schloß Sigmaringen, DE married 1605.01.16 to Sibylle, Countess of Zimmern in Messkirch, DE died 1605 at Schloß Hechingen, DE 37. Sibylle, Countess of Zimmern born 1558.10.08 in Messkirch, DE married 1605.01.16 to Eitel Friedrich (IV) I, Count of Hohenzollern-Hechingen in Messkirch, DE died 1599.10.08 in Hechingen, DE 38. Friedrich I, Count of Salm born 1547.02.03 in Dhaun, DE married 1570.04.10 to Franziske, Countess of Salm in Viviers, FR died 1608.11.05 in Fenetrange, FR 39. Franziske, Countess of Salm born circa 1548 of Salm, FR married 1570.04.10 to Friedrich I, Count of Salm in Viviers, FR died 1587.05.22 40. Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Savoy born 1528.07.08 in Chambery, FR married 1559.07.09 to Marguerite, Princess of France died 1580.08.30 in Torino, IT 41. Marguerite, Princess of France born 1523.06.20 in St. Germain-en-Laye, FR married 1559.07.09 to Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Savoy died 1574.09.15 in Torino, IT 42. Felipe II, King of Spain and Portugal born 1527.05.21 in Valladolid, ES married 1560.02.02 to Elisabeth, Princess of France in Guadalajara, ES died 1598.09.13 in El Escorial, Madrid, ES 43. Elisabeth, Princess of France born 1544.04.02 in Paris, FR married 1560.02.02 to Felipe II, King of Spain and Portugal in Guadalajara, ES died 1568.10.03 in Madrid, ES 44. Louis de Bourbon, Prince de Condé born 1530.05.07 in Vendome, FR married 1565.11.08 to Françoise d’Orléans in Vendome, FR joined the Huguenots after the death of King Henri II. Was wounded at Dreux in 1562. Lost battle of St. Denys in1567. killed in battle 1569.03.13 at Jarnac, FR 45. Françoise d’Orléans Longueville born circa 1536 in FR married 1565.11.08 to Louis de Bourbon in Vendome, FR died 1601.06.11 in Paris, FR 46. Ludwig/Lodovico/Louis II di Montafia born ?< 1551 married 1574 to Jeanne de Coesmes died 1577 in Aix-en-Provence 47. Jeanne of Coësme/Coesmesu/Coesmes/Cosme, Dame de Lucé, Bonnestable (Bonnetable?) born < 1555 married 1574 to Lodovico di Montafia died 1601.12.26 at St-Arnoul en Beauce 48. Franz I, Duke of Saxe-Lauenberg Ratzeburg born 1510 of Ratzeburg, DE married 1540.02.08 to Sibylle, Princess of Saxony in Dresden, DE died 1581.03.19 in Buxtehude, DE 49. Sibylle, Princess of Saxony born 1515.05.02 in Freiburg, Upper Saxony, DE married 1540.02.08 to Franz I Duke of Saxe-Lauenberg-Ratzeburg in Dresden, DE died 1592.07.28 in Lauenberg, DE 50. Julius, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel born 1528.06.29 in Wolfenbüttel, DE married 1560.02.25 to Hedwig, Duchess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel? (Brandenburg?) died 1589.05.13 in Wolfenbüttel 51. Hedwig, Duchess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel? (Brandenburg?) born 1540.03.02 in Berlin, DE married 1560.02.25 to Julius, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel died 1602.10.21 in Wolfenbüttel, DE 52. Oldrich Felix Popel z Lobkowicz/Ulrich Felix Popel von Lobkowitz born 1557 married 1571.09.21 to Anna Alžbìta z Hradce died 1604 buried 1604.04.28 53. Anna Alžbìta z Hradce/Anna von Neuhaus born circa 1557.07.14 married (1579?)1571.09.21 to Oldrich Felix Popel z Lobkovic died 1596.09.21 54. Adam Havel Popel z Lobkowicz/Adam Gallus von Lobkowitz born 1557 married 1594 to Margarete zu Molar died 1605.05.16 (suicide) 55. Margarete zu Molar/Marguerite de Mollart born circa 1573? married 1594 to Adam Havel Popel z Lobkowicz died 1632 56. Philipp Ludwig, Count Palatine of Neuberg born 1547.10.02 in Zweibrucken, DE married 1574.09.27 to Anna, Princess of Jülich Kleve Berg in Neuberg an der Donau, DE died 1614.08.22 in Neuberg an der Donau, DE 57. Anna, Princess of Jülich Kleve Berg born 1552.03.01 in Kleve, DE married 1574.09.27 to Philipp Ludwig, Count Palatine of Neuberg in Neuberg an der Donau, DE died 1632.10.16 in Hochstadt, DE 58. Johann Adolf, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp born 1575.02.27 in Gottorf (sic?), DE married 1596.08.30 to Augusta, Princess of Denmark and Norway in København, DK died 1616.03.31 in Schleswig, DE 59. Augusta, Princess of Denmark and Norway born 1580.04.08 in Koldinghus, DK married 1596.08.30 to Johann Adolf, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp in København, DK died 1639.02.05 in Husum, DE 60. Johann VI (I) "the Elder", Count of Nassau-Dillenburg born 1536.11.22 in Dillenburg, DE married 1559.06.16 to Elisabeth, Princess of Leuchtenberg in Dillenburg, DE died 1606.10.08 in Dillenburg, DE 61. Elisabeth, Princess of Leuchtenberg born 1537.03 in Pfreimd, DE married 1559.06.16 to Johann VI (I) "the Elder", Count of Nassau-Dillenburg in Dillenburg, DE died 1579.07.06 in Dillenburg, DE 62. Hans "the Younger", Prince of Denmark born 1545.03.25 in Koldinghus, DK married 1568.09.19 to Elisabeth, Princess of Braunschweig in Koldinghus, DK died 1622.10.09 at Schloß Glücksburg, DE 63. Elisabeth, Princess of Braunschweig born 1550.03.20 in Salzderhelden, DE married 1568.09.19 to Hans "the Younger", Prince of Denmark in Koldinghus, DK died 1586.02.11 in "sterholm (sic), Aabenraa-Sonderhause, DK Generation 7 64. Bernard III von Zähringen, Margrave of Baden-Baden born 1474.10.07 of Hohenbaden, DE married 1533.03.19? to Françoise de Luxembourg in Brienne-le-Château, FR died 1536.11.09 in Baden, DE 65. Françoise de Luxembourg born circa 1520 of Brienne-le-Château, FR married 1533.03.19? to Bernard Zähringen III, Margrave of Baden-Baden in Brienne-le-Château, FR died 1566.06.17 in Useldange, LU 66. Gustaf I Ericksson Vasa, King of Sweden [Kg av Sverige] born circa 1495.05.12/1496.05.28 of Lindholmen, SE married 1531.09.24 to Katarina von Sachsen-Lauenburg in Stockholm married 1536.10.01 to Margareta Eriksdotter Leijonhufvud in Uppsala, SE died 1560.09.29 in Stockholm, SE 67. Margareta Eriksdotter Leijonhufvud born 1514.01.01 in Ekeberga, SE married 1536.10.01 to Gustaf I Ericksson Vasa, King of Sweden in Uppsala, SE died 1551.08.26 in Tynnelso, SE 68. Johan van der Eychen born circa 1514 of Breda, NL 69. Barbara van Offhuys born circa 1517? of Breda, NL 70. Martinus van Moll born circa 1520 of Breda, NL 71. Anna van Olmen born circa 1520 of Breda, NL 72. Karl I, Count of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen born 1516 in Bruxelles, BE married 1537.02.11 to Anna, Princess of Baden-Durlach in Pforzheim, DE died 1576.03.08 at Schloß Sigmaringen, DE 73. Anna, Princess of Baden-Durlach born 1512.04 of Karlsburg bei Durlach, DE married 1537.02.11 to Karl I, Count of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen in Pforzheim, DE died post 1579 at Schloß Sigmaringen, DE 74. Forben Christof, Count of Zimmern born 1519.02.19 of Erbach, DE married 1544 to Kunigunde, Countess of Eberstein died 1566.11.27 75. Kunigunde, Countess of Eberstein born 1528 of Neu-Eberstein, DE married 1544 to Forben Christof, Count of Zimmern died 1575.08.13 76. Philipp Franz, Count of Salm Dhaun born 1518.08.04 in Dhaun, DE married post 1539.01.27 to Marie Agyptiaca, Countess of Öttingen died 1561.01.28 in Naumburg a. d. Saale, Sachsen, DE 77. Maria Ägyptiaca, Countess of Öttingen born circa 1509 of Harburg, DE married post 1539.01.27 to Philipp Franz, Count of Salm Dhaun died 1559.11.12 in Grumbach, DE 78. Johann VI, Count of Salm born circa 1494 in Salm, FR married circa 1535 to Louise de Stainville died 1548 79. Louise de Stainville born circa 1510 of Sommelonne, FR married circa 1535 to Johann VI, Count of Salm died 1571 80. Carlo III, Duke of Savoy born 1486.10.14 of Penthievre, FR married 1521.03.26 to Maria Brites, Princess of Portugal died 1553.08.17 81. Maria Brites, Princess of Portugal born 1504.12.31 in Lisboa, PT married 1521.03.26 to Carlo III, Duke of Savoy died 1538.01.08 in Nice, FR 82. François I de Valois-Angoulème, roi de France born 1494.09.12 in Cognac, FR married 1st 1514.05.18 to Claude "the Good", Queen of France married 2nd 1530.08.05 to Eleonore von Habsburg ( -1547.03.31) died 1547.03.31 at Rambouillet, FR 83. Claude "the Good", Queen of France, duchesse de Bretagne born 1499.10.13 in Romorantin, FR married 1514.05.18 to François I, King of France died 1524.07.20 in Blois, FR 84. Karl V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire born 1500.02.24 in Gent, BE married 1526.03.11 to Izabel, Princess of Portugal at the Palacio del Alcazar, Sevilla, ES died 1558.09.21 at the Monasterio de San Justo, Toledo, ES 85. Izabel, Princess of Portugal born 1503.10.04 in Lisboa, PT married 1526.03.11 to Karl V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire at the Palacio del Alcazar, Sevilla, ES died 1539.05.01 in Toledo, ES 86. Henri II, King of France born 1519.03.31 in Saint Germain-en-Laye, FR married 1533.10.28 to Catherine de Medici in Marseilles, FR died 1559.07.10 at the Palais de Tournelles, Paris, FR 87. Catherine de’ Medici born 1518.04.13 in Firenze, IT married 1533.10.28 to Henri II, King of France in Marseilles, FR died 1589.01.05 in Blois, FR 88. Charles IV de Bourbon, Duc de Vendôme born 1489.06.02 married 1513 to Françoise, Princess d’Alençon died 1537.03.25 in Amiens, FR 89. Françoise, Princess d’Alençon born 1490 married 1513 to Charles IV, Duc de Vendôme died 1550.09.14 90. François d’Orléans Longueville, marquis de Rothelin born 1513.03.11 Châteaudun, FR married 1536.07.19 to Jacqueline de Rohan in Lyon, FR died 1548.10.25 at Châteaudun, Eure-et-Loir, FR 91. Jacqueline de Rohan-Gie born 1520 of Guemenesurscorff, Morbihan, FR married 1536.07.19 to François d’Orléans Longueville in Lyon, FR died 1587.07 92. Giorgio di Montafia 93. Matilde Solaro di Villanova 94. Louis de Coesmes, Baron de Lucé, Bonnetable/Bonnestable, etc. 95. Anne Jeanne de Pisseleu 96. Magnus I, Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg-Ratzburg born 1468 of Lauenburg, DE married 1509.11.20 or 09.20 to Katherine, Princess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel in Wolfenbüttel, DE died 1543.08.01 in Ratzeburg, DE 97. Katarina, Princess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel born 1488 of Wolfenbüttel, DE married 1509.11.20 to Magnus I, Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg-Ratzburg in Wolfenbüttel, DE died 1563.06.19 in Ratzeburg 98. Heinrich "the Pious", Duke of Saxony born 1473.03.16 in Dresden, DE married 1512.07.06 to Katharine, Princess of Mecklenburg Schwerin in Freiburg, Saxony, DE died 1541.08.18 in Dresden, DE 99. Katharine, Princess of Mecklenburg Schwerin born 1487.01 of Schwerin, DE married 1512.07.06 to Heinrich "the Pious", Duke of Saxony in Freiburg, Saxony, DE died 1561.06.06 in Torgau, DE 100. Heinrich II, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel born 1489.11.10 in Wolfenbüttel, DE married 1515.02.18 to Marie, Countess of Württemburg in Wolfenbüttel, DE died 1568.06.11 in Wolfenbüttel, DE 101. Marie, Countess of Württemburg born 1496.08.15 in Hohen-Urach, Schwarzwaldkreis, DE married 1515.02.18 to Heinrich II, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel in Wolfenbüttel, DE died 1541.12.28 in Wolfenbüttel, DE 102. Joachim II Hector, Elector of Brandenburg born 1505.01.09 of Berlin, DE married 1535.09.01 to Jadwiga, Princess of Poland in Kraków, PL died 1571.01.03 in Kopenick, Berlin, DE 103. Jadwiga, Princess of Poland born 1513.03.25 in Posen, PL married 1535.09.01 to Joachim II Hector, Elector of Brandenburg in Kraków, PL died 1573.02.07 in Alt-Ruppin, DE ynot 104. Kryštof Popel z Lobkovic/Christoph Popel von Lobkowitz born circa 1524? died 1590.03.26 in Bilin, CZ 105. Anna z Bibrštejna/Anne von Biberstein born 1523 died 1593 106. Jáchym z Hradce/Joachim von Neuhaus zu Hradce born circa 1526.07.14 died 1565.12.12 107. Anna "Alžbìta" z Rožmberka/Anna von Rosenberg born circa 1530.01.26 died 1580.12.16 108. Václav z Lobkowicz/Wenzel Popel von Lobkowitz born circa 1544? married 1545 to Benigna z Veitmile died 1574 109. Benigna (Bonuše/Bonusa) z Veitmile/Krabicze von Weitmühl(e) born circa 1548? 110. Peter zu Mollart born circa 1548? 111. Anne de Kastelànffy born circa 1552? 112. Wolfgang, Count Palatine of Zweibrucken (sic?) Veldenz born 1526.09.26 in Zweibrucken, DE married 1545.03.08 to Anna, Princess of Hesse in Kassel, DE died 1569.06.11 in Nessun bei Limoges, FR 113. Anna, Princess of Hesse born 1529.10.26 in Kassel, DE married 1545.03.08 to Wolfgang, Count Palatine of Zweibrucken Veldenz in Kassel, DE died 1591.07.10 in Meisenheim, DE 114. Wilhelm IV, Duke of Jülich Kleve born 1516.07.28 in Kleve, DE married 1546.07.18 to Marie, Archduchess of Österreich died 1592.01.05 115. Marie, Archduchess of Österreich born 1531.05.15 in Praha, CZ married 1546.07.18 to Wilhelm IV, Duke of Jülich Kleve died 1581.12.11 116. Adolf, Prince of Denmark-Norway born 1526.01.25 in Flensburg, DE married 1564.12.16 to Christine, Princess of Hesse in Gottorf, DE died 1586.01.11 in Gottorf, DE 117. Christine, Princess of Hesse born 1543.06.29 in Kassel, DE married 1564.12.16 to Adolf, Prince of Denmark-Norway in Gottorf, DE died 1604.05.13 in Kiel, DE 118. Frederick II, King of Denmark born 1534.07.01 in Haderslevhus, DK married 1572.07.20 to Sofie, Princess of Mecklenburg in København, DK died 1588.04.04 in Antvorskov Slot, St. Peders, Soro, DK 119. Sofie, Princess of Mecklenburg born 1557.09.04 in Wismar, DE married 1572.07.20 to Frederick II, King of Denmark in København, DK died 1631.10.04 in Nyk2bing (sic) Slot, Nyk2bing (sic), Maribo, DK 120. Wilhelm I "the Rich", Count of Nassau-Dillenburg born 1487.04.10 in Dillenburg, DE married 1531.09.20 to Juliane, Countess of Stolberg in Siegen, DE died 1559.10.06 in Dillenburg, DE 121. Juliane, Countes of Stolberg born 1506.02.15 in Stolberg, DE married 1531.09.20 to Wilhelm I "the Rich", Count of Nassau-Dillenburg in Siegen, DE died 1580.06.18 in Dillenburg, DE 122. Georg III, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg born 1502.12.13 in Grunsfeld, DE married 1528.07.26 to Barbara, Princess of Brandenburg-Ansbach in Plassenburg, DE died 1555.05.21 in Grunsfeld, DE 123. Barbara, Princess of Brandenburg-Ansbach born 1495.09.24 in Ansbach, DE married 1528.07.26 to Georg III, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg in Plassenburg, DE died 1552.09.23 in Karlovy Vary, CZ 124. Christian III, King of Denmark born 1503.08.12 at Schloß Gottorf, DE married 1525.10.29 to Dorothea, Princess of Saxe-Lauenburg in Lauenburg, DE died 1559.01.01 in Koldinghus, DK 125. Dorothea, Princess of Saxe-Lauenburg born 1511.07.09 in Lauenburg, DE married 1525.10.29 to Christian III, King of Denmark in Lauenburg, DE died 1571.10.07 in S2nderborg (sic) Slot, S2nderjylland, DK 126. Ernst II, Duke of Braunschweig Grubenhagen Osterode born 1518.12.17 in Herzberg, DE married 1548.10.09 to Margarethe, Princess of Pommern in Wolgast, Pommern, DE (sic) died 1567.04.02 in Herzberg, DE 127. Margarethe, Princess of Pommern born 1518.05.27 in Wolgast, DE married 1548.10.09 to Ernst II, Duke of Braunschweig Grubenhagen Osterode in Wolgast, Pommern, DE died 1569.06.24 in Salzderhelden, DE Generation 8 128. Christof I, Markgraf of Baden born 1453.11.13 of Hohenbaden, DE married 1468.12.19 to Ottilie, Countess of Katzenelnbogen in Darmstadt, DE died 1527.04.19 in Hohenbaden, DE 129. Ottilie, Countess of Katzenelnbogen born 1453 in Darmstadt, DE married 1468.12.19 to Christof I, Markgraf of Baden in Darmstadt, DE died 1517.08.15 in Baden, DE 130. Charles I de Luxembourg born 1488 of Tours-sur-Marne, FR married 1493 to Charlotte d’Estoutville died 1530.12.10 131. Charlotte d’Estouteville born 1490 of Brienne le Château, Aube, FR married 1493 to Charles de Luxembourg 132. Erik Johansson Vasa born circa 1465/70 of Orby, SE married 1492/95 to Cecilia Månsdotter Eka died 1520.11.08 in Stockholm, SE 133. Cecilia Månsdotter Eka born circa 1476 of Eka, Lillkyrka, Orebro, SE married 1492/95 to Erik Johansson Vasa died circa 1522/3 in København, DK 134. Erik Abrahamsson Leijonhufvud born circa 1472 of Brunsberg, Ytterselo, SE married 1512.01.18 to Ebba Eriksdotter Vasa of Stockholm, SE died 1520.11.08 of Stockholm, SE 135. Ebba Eriksdotter Vasa born circa 1491 of Norrby, Ostergotland, SE married 1512.01.18 to Erik Abrahamsson Leijonhufvud of Stockholm, SE died 1549.11.21 in Vreta Kloster, Ostergotland, SE 136. Hendrik/Henrik V van der Eychen/Eycken born circa 1484? of Breda, NL 137. Barbara Gertraud/Gertruid van Volxen (ght.van Stalle) born circa 1487? of Breda, NL 138. Gabriel van Offhuys born circa 1487? of Breda, NL 139. Barbara van Ginderhoven (ght. v. der Beken) born circa 1490? of Breda, NL 140. Gaspard de Mol/Kasper van Moll born circa 1486? of Breda, NL 141. Anna van Hochforst-Grimbergen or Marguerite de Grymberghe born circa 1489? of Breda, NL 142. Jan/Johey van Olmen born circa 1489? of Breda, NL 143. Catherine van Ginderhoven (ght. v. der Beken) born circa 1491? of Breda, NL 144. Eitel Friedrich III, Count of Hohenzollern born 1494 of Brandenburg, DE married 1515 to Johanna van Wittem in Wittem, NL died 1525.01.15 in Pavia, IT 145. Johanna van Wittem born circa 1496 of Wittem, NL married 1515 to Eitel Friedrich III, Count of Hohenzollern in Wittem, NL died 1566 146. Ernst, Margrave of Baden-Durlach born 1482.10.07 in Pforzheim, DE married 1510.09.29 or 10.07 to Elisabeth, Countess of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Bayreuth in Ansbach, DE died 1553.02.06 in Sulzburg, DE 147. Elisabeth, Countess of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Bayreuth born 1494.03.25 in Ansbach, DE married 1510.09.29 or 10.07 to Ernst, Margrave of Baden-Durlach in Ansbach, DE died 1518.05.31 in Stuttgart, DE 148. Johann Werner II, Count of Zimmern born 1480.06.24 of Öttingen, DE (Oettingen?) married 1510 to Katherine von Erbach died 1548.01 149. Katherine von Erbach born circa 1487 of Erbach, DE married 1510 to Johann Werner, Count of Zimmern died 1549.02.13 150. Wilhelm V, Count of Eberstein born 1497.05.03 of Neu-Eberstein, DE married 1522.11.06 to Johanne, Countess of Hanau-Lichtenberg died 1562.07.10 151. Johanne, Countess of Hanau-Lichtenberg born 1513.11.06 of Lichtenberg, FR married 1522.11.06 to Wilhelm V, Count of Eberstein died 1572.01.27 152. Philipp, Count of Salm Dhaun born 1492.09.08 of Salm, FR married 1514.05.30 to Antoinette de Neuchatel in Chatel-sur-Moselle (sic)?, FR died 1521.05.30 in Yvoy, BE 153. Antoinette de Neufchâtel born circa 1496 of Chatel-sur-Moselle (sic), FR married 1514.05.30 to Philipp, Count of Salm Dhaun of Chatel-sur-Moselle (sic)?, FR died 1544.10.29 154. Ludwig XV, Count of Öttingen-Öttingen born 1486.04.26 of Öttingen, DE married 1507.03.15 to Salome, Countess of Hohenzollern died 1557.03.24 155. Salome, Countess of Hohenzollern born 1488.05.01 of Hohenzollern, DE married 1507.03.15 to Ludwig XV, Count of Öttingen-Öttingen died 1548.08.04 156. Johann V, Count of Salm born 1452 of Salm, FR married circa 1493 to Anne De Haraucourt in Ubexy?, FR died 1505.04.11 157. Anne De Haraucourt born 1465 of Ubexy, FR married circa 1493 to Johann V, Count of Salm in Ubexy?, FR died 1550.05.14 158. Louis De Stainville born 1484 of Sommelonne, FR married to Oudette Luiller died pre 1514 159. Oudette or Odette Luiller born 1488 of Sommelonne, FR married to Louis De Stainville 160. Philippe II, Duc de Savoie, Prince de Piemont born 1438.11.29 in Genève, CH married 1472.01.06 to Marguerite De Bourbon married 1485.11.11 to Claudine De Brosse in Penthievre, FR died 1497.11.07 161. Claudine De Brosse born circa 1468 of Penthievre, FR married 1485 to Philippe II, Duke of Savoy in Penthievre, FR died 1513.10.13 at Chambery 162. Manuel I "the Great", King of Portugal and the Algarves born 1469.06.01 in Alcocheta, PT married 1500.10.30 to Maria, "Queen of Portugal" (sic) in Alcacer do Sal, PT died 1521.12.13 in Lisboa, PT 163. Maria, "Queen of Portugal" (sic) born 1482.06.29 in Córdoba, ES married 1500.10.30 to Manuel I "the Great", King of Portugal and the Algarves in Alcacer do Sal, PT died 1517.03.07 in Lisboa, PT 164. Charles of Valois born circa 1459/60 of Orléans, FR married 1488.02.16 to Louise De Savoy in Paris, FR died 1496.01.01 in Château-en-Angoumois, FR 165. Louise De Savoy born 1477.09.11 of Savoie, FR married 1488.02.16 to Charles of Valois in Paris, FR died 1531.09.22 in Grets-en-Gatinois, FR 166. Louis XII, King of France born 1462.06.27 in Blois, FR married 1499.01.08 to Anne of Bretagne in Nantes, FR died 1515.01.01 in Paris, FR 167. Anne of Bretagne born 1477.01.25 in Nantes, FR married 1499.01.08 to Louis XII, King of France in Nantes, FR died 1514.01.09 at the Château de Blois, FR 168. Felipe I "the Handsome", King of Spain, Archduke of Österreich born 1478.06.22 in Bruges, BE married 1496.08.21 to Juana, Princess of Aragón in Lierre, BE died 1506.09.25 in Burgos, ES 169. Juana “la Loca”, Princess of Aragón born 1479 in Toledo, ES married 1496.08.21 to Felipe I "the Handsome", King of Spain in Lierre, BE died 1555.04.13 at the Castillo Tordesillas? in Valladolid, ES 170. Manuel I "the Great", King of Portugal and the Algarves (see 162) 171. Maria, Queen of Portugal (see 163) 172. François I, King of France (see 82) 173. Claude "the Good", Queen of France (see 83) 174. Lorenzo II de’ Medici, Duca di Urbino born 1492.09.12 in Firenze, IT died 1519.05.04 in Firenze, IT 175. Madeleine de La Tour d’Auvergne born 1502 died 1519.04.28 in Firenze, IT 176. François de Bourbon, Comte de Saint-Pol, Comte de Vendôme born 1470 of Vendôme, FR married 1487.09.08 to Marie de Luxembourg St-Pol in Ham, Somme, FR died 1495.10.03 in Vercelli, Piemonte, IT 177. Marie de Luxembourg St. Pol born 1472 married 1487.09.08 to François de Bourbon in Ham, Somme, FR died 1546.04.01 178. René Ier Duc d’Alençon, Comte du Perche born 1454 married 1488.05.14 to Marguerite de Lorraine-Vaudémont in Toul, Meurthe-et-Moselle, FR died 1492.11.01 in Alençon, FR 179. Marguerite de Lorraine-Vaudémont born 1463 married 1488.05.14 to Marguerite de Lorraine-Vaudémont in Toul, Meurthe-et-Moselle, FR died 1521.11.02 180. Louis I d’Orléans Longueville born circa 1484 of Tancarville, FR married 1504.11.03 to Johanne von Baden Hochberg died 1516.08.01 in Baugency or Beaugency, Loiret, FR 181. Johanna von Baden Hochberg born circa 1488 died 1543.09.21 182. Charles de Rohan-Gié born circa 1475 of Guemenesurscorff, Morbihan, FR married circa 1503 to Giovanna di San Severino died 1528.05.06 at Saint-Severin (San Severino?) 183. Giovanna di San Severino/Jeanne de Saomt Severin/Jeanne de Saint-Severin born circa 1479 188. Charles de Couesme, Baron de Lucé married 1526 to Gabrielle d’Harcourt died 1543.05.07 189. Gabrielle d’Harcourt, Dame de Bonnestable? 190. Adrien de Pisseleu, seigneur de Heilly, Fontaine et Lavagan, capitaine de mille hommes, puis gouverneur de Maubeuge en 1543 died 1558.08.02 in Amiens 191. Charlotte d'Ailly 192. Johann V [IV (V)], Duke of Saxe-Lauenberg-Ratzburg born 1439.07.18 of Lauenberg, DE married 1464.02.12 to Dorothea, Princess of Brandenburg in Lauenburg, DE died 1507.08.15 193. Dorothea, Princess of Brandenburg born 1446 in Berlin, DE married 1464.02.12 to Johann IV (V), Duke of Saxe-Lauenberg-Ratzburg in Lauenburg, DE died 1519.03 in Lauenburg, DE 194. Heinrich I, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel born 1463.06.24 of Neustadt a. Rhubenberge (sic), DE married 1486.08 to Katharine, Princess of Pommern died 1514.06.23 bei burg Leerort, Hannover, DE 195. Katarina, Princess of Pommern born circa 1463/65 in Slupsk, PL married 1486.08 to Heinrich I, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel died 1526 196. Albrecht "the Courageous", Duke of Saxony born 1443.07.31 in Grimma, DE married 1464.05.11 to Zdenka, Princess of Bohemia in Cheb, CZ died 1500.09.12 in Emden, DE 197. Zdenka, Princess of Bohemia born 1449.11.11 of Podebrady, CZ married 1464.05.11 to Albrecht "the Courageous", Duke of Saxony in Cheb, CZ died 1510.02.01 in Tharandt, DE 198. Magnus II, Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin born 1441 of Schwerin, DE married 1478.05.29 to Sofie, Princess of Pommern in Anklam, Pommern, DE (PL?) died 1503.11.20 in Wismar, DE 199. Sofie, Princess of Pommern born 1458 of Slupsk, PL married 1478.05.29 to Magnus II, Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin in Anklam, Pommern, DE (PL?) died 1504.04.26 in Wismar, DE 200. Heinrich I, Duke of Braunschweig- Wolfenbüttel (see 194) 201. Katharine, Princess of Pommern (see 195) 202. Heinrich, Duke of Württemberg born 1448.09.07 of Stuttgart, DE married 1488.07.21 to Eva, Countess of Salm in Riquewihr, FR died 1519.04.16 in Hohen-Urach, DE 203. Eva, Countess of Salm born circa in 1468 of Salm, FR married 1488.07.21 to Heinrich, Duke of Württemberg in Riquewihr, FR died 1521.04.26 in Riquewihr, FR 204. Joachim I Nestor, Elector of Brandenburg born 1484.02.21 of Berlin, DE married 1502.04.10 to Elisabeth, Princess of Denmark, Norway, & Sweden in Stendal, DE died 1535.07.11 in Stendal, DE 205. Elisabeth, Princess of Denmark, Norway, & Sweden born 1485 in Nyborg Castle, Svendborg, DK married 1502.04.10 to Joachim I Nestor, Elector of Brandenburg in Stendal, DE died 1555.06.11 in Spandau, DE 206. Zygmunt I "the Old", King of Poland born 1467.01.01 in Kozienice, PL married 1512.02.08 to Borbala Szapolyay died 1548.04.01 in Kraków, PL 207. Borbala Szapolyay born 1495 of Szepesvar, HU married 1512.02.08 to Zygmunt I "the Old", King of Poland died 1515.10.02 208 Dìpolt Popel z Lobkowicz/Théobald von Lobkowitz, Lord of Bilina died 1527.04.03 in Bilin, CZ 209. Anna/Anežka z Mieanova z Klinštejna a Rostoku died 1528 210. Jeroným z Biberštejna/Hieronymus von Biberstein born 1501 of Frydlandt, CZ married ca 1523 to Voršila z Münsterberka died 1549.06.30 211. Voršila z Münsterberka/Ursule von Münsterberg born 1505.12.03 in Ols, Schliesien, PL married ca 1523 to Jeronym z Biberštejna/Hieronymus von Biberstein died 1539.01.24 212. Adam I von Neuhaus zu Hradce 213. Anna von Rosenthal und Blatna zu Rozmitálu Leoniss 216. Dìpolt Popel z Lobkowicz/Théobald von Lobkowitz (see 208) 217. Anna/Anežka z Mieanova z Klinštejna a Rostoku (see 209) 224. Ludwig II, Count Palatine of Zweibrucken Veldenz born 1502.09.14 in Zweibrucken, Pfalz, Bayern, DE married 1525.10.16 to Elisabeth of Hesse in Meisenheim, DE died 1532.12.03 in Zweibrucken, Pfalz, Bayern, DE 225. Elisabeth, Princess of Hesse born 1503.09.10 in Marburg, DE married 1525.10.16 in Meisenheim, DE died 1563.01.04 in Lauingen, DE 226. Philipp I "the Magnanimous", Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel born 1504.11.13 in Marburg, DE married 1523.12.11 to Christine, Princess of Saxony in Dresden, DE died 1567.03.31 in Kassel, DE 227. Christine, Princess of Saxony born 1505.12.25 of Dresden, DE married 1523.12.11 to Philipp I "the Magnanimous", Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel in Dresden, DE died 1549.04.15 in Kassel, DE 228. Johann III, Duke of Kleve Jülich born 1490.11.10 in died 1539.02.06 229. Marie, Princess of Jülich born 1491.08.03 of Jülich, DE died 1543.08.19 230. Ferdinand I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire born 1503.03.10 in Alcala de Henares, Madrid, ES married 1521.05.25 to Anna, Princess of Bohemia and Hungary in Linz, AT died 1564.07.27 in Wien, AT 231. Anna, Princess of Bohemia and Hungary born 1503.07.23 in Praha, CZ married 1521.05.25 to Ferdinand I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in Linz, AT died 1547.01.27 in Praha, CZ 232. Frederik I, King of Denmark born 1471.10.07 of København, DK married 1502.04.10 to Anna Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein married 1518.10.09 to Sofie, Queen of Denmark in Kiel, DE died 1533.04.19 in Gottorp, DE 233. Sofie, Queen of Denmark born 1498 of Szczecin, PL married 1518.10.09 to Frederik I, King of Denmark in Kiel, DE died 1568.05.13 234. Philipp I "the Magnanimous", Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel (see 226) 235. Christine, Princess of Saxony (see 227) 236. Christian III, King of Denmark (see 124) 237. Dorothea, Princess of Saxony-Lauenburg (see 125) 238. Ulrich III, Regent of Mecklenburg-Schwerin born 1528.04.22 in Schwerin, DE married 1556.02.16 to Elisabeth, Princess of Denmark & Norway in København, DK died 1603.03.14 in Mecklenburg-Schwerin?, DE 239. Elisabeth, Princess of Denmark & Norway born 1524.10.14 of København, DK married 1556.02.16 to Ulrich III, Regent of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in København, DK died 1586.10.15 in Gedser, DK 240. Johann V, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg born 1455.11.09 in Breda, NL married 1482.02.11 to Elisabeth, Princess of Hesse-Marburg in Marburg, DE died 1516.07.30 in Dillenburg, DE 241. Elisabeth, Princess of Hesse-Marburg born 1466.05 in Marburg, DE married 1482.02.11 to Johann V, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg in Marburg, DE died 1523.01.17 in Köln, DE 242. Botho, Count of Stolberg born 1467.01.04 in Stolberg, DE married 1500.08.24 to Anna von Eppestein-Königstein in Stolberg, DE died 1538.06.18 in Stolberg, DE 243. Anna von Eppestein-Königstein born 1482 of Königstein, DE married 1500.08.24 to Botho, Count of Stolberg in Stolberg, DE died 1538.08.07 in Stolberg, DE 244. Johann IV, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg born 1470 of Pfriemd, DE married 1502.01 to Margarethe, Countess of Schwarzburg-Blankenburg died 1531.09.01 in Grunsfeld, DE 245. Margarethe, Countess of Schwarzburg-Blankenburg born 1482 of Blankenburg, DE married 1502.01 to Johann IV, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg died 1518.02.01 246. Friedrich V, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Bayreuth born 1460.05.08 in Ansbach, DE married 1479.02.14 to Zofia, Princess of Poland in Frankfurt an der Oder, DE died 1536.04.04 in Ansbach, DE 247. Zofia, Princess of Poland born 1464.05.06 of Kraków, PL m. 1479.02.14 to Friedrich V, Markgraf of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Bayreuth in Frankfurt a. d. Oder, DE died 1512.10.05 248. Frederik I, King of Denmark (see 232) 249. Anna, Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein married 1502.04.10 to Friedrik I, King of Denmark died 1514.05.03 in Kiel, DE 250. Magnus I, Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg-Ratzburg (see 96) 251. Katherine, Princess of Braunschweig- Wolfenbüttel (see 97) 252. Philipp I, Duke of Braunschweig Grubenhagen Osterode born 1476 of Schloß Salzderhelden, DE married 1517 to Katherine, Countess of Mansfeld died 1551.09.04 in Schloß Herzberg, DE 253. Katherine, Countess of Mansfeld born 1501.10.01 of Herzberg, DE married 1517 to Philipp I, Duke of Braunschweig Grubenhagen Osterode died 1535 at Schloß Herzberg, DE 254. Georg I, Duke of Pommern Wolgast born 1493.04.11 in Rhugenwalde sic (Rügenwalde?), Pommern, DE? married 1513.05.22 to Amalie, Princess of Palatine (sic) in Wologoszcz, PL died 1531.05.09-10 in Stary Szczecin, PL 255. Amalie, Princess of Palatine (sic) born 1490.07.25 in Heidelberg, DE married 1513.05.22 to Georg I, Duke of Pommern Wolgast in Wologoszcz, PL died 1524.01.06 in Stary Szczecin, PL Generation 9 256. Karl I, Margraf von Baden born 1424? in Wien?, AT? married 1447.07 to Katharine, Princess of Österreich 257. Katherine, Princess of Österreich born 1420 in Wien, AT married 1447.07 to Karl I, Margrave of Baden died 1493.09.11 258. Philipp, Count of Katzenelnbogen born 1402 of Katzenelnbogen, DE married 1422.02.24 to Anna, Countess of Württemberg died 1479.07.28 259. Anna, Countess of Württemberg born 1408 in Waiblingen, DE married 1422.02.24 to Philipp, Count of Katzenelnbogen died 1471.04.16 260. Antoine De Luxembourg, Count of Roussy born 1454 of Bar-sur-Aube, FR married to Françoise De Croy died 1510 261. Françoise De Croy born circa 1465 of Tours-sur-Marne, FR married to Antoine De Luxembourg 262. Jacques d'Estouteville, Baron de St.-André, Prévôt de Paris, Chambellan du roi married 1478 to Gilette de Coëtivy died 1509 263. Gilette de Coëtivy born 1456 Taillebourg, FR m. 1478 to Jacques d'Estouteville died 1510 264. Johan Kristiernsson Vasa born circa 1426/35 of Rydboholm, SE married circa 1453/1461.01.02 to Birgitta Gustavsdotter Sture died 1477.04.06 in Rydboholm, SE 265. Birgitta Gustavsdotter Sture born circa 1440 of Toresund, SE married pre 1461.01.02 to Johan Kristiersson Vasa died circa 1472.01.01/1472.09.05 in Rydboholm, SE 266. Magnus Karlsson Eka born circa 1450 of Eka, SE married 1475.01.15 to Sigrid Eskilsdotter Banér died pre 1486 or circa 1484/87 267. Sigrid Eskilsdotter Banér born circa 1454 of Lindholmen, SE married 1475.01.15 to Magnus Karlsson Eka died 1527 in Gäddeholm, SE 268. Abraham Kristiernsson Leijonhufvud born circa 1442 of Brunsberg, SE married 1471.07.01 to Birgit Mansdotter died 1499.10.31 269. Birgit Mansdotter born circa 1450 of Goksholm, SE married 1471.07.01 to Abraham Kristiernsson Leijonhufvud died 1511.05.18 270. Erik Karlsson Vasa born circa 1436 of Ringstaholm, SE married 1488.06.30 to Anna Karlsdotter Vinstorpaatt died 1491.03.20 271. Anna Karlsdotter Vinstorpaatt born circa 1461 of Tryserum, SE married 1488.06.30 to Erik Karlsson Vasa died 1552 288. Eitel Friedrich II, Count of Hohenzollern born 1452 of Hohenzollern, DE married 1482.02.17 to Magdalene, Princess of Brandenburg in Berlin, DE died 1512.06.18 in Trier, DE 289. Magdalene, Princess of Brandenburg born 1460 at Schloß Tangermünde, DE married 1482.02.17 to Eitel Friedrich II, Count of Hohenzollern in Berlin, DE died 1496.06.17 at Burg Hohenzollern, Hohenzollern, DE 290. Philip Van Wittem, Baron de Bautershem born < 1470 of Wittem, NL 291. Johanna van Halewijn 292. Christof I, Margrave of Baden-Hochberg (see 128) 293. Ottilie, Countess of Katenelnbogen (see 129) 294. Friedrich V, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Bayreuth (see 246) 295. Zofia, Princess of Poland (see 247) 296. Hans (Johan) Werner von Zimmern born circa 1450 of Wullenstetten, DE married 1474.02.24 to Margarethe, Countess of Öttingen died 1495.10.16 297. Margarethe, Countess of Öttingen born circa 1450 of Öttingen, DE married 1474.02.24 to Hans (Johan) Werner von Zimmern died 1528.08.24 298. Erasmus von Erbach born circa 1466 of Erbach, DE married 1485.09.30 to Elisabeth, Countess of Werdenberg Sargans Heiligenberg died 1503.09.01 299. Elisabeth, Countess of Werdenberg Sargans Heiligenberg born circa 1468 of Heiligenberg, DE married 1485.09.30 to Erasmus von Erbach died 1536.12.21 300. Bernhard III, Count of Eberstein born 1459 of Neu-Eberstein, DE married 1494.11.11 to Kunigunde von Waldburg, Countess of Sonnenburg died 1526 301. Kunigunde von Waldburg, Countess of Sonnenburg born circa 1482 of Sonnenberg, AT married 1494.11.11 to Bernhard III, Count of Eberstein died 1535.09.25 302. Philipp III, Count of Hanau Lichtenberg born 1482.10.18 of Lichtenberg, FR married 1505.01.24 to Sibylle, Princess of Baden died 1538.05.15 303. Sibylle, Princess of Baden born 1485.04.26 of Hohenbaden, DE married 1505.01.24 to Philipp III, Count of Hanau Lichtenberg died 1518.07.10 304. Johann VI, Count of Salm born circa 1461 of Salm, FR married circa 1478.09.17 to Johanne, Countess of Mörs & Saarwerden died 1499.12.25 305. Johanne, Countess of Mörs & Saarwerden born circa 1464 of Saarwerden, FR married circa 1478.09.17 to Johann VI, Count of Salm died 1510 306. Ferdinand De Neufchatel born < 1470 of Fontenoy, FR died 1520.05.21 307. Claude/Claudia de Vergy born < 1474 of Chatel-sur-Moselle, FR died 1512.08 or 1514 308. Wolfgang I "der Schöne", Count of Öttingen-Öttingen born circa 1456 of Öttingen, DE married 1482 to Anna Truchsess von Waldburg-Zeil-Waldsee in Waldsee, Donaukreis, DE died 1522.01.29 309. Anna Truchsess von Waldburg zu Wolfegg und Zeil born circa 1460 of Waldsee, Donaukreis, DE married 1482 to Wolfgang I "der Schöne", Count of Öttingen-Öttingen in Waldsee, Donaukreis, DE died 1507.03.20 310. Eitel Friedrich II, Count of Hohenzollern (see 288) 311. Magdalene, Princess of Brandenburg (see 289) 312. Johann IV, Count of Salm born 1431.06.29 of Salm, FR married 1451 to Margarethe von Sirck died 1485.06.04 313. Margarethe von Sirck born 1437 of Sierck, FR married 1451 to Johann IV, Count of Salm died 1520.02.14 314. Andre De Haraucourt born 1442 of Ubexy, FR died 1484 315. Margarethe von Vinstingen/Marguerite de Fenetrange born 1444 of Ubexy, FR died post 1512 316. Philibert de Stainville, Chambellan du roi 317. Isabella de Spinola 318. Philippe Luillier [or Nicholas Luiller de Manicamp] 319. Gabrielle de Villiers [or Odette de Oizellet] 320. Louis I, Duke of Savoy born 1402.02.24 in Genève, CH married 1434.02.12 to Anne De Lusignan, Princess of Cyprus in Chanbery died 1465.01.29 in Genève, CH 321. Anne De Lusignan, Princess of Cyprus born 1415.09.24 in Genève, CH (¿es verdad?) married 1434.02.12 to Louis I, Duke of Savoy in Chanbery died 1462.11.11 in Genève, CH 322. Jean II de Brosse, Seigneur de Ste-Severe et de Boussac born 1424 of Boussac, FR married 1437.06.18 to Nicole de Blois-Bretagne 323. Nicole De Blois-Bretagne, Comtesse de Penthievre, Vicomtesse de Limoges, Dame de Thors, de Reignac et des Essarts born 1426 of Boussac, FR married 1437.06.18 to Jean II de Brosse 324. Fernando, Prince of Portugal and the Algarves born 1433.11.17 in Almeirim, PT married 1447 to Brites, Princess of Portugal in Alcacovas, PT died 1470.09.18 in Setubal, PT 325. Brites, Princess of Portugal born circa 1430 of Lisboa, PT married 1447 to Fernando, Prince of Portugal and the Algarves in Alcacovas, PT died 1506.09.30 in Beja, PT 326. Fernando II (V) "the Catholic", King of Aragón, Castilla y León born 1452.03.10 in Sos, ES married 1469.10.19 to Isabel I "the Catholic", Queen of Castilla y León in Valladolid, ES died 1516.01.23 in Madrigalejo, ES 327. Isabel I "the Catholic", Queen of Castilla y León born 1451.04.22 in Madrigal de las Altas, ES married 1469.10.19 to Fernando II (V) "the Catholic", King of Aragón, Castilla y León in Valladolid, ES died 1504.11.26 in Castillo de la Mota, Medina del Campo, Valladolid, ES 328. Jean D'Orléans born 1404.06.26 of Orléans, FR married 1449.08.31 to Marguerite De Rohan in La Cheze?, FR died 1467.04.30 in Château de Coignac-en-Angoumois ?, FR 329. Marguerite De Rohan born circa 1412 of Guilliers, FR married 1449.08.31 to Jean D'Orléans in La Cheze?, FR died 1497 330. Philippe II, Duke of Savoy (see 160) married 1472.01.06 or 1472.04.06 to Marguerite De Bourbon 331. Marguerite De Bourbon born 1438.02.05 married 1472.01.06 or 1472.04.06 to Philippe II, Duke of Savoy died 1483.04.24 in Pont d'Ain, FR 332. Charles (Valois), Prince of France born 1391.05.26 in St. Paul, Paris, FR married 1440 or 1441 to Marie, Countess of Cleves in St. Omer died 1466.01.04 at Château d'Amboise, FR 333. Marie, Countess of Cleves born 1426.09.19 of Kleve-Marck, DE married 1440 or 1441 to Charles (Valois), Prince of France in St. Omer died 1487.08.23 in Chauny-en-Picardie, FR buried in Paris, FR 334. François II, Duke of Bretagne born 1435.06.23 married 1474.06.27 to Marguerite de Foix at Clisson, FR died 1488.09.09 in Couëron, Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, FR 335. Marguerite De Foix born post 1458 of Bretagne, FR married 1474.06.27 to François II, Duc de Bretagne at Clisson, FR died 1486.05.15 Clisson, FR 336. Maximilian I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire born 1459.03.22 in Wiener-Neustadt, AT married 1477.08.20 to Marie, Princess of Bourgogne in Gand, BE died 1519.01.12 in Wels, AT 337. Marie, Princess of Bourgogne born 1457.02.13 in Bruxelles, BE married 1477.08.20 to Maximilian I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in Gand, BE died 1482.03.27 in Bruges, BE 338. Fernando II (V) "the Catholic", King of Aragón, Castilla y León (see 326) 339. Isabel I "the Catholic", Queen of Castilla y León (see 327) 340. Fernando, Prince of Portugal and the Algarves (see 324) 341. Brites, Princess of Portugal (see 325) 342. Fernando II (V) "the Catholic", King of Aragón, Castilla y León (see 326) 343. Isabel I "the Catholic", Queen of Castilla y León (see 327) 344. Charles of Valois (see 164) 345. Louise De Savoy (see 165) 346. Louis XII, King of France (see 166) 347. Anne of Bretagne (see 167) 348. Piero Francesco “lo sfortunato” de’ Medici born 1470/71.02/15 in Firenze, IT died 1503.12.28 349. Laudomia Acciajuoli? Or Alfonsina Orsini **** Check this out!!! born circa 1445 in Firenze, IT – Alfonsina born 1472 & died 1520.02.07 350. Jean I (or III) de la Tour, Comte d’Auvergne born 1467 died 1501 351. Jeanne de Bourbon-Vendôme born 1465 died 1511.01.22 352. Jean II de Bourbon, Comte de Vendôme born 1428 of Vendôme, FR married 1454.11.09 to Isabelle de Beauvau in Angers, FR died 1478.01.06 at Chateau de Lavar, Vendôme, FR 353. Isabelle de Beauvau or Beauvau, Dame de la Roche-sur-Yon born 1436 married 1454.11.09 to Jean II de Bourbon in Angers, FR died 1474 354. Pierre II de Luxembourg, Comte de St-Pol born circa 1448 of Bar-sur-Aube, FR died 1482.10.25 355. Marguerite de Savoie born 1439 died 1483.03.09 356. Jean II d’Alençon born 1410.03.02 in Argentan, Orne, FR married 1437.04.30 to Marie d’Armagnac died 1476 in Paris, FR 357. Marie d’Armagnac born circa 1422 married 1437.04.30 to Jean II d’Alençon died 1473.07.25 at the Cloître de Mortagne-au-Perche 358. Ferri II de Vaudémont, Comte de Guise, Comte de Vaudémont born 1428 died 1470.08.31 in Joinville, FR 359. Yolande d’Anjou, Duchesse de Bar, Duchesse de Lorraine born 1428.11.02 in Bar-le-Duc, FR died 1484.02.23 in Bar-le-Duc, FR 360. François d’Orléans Longueville, Comte de Longueville born 1447 died 1491.11.25 in Chateaudun 361. Agnès de Savoie born 1445 died 1508.03.15 at the Hotel Abbatial de Ste-Geneviève, Paris, FR 362. Philipp, Markgraf von Neuenberg (Comte de Neuchâtel), Markgraf von Baden-Hochberg born 1454.06 married 1476 to Marie de Savoy died 1503.09.09 in Montpelier, FR 363. Marie de Savoy married 1476 to Philipp, Markgraf von Neuenberg 364. Pierre de Rohan, Seigneur de Gié born 1451 in Mortiers-Crolle, Saint-Quentin, Mayenne, FR married circa 1473 to Francoise de Penhoet died 1513.04.22 in Paris, FR 365. Françoise de Penhoet born circa 1455 366. Bernardino de San Severino, Principe di Bisignano born circa 1452 married circa 1477 to Jeanne Eleonore Picolomini died pre 1517.12.12 367. Dianora Todeschini Piccolomini [or Jeanne Eleonore Picolomini] born circa 1456 married circa 1477 to Bernardino de San Severino 376. Nicolas de Coesmes married 1494 to Madeleine de Chourses 377. Madeleine de Chourses married 1494 to Nicolas de Coesmes 378. François d’Harcourt, seigneur de Bonnetable/Bonnestable died pre 1518 379. Anne de Saint-Germain 380. Guillaume de Pisseleu, seigneur d'Heilly died post 1531 381. Isabeau le Josne de Contay 382. Antoine d'Ailly, seigneur de Varennes, Lambersart, Forceville, Foulloy, Moiniaux, Verloing et de Lesdaing en Cambraisis. died 1509.12.10 383. Charlotte de Bournonville, dame de Cumont, Raimbaucourt, Brali, de la Vallée died 1534.09.23 384.Bernard II (IV), Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg Ratzeburg born circa 1385/92 of Ratzeburg, DE married circa 1429.02.02 to Adelheid, Princess of Pommern died 1463.07.16 385. Adelheid, Princess of Pommern born circa 1404/10 of Stargrad, PL married circa 1429.02.02 to Bernard II (IV), Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg Ratzeburg died post 1445 386. Friedrich II, Elector of Brandenburg born 1413.11.19 in Tangermünde, DE married 1441.06.11 to Katharine, Princess of Saxony in Wittenberg, DE died 1471.02.10 in Plassenburg bei Kulmbach, DE or Neustadt a.d. Aisch 387. Katarina, Princess of Saxony (Sachsen) born 1421 of Dresden, DE married 1441.06.11 to Friedrich II, Elector of Brandenburg in Wittenberg, DE died 1476.08.23 in Berlin, DE 388. Wilhelm II, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel born 1425/26 of Braunschweig, DE married 1454.05.07 to Elisabet, Countess of Stolberg died 1503.07.07 in Burg Hardegsen. 389. Elisabet, Countess of Stolberg born circa 1444.05.07 of Stolberg, DE married pre 1454.05.07 to Wilhelm II, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel died 1520.06.02 390. Erich II, Duke of Pommern Stolp Stettin ["Pommern i Wolgast"] born circa 1425 of Szczecin (Stettin), PL married 1451 to Sofie, Princess of Pommern died 1474.07.05 391. Sofie, Princess of Pommern born circa 1435 of Stargard, PL married 1451 to Erich II, Duke of Pommern Stolp Stettin died 1494.08.24 in Stolp 392. Friedrich II "the Gentle", Elector of Saxony born 1412.08.22 in Leipzig, DE married 1431.06.03 to Margarethe, Archduchess of Österreich in Leipzig, DE died 1464.09.07 in Leipzig, DE 393. Margarethe, Archduchess of Österreich born 1416.08.21 in Graz, AT married 1431.06.03 to Friedrich II "the Gentle", Elector of Saxony in Leipzig, DE died 1486.02.12 in Altenburg, DE 394. Jirbi I, King of Bohemia born 1420.04.23 in Podebrady, CZ married circa 1440 to Kunhuta Ze Sternberka died 1471.03.22 in Praha, CZ 395. Kunhuta Ze Sternberka born 1425.11.18 in Konopiste, Benesov, CZ married circa 1440 to Jirbi I, King of Bohemia died 1449.11.19 in Praha, CZ 396. Heinrich II "the Fat", Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin born 1417 of Schwerin, DE married 1432.05 to Dorothea, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin died 1477.03.09 397. Dorothea, Princess of Brandenburg born 1420.02.09 of Berlin, DE married 1432.05 to Heinrich II "the Fat", Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin died 1491.01.19 398. Erich II, Duke of Pommern Stolp Stettin (see 390) 399. Sofie, Princess of Pommern (see 391) 400. Wilhelm II, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (see 388) 401. Elisabeth, Countess of Stolberg (see 389) 402. Erich II, Duke of Pommern Stolp Stettin (see 390) 403. Sofie, Princess of Pommern (see 391) 404. Ulrich V, Count of Württemburg-Stuttgart born circa 1413 of Waiblingen, DE married 1445.02.07 to Elisabeth, Princess of Bavaria-Landshut in Stuttgart, DE died 1480.09.01 in Leonberg, DE 405. Elisabeth, Princess of Bavaria-Landshut born 1419 of Burghausen, DE married 1445.02.07 to Ulrich V, Count of Württemburg-Stuttgart in Stuttgart, DE died 1451.01.01 in Landshut, DE 406. Johann IV, Count of Salm (see 312) 407. Margarethe von Sirck (see 313) 408. Johann Cicero, Elector of Brandenburg born 1455.08.02 of Ansbach, DE married 1476.08.25 to Margarethe, Princess of Saxony in Berlin, DE died 1499.01.09 in Arneburg in der Altmark 409. Margarethe, Princess of Saxony born 1449 of Dresden, DE married 1476.08.25 to Johann Cicero, Elector of Brandenburg in Berlin, DE died 1501.07.13 410. Hans, King of Denmark born 1455.02.02 in Aalborg, DK married 1478.09.06 to Christine, Princess of Saxony in København, DK died 1513.02.20 in Aalborg, DK 411. Christine, Princess of Saxony born 1461.12.25 in Torgau, DE married 1478.09.06 to Hans, King of Denmark in København, DK died 1521.12.18 in Odense, DK 412. Kazimierz IV "The Jagellonian", King of Poland born 1427.11.30 in Kraków, PL married 1454.02.10 to Elisabeth, Princess of Österreich died 1492.06.07 413. Elisabeth, Princess of Österreich born 1437 in Praha, CZ married 1454.02.10 to Kazimierz IV "The Jagellonian", King of Poland died 1505.08.30 414. Istvan Szapolyay born circa 1445 of Szepesvar, HU married 1483.08.11 to Jadwiga, Princess of Teschen died 1499.12.25 415. Jadwiga, Princess of Teschen born circa 1473 in Cieszyn, PL married 1483.08.11 to Istvan Szapolyay died 1521.04.06 416. Jan I. Popel z Lobkowicz/Johann Popel von Lobkowitz married first Anna z Risenberka married second Miss Svihovska 1459 created Freiherr arrested 1470 in Cesky Krumlov died 1470 at Krumau 417. Anna z Risenberka/Anna Swihowsky de Riesenberg died post 1474 418. Litvin z Klinštejna died circa 1509 419. Majdalena z Vrtby died "KOL" 1532 420. Oldrich z Biberštejna 422. Karl I, Duke of Münsterberg (Karel I Albrecht z Münsterberka/Charles de Podiebrad?) born 1476.05.04 in Glatz, Silesia, PL married 1488.01.07 to Anna of Glogau and Sagan died 1536.05.21 in Frankenstein, Silesia, PL 423. Anna of Glogau and Sagan/Anna Zaháòska born 1480 of Glogau, Silesia, PL married 1488.01.07 to Karl I, Duke of Münsterberg died 1541.10.27 432. Jan I. Popel z Lobkowicz/Johann Popel von Lobkowitz (see 416) 433. Anna z Risenberka/Anna Swihowsky de Riesenberg (see 432) 434. Litvin z Klinštejna (see 418) 435. Majdalena z Vrtby (see 419) 448. Alexander, Count Palatine of Zweibrucken-Veldenz (sic) born 1462.11.26 of Zweibrucken, Pfalz, Bayern, DE married 1499.01.21 to Margarethe, Countess of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein in Zweibrucken, Pfalz, Bayern, DE died 1514.10.31 in Zweibrucken, Pfalz, Bayern, DE 449. Margarethe, Countess of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein born 1480.07.30 of Neuenstein, DE married 1499.01.21 to Alexander, Count Palatine of Zweibrucken-Veldenz in Zweibrucken, Bayern, DE died 1522.09.03 in Zweibrucken, Pfalz, Bayern, DE 450. Wilhelm I "der Altere", Landgrave of Hesse born 1466.07.04 of Kassel, DE married 1488.02.17 to Anna, Princess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel in Munden, DE died 1515.02.08 in Kassel, DE 451. Anna, Princess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel born circa 1460 in Hardegsen, DE married 1488.02.17 to Wilhelm I "der Altere", Landgrave of Hesse in Munden, DE died 1520.05.16 in Worms, DE 452. Wilhelm II "der Mittlere" Landgrave of Hesse born 1469.04.29 of Kassel, DE married 1500.10.20 to Anna, Princess of Mecklenburg in Kassel, DE died 1509.07.11 in Kassel, DE 453. Anna, Princess of Mecklenburg born 1485.09.14 in Wismar, DE married 1500.10.20 to Wilhelm II "der Mittlere" Landgrave of Hesse in Kassel, DE died 1525.05.12 in Rodelheim, DE 454. Georg "the bearded", Duke of Saxony born 1471.08.27 in Meissen, DE married 1496.11.21 to Barbara, Princess of Poland in Leipzig, DE died 1539.04.17 in Dresden, DE 455. Barbara, Princess of Poland born 1478.07.15 in Sandomierz, PL married 1496.11.21 to Georg "the bearded", Duke of Saxony in Leipzig, DE died 1534.02.15 in Leipzig, DE 456. Johann II, Duke of Kleve born 1458.04.13 of Bruxelles, BE married 1489.11.03 to Matilde, Princess of Hesse died 1521.03.15 457. Matilde, Princess of Hesse born 1473.07 at Schloß Blankenstein, DE married 1489.11.03 to Johann II, Duke of Kleve died 1505.02.19 458. Wilhelm VIII, Duke of Jülich and Berg born 1455.01.09 married 1481.07.08 to Sibylle, Margravine of Brandenburg died 1511.09.06 459. Sibylle, Margravine of Brandenburg born 1467.05.31 in Berlin, DE married 1481.07.08 to Wilhelm III, Duke of Jülich died 1524.07.09 460. Felipe I "the Handsome", King of Spain (see 168) 461. Juana, Princess of Aragón (see 169) 462. Vladislav V, King of Bohemia born 1456.03.01 in Kraków, PL married 1502.10.06 to Anne De Foix in Buda?,HU died 1516.03.13 in Buda?, HU 463. Anne De Foix born circa 1484 of Foix, FR married 1502.10.06 to Vladislav V, King of Bohemia in Buda?,HU died 1506.07.26 in Buda?, HU 464. Christian I, King of Denmark born 1426.02 in Oldenburg, DE married 1449.10.26 to Dorothea, Queen of Denmark, Norway, & Sweden in København, DK died 1481.05.21 in København, DK 465. Dorothea, Queen of Denmark, Norway, & Sweden born 1430 of Berlin, DE married 1449.10.26 to Christian I, King of Denmark in København, DK died 1495.11.10 Kalundborg Slot, Kalundborg, Holbaek, DK 466. Bogislaw X "the Great", Duke of Pommern Stettin Stolp born 1454.06.03 in Slupsk, PL married 1491.02.02 to Anna, Princess of Poland in Szczecin, PL died 1523.10.05 in Stettin, PL 467. Anna, Princess of Poland born 1476.03.12 of Kraków, PL married 1491.02.02 to Bogislaw X "the Great", Duke of Pommern Stettin Stolp in Szczecin, PL died 1503.08.12 in Uckermunde, Pommern, DE? 468. Wilhelm II "der Mittlere", Landgrave of Hesse (see 452) 469. Anna, Princess of Mecklenburg (see 453) 470. Georg "the bearded", Duke of Saxony (see 454) 471. Barbara, Princess of Poland (see 455) 472. Frederik I, King of Denmark (see 232) 473. Anna, Duchess of Schleswig-Holstein (see 249) 474. Magnus I, Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg-Ratzburg (see 96) 475. Katherine, Princess of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (see 97) 476. Albrecht VI "the Handsome", Duke of Mecklinburg-Schwerin born 1488 in Wismar, DE married 1524.01.17 to Anna, Princess of Brandenburg in Berlin, DE died 1547.01.05 in Schwerin, DE 477. Anna, Princess of Brandenburg born 1507 of Berlin, DE married 1524.01.17 to Albrecht VI "the Handsome", Duke of Mecklinburg-Schwerin in Berlin, DE died 1567.06.19 in Lübz, DE (Lhubz, sic) 478. Frederik I, King of Denmark (see 232) 479. Sofie, Queen of Denmark (see 233) 480. Johann IV, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg born 1410.08.01 of Breda, NL married 1440.02.07 to Marie, Countess of Looz-Heinsberg died 1475.02.03 in Dillenburg, DE 481. Marie, Countess of Looz-Heinsberg born 1424 of Heinsberg, DE married 1440.02.07 to Johann IV, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg died 1502.04.20 482. Heinrich III "der Reiche", Landgrave of Hesse-Marburg born 1441.10.15 of Spangenberg, DE married 1458.08.30 to Anna, Countess of Katzenelnbogen in Katzenelnbogen, DE died 1483.01.13 in Marburg, DE 483. Anna, Countess of Katzenelnbogen born 1443.09.05 of Katzenelnbogen, DE married 1458.08.30 to Heinrich III "der Reiche", Landgrave of Hesse-Marburg in Katzenelnbogen, DE died 1494.02.16 in Marburg, DE 484. Heinrich "the Elder", Count of Stolberg born 1436.05.12 of Stolberg, DE married 1452 to Margarethe, Countess of Mansfeld died 1511.09.17 in Stolberg, DE 485. Margarethe, Countess of Mansfeld born circa 1436 of Mansfeld, DE married 1452 to Heinrich "the Elder", Count of Stolberg died post 1468 486. Philipp, Count von Eppenstein born circa 1440 of Konigstein (sic), DE married circa 1475 to Louise de la Marck Rochefort died 1481.12.21 487. Louise de la Marck Rochefort born circa 1454 of Rochefort, BE married circa 1475 to Philipp, Count von Eppenstein died 1524 488. Friedrich V, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg born circa 1437 of Amberg, DE married 1467.10.02 to Dorothea, Countess of Rieneck died 1487.05.19 in Nürnberg, DE 489. Dorothea, Countess of Rieneck born circa 1437 of Grunsfeld, DE married 1467.10.02 to Friedrich V, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg died 1503.03.24 490. Gunther XXXVIII, Count of Schwarzburg Blankenburg born 1450 in Rudolstadt, DE married 1470 to Katherine von Querfurt in Querfurt, DE died 1484.11.19 491. Katherine von Querfurt born circa 1452 of Querfurt, DE married 1470 to Gunther XXXVIII, Count of Schwarzburg Blankenburg in Querfurt, DE died 1521.02.22 in Kelbra, Sachsen, DE 492. Albrecht Achilles, Elector of Brandenburg born 1414.11.24 in Tangermünde, DE married 1446.11.12 to Margarethe, Countess of Baden married 1458.11.12 to Anna, Princess of Saxony in Ansbach, DE died 1486.03.11 in Frankfurt am Main, DE 493. Anna, Princess of Saxony born 1437.03.07 in Dresden, DE married 1458.11.12 to Albrecht Achilles, Elector of Brandenburg in Ansbach, DE died 1512.10.31 in Neustadt a. Aisch, Mittelfranken, DE 494. Kazimierz IV "the Jagellonian", King of Poland (see 412) 495. Elisabeth, Princess of Österreich (see 413) 496. Christian I, King of Denmark (see 464) 497. Dorothea, Queen of Denmark, Norway, & Sweden (see 465) 498. Johann Cicero, Elector of Brandenburg (see 408) 499. Margarethe, Princess of Saxony (see 409) 500. Johann IV (V), Duke of Saxe-Lauenberg-Ratzburg (see 192) 501. Dorothea, Duchess of Saxe-Lauenberg-Ratzburg (Princess of Brandenburg?) (see 193) 502. Heinrich I, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (see 194) 503. Katharine, Princess of Pommern (see 195) 504. Albrecht III, Duke of Braunschweig Grubenhagen Osterode born 1419.11.01 of Salzderhelden, Hannover, DE married 1471.10.15 to Elisabeth, Countess of Waldeck in Einbeck, DE died 1485.08.15 505. Elisabeth, Countess of Waldeck born circa 1454 of Waldeck, DE married 1471.10.15 to Albrecht III, Duke of Braunschweig Grubenhagen Osterode in Einbeck, DE died post 1513.03.15 Osterode, DE 506. Ernst II, Count of Mansfeld born 1479.12.06 of Querfurt, DE married 1500 to Barbara von Querfurt died 1531.05.09 507. Barbara von Querfurt born circa 1482 of Querfurt, DE married 1500 to Ernst II, Count of Mansfeld died 1511.01.16 508. Bogislaw X "the Great", Duke of Pommern Stettin Stolp (see 466) 509. Anna, Princess of Poland (see 467) 510. Philipp, Elector of Palatine born 1448.07.14 in Heidelburg, DE married 1474.04.17 to Margarethe, Princess of Bavaria in Amberg, DE died 1508.02.28 in Germersheim, DE 511. Margarethe, Princess of Bavaria born 1456.11.07 in Amberg, DE married 1474.04.17 to Philipp, Elector of Palatine in Amberg, DE died 1501.01.24/25 in Heidelberg, DE Generation 10 --------------------------------------------------------------- 512. Jakob I, Markgraf of Baden born < 1400 of Hochburg, DE married 1422 to Catherine, Princess of Lorraine died 1453 513. Catherine, Princess of Lorraine born < 1402 of Amberg, DE married 1422 to Jakob I, Markgraf of Baden died 1439 514. Ernst I “Ironside”, Duke of Österreich born 1377 at Brück A.d. Mur, Steirmark married 1412.02.17 to Cymbarka, Princess of Czersk in Kraków, PL died 1427.06.10 in Brück A.d. Mur, Steirmark 515. Cymbarka, Princess of Czersk born circa 1391 of Sochaczew, Warszawa, PL married 1412.02.17 to Ernst I “Ironside”, Duke of Österreich in Kraków, PL died 1429.09.28 in Dirnitz 516. Johann IV, Count of Katzenelnbogen born circa 1363 of Katzenelnbogen, DE married 1383 to Anna, Countess of Katzenelnbogen died 1444.10.27 517. Anna, Countess of Katzenelnbogen born circa 2368 of Katzenelnbogen, DE married 1383 to Johann IV, Count of Katzenelnbogen died 1439.10.27 518. Eberhard V, Count of Württemberg born 1388.08.23 in Stuttgart, DE married 1407 to Henriette, Countess of Montbéliard in Montbéliard, FR died 1419.07.02 in Waiblingen, DE 519. Henriette, Countess of Montbéliard (or von Moempelgard), heiress of Moempelgard, Porrentruye, & Granges born 1387 of Montbéliard, FR married 1407 to Eberhard V, Count of Württemberg in Montbéliard, FR died 1446(or 1444).02.14 in Montbéliard, FR 520. Louis de Luxembourg, comte de St. Pol, de Brienne, de Ligny et di Conversano, connetable de France born 1418 of Luxembourg married 1st 1435.07.16 to Jeanne de Bar at Château Bohain married 2nd 1466 to Marie of Savoy (1448-1475) beheaded 1475.12.19 in Paris, FR 521. Jeanne de Bar born 1415 of Soissons, FR married 1435.07.16 to Louis de Luxembourg at Château Bohain died 1462 ynot 2 522. Philippe I de Croy born 1437 of Tours-sur-Marne, FR married 1453.02.09 to Walburg, Css. of Mörs died 1482.09.08 at Bruges, Flanders 523. Walburg, Coutess of Mörs born circa 1437 of Mörs, Rheinland, DE married 1453.02.09 to Philippe I de Croy died 1482 524. Robert d’Estouteville, Sgr de Beyne, Prévôt de Paris, Chambellan de Charles VII born circa 1410 died 1473.06.03 or 1479.06.12 525. Ambrosine de Loré, dame d’Ivry born 1432 died circa 1466 526. Olivier de Coëtivy, comte de Taillebourg, Seneschall von Guyenne married 1458 to Marie Marguerite de Valois in Vendôme died 1480 527. Marie Marguerite de Valois born circa 1443/44 married 1458 to Olivier de Coëtivy in Vendôme died pre 1473 528. Kristiern Nilsson Vasa born circa 1365/68 of Vasa, Skepptuna, Uppland, SE married 1425 or 1428 to Margareta Eriksdatter died 1442.04.29 or 30 in Viborg, SE 529. Margareta Eriksdotter Krummedige born circa 1390 of Copenhagen, DE died 1451.(06 or 09).09 in SE 530. Gustav Anundsson Sture born circa 1410/13 of Ravsnas, Toresund, Sodermanland, SE married pre 1438.08.29 to Birgitta Stensdotter Bielke died 1444.01.26 531. Birgitta Stensdotter Bielke born circa 1418 of Alingsta, Uppsala, SE married pre 1438.08.29 to Gustaf Anundsson Sture died circa 1461/1464.06.14 532. Karl Magnusson Eka born circa 1410 of Eka, Lillkyrka, Uppsala, SE died circa 1467/73 533. Birgitta Arentsdotter Pinnow born circa 1414 of Finsta, Stockholm, SE died post 1489 534. Eskil Isaacsson Baner born circa 1410 of Roklinge, Faringe, Stockholm, SE married 1440 to Cecilia Haraldsdotter Gren died circa 1481-1488.08.27 535. Cecilia Haraldsdotter Gren born circa 1414 of Grensholmen, Ostergotland, SE married pre 1441.07.08 to Eskil Isaacsson Baner died post 1465 536. Kristiern Gregersson Leijonhufvud born circa 1404 of Brunsberg, Utterselo, Sodermanland, SE 537. Marta Pedersdotter Ugerup born circa 1408 of Brunsberg, Utterselo, Sodermanland, SE died 1436 538. Mans (Magnus) Bengtsson (Nat Och Dag) born circa 1427 of Goksholm, St. Mellosa, Orebro, SE died 1477 Goksholm, Orebro, SE 539. Marta Klausdotter Plata born circa 1426 of Goksholm, Orebro, SE died post 1456 540. (Johan Kristersson)? Karl? Vasa 542. Karl Bengtsson born circa Vinstorpa, Skaraborg, SE died 1490 543. Karin Lagesdotter Sparre born circa 1407, Skaraborg, SE 576. Jost Nikolaus I, Count of Hohenzollern born 1433 of Hohenzollern, DE married 1448 to Agnes Countess of Werdenberg-Heilingenberg in Sigmaringen, DE died 1488.02.09 at Burg Hohenzollern, DE 577. Agnes Countess of Werdenberg-Heilingenberg born 1434 of Heilingenberg, Konstanz, DE married 1448 to Jost Nikolaus I, Count of Hohenzollern in Sigmaringen, DE died 1467.12.13 in Burg Hohenzollern, DE 578. Friedrich “the Fat”, Markgraf of Brandenburg born circa 1424 of Berlin, DE married 1449.02.09 to Agnes, Pss. of Anhalt-Dessau died 1463.10.06 579. Agnes, Pss. of Anhalt-Dessau born circa 1434 of Stettin, Pommern, PL? died 1512.05.09 584. Karl I, Markgraf von Baden (see 256) 585. Katherine, Princess of Österreich (see 257) 586. Philipp, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 258) 587. Anna, Countess of Württemberg (see 259) 588. Albrecht Achilles, Elector of Brandenburg (see 492) 589. Anna, Princess of Saxony (see 493) 590. Kazimierz IV "the Jagellonian", King of Poland (see 412) 591. Elisabeth, Princess of Österreich (see 413) 592. Werner V von Zimmern born circa 1414? married 1444.03.31 to Anna, Countess of Kirchberg 593. Anna, Countess of Kirchberg born circa 1418 of Wullenstetten, Schwaben, DE married 1444.03.31 to Werner V von Zimmern 594. Wilhelm, Count of Öttingen born circa 1400 of Öttingen, Schwaben, DE married 1431 to Beatrice della Scala died 1467.03.12 595. Beatrice della Scala born circa 1413 of Verona, IT died 1466.02.14 596. Philipp II von Erbach born 1424 of Erbach, Starkenburg, Hesse-Darmstadt, DE married 1462 to Margarethe, Countess of Hohenlohe died 1477.04.21 597. Margarethe, Countess of Hohenlohe born circa 1440 of Waldenburg, Jagstkreis, Württemberg, DE married 1462 to Philipp II von Erbach died 1469.02.19 598. Georg I, Count of Werdenberg born circa 1442? married 1464.02.15 to Katharine, Princess of Baden 599. Katharine, Princess of Baden born circa 1446 of Hochburg, Freiburg, Baden, DE married 1464.02.15 to Georg I, Count of Werdenberg 600. Hans, Count of Eberstein born 1421.06.01 of Neu-Eberstein, Baden, DE married circa 1434.01.27 to Marie or Merge von Eppenstein died 1479 601. Marie or Merge von Eppenstein born circa 1422 of Königstein, Hessen-Nassau, DE married circa 1434.01.27 to Hans, Count of Eberstein died circa 1461 602. Eberhard II Waldburg born circa 1433 of Sonnenberg, Vorarlberg, AT married 1481.01.18 to Anna, Countess of Fürstenberg died 1483.04.22 603. Anna, Countess of Fürstenberg born 1467 of Kitzingen, Unterfranken, Bayern, DE married 1481.01.18 to Eberhard II Waldburg died 1529.01.21 604. Philipp II, Count of Hanau Lichtenberg born 1462.05.31 of Lichtenburg, Bas-Rhin, FR married 1480.09.09 to Anna, Countess of Isenburg Budingen in Budingen, Hessen, DE died 1505.08.22 605. Anna, Countess of Isenburg Budingen born 1460.01.06 of Budingen, Oberhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt, DE married 1480.09.09 to Philipp II, Count of Hanau Lichtenberg in Budingen, Hessen, DE died 1522.07.27 606. Christof I, Margrave of Baden-Hochberg (see 128) 607. Ottilie, Countess of Katzenelnbogen (see 293) 608. Johann V, Count of Salm born 1436.11.17 of Dhaun, Rheinland, DE married 1459.11.14 to Johanette, Countess of Salm died 1495 609. Johanette, Countess of Salm born circa 1436 of Salm, Bas-Rhin, FR married 1459.11.14 to Johann V, Count of Salm died 1496 610. Nikolaus, Count of Mörs born circa 1448 of Sarrewerden?, Bas-Rhin, FR married 1463.09 to Barbara von Vinstingen-Schwanenhals died post 1495.04.15 611. Barbara von Vinstingen-Schwanenhals born circa 1448 of Sarrewerden?, Bas-Rhin, FR married 1463.09 to Nikolaus, Count of Mörs died pre 1494.03.21 612. Jean de Neufchatel, seigneur de Montagu born circa 1440 of Fontenoy?, Yonne, FR died post 1486.03.11 613. Margarita de Castro born circa 1442 of Fontenoy?, Yonne, FR 614. Jean de Vergy, seigneur de Champvert de la Motte et de Montrichier died 1476 615. Paule de Micolans died 1481 616. Wilhelm, Count of Öttingen (see 594) 617. Beatrice della Scala (see 595) 618. Georg (Jörg) II von Walburg zu Wolfegg und Zeil born circa 1428 of Waldsee, Donaukreis, Wurttemberg marriage contract 1451.08.05 with Anna von Kirchberg died 1482.03.10 619. Anna, Countess of Kirchberg born circa 1436 of Wullenstetten, Schwaben, DE marriage contract 1451.08.05 with Georg II von Walburg-Zeil died 1484.03.10 620. Jost Nikolaus I, Count of Hohenzollern (see 576) 621. Agnes, Countess of Werdenberg-Heilingenberg (see 577) 622. Friedrich “the fat”, Margrave of Brandenberg (see 578) 623. Agnes, Princess of Anhalt-Dessau (see 579) 624. Johann III, Count of Salm and Chiney born circa 1364 of Salm, Bas-Rhin, FR married 1403.03.20 to Guilemette de Vergy married pre 1429.09.16 to Jeanne de Joinville died 1431.07.02 by Bulgneville, Vosges, FR [same as 2440 Johann I, Count of Mörs Saarwerden] 625. Jeanne de Joinville born circa 1394 of Joinville, Haute-Marne, FR married pre 1429.09.16 to Johann III, Count of Salm and Chiney 626. Arnold VII, von Sirck, Count of Moncler born circa 1411 of Sierck, Moselle, FR 627. Eve, Countess of Dhaun born circa 1416 628. Gérard II de Haraucourt, Seigneur d’Haraucourt, Bayon, & Ubexy born 1404 died 1449 629. Catherine de Chauffour born 1403 died 1472.03.20 630. Simon de Fenetrange [von Vinstingen?] born circa 1400 640. Amadeo VIII, Duke of Savoy born 1383 at “Chambbery”(sic), Savoy, FR married 1401.05 to Marie de Bourgogne died 1451.01.07 in Genève, CH 641. Marie de Bourgogne born 1386.09 in Dijon, FR married 1401.05 to Amadeo VIII, Duke of Savoy died 1422.10.08 642. Janus (or Jean) II, King of Chypre (Cyprus) born 1374 in Genova, IT married 1411 to Charlotte de Bourbon-Vendôme died 1432.06.28 in Nicosia (Levkosia), CY 643. Charlotte de Bourbon-Vendôme born 1388 married 1411 to Janus II, King of Chypre died 1422.01.15 644. Jean de Brosse born circa 1390 645. Jeanne de Naillac born circa 1400 646. Charles de Blois-Bretagne, Seigneur d’Avaugour born 1396 died pre 1434 647. Isabeau de Vivonne, Dame de Thors et des Essarts 648. Duarte I “the Eloquent”, King of Portugal born 1391.10.31 in Viseu,PT married 1438.09.09 to Leonor, Queen of Portugal in Coimbra, PT died 1438.09.09 in Tomar, PT 649. Leonor, Queen of Portugal born circa 1402 of Medina del Campo, Valladolid, ES married 1438.09.09 to Duarte I, King of Portugal in Coimbra, PT died 1445.02.19 in Toledo, ES 650. Jodao, Prince of Portugal and the Algarves born 1400.01.13 in Santarem, PT married 1424.11.11 to Izabel, Pss. of Braganca died 1442.10.18 in Alcacer do Sal, Setubal, PT 651. Izabel, Princess of Braganca born 1402.10 of Barcellos, Braga, PT married 1424.11.11 to Jodao, Prince of Portugal died 1469.10.26 in Arbevalo, ES 652. Juan II, King of Aragon & Sicily born 1398.06.29 in Medina de Campo, Valladolid, ES married 1444.04.01 to Juana Enriquez died 1479.01.19 in Barcelona, ES 653. Juana Enriquez born circa 1425 of “Torrelobation”, Valladolid, ES married 1444.04.01 to Juan II, King of Aragon & Sicily died 1468.02.13 in Zaragoza, ES 654. Juan II, King of Castile & Leon born 1405.03.06 in Toro, Zamora, ES married 1447.08 to Izabel, Queen of Castile in Madrigalejo, Caceres, ES died 1454.07.20 in Valladolid, ES 655. Izabel, Queen of Castile born circa 1426 of Lisboa, PT married 1447.08 to Juan II, King of Castile & Leon died 1496.08.15 in Arbevalo, ES 656. Louis, Prince of France born 1371.03.13 at the Hotel St-Paul, Paris, FR married 1389.09 to Valentine Visconti died 1407.11.23 in Paris, FR 657. Valentine Visconti born 1366 of Milano, IT married 1389.09 to Louis, Prince of France died 1408.12.04 at the Chateau de Blois, FR 658. Alain IX de Rohan born circa 1382 of Guilliers, Bretagne, FR married circa 1407.04.19 to Marguerite de Bretagne 659. Marguerite de Bretagne born circa 1377 of Nantes, FR married circa 1407.04.19 to Alain IX de Rohan died 1428.04.13 660. Louis I, Duke of Savoy (see 320) 661. Anne de Lusignan, Princess of Cyprus (see 321) 662. Charles I de Bourbon, Duc d’Auvergne, Duc de Bourbon born 1401 died 1456.12.04 at Moulins, Allier (Château) 663. Agnès de Bourgogne born 1407 died 1476.12.01 at Moulins, Allier 664. Louis, Prince of France (see 656) 665. Valentine Visconti (see 657) 666. Adolf I, Count of Cleves born 1373 married 1406 to Marie de Bourgogne at Aras died 1448 667. Marie de Bourgogne born circa 1394 married 1406 to Adolf I of Cleves at Aras died 1463 668 Richard de Bretagne, Comte d’Etampes born 1395 married 1423 to Marguerite d’Orléans died 1438.06.02 at Clisson (Chateau), Loire-Atlantique 669. Marguerite d’Orléans, Comtesse de Vertus born 1406 in Paris, FR married 1423 to Richard de Bretagne died 1466 at La Guiche (Abbaye), Saône-et-Loire 670. Gaston IV de Foix et de Bigorre, Vcte de Béarn born 1423.02.26 married 1436.07.30 to Queen Leonor I of Navarre died 1472.07.25 in Roncevalles 671. Queen Leonor I of Navarre born 1425.02.02 married 1436.07.30 to Gaston IV de Foix et de Bigorre died 1479.02.12 in Tudela, ES 672. Friedrich III, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire born 1415.09.21 in Innsbruck, Tirol, AT married 1452.03.16 to Leonor, Pss. of Portugal in Roma, IT died 1493.08.19 in Linz, AT 673. Leonor, Princess of Portugal born 1436.09.08/18 in Torres Vedras, Lisboa, PT married 1452.03.16 to Friedrich III, Emp. of the H. R. E. in Roma, IT died 1467.09.03 in Wiener-Neustadt, AT 674. Charles “le Temeraire?” de Bourgogne born 1433.11.10 in Dijon, FR married 1454.10.30 to Isabelle, Pss. de Bourbon died 1477.01.05 in Nancy, FR 675. Isabelle, Princess de Bourbon born 1436 of Lille, Flandres married 1454.10.30 to Charles de Bourgogne died 1465.09.25/6 in Antwerp, BE 676. Juan II, King of Aragon & Sicily (see 652) 677. Juana Enriquez (see 653) 678. Juan II, King of Castile & Leon (see 654) 679. Izabel, Queen of Castile (see 655) 680. Duarte I “the Eloquent”, King of Portugal (see 648) 681. Leonor, Queen of Portugal (see 649) 682. Jodao, Prince of Portugal and the Algarves (see 650) 683. Izabel, Princess of Braganca (see 651) 684. Juan II, King of Aragon & Sicily see (652) 685. Juana Enriquez (see 653) 686. Juan II, King of Castile & Leon (see 654) 687. Izabel, Queen of Castile (see 655) 688. Jean D'Orléans (see 328) 689. Marguerite De Rohan (see 329) 690. Philippe II, Duke of Savoy (see 160) 691. Marguerite De Bourbon (see 331) 692. Charles (Valois), Prince of France (see 332) 693. Marie, Countess of Cleves (see 333) 694. François II, Duke of Bretagne (see 334) 695. Marguerite De Foix (see 335) 696. Lorenzo “il magnifico” de’ Medici born 1449.01.01 in Firenze, IT died 1492.04.08 697. Clarice Orsini born circa 1451/53 died 1488.08 698. ¿Roberto Orsini, Conte Tagliacozzo [father of Alfonsina Orsini]? 699. ¿Catherine San Severino [mother of Alfonsina Orsini]? 700. Bernard VI de la Tour, Cte. d'Auvergne et de Bouillon died 1494 701. Louise de la Trémouille died 1474.04.10 702. Jean II de Bourbon, Comte de Vendôme (see 352) 703. Isabelle de Beauvau, Dame de la Roche-sur-Yon (see 353) 704. Louis de Bourbon born 1376 of Vendôme, FR married 1424 to Jeanne de Laval died 1446.12.21 in Tours, FR 705. Jeanne de Laval born 1406 married 1424 to Louis de Bourbon died 1468.12.18 at Château de Lavardain, Vendôme, FR 706. Louis de Beauvau, Sénéchal d’Anjou, Grand Sénéchal de Provence born 1417 died 1462 in Roma, IT 707. Marguerite de Chambley died 1456.04 708. Louis de Luxembourg (see 520) 709. Jeanne de Bar (see 521) 710. Louis I, Duke of Savoy (see 320) 711. Anne de Lusignan, Princess of Cyprus (see 321) 712. Jean I “le sage”, Duc d’Alençon born 1385.05.09 Essay, Orne, FR married 1396.06.26 to Marie de Bretagne at Châteu de l’Herine, Vannes, Morbihan, FR killed in battle 1415.10.25 at Azincourt, FR 713. Marie de Bretagne, Dame de la Guerche born 1391.02.18 in Nantes, FR married 1396.06.26 to Jean I d’Alençon at Châteu de l’Herine, Vannes, Morbihan, FR died 1446.12.26 714. Jean IV, Comte d’Armagnac born 1396.10.15 at Rodez, Aveyron married 1419.05.10 to Isabelle d’Evreux at Tudela, ES died 1450.11.05 at l’Isle-Jourdain, Gers, FR 715. Isabelle d’Evreux born 1395 married 1419.05.10 to Jean IV d’Armagnac at Tudela, ES died 1435 716. Antoine I, Comte de Vaudémont born circa 1401 married 1416.08.12 to Marie d’Harcourt in Paris, FR died 1458.03.22 717. Marie d’Harcourt born 1398.09.09 died 1476.04.19 718. René I “le bon”, Duc d’Anjou born 1409.01.16 in Angers, FR married 1420.10.24 to Isabelle de Lorraine died 1480.07.10 in Aix-en-Provence, FR 719. Isabelle, Duchess de Lorraine born circa 1410 married 1420.10.24 to René I d’Anjou died 1453.02.27 in Angers, FR 720. Jean d’Orléans born 1402.11.23? married 1439.10.26? to Marie d’Harcourt died 1468.11.24? 721. Marie d’Harcourt died 1464.09.01 in Chouzé sur Loire, FR 722. Louis I, Duke of Savoy (see 320) 723. Anne De Lusignan, Princess of Cyprus (see 321) 724. Rudolf von Baden-Hochberg, Markgraf von Sausenberg, Comte de Neuchâtel born 1427 married 1447 to Marguerite de Vienne died 1487.04.12 725. Marguerite de Vienne 726. Amadeo IX, Duke of Savoy born 1435 married 1452 to Yolande de Valois died 1478 727. Yolande de Valois, Princess of France born 1434 married 1452 to Amadeo IX of Savoy died 1478 728. Louis I de Rohan-Guemene born circa 1410 of Guemenesurscorff, Morbihan, FR married 1443.04.24 to Marie de Rohan-Montauban died 1457.12.15 729. Marie de Rohan-Montauban born circa 1428 of Montauban, Ille-et-Vilaine, FR died 1477.05 730. Guillaume de Penhoet born circa 1428 of Saint-Quentin, Mayenne, FR married circa 1453 to Francoise Maille 731. Francoise Maille born circa 1432 732. Geronimo di San Severino, Principe di Bisignano died 1487 733. Mondella Caetani 734. Antonio Todeschini Piccolomini, Duca d’Amalfi married 1461 to Maria Marzano d’Aragona 735. Maria Marzano d’Aragona 752. François de Coesmes, Sire de Lucé died post 1483 753. Jeanne Turpin 756. Jean d'Harcourt 757. Catherine d'Arpajon 760. Jean de Pisseleu, seigneur d'Heilly, seigneur de Fontaine Lavagan died post 1476 761. Marie d'Argicourt 764. Antoine d'Ailly, seigneur de Varennes married to Jeanne, batarde de Luxembourg in Cambray 765. Jeanne, dame de Varennes (bastard dau. of Louis de Luxembourg, C. de Saint-Pol) married to Antoine d'Ailly in Cambray 766. Jean de Bournonville, seigneur de La Vallée et de Heuchin, Gouverneur de Desurenne et de Brunenberg in 1480 Lieutenant du Gouverneur d'Hesdin maître d'hôtel de roi Charles VIII en 1496. died 1509 767. Jeanne de Lignieres 768. Erich IV, Duke of Saxony Lauenburg Ratzeburg born 1354 of Ratzeburg, DE married 1373.04.08 to Sofie, Princess of Braunschweig died 1411.06.21 769. Sofie, Princess of Braunschweig (-Lüneburg?) born 1358 of Wolfenbüttel, DE married 1373.04.08 to Erich IV of Saxony Lauenburg Ratzeburg died post 1416.05.28 770. Bogislaw VIII, Duke of Pommern Stolp born circa 1364 of Slupsk, PL married 1398 to Sofia von Holstein died 1418.02.11 771. Sofia von Holstein born circa 1373 of Itzehoe, Schleswig-Holstein, DE married circa 1398 to Bogislaw VIII, Duke of Pommern Stolp died in 1448 in Kammin, Mecklinburg-Vorpommern, DE 772. Friedrich I, Elector of Brandenburg born 1372.09.21 in Nuremberg, DE married 1401.09.18 to Elisabeth of Bayern in Schöngau a. Lech, DE died 1440.09.21 at Kadolzburg Castle, Mittelfranken, DE 773. Elisabeth von Bayern-Landshut born 1383 of Landshut married 1401.09.18 to Friedrich I, Elector of Brandenburg in Schöngau a. Lech, DE died 1442.11.13 in Ansbach Castle, Ansbach, Mittelfranken, DE 774. Friedrich I “der Streitbare”, Prince of Thuringia (Kfst von Sachsen) born 1370.04.11 of Dresden, DE married 1402.02.07 to Katarina of Braunschweig-Lüneburg died 1428.01.04 in Altenburg, DE 775. Katarina von Braunschweig-Lüneburg born 1388 of Lüneburg, DE married 1402.02.07 to Friedrich I (IV) “the warlike”, Prince of Thuringia died 1442.12.28 in Grimma, Leipzig, DE 776. Wilhelm I “the Old”, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel born 1392 of Lüneburg, DE married 1423.05.30 to Cecilia von Brandenburg in Berlin died 1482.07.25 in Braunschweig, DE 777. Cecilia von Brandenburg born circa 1405/07 of Berlin, DE married 1423.05.30 to Wilhelm I, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel in Berlin died 1449.01.04 778. Botho, Count of Stolberg born circa 1380/90 of Stolberg, Sachsen, DE married 1435.06.16 or 1431.06.17 to Anna von Schwarzburg-Blankenburg died 1455.03.15 779. Anna von Schwarzburg-Blankenburg born 1416.01.26 of Arnstadt, Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, DE married 1435.06.16 to Botho, Count Stolberg died 1481.12.24 780. Wartislaw IX, Duke of Pommern Wolgast born 1400 of Wologoszcz, Szczecin, PL married 1419 to Sofie, Princess of Saxony Lauenburg died 1457.04.17 in Wologoszcz, Szczecin, PL or in Jagdschloss Darsim 781. Sofie von Sachsen-Lauenburg born circa 1395/1400 of Ratzeburg, DE married 1419 to Wartislaw IX, Duke of Pommern Wolgast died 1462 782. Bogislaw IX, Duke of Pommern Stargard (Pommern in Stolp) born 1407 of Stargard Szczecinski, Szczecin, PL married pre 1433.05.16 to Maria, Princess of Czersk in Poznan, PL died 1446.12.07 783. Maria, Princess of Czersk (von Masovien) born circa 1409/10 of Sochaczew, Warszawa, PL married pre 1433.05.16 to Bogislaw IX, of Pommern Stargard in Poznan, PL died post 1449.02.18 784. Friedrich I (IV) “the warlike”, Prince of Thuringia (see 774) 785. Katharine Princess of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (see 775) 786. Ernst I “Ironside”, Duke of Österreich (see 514) 787. Cymbarka, Princess of Czersk (see 515) 788. Viktorin, Pan z Podebrad born circa 1396 of Kunstat, Boskovice, CZ died 1427.01.01 789. Anna z Vartemberka born circa 1400 of Wartenberg, Lipa Ceska, CZ 790. Smil, Pan ze Sternberka born circa 1376 of Konopiste, Benesov, CZ died post 1431 791. Barbora z Pardubic born circa 1381 of Pardubice, CZ 792. Johann I, Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin born circa 1365 of Schwerin, DE married 1416 to Katharine, Princess of Saxony-Lauenburg-Ratzeburg died 1422.10.16 in Schwerin, DE 793. Katharine, Princess of Saxony-Lauenburg-Ratzeburg born circa 1380 of Ratzeburg, DE married 1416 to Johann I, Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin died post 1448.11.18 794. Friedrich I, Elector of Brandenburg (see 772) 795. Elisabeth, Princess of Bayern (see 773) 796. Wartislaw IX, Duke of Pommern Wolgast (see 780) 797. Sofie, Princess of Saxony Lauenburg (see 781) 798. Bogislaw IX, Duke of Pommern Stargard (see 782) 799. Maria, Princess of Czersk (see 783) 800. Wilhelm I “the Old”, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (see 776) 801. Chacilie, Princess of Brandenburg (see 777) 802. Botho, Count of Stolberg (see 778) 803. Anna, Countess of Schwarzburg (see 779) 804. Wartislaw IX, Duke of Pommern Wolgast (see 780) 805. Sofie, Princess of Saxony Lauenburg (see 781) 806. Bogislaw IX, Duke of Pommern Stargard (see 782) 807. Maria, Princess of Czersk (see 783) 808. Eberhard V, Count of Württemberg (see 518) 809. Henriette, Countess of Montbéliard (see 519) 810. Heinrich IV, Duke of Bayern Landshut born 1386 of Landshut, Niederbayern, DE married 1412.11.25 to Margarethe, Princess of Österreich in Landshut, DE died 1450.07.30 in Landshut, Niederbayern, DE 811. Margarethe, Princess of Österreich born 1395.06.26 of Wien, AT married 1412.11.25 to Heinrich IV, Duke of Bayern Landshut in Landshut, DE died 1447.12.24 in Burghausen, Oberbayern, DE 812. Johann III, Count of Salm and Chiney (see 624) 813. Jeanne de Joinville (see 625) 814. Arnold VII, von Sirck, Count of Moncler (see 626) 815. Eve, Countess of Dhaun (see 627) 816. Albrecht Achilles, Elector of Brandenburg (see 492) 817. Margarethe, Countess of Baden born 1431 of Baden, DE died 1457.10.24 818. Wilhelm III “the Brave”, Duke of Saxony born 1425.04.30 in Meissen, Dresden, DE married 1446.06.20 to Anna, Princess of Österreich died 1482.09.17 819. Anna, Princess of Österreich born 1432.04.12 of Praha, CZ married 1446.06.20 to Wilhelm III “the Brave”, Duke of Saxony died 1462.11.14 820. Christian I, King of Denmark (see 464) 821. Dorothea, Queen of Denmark, Norway, & Sweden (see 465) 822. Ernst, Elector of Saxony born 1441.03.24 in Meissen, Dresden, DE married 1460.11.19 to Elisabeth, Princess of Bayern in Leipzig, DE died 1486.08.26 in Colditz, Leipzig, DE 823. Elisabeth, Princess of Bayern born 1443.02.02 in München, DE married 1460.11.19 to Ernst, Elector of Saxony in Leipzig, DE died 1484.03.05 in Leipzig, DE 824. Wladislaw II Jagiello, King of Poland born circa 1351 of Vilnius, LT married 1422.02.07 to Sofiya, Princess of Holszany died 1434.06.01 in Gorodok Yagellonski, Lvov, UA 825. Sofiya, Princess of Holszany born circa 1405 of Olsanica, Kiev, UA married 1422.02.07 to Wladislaw II Jagiello, King of Poland died 1461.09.21 826. Albrecht II, Emperor of Germany born 1397.08.10 of Wien, AT married 1421.09.28 to Eliska, Imp. Pss of the H. R. E. in Bratislava, SK died 1439.10.27 in Neszmbely, Kombaron, HU 827. Eliska, Imperial Princess of the Holy Roman Empire born 1409 of Praha, CZ married 1421.09.28 to Albrecht II, Emperor of Germany in Bratislava, SK died 1442.12.25 in Esztergom, HU 828. Laszlo Deak born circa 1412 of Deakfalu, Turocz Megye, HU 829. Dorottya born circa 1416 of Szepesvar, Szepes Megye, HU 830. Przemysl II, Prince of Teschen born circa 1425 of Cieszyn, Katowice, PL married pre 1469 to Anna, Princess of Warszawa died 1477.03.18 831. Anna, Princess of Warszawa born circa 1451 of Warszawa, PL married pre 1469 to Przemysl II, Prince of Teschen died post 1477.07.07 832. Mikuláš "Chudý" z Lobkowicz died circa 1435 833. Anna z Nechvalic 834. Dìpolt z Dolan died 1474.04.03 835. Katerina Sokolová z Lamberka died 1470.08.10 838. Sezema z Vrtby married 1466 to Vracka z Vilhartic died 1477 839. Vracka z Vilhartic married 1466 to Sezema z Vrtby died post 1486 846. Johann II, Duke of Sagan/Jan II, Prince of Glogau born 1435.06.16 of Zagan, PL married pre 1473.08.12 to Katerina of Troppau died 1504.09.22 847. Katerina of Troppau (Katharina Przemslide) born circa 1448 of Opava, CZ married pre 1473.08.12 to Johann II, Duke of Sagan died 1505.04.14 865. Anna z Nechvalic (see 833) 866. Dìpolt z Dolan (see 834) 867. Katerina Sokolová z Lamberka (see 835) 870. Sezema z Vrtby (see 838) 871. Vracka z Vilhartic (see 839) 896. Ludwig I, Count Palatine of Zweibrucken born 1424 of Simmern, DE married 1454.03.20 to Jeanne de Croy in Luxembourg, LU died 1489.07.19 in Simmern, DE 897. Jeanne de Croy born 1435.01 of Luxembourg, LU married 1454.03.20 to Ludwig I, Count Palatine of Zweibrucken in Luxembourg, LU died 1504.06.18 in Kreuzberge bei Zweibrucken, DE 898. Kraft VI, Count of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein born circa 1442 of Neuenstein, Jagstkreis, DE married 1476.02.26 to Helene, Countess of Württemberg died 1503.08.02 899. Helene, Countess of Württemberg born circa 1457 of Stuttgart, DE married 1476.02.26 to Kraft VI, Count of Hohenlohe-Neuenstein died 1506.02.19 900. Ludwig II “der Freimutige”, Landgraf of Hessen born 1438.09.07 of Spangenberg, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1454.08.28 to Matilde, Countess of Württemberg in Marburg, DE died 1471.11.08 in Reichenbach 901. Matilde, Countess of Württemberg born circa 1435 of Urach, Schwarzwaldkreis, DE married 1454.08.28 to Ludwig II, Landgraf of Hessen in Marburg, DE died 1495.06.06 in Rotenburg, Hessen-Nassau, DE 902. Wilhelm II, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (see 388) 903. Elisabeth, Countess of Stolberg (see 389) 904. Ludwig II “der Freimutige”, Landgraf of Hessen (see 900) 905. Matilde, Countess of Württemberg (see 901) 906. Magnus II, Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin (see 198) 907. Sofie, Princess of Pommern (see 199) 908. Albrecht "the Courageous", Duke of Saxony (see 196) 909. Zdenka, Princess of Bohemia (see 197) 910. Kazimierz IV "The Jagellonian", King of Poland (see 412) 911. Elisabeth, Princess of Österreich (see 413) 912. Johann I, Duke of Kleve born 1419.02.16 of Kleve, De married 1455.04.22 to Elisabeth de Bourgogne died 1481.09.05 913. Elisabeth de Bourgogne born circa 1437 of Bruxelles, BE married 1455.04.22 to Johann I, Duke of Kleve died 1483.06.21 914. Heinrich III "der Reiche", Landgrave of Hesse-Marburg (see 482) 915. Anna, Countess of Katzenelnbogen (see 483) 916. Gerhard VII, Duke of Jülich and Berg (ruled 1437-75) married 1444 to Sophie of Saxe-Lauenburg died 1475 917. Sophie of Saxe-Lauenburg marred 1444 to Gerhard VII, Duke of Jülich and Berg died 1473 918. Albrecht Achilles, Elector of Brandenburg (see 492) 919. Anna, Princess of Saxony (see 493) 920. Maximilian I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (see 336) 921. Marie, Princess of Bourgogne (see 337) 922. Fernando II (V) "the Catholic", King of Aragón, Castilla y León (see 326) 923. Isabel I "the Catholic", Queen of Castilla y León (see 327) 924. Kazimierz IV "The Jagellonian", King of Poland (see 412) 925. Elisabeth, Princess of Österreich (see 413) 926. Gaston II de Foix born circa 1458 of Foix, Ariege, FR 927. Catalina, Princess of Navarre born circa 1462 928. Dietrich, Count of Oldenburg born circa 1380 of Oldenburg, DE married 1423.11.23 to Hedwig, Princess of Schleswig died 1440.01.22 929. Hedwig, Princess of Schleswig born circa 1395 of Schleswig, De married 1423.11.23 to Dietrich, Count of Oldenburg died 1436 930. Johann “the Alchimist”, Markgraf of Brandenburg [von Hohenzollern-Nürnberg?] born 1406 of Berlin, DE married 1412 to Barbara, Princess of Saxony died 1464.11.16 or 14 in Bairsdorf 931. Barbara, Princess of Saxony born circa 1405 of Dresden, DE married 1412 to Johann, Markgraf of Brandenburg died 1465.10.10 932. Erich II, Duke of Pommern Stolp Stettin (see 390) 933. Sofie, Princess of Pommern (see 391) 934. Kazimierz IV "The Jagellonian", King of Poland (see 412) 935. Elisabeth, Princess of Österreich (see 413) 936. Ludwig II “der Freimutige”, Landgraf of Hessen (see 900) 937. Matilde, Countess of Württemberg (see 901) 938. Magnus II, Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin (see 198) 939. Sofie, Princess of Pommern (see 199) 940. Albrecht "the Courageous", Duke of Saxony (see 196) 941. Zdenka, Princess of Bohemia (see 197) 942. Kazimierz IV "The Jagellonian", King of Poland (see 412) 943. Elisabeth, Princess of Österreich (see 413) 944. Christian I, King of Denmark (see 464) 945. Dorothea, Queen of Denmark, Norway, & Sweden (see 465) 946. Johann Cicero, Elector of Brandenburg (see 408) 947. Margarethe, Princess of Saxony (see 409) 948. Johann IV (V), Duke of Saxe-Lauenberg-Ratzburg (see 192) 949. Dorothea, Duchess of Saxe-Lauenberg-Ratzburg (Princess of Brandenburg?) (see 193) 950. Heinrich I, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (see 194) 951. Katharine, Princess of Pommern (see 195) 952. Magnus II, Duke of Mecklenburg Schwerin (see 198) 953. Sofie, Princess of Pommern (see 199) 954. Joachim I Nestor, Elector of Brandenburg (see 204) 955. Elisabeth, Princess of Denmark, Norway, & Sweden (see 205) 956. Christian I, King of Denmark (see 464) 957. Dorothea, Queen of Denmark, Norway, & Sweden (see 465) 958. Bogislaw X "the Great", Duke of Pommern Stettin Stolp (see 466) 959 . Anna, Princess of Poland (see 467) 960. Engelbert I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg born circa 1370 of Dillenberg, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1405.08.01 to Johanna van Polanen in Breda, NL died 1442.05.03 in Breda, NL 961. Johanna van Polanen born 1392.01.10 in Breda, NL married 1405.08.01 to Engelbert I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg in Breda, NL died 1445.05.15 in Breda, NL 962. Johann II, Count of Looz born circa 1364 of Huis Dalenbroek bei Herkenbosch, Limburg, NL died 1438.06.25 963 Anna, Countess of Solms born circa 1366 964. Ludwig I “der Friedsame”, Landgraf of Hessen born 1402.02.06 in Spangenberg, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1433.09.13 to Anna, Princess of Saxony in Kassel, Hessen, DE died 1458.01.17 in Spangenberg, Hessen-Nassau, DE 965. Anna, Princess of Saxony born 1420.06.05 of Grimma, Leipzig, DE married 1433.09.13 to Ludwig I, Landgraf of Hessen in Kassel, Hessen, DE died 1462.09.17 in Spangenberg, Hessen-Nassau, DE 966. Philipp, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 258) 967. Anna, Countess of Württemberg (see 259) 968. Botho, Count of Stolberg (see 778) 969. Anna, Countess of Schwarzburg (see 779) 970. Volrad or Volrath, Count of Mansfeld born circa 1376 of Schraplau, Sachsen, DE married 1431 to Anna, Countess of Gleichen married 1435 to Margaretha of Schlesien-Glogau (or Sagan) 971. Margaretha of Schlesien-Glogau (or Sagan) born 1420 married 1435 to Volrad of Mansfeld died 1468 972. Eberhard III von Eppenstein born circa 1413 of Konigstein, Hessen, DE married 1438 to Anna, Countess of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein died pre 1475.07.01 973. Anna, Countess of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein born circa 1420 of Idstein, Hessen, DE married 1438 to Eberhard III von Eppenstein died 1465 974. Ludwig von der Marck born circa 1420 of Rochefort, Namur, BE died 1498 975. Nicole d’Aspremont born circa 1432 died 1470 976 Leopold, Landgraf von Leuchtenberg born circa 1382 of Leutenberg, DE married 1424.08.27 to Elisabeth von der Alben died 1463.11.21/22 probably in Amberg, DE 977. Elisabeth von der Alben born circa 1400 of Pfreimd, Oberpfalz, DE married 1424.08.27 to Leopold, Landgraf von Leuchtenberg 978. Philipp, Count of Rieneck born circa 1411 married 1445.02 to Amalie, Princess of Palatine 979. Amalie, Princess of Palatine born 1433.02.22 of Mosbach, DE died 1483.05.15 980. Heinrich XXVI, Count of Schwarzburg Blankenburg born 1418.10.23 of Arnstadt, DE married 1434.07.17 to Elisabeth, Princess of Kleve in Kleve, DE died 1488.01.13 981. Elisabeth, Princess of Kleve birn 1420.10.01 of Kleve, DE married 1434.07.17 to Heinrich XXVI, Count of Schwarzburg Blankenburg in Kleve, DE died 1488.03 in Arnstadt, DE 982. Bruno VIII von Querfurt born circa 1416 of Querfurt, Sachsen, DE married pre 1451.02.22 to Anna, Countess of Gleichen died 1496.02.26 983. Anna, Countess of Gleichen born circa 1432 of Grafentonna, DE married pre 1451.02.22 to Bruno VIII von Querfurt died 1481.03.22 984. Friedrich I, Elector of Brandenburg (see 772) 985. Elisabeth, Princess of Bayern (see 773) 986. Friedrich II "the Gentle", Elector of Saxony (see 392) 987. Margarethe, Archduchess of Österreich (see 393) 988. Wladislaw II Jagiello, King of Poland (see 824) 989. Sofiya, Princess of Holszany (see 825) 990. Albrecht II, Emperor of Germany (see 826) 991. Eliska, Imperial Princess of the Holy Roman Empire (see 827) 992. Dietrich, Count of Oldenburg (see 928) 993. Hedwig, Princess of Schleswig (see 929) 994. Johann “the Alchimist”, Markgraf of Brandenburg (see 930) 995. Barbara, Princess of Saxony (see 931) 996. Albrecht Achilles, Elector of Brandenburg (see 492) 997. Margarethe, Countess of Baden (see 817) 998. Wilhelm III “the Brave”, Duke of Saxony (see 818) 999. Anna, Princess of Österreich (see 819) 1000.Bernard II (IV), Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg Ratzeburg (see 384) 1001. Adelheid, Princess of Pommern (see 385) 1002. Friedrich II, Elector of Brandenburg (see 386) 1003. Katharine, Princess of Saxony (see 387) 1004. Wilhelm II, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (see 388) 1005. Elisabeth, Countess of Stolberg (see 389) 1006. Erich II, Duke of Pommern Stolp Stettin (see 390) 1007. Sofie, Princess of Pommern (see 391) 1008. Erich, Duke of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen born circa 1380 of Salzderhelden, Hannover, DE married 1405.07 to Elisabeth, Princess of Braunschweig-Göttingen died 1427.05.28 1009. Elisabeth, Princess of Braunschweig-Göttingen born circa 1389 of Göttingen, Hannover, DE married 1405.07 to Erich, Duke of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen died 1444 1010. Wolrad I, Count of Waldeck born circa 1400 of Waldeck, DE married 1440 to Barbara, Countess of Wertheim died post 1475.02.01 1011. Barbara, Countess of Wertheim born circa 1422 of Breuberg, Starkenberg, Hessen, DE married circa 1440 to Wolrad I, Count of Waldeck 1012. Albrecht V, Count of Mansfeld born circa 1448 of Schraplau, DE died 1484 1013. Susanne von Bickenbach born circa 1450 of Bickenbach, DE died 1530 1014. Bruno VIII von Querfurt (see 982) 1015. Elisabeth, Countess of Mansfeld born circa 1433 of Schraplau, DE died 1482.09.18 1016. Erich II, Duke of Pommern Stolp Stettin (see 390) 1017. Sofie, Princess of Pommern (see 391) 1018. Kazimierz IV "the Jagellonian", King of Poland (see 412) 1019. Elisabeth, Princess of Österreich (see 413) 1020. Ludwig IV, Elector of Palatine born 1424.01.01 in Heidelberg, DE married 1445.10.18 to Margherita, Princess of Savoy in Heidelberg, DE died 1449.08.13 in Domprobstei, Worms, DE 1021. Margherita, Princess of Savoy born circa 1410 in Morges, Vaud, CH married 1445.10.18 to Ludwig IV, Elector of Palatine in Heidelberg, DE died 1479.09.30 in Stuttgart, De 1022. Ludwig IX, Duke of Bayern Landshut born 1417.02.23 in Burghausen, Oberbayern, DE married 1452.02.21 to Amalie, Princess of Saxony in Landshut, DE died 1479.01.18 in Landshut, Niederbayern, DE 1023. Amalie, Princess of Saxony born 1436.04.04 in Meissen, Dresden, DE married 1452.02.21 to Ludwig IX, Duke of Bayern Landshut in Landshut, DE died 1502.11.19 in Rochlitz, Leipzig, DE
Generation 11 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1024. Bernhard I, Markgraf of Baden born circa 1350/64 of Baden?, DE married 1384 (div by 1391) Margarete von Hohenberg married 1398 to Anna, Countess of Öttingen 1415 inherited Hachberg died 1431.04.05 in Baden 1025. Anna, Countess of Öttingen born circa 1382 of Öttingen, DE married 1398 to Bernhard I, Markgraf of Baden died 1442.07.22 1026. Charles I, Duke of Lorraine born < 1378 Nancy, FR married 1393.02.06 to Margarethe, Princess of Germany died 1431 1027. Margarethe, Princess of Germany born 1376 of Amberg, DE married 1393.02.06 to Charles I, Duke of Lorraine died 1434.08.27 1028. Leopold III, Duke of Österreich born 1351.11.01 in Milano, IT married 1365.02.23 to Verde Visconti at Milano, IT killed in battle 1386.07.09 at Sempach, Luzern, CH 1029. Verde Visconti born circa 1352 of Milano, IT married 1365.02.23 to Leopold III, Duke of Österreich at Milano, IT died pre 1414.03.11 1030. Ziemowit IV, P. of Czersk born circa 1350 of Czersk, Bydogszcz, PL married 1387 to Aleksandra, Pss. of Lithuania died 1426.04.30 1031. Aleksandra, Princess of Lithuania born circa 1365 of Vilnius, LT married 1387 to Ziemowit IV, P. of Czersk died 1434.06.19 1032. Diether VIII, Count of Katzenelnbogen born circa 1342 of Katzelenlbogen, Hessen, DE married 1402.02.19 to Elisabeth, Countess of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein died 1402.02.19 1033. Elisabeth, Countess of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein born circa 1343 of Idstein, Hessen, DE married 1402.02.19 to Diether VIII, Count of Katzenelnbogen died 1389.02.01 1034. Eberhard V, Count of Katzenelnbogen born circa 1322 of Katzelenlbogen, Hessen, DE married 1367 to Agnes Dietz died 1402.12.09 1035. Agnes Dietz born circa 1324 of Hadamar, Hessen, DE married 1367 to Eberhard V, Count of Katzenelnbogen died 1399.11.18 1036. Eberhard IV, Count of Württemberg (1392-1417) born 1364 of Stuttgart, DE married 1380.10.27 to Antonia Visconti in Urach, DE married circa 1412.11.22 to Elisabeth, Burgravine of Nürnberg died 1417.05.16 in Göppingen am Sauerbrunnen, DE 1037. Antonia Visconti born 1360 in Milano, IT married 1380.10.27 to Eberhard IV, Count of Württemberg in Urach, DE died 1402.08.12 or 1405.03.26 1038. Henri II, de Montfaucon or Montbéliard, seigneur dOrbe, Echallens, Bottensen born circa 1360/61 of Montbéliard, Doubs, FR married 1383 to Marie de Chatillon killed in battle 1396.09.18 at Nicopolis, Bulgaria 1039. Marie de Chatillon, vicomtesse de Blaigny born circa 1363/65 married 1383 to Henri de Montfaucon or Montbéliard died circa 1394.02.25 1040. Pierre I de Luxembourg-St. Pol et de Brienne born 1390 of Luxembourg married 1405 to Marguerite de Baux died 1433.08.31 at Rambures 1041. Marguerite de Baux born 1394 of Luxembourg? married 1405 to Pierre de Luxembourg died 1469 1042. Robert de Bar born circa 1387 in Bar-le-Duc, FR married circa 1414 to Jeanne de Bethune killed 1415.10.25 in battle of Agincourt, FR 1043. Jeanne de Bethune born circa 1398 of Meaux, FR married circa 1414 to Robert de Bar died 1459 1044. Jean II de Croy born circa 1405 of Tours-sur-Marne, FR married 1428.11.20 to Marie de Lalaing died 1472 in Valenciennes, FR 1045. Marie de Lalaing born circa 1405 of Quievrain, Hainault, BE married 1428.11.20 to Jean II de Croy died 1474.01.20 1046. Vincenz, Count of Mörs born circa 1414 of Mörs, Rheinland, DE married pre 1433.11.05 to Anna, Css. of Simmern in NL died 1499.04.30 1047. Anna, Countess of Simmern born circa 1413 of Simmern, DE married pre 1433.11.05 to Vincenz, Count of Mörs in NL died 1455 1048. Guillaume d’Estouteville, seigneur de Torcy died 1449.11.19 1049. Jean d’Ondeauville died pre 1449 1050. Ambroise II de Loré, Capitaine, Compagnon d'armes de Jeanne d'Arc, Prévôt de Paris born circa 1394-96 at Oisseau, Mayenne died 1446.05.25 in Paris 1051. Catherine de Marcilly? or Agnes? 1052. Alain III de Coëtivy, Sire de Coëtivy, commandant des troupes du Connétable de Richemont born circa 1370 married 1398.01.12 to Catherine du Chastel died 1425 1053. Catherine du Chastel born circa 1375 married 1398.01.12 to Alain III de Coëtivy 1054. Charles VII de Valois, King of France (1422-1461) this was the king who Jeanne d’Arc took to Reims to be crowned born 1403 died 1461 1055. Agnès Sorel born 1422 died 1449.02.09 1056. Nils Kettilsson born circa 1332 of Bjorno, Frotuna, Uppland, SE married circa 1357 to Kristina Jonsdotter 1057. Kristina Jonsdotter Rickeby-ätten born circa 1336 of Byorno, Frotuna, Uppland, SE married circa 1357 to Nils Kettilsson died post 1378.10.24 1058. Erik Segebodsson Krummedige born circa 1364 in Logismose, Odense, DK died 1439.09.14 in Rundtoft, Schleswig-Holstein, DE 1059. Beata von Thienen born circa 1368 of Schleswig, DE 1060. Anund Sture married pre 1409 to Kristina Anundsdotter Lejonansikte died 1434 1061. Kristina Anundsdotter Lejonansikte married pre 1409 to Anund Sture died 1440/41 1062. Sten Thuresson Bielke born circa 1385 in Orby, Vendels, Uppsala, SE married 1414 to Margareta Karlsdotter Sparre died 1431 1063. Margareta Karlsdotter Sparre of Tofta born circa 1381 of Tofta, Uppland, SE married 1414 to Sten Thuresson Bielke died 1429 1064. Magnus Trottesson Eka married pre 1404 to Märta Magnusdotter Kase 1065. Märta Magnusdotter Kase married pre 1404 to Magnus Trottesson Eka died post 1412 1066. Arent Pinnow. Esquire in Finsta, Skederid parish. died post 1428 1067. Elin Andersdotter Årby-ätten. died post 1474. 1068. Isak Isaksson Banér. Esquire, circuit judge. mentioned 1398-1429. married before 1398 to Märta Siggesdotter Brun 1069. Märta Siggesdotter Brun Lived at Rycklinge, Faringe parish. married before 1398 to Isak Isaksson Banér died 1452/1453. 1070. Harald Stensson Gren. Circuit judge in Ål, Vånga parish. mentioned 1416-1438. married pre 1424 to Sigrid Tomasdotter van Vitzen 1071. Sigrid Tomasdotter van Vitzen married pre 1424 to Harald Stensson Gren died 1457/1461. 1152. Eitel Friedrich I, Graf von Zollern born circa 1383 married 1432.05.14 to Ursula von Räzüns died 1439.09.21 at Schloß Hechingen, DE 1153. Ursula/Ursule von Räzüns/Raezuens married 1432.05.14 to Eitel Friedrich I, Graf von Zollern died 1477, buried in Stetten 1154. Johann III, Count of Werdenberg (c. 1409/12-1430/65) or Heinrich XII von Werdenberg-Trochtelfingen 1155. Elisabeth, von Württemberg (circa 1414-post 1460.04.26) or the wife of Heinrich XII von Werdenberg-Trochtelfingen 1156. Friedrich I, Elector of Brandenburg (see 772) 1157. Elisabeth von Bayern-Landshut (see 773) 1158. Barnim VIII, Duke of Pomerania-Barth born circa 1406 of Barth, Pommern, PL? married pre 1435.05.01 to Agnes or Anna, von Wunstorf died circa 1451.12.19 1159. Agnes or Anna, countess? Of Wunstorf born circa 1414 of Wunstorf, Hannover, DE married pre 1435.05.01 to Barnim VIII, Duke of Pomerania-Barth died 1451 1168. Jakob I, Markgraf of Baden (see 512) 1169. Catherine, Princess of Lorraine (see 513) 1170. Ernst I “Ironside”, Duke of Österreich (see 514) 1171. Cymbarka, Princess of Czersk (see 515) 1172. Johann IV, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 516) 1173. Anna, Countess of Katzenelnbogen (see 517) 1174. Eberhard V, Count of Württemberg (see 518) 1175. Henriette, Countess of Montbéliard (see 519) 1176. Friedrich I, Elector of Brandenburg (see 772) 1177. Elisabeth, Princess of Bayern (see 773) 1178. Friedrich II "the Gentle", Elector of Saxony (see 392) 1179. Margarethe, Archduchess of Österreich (see 393) 1180. Wladislaw II Jagiello, King of Poland (see 824) 1181. Sofiya, Princess of Holszany (see 825) 1182. Albrecht II, Emperor of Germany (see 826) 1183. Eliska, Imperial Princess of the Holy Roman Empire (see 827) 1184. Johann, Freiherr von Zimmern died 1430.01.21 1185. Verena von Waldburg zu Trauchburg died 1443 1186. Eberhard VI, Graf von Kirchberg born circa 1385 died 1440.05.15 1187. Agnes, Countess of Werdenberg-Heiligenberg-Bludenz born circa 1389 died 1433.07.20 or 1436 1188. Friedrich III, Graf von Öttingen born circa 1356 married pre 1395.03.24 to Eufemia von Münsterberg died 1423.01.23 1189. Eufemia, princess of Münsterberg born circa 1370 of Oppeln, PL married pre 1395.03.24 to Friedrich III von Öttingen died 1447.11.17 1190. Paolo della Scala/von der Leiter born circa 1387 married pre 1433 to Amalie von Frauenberg-Haag died post 1441.01.07 in Bayern, DE 1191. Amalie von Frauenberg-Haag born circa 1391 married pre 1433 to Paolo della Scala died 1459.09 1192. Konrad VIII von Erbach born 1399 married 1417 to Anna von Bickenbach died 1464.06.05 1193. Anna von Bickenbach born circa 1401 married 1417 to Konrad VIII von Erbach died 1451.04.28 1194. Kraft V, Graf von Hohenlohe born circa 1416 of Weikersheim, Jagstkreis, DE married 1431 to Margarethe, Countess von Öttingen died 1472.03.31 in Crailsheim?, DE 1195. Margarethe, Countess von Öttingen born circa 1396 married 1431 to Kraft V von Hohenlohe died 1472.02.24 1196. Johann III, Graf von Werdenberg born circa 1412 married 1428 to Elisabeth von Württemberg 1197. Elisabeth, countess of Württemberg forn circa 1414 of Stuttgart, DE married 1428 to Johann III von Werdenberg died post 1460.04.26 1198. Karl I, Margrave of Baden (see 256) 1199. Katherine, Princess of Österreich (see 257) 1200. Bernhard I, Graf von Eberstein born 1381 married 1420 to Agnes von Vinstingen died 1440 1201. Agnes von Vinstingen born circa 1398 of Fbenbetrange (sic), Moselle, FR 1202. Eberhard II von Eppenstein Konigstein born circa 1380 of Eppstein, Hessen-Nassau, DE married circa 1412 to Anna von Kronberg died 1442/3 1203. Anna von Kronberg born circa 1384 of Kronberg, Hessen-Nassau, DE married circa 1412 to Eberhard II von Eppenstein Konigstein died 1442 1204. Eberhard I, Graf von Waldburg born circa 1403 of Waldburg, Donaukreis, DE married 1432.12.21 to Kunigunde, countess of Montfort died 1479.09.22 1205. Kunigunde, countess of Montfort born circa 1408 married 1432.12.21 to Eberhard I, Graf von Waldburg 1206. Konrad, Graf von Fürstenberg-Baar born circa 1424 married 1462 to Kunigunde, countess of Mhatsch (sic) [Mätsch] died 1484.04.24 1207. Kunigunde, countess of Mhatsch (sic) [Mätsch] born circa 1440 married 1462 to Konrad, Graf von Fürstenberg-Baar died 1469.05.18/19 1208. Philipp I, Graf von Hanau Lichtenberg born 1417.11.08 married 1458 to Agnes or Anna von Lichtenberg in Lichtenberg, Bas-Rhin, FR died 1480.05.10 1209. Agnes or Anna von Lichtenberg born 1442.10.25 of Lichtenberg, Bas-Rhin, FR married 1458 to Philipp I, Graf von Hanau Lichtenberg in Lichtenberg, Bas-Rhin, FR died 1474.06.10 1210. Ludwig II, Graf von Isenburg Budingen born 1422 of Budingen, Oberhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt, DE married 1455.05.25 to Marie, countess of Nassau died 1511.06.04 1211. Marie, countess of Nassau born 1428 of Idstein, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1455.05.25 to Ludwig II, Graf von Isenburg Budingen died 1480.01.10 1212. Karl I, Markgraf von Baden (see 256) 1213. Katherine, Princess of Österreich (see 257) 1214. Philipp, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 258) 1215. Anna, Countess of Württemberg (see 259) 1216. Johann IV, Count of Dhaun born circa 1409 of Dhaun, DE married 1432.01.28 to Elisabeth von Hanau-Münzenberg died 1476 1217. Elisabeth, countess of Hanau-Münzenberg born 1416 of Hanau, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1432.01.28 to Johann IV von Dhaun died 1446.02.20 1218. Simon III, count of Salm born circa 1404 of Salm, Bas-Rhin, FR married 1427.07.11 to Johanna van Rotselaer died pre 1459.11.14 1219. Johanna van Rotselaer/Jeanne de Rotselaer born circa 1405/06 of Rotselaer, Braband, BG married 1427.07.11 to Simon III of Salm died circa 1460 1220. Jakob I, Count of Mörs Saarwerden born circa 1421 of Sarrewerden, Bas-Rhin, FR married circa 1447.11.11 to Anastasie of Leiningen died 1483.04.11 1221. Anastasie, countess of Leiningen born circa 1424 of Alt Leiningen, DE married circa 1447.11.11 to Jakob I of Mörs Saarwerden died possibly on 1452.10.20 1222. Johann V von Vinstingen/de Fenetrange born pre 1423 or 1424? 1223. Beatrice d'Oceviller/Beatrix von Ogeviler born 1426? 1474? died 1489? 1224. Thibaut VIII, seigneur de Neufchâtel, vicomte de Baume born 1386/87 married 1398 to Agnes de Montfaucon died 1459 1225. Agnes de Montfaucon, dame de Marnay born circa 1393 married 1398 to Thibaut VIII de Neufchâtel died 1439 1228. Pierre de Vergy, seigneur de Champvert married 1414.04.01 to Katharina von Greiers died 1440 1229. Katharina de Gruyère/von Greiers died 1426 1230. Jacques de Miolans/Micolans 1231. Jeanne de la Chambre 1232. Friedrich III, Graf von Öttingen (see 1188) 1233. Eufemia, princess of Münsterberg (see 1189) 1234. Paolo della Scala/von der Leiter (see 1190) 1235. Amalie von Frauenberg-Haag (see 1191) 1236. Georg I von Waldburg born circa 1405 of Waldburg, Donaukreis, DE married 1427 to Eva von Bickenbach in Bickenbach, Hesse-Darmstadt, DE died 1467.03.10 1237. Eva von Bickenbach born 1406? in Bickenbach, Hesse-Darmstadt, DE married 1427 to Georg I von Waldburg died post 1481.10.29 1238. Konrad VII, Graf von Kirchberg born circa 1410/15 married 1436 to Anna von Fürstenberg died 1470.06.05 1239. Anna von Fürstenberg born circa 1427 married 1436 to Konrad VII von Kirchberg died post 1481.06.19 1240. Eitel Friedrich I, Graf von Zollern (see 1152) 1241. Ursula von Räzüns (see 1153) 1244. Friedrich I, Elector of Brandenburg (see 772) 1245. Elisabeth von Bayern-Landshut (see 773) 1246. Barnim VIII, Duke of Pomerania-Barth (see 1158) 1247. Agnes or Anna, countess? Of Wunstorf (see 1159) 1248. Johann II, Count of Salm and Chiney born circa 1335 of Salm, Bas-Rhin, FR married 1355.05.22 to Philippa van Valkenburg died 1386 1249. Philippa van Valkenburg born circa 1337 of Sittard, Limburg, NL married 1355.05.22 to Johann II, Count of Salm and Chiney died pre 1398.08.29 1249. Philippa van Valkenburg 1280. Amadeo VII, Count of Savoy born 1360.02.24 married 1377.06.18 to Bonne, princess of France died 1391.11.01 1281. Bonne, princess of France born circa 1365 married 1377.06.18 to Amadeo VII, Count of Savoy died 1435.12.30 1284. Jacques I, Roi de Chypre [1382-98], roi titulaire de Petite-Armenie [1393-1398] born 1334 1285. Héloïse de Brunswick Grubenhagen 1286. Jean I, comte de la Marche died 1422 1292. Jean de Blois-Bretagne, Comte de Penthievre et de Goello, Vicomte de Limoges, Seigneur d’Avaugour, d’Avennes et de Laigle born 1347 married 1387.01.20 to Marguerite de Clisson “Il fut prisonnier en Angleterre pendant 36 ans” died 1403.01.16 1293. Marguerite de Clisson, Dame de Chantoceaux, de Montfaucon, et de Palluau born 1366 married 1387.01.20 to Jean de Blois-Bretagne died 1441 1296. Jodao I, King of Portugal born 1357.04.11 in Lisboa, PT married 1387.02.02 to Philippa Plantagenet in Porto?, PT died 1433.08.14 in Lisboa, PT 1297. Philippa Plantagenet, Queen of Portugal born 1360.03.31 in Leicester, England married 1387.02.02 to Jodao I, King of Portugal in Porto?, PT died 1415.07.19 in Sacavbem?, Lisboa, PT 1332. Adolf III von der Marck (I of Cleves), [Archbishop of Köln (1363-64)] married 1369 to Margaret of Jülich died 1394 1333. Margaret of Jülich married 1369 to Adolf III von der Marck died 1425 1340. Jean III, Comte de Foix et de Béarn 1360. Jodao I, King of Portugal (see 1296) 1361. Philippa Plantagenet (see 1297) 1432. Ferry V, Duc de Lorraine born circa 1371 killed in battle 1415.10.25 at Azincourt, FR 1504. Charles de Coesmes, seigneur de Lucé married pre 1425 to Marguerite de Rieux 1505. Marguerite de Rieux, dame de Saint Nazaire married pre 1425 to Charles de Coesmes died 1461 1512. Girard d'Harcourt 1513. Marie Malet, dame de Lougey 1514. Jean I, seigneur d'Arpajon died post 1460 1515. Blance de Chauvigny 1530. Louis de Luxembourg-St. Pol det de Brienne et di Conversano (see 520) 1532. Jacques de Bournonville, seigneur de la Vallée, Winterthun et de la Cocquarderie died pre 1476 1533. Eléonore de Fiennes ***** added from svenska 1536. Erich II, Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg, born 1320 ca, died 1368-11/12. Married before 1342 to 1537. Agnes of Holstein, born 1328 ca, died 1387 ca. Alive in 1387. 1538. Magnus II, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, born 1328, died 1373 26/7 in Leveste. Married to 1539. Katarinaof Anhalt-Bernburg, born 1340 ca, died 1390 30/1. 1540. Bogislaw V, Duke of Pomerania in Stolp, born 1316, died 1373 7/12. Married 1362 to 1541. Adelheid of Braunschweig, born 1341, died 1406 8/5. 1542. Heinrich II "den järnhårde" Count of Holstein, born 1317, died 1384/1389. Married 1366 to 1543. Ingeborg of Mecklenburg, born 1345 ca, died 1395/1403. 1544. Friedrich V Burgrave of Nürnberg born ca 1330/32 married 1350.09.07 to Elisabet of Meissen in Jena, DE died 1398.01.21 in Plassenburg, Bayern, DE 1545. Elisabet of Meissen/princess of Thuringia born 1329.11.22 in Wartburg, DE married 1350.09.07 to Friedrich V Burgrave of Nürnberg in Jena, DE died 1375.04.21 1546. Friedrich, Duke of Bavaria-Landshut born 1339 of Landshut, DE married 1381.09.02 to Maddalena Visconti in Landshut, Bayern, DE died 1393.12.04 in Budweis. 1547. Maddalena Visconti born circa 1366 of Milano, IT married 1381.09.02 to Friedrich, Duke of Bavaria-Landshut in Landshut, Bayern, DE died 1404.07.17 in Burghausen, Bayern, DE 1548. Friedrich III "der Strenge", Margrave of Meissen, born 1332 14/10 in Dresden, died 1381 25/5 in Meissen. Married 1346 to 1549. Katarina of Henneberg-Schleusingen, born 1328, died 1397 15/7 in Meissen. 1550. Heinrich II, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, born 1360 ca, died 1416 14/10. Married 1388 11/11 to 1551. Sofia of Pomerania, born 1370 ca, died 1406 28/6. 1552. Heinrich II, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (see 1550) Double check that this is the right person. His son was duke of Braunschweig-Wölfenbüttel 1553. Sofia of Pomerania (see 1551). Double check that this is the right person. His son was duke of Braunschweig-Wölfenbüttel 1554. Friedrich I K, Prince of Brandenburg (see 772) 1555. Elisabet of Bavaria-Landshut (see 773) 1556. Heinrich XVI Count of Stolberg, born 1335 ca, died 1401/1403. Mentioned 1343-1401. Married to 1557. Elisabet of Mansfeld. Mentioned 1380-1391. 1558. Heinrich XXIV Count of Schwarzburg-Blankenburg, born 1388, died 1444 7/10. Married 1413 to 1559. Katarinaof Braunschweig, born 1395 ca, died 1439. 1560. Barnim VI, Duke of Pomerania in Barth, born 1365, died 1405 22/9. Married to 1561. Veronika. 1562. Erich IV, Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg (see768) 1563. Sofia of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (see 769) 1564. Bogislaw VIII, Duke of Pomerania in Stolp = 50 1565. Sofia of Holstein = 51 1566. Ziemowit IV, Prince of Masovien, born 1350 ca, died 1426 30/4 in Strzelno. Married 1387 in Vilna to 1567. Alexandra of Litauen, born 1365 ca, died 1434 19/6 in Strzelno. ***** end of svenska add 1648. Algirdas, Grand Duke of Lithuania born 1296.05 of Vilnius, LT married circa 1350 to Yuliyana Aleksandrovna, princess of Tver died 1377.05 1649. Yuliyana Aleksandrovna, princess of Tver born circa 1331 of Pskov, RU married circa 1350 to Algirdas, Grand Duke of Lithuania died 1392 1650. Andrej, prince of Holszany born circa 1374 of Golshany, BY married circa 1404 to Aleksandra Dymitrovna, princess Drucka 1651. Aleksandra Dymitrovna, princess Drucka born circa 1380 married circa 1404 to Andrej, prince of Holszany 1652. Albrecht IV "the Patient", Duke of Österreich born circa 1377.09.21 in Wien, AT married 1390.04.24 to Johanne Sofie, princess of Lower Bavaria in Wien, AT died 1404.09.14 in Klosterneuberg, Niederösterreich, AT 1653. Johanne Sofie, princess of Lower Bavaria (Niederbayern?) born circa 1377 married 1390.04.24 to Albrecht IV "the Patient", Duke of Österreich in Wien, AT died 1410.11.15 1654. Sigismund von Luxemburg /Zikmund, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire born 1368.02.14 in Nürnberg, DE married 1408 to Barbara, Countess of Cilly died 1437.12.09 in Nagyvarad, Bihar Megye, HU 1655. Barbara von Cilli/Countess of Cilly born 1392 of Celje, SL married 1408 to Zikmund, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire died 1451.07.11 in Melnik, CZ 1664. Mareš "Martin" z Újezda 1676. Sezema z Vrtby died "KOL" 1406 1692. Johann I, Duke of Sagan/Jan I, Prince of Sagan born 1385 of Zagan, PL married 1409 to Scholastike of Saxony died 1439.04.12 1693. Scholastike of Saxony born circa 1393 of Wittenberg, DE married 1409 to Johann I, Duke of Sagan died ca. 1463.05.12 1728. Mareš "Martin" z Újezda (see 1664) 1740. Sezema z Vrtby (see 1676) 1942. Johann I, Duke of Sagan (see 1693) 1943. Scholastike of Saxony (see 1693) 2047. Last person in this generation Generation 12 --------------------------------------------------------------- 2048. Rudolf VI, Markgraf of Baden (1353-72) born 1345 married 1356 to Matilde von Sponheim died 1372.03.21 2049. Matilde (Mechtild) von Sponheim/Spanheim born 1346 died circa 1407-1410.11.01 2050. Ludwig XI, Count of Öttingen born circa 1361 of Öttingen, DE married 1380 to Beatrix, Countess of Helfenstein died 1440,10.28 2051. Beatrix, Countess of Helfenstein born circa 1365 married 1380 to Ludwig XI, Count of Öttingen died 1387/88 2052. Jean, Duke of Lorraine born circa 1345 in Nancy, FR married 1361.12.16 to Sofie, Countess of Württemberg 2053. Sofie, Countess of Württemberg born 1343 of Stuttgart, DE married 1361.12.16 to Jean, Duke of Lorraine died 1369.04.26 2054. Ruprecht III “Clem” King of the Germans born 1352.05.05 in Amberg, DE married 1374.06.27 to Elisabeth, Burgravine of Nürnberg in Amberg, DE died 1410.05.18 at Schloß Landkron, Oppenheim, DE 2055. Elisabeth, Burgravine of Nürnberg born 1358 of Nürnberg, DE married 1374.06.27 to Ruprecht III “Clem” King of the Germans in Amberg, DE died 1411.07.26 in Heidelberg, DE 2056. Albrecht II “the wise”, Duke of Österreich born 1298.12.12 in Wien, AT married 1324 to Johanne, Countess of Pfirt at Basel, CH died 1358.07.20 at Wien, AT 2057. Johanne, Countess of Pfirt born 1300 of Ferrette, Haut-Rhin, FR married 1324 to Albrecht II “the wise”, Duke of Österreich at Basel, CH died 1351.11.15 2058. Barnabo di’ Visconti, Lord of Milano, Bergamo, Cremona, Lodi, & Bologna born 1319 in Milano, IT married 1350.09.27 to Beatrice della Scala in Verona, IT poisoned 1385.12.19 in Trezzo 2059. Beatrice della Scala born circa 1321/31 in Verona, IT married 1350.09.27 to Barnabo di' Visconti in Verona, IT died 1384.06.18 in Milano, IT 2060. Ziemowit III, Prince of Mazovia born circa 1316 of Czersk, Bydgoszcz, PL married post 1333 to Eufemia, Princess of Troppau died 1381.06.16 2061. Eufemia, Princess of Troppau born circa 1319 of Opava, CZ married post 1333 to Ziemowit III, Prince of Mazovia died pre 1362 2062. Algirdas, Grand Duke of Lithuania (see 1648) 2063. Yuliyana Aleksandrovna, Princess of Tver (see 1649) 2064. Johann II, Count of Katzenelnbogen born circa 1303 of Katzenelnbogen, Hessen, DE married 1340 to Elisabeth von Isenburg-Limburg died 1357.03.02 2065. Elisabeth von Isenburg-Limburg born circa 1294/1317 of Limburg, A.d. Lahn, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1340 to Johann II, Count of Katzenelnbogen died 1347 2066. Adolf I, Count of Nassau-Wiebaden-Idstein born 1307 of Idstein, Hessen, DE married 1332 to Margarethe, Burgravine of Nürnberg died 1370.01.17 2067. Margarethe, Burgravine of Nürnberg born circa 1316 of Nürnberg, DE married 1332 to Adolf I, Count of Nassau-Wiebaden-Idstein died post 1382.11.13 2068. Wilhelm I, Count of Katzenelnbogen born circa 1263 of Katzenelnbogen, Hessen, DE married 1314.01.23 to Adelheid, Countess of Waldeck died 1331.11.18 2069. Adelheid, Countess of Waldeck born circa 1285 of Waldeck, DE married 1314.01.23 to Wilhelm I, Count of Katzenelnbogen died 1329.09.01 2070. Gerhard VII Dietz born circa 1298 died 1343.10.17 2071. Jutte, Countess of Nassau born circa 1301 of Hadamar, Hessen, DE died pre 1370.11.10 2072. Ulrich, Count of Württemberg born 1342 of Stuttgart, DE married post 1362.04.26 to Elisabeth, Princess of Bayern in Donauwörth, DE killed in battle 1388.08.23 by Doffingen, Neckarkreis, DE 2073. Elisabeth, Princess of Bayern born 1329 of München, DE married post 1362.04.26 to Ulrich, Count of Württemberg in Donauwörth, DE died 1402.08.02 in Stuttgart, DE 2074. Barnabo di’ Visconti (see 2058) 2075. Beatrice della Scala (see 2059) 2076. Etienne de Montfaucon, Comte de Montbeliard/Moempelgard born circa 1325/26 married 1356.08.18? or on the 13th? to Marguerite de Chalon died 1397.11.02 2077. Marguerite de Chalon born circa 1333/38 married 1356.08.18? to Etienne, Comte de Montbeliard died 1392.07 2078. Gaucher X de Châtillon, vicomte de Blaigny, sire de la Fere born 1330 married circa 1345/55 to Jeanne (Marie) de Coucy died post 1404.03 2079. "Marie" or Jeanne de Coucy, dame de Condé en Brie born circa 1330 married circa 1345/55 to Gaucher X de Châtillon died 1386 2080. Jean II de Luxembourg born 1370 in Luxembourg died 1397 2081. Marguerite de Enghien born circa 1372 2082. François de Baux born < 1344 married 1381 to Justine (Sueva) Ursins died 1404 2083. Justine (Sueva) Ursins born < 1370 2084. Henri de Bar, Count of Marle born circa 1362 of Bar-le-Duc, FR married 1393 to Marie de Coucy in Laon, Aisne, FR killed 1396.09.28 at battle of Nicopolis, BG (Bulgaria) 2085. Marie de Coucy born 1366.04 at Château de Coucy, Coucy-le-Château, Aisne, FR married 1393 to Henri de Bar in Laon, Aisne, FR died 1405 2086. Robert VIII de Bethune, Viscount of Meaux born circa 1350 died 1408.02 2087. Isabella de Ghistelles born circa 1370 died post 1438.01.18 2088. Jean I de Croy born circa 1351 of Airaines, FR married 1384 killed at battle of Azincourt, FR 2089. Marie de Craon born circa 1360 of Laon, FR 2090. Simon III de Lalaing born < 1448 of Quievrain, Hainault, BE 2091. Isabel de Barbancon born < 1452 2092. Friedrich IV, Count of Mörs -Saarwerden born circa 1377 of Mörs, Rheinland, DE married 1392 to Engelberte, Countess of Kleve died 1448.07.11 2093. Engelberte, Countess of Kleve born circa 1378 of Kleve, Rheinland, DE married 1392 to Friedrich IV, Count of Mörs -Saarwerden died 1458.12.07 2094. Stefan, Prince of Germany born 1385.06.23 of Neunburg vorm Wald, Oberpfalz, Bayern, DE married 1410.06.13 to Anna Css. of Veldenz in Heidelberg, DE died 1459.02.14 in Simmern, Rheinland, DE 2095. Anna, Countess of Veldenz born circa 1390 of Veldenz, Rheinland, DE married 1410.06.13 to Stefan, Prince of Germany in Heidelberg, DE died 1439.11.16 in Wachenheim 2096. Nicholas d'Estouteville (dit Colart) married circa 1372 to Jeanne de Mauquenchy died 1415.10.25 at Azincourt, FR 2097. Jeanne de Mauquenchy, dame de Blainville married circa 1372 to Nicholas d'Estouteville died pre 1392 2100. Ambroise I de Loré, Écuyer, Sgr de Loré born circa 1350 died pre 1410 in Oisseau, Mayenne 2101. Marie de Prez born circa 1350 died pre 1425 in Angers, Maine et Loire 2104. Prigent de Coëtivy born circa 1345 died 1384.04 2105. Tefaine de Greguen born circa 1345 2106. Hervé ou René du Chastel born circa 1340 2107. Méance du Lescoët born circa 1345 2108. Charles VI de Valois, King of France (1380-1422) born 1368 2109. Élisabeth de Bavière-Ingolstadt 2110. Jean Soreau, S. de Coudun died pre 1446 2111. Catherine de Maignelais 2114. Jon Nilsson Rickeby-ätten born circa 1310 of Rickeby, Stockholm, SE mentioned 1333-1351 2115. Ketillsdotter born circa 1314 of Ostergotland, SE 2116. Segebod Johansen Krummedige born circa 1330 Krummendick, Schleswig-Holstein, DE died post 1380 2117. Cecilie or Sidsel Pedersdotter Skram born circa 1342 in Matrup, DK died post 1397 2118. Johann von Thienen, Holstein chancellor born circa 1342 in DE died 1410 2119. Anna Limbek born circa 1346 in DK died post 1411 2120. Algot Magnusson Sture, died 1426 7/3. Knight, Councillor of the Realm in Rävparishäs, Toresund parish. mentioned 1374-1426. married before 1381 to Märta Bosdotter Natt o Dag 2121. Märta Bosdotter Natt o Dag married before 1381 to Algot Magnusson Sture died 1414. buried in Vadstena. 2122. Anund Johansson Lejonansikte, Knight, Councillor of the Realm, superior judge. mentioned 1368-1397. married after 1375 to Agneta Nipritz died 1397. 2123. Agneta Nipritz married after 1375 to Anund Johansson Lejonansikte 2124. Ture Bengtsson Bielke, Knight, Councillor of the Realm, superior judge. born circa 1335 of Krakerum, Kalmar, SE married before 1385 to Margareta Arvidsdotter Sparre died 1414.11.20 2125. Margareta Arvidsdotter Sparre born circa 1345 of Vik, Uppsala, SE married before 1385 to Ture Bengtsson Bielke died 1415.04.09 2126. Karl Ulvsson Sparre of Tofta, Knight,Councillor of the Realm, Lord High Constable ,superior judge in Tofta, Adelsö parish. born 1317 of Tofta, Adelso, Uppsala, SE died 1407.11.17 of Tofta, Adelso, Uppsala, SE 2127. Helena Israelsdotter Brahe born circa 1340 in Fensta, Skedevid, Stockholm, SE died 1410 2128. Trotte Petersson Eka, Knight, Councillor of the Realm. mentioned 1333-1362. died 1363. 2129. Ingegärd Johansdotter oä Folkunge. lived at Benhamra, Vada parish. died post 1390. 2130. Magnus Kase, Bailiff in Tavastland. married before 1380 to Bengta Bengtsdotter Oxenstierna died 1401/1402. 2131. Bengta Bengtsdotter Oxenstierna. married before 1380 to Magnus Kase died post 1421. 2134. Anders Tomasson Årby-ätten died 1406/1409 2136. Isak Björnsson Banér. Circuit judge in Oland. Mentioned 1375-1388. 2137. Gertrud Andersdotter Årby-ätten. Lived at Lisa, Länna parish. died post 1405. 2138. Sigge Brun married before 1387 to Birgitta Nilsdotter Länna-ätten died 1394/1395 2139. Birgitta Nilsdotter Länna-ätten married before 1387 to Sigge Brun died 1387/1395 2140. Sten Haraldsson Gren. Circuit judge in Österrekarne in Ål, Vånga parish. mentioned 1376-1417 2141. Cecilia Nilsdotter died 1415.04.26 buried in Vadstena 2142. Tomas van Vitzen, Knight. died 1415. 2143. Ida Henningsdotter (Königsmark), died 1450. 2304. Friedrich XI, Graf von Zollern born circa 1346 of Zollern, DE married pre 1377.01.12 to Adelheid, Countess of Fürstenberg-Haslach died 1401.11.26 2305. Adelheid, Countess of Fürstenberg-Haslach born circa 1356 of Haslach, Schwarzwaldkreis, DE married pre 1377.01.12 to Friedrich XI von Zollern died 1413.03.19 2306. Heinrich VI, Baron of Räzüns/Raezuens born circa 1374 died circa 1435.03.11-05.02 2307 Verena von Stoffeln died circa 1423.03.03, 1427.05.26, 1429, or 1439.06.08 2312. Friedrich V Burgrave of Nürnberg (see 1544) 2313. Elisabet of Meissen/princess of Thuringia (see 1545) 2314. Friedrich, Duke of Bavaria-Landshut (see 1546) 2315. Maddalena Visconti (see 1547) 2316. Wartislaw VIII, Duke of Pomerania Wolgast born 1373 of Barth, Pommern, PL? married circa 1406 to Agnes, princess of Saxony Lauenburg died 1415.08.20/23 2317. Agnes, princess of Saxony Lauenburg born circa 1387 of Lauenburg, De married circa 1406 to Wartislaw VIII, Duke of Pomerania Wolgast died pre 1415.12.21 2318. Julius I, Count of Wunstorf born circa 1376 of Wunstorf, Hannover, DE married 1408 to Jutte von Diepholz died post 1461 2319. Jutte von Diepholz born circa 1380 of Diepholz, Hannover, DE married 1408 to Julius I, Count of Wunstorf 2336. Bernhard I, Markgraf of Baden (see 1024) 2337. Anna, Countess of Öttingen (see 1025) 2338. Charles I, Duke of Lorraine (see 1026) 2339. Margarethe, Princess of Germany (see 1027) 2340. Leopold III, Duke of Österreich (see 1028) 2341. Verde Visconti (see 1029) 2342. Ziemowit IV, P. of Czersk (see 1030) 2343. Aleksandra, Princess of Lithuania (see 1031) 2344. Diether VIII, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 1032) 2345. Elisabeth, Countess of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein (see 1033) 2346. Eberhard V, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 1034) 2347. Agnes Dietz (see 1035) 2348. Eberhard IV, Count of Württemberg (see 1036) 2349. Antonia di Visconti (see 1037) 2350. Henri, Comte Montbéliard (see 1038) 2351. Marie de Castillon (see 1039) 2352. Friedrich V Burgrave of Nürnberg (see 1544) 2353. Elisabet of Meissen/princess of Thuringia (see 1545) 2354. Friedrich, Duke of Bavaria-Landshut (see 1546) 2355. Maddalena Visconti (see 1547) 2356. Friedrich I (IV) “the warlike”, Prince of Thuringia (see 774) 2357. Katharine Princess of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (see 775) 2358. Ernst I “Ironside”, Duke of Österreich (see 514) 2359. Cymbarka, Princess of Czersk (see 515) 2360. Algirdas, Grand Duke of Lithuania (see 1648) 2361. Yuliyana Aleksandrovna, princess of Tver (see 1649) 2362. Andrej, prince of Holszany (see 1650) 2363. Aleksandra Dymitrovna, princess Drucka (see 1651) 2364. Albrecht IV "the Patient", Duke of Österreich (see 1652) 2365. Johanne Sofie, princess of Lower Bavaria (see 1653) 2366. Sigismund von Luxemburg, Emperor of the H.R.E (see 1654) 2367. Barbara von Cilli (see 1655) 2368. Johann, Freiherr von Zimmern died 1441.01.21 2369. Kunigunde von Werdenberg died 1431.02.05 2370. Johannes, Truchess von Waldburg zu Trauchburg died 1424.03 2372. Konrad VI von Kirchberg born pre 1360 died 1417.01.17 2373. Anna von Hohenberg-Wildberg born pre 1388 died 1421 2374. Albrecht III, Graf von Werdenberg Heiligenburg Bludenz born circa 1353/68.07 married 1388 to Ursula Grin von Schaumberg died 1418.02.23 2375. Ursula Grin von Schaumberg born pre 1355 or circa 1366 married 1388 to Albrecht III, Graf von Werdenberg Heiligenburg Bludenz died 1418/n. 1412.08.10 2376. Ludwig X, Count of Öttingen born circa 1329 of Öttingen, DE m. pre 1351.04.23 to Imagine of Schaunberg died 1370.05.01 2377. Imagine, Css. of Schaunberg born circa 1336 of Julbach, Bayern, DE died 1377.11.05 2378. Boleslaw III, prince of Münsterberg born circa 1344 of Ziebice, Wroclaw, PL married pre 1370.03.26 to Eufemia (or Ofka), Princess of Beuthen died 1410.06.13 2379. Eufemia (or Ofka), Princess of Beuthen born circa 1351 of Bytom, Katowice, PL married pre 1370.03.26 to Boleslaw III of Münsterberg died 1411.08.26 2380. Guglielmo I della Scala (illegitimate) Lord of Verona (1404.04.17-28) born circa 1350 poisoned 1404.04.28 in Verona, IT 2381. Onesta Mortone 2382. Hans, Graf von Frauenberg-Haag 2383. Barbara Marschalk von Oberndorf 2384. Eberhard IX von Erbach born circa 1361 married 1390 to Elisabeth von Cronberg buried 1425.04.18 2385. Elisabeth von Kronberg born circa 1365 of Kronberg, Hesse-Nassau, DE married 1390 to Eberhard IX von Erbach died 1411.10.28 2386. Konrad VI von Bickenbach zu Miltenberg born circa 1357/80 died 1429.04.02 in Hohenberg? 2387. Jutte von Runkel born circa 1374 2388. Albrecht I von Hohenlohe-Weikersheim born circa 1364 married circa 1413 to Elisabeth von Hanau-Münzenberg died 1429.06.15 in "hohringen, Jagstkreis" (sic) 2389. Elisabeth, Countess of Hanau-Münzenberg born circa 1390 married circa 1413 to Albrecht I von Hohenlohe-Weikersheim died 1425.05.25 2390. Friedrich III, Graf von Öttingen (see 1188) 2391. Eufemia, princess of Münsterberg (see 1189) 2392 Eberhard II, Graf von Werdenberg Sargans Alspeck born circa 1355 of Trochtelfingen died 1416 2393. Anna von Zimmern Moesskirch born circa 1360 2394. Eberhard IV, Count of Württemberg (see 1036) 2395. Elisabeth, Burgravine of Nürnberg born 1391/2 of Nürnberg, DE married circa 1412.11.22 to Eberhard IV, Graf von Württemberg died 1429.04.29 in Schorndorf, Jagstkreis, DE 2396. Jakob I, Markgraf of Baden (see 512) 2397. Catherine, Princess of Lorraine (see 513) 2398. Ernst I “Ironside”, Duke of Österreich (see 514) 2399. Cymbarka, Princess of Czersk (see 515) 2400. Wilhelm II, Graf von Eberstein born circa 1350 of Neu-Eberstein, DE died 1385.03.09 2401. Margarethe von Erbach born circa 1348 of Erbach, Hesse-Darmstadt, DE died 1396.08.19 2402. Johann III von Vinstingen born circa 1378 married 1396 to Adelheid von Lichtenberg 2403. Adelheid von Lichtenberg born circa 1374 of Lichtenberg, Bas-Rhin, FR 2404. Eberhard I von Eppenstein born circa 1331 of Eppstein, DE married circa 1376 to Luitgard von Falkenstein died post 1391 2405. Luitgard von Falkenstein born circa 1357 of Falkenstein, DE married circa 1376 to Eberhard I von Eppenstein died post 1391 2406. Walter von Kronberg born circa 1358 of Kronberg, DE 2407. Elisabeth von Runkel born circa 1362? 2408. Johann II von Waldburg born 1345.01 of Waldburg, Donaukreis, DE married 1399.07.04 to Ursule von Abensberg died pre 1424.03.31 2409. Ursule von Abensberg born circa 1376 married 1399.07.04 to Johann II von Waldburg died 1422.01.30 2410. Wilhelm IV Montfort Tetnang born circa 1380 of Tettnang, Donarkreis, DE died 1439.09.08 2411. Kunigunde von Werdenberg born circa 1391 died 1443 2412. Heinrich V, Graf von Fürstenberg-Baar born circa 1380 or pre 1410 of Haslach, DE married 1419 to Anna von Tengen u. Nellenburg died 1441.08.10 2413. Anna von Tengen und Nellenburg born circa 1400 married 1419 to Heinrich V von Fürstenberg-Baar died 1427.04.21 2414. Ulrich, Graf von Matsch [Mätsch?] born circa 1414 2415. Agnes, countess of Kirchberg born circa 1418 2416. Reinhard II, Graf von Hanau Munzenberg born circa 1370 of Hanau, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1407.01.19 to Katharine von Nassau-Beilstein died 1451.06.26 2417. Katharine countess of Nassau-Beilstein born circa 1384 married 1407.01.19 to Reinhard II von Hanau Munzenberg died 1459.09.06 2418. Ludwig V von Lichtenberg born 1417.05.12 (of Lichtenau?) married 1441.02.04 to Elisabeth von Hohenlohe died 1471.02.25 2419. Elisabeth countess of Hohenlohe born circa 1420 of Weikershim, Jagstkreis, DE married 1441.02.04 to Ludwig V von Lichtenberg died 1488.12.24 2420. Diether I, Graf von Isenburg born circa 1385 of Budingen, Oberhessen, DE married 1409.06.02 to Elisabeth von Solms died post 1461.09.14 2421. Elisabeth, countess of Solms born circa 1385 of Braunfels, Rheinland (sic), DE married 1409.06.02 to Diether I von Isenburg died 1450/1.10.18 2422. Johann, Graf von Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein born 1419 of Idstein, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1437.06.17 to Marie von Nassau-Dillenburg in Breda, Noord Brabant, NL died 1480.05.09 2423. Marie, countess of Nassau-Dillenburg born 1418.02.02 in Breda, Noord Brabant, NL married 1437.06.17 to Johann, Graf von Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein in Breda, Noord Brabant, NL died 1472.10.11 2424. Jakob I, Markgraf of Baden (see 512) 2425. Catherine, Princess of Lorraine (see 513) 2426. Ernst I “Ironside”, Duke of Österreich (see 514) 2427. Cymbarka, Princess of Czersk (see 515) 2428. Johann IV, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 516) 2429. Anna, Countess of Katzenelnbogen (see 517) 2430. Eberhard V, Count of Württemberg (see 518) 2431. Henriette, Countess of Montbéliard (see 519) 2432. Johann III, Count of Dhaun born circa 1371 of Dhaun, DE married 1406.10.28 to Adelheid von Kyrburg did 1428 2433. Adelheid, countess of Kyrburg/Kirburg born circa 1389 of Kyrburg, DE married 1406.10.28 to Johann III von Dhaun died 1438.01.06 2434. Reinhard II, Graf von Hanau Munzenberg (see 2416) 2435. Katharine countess of Nassau-Beilstein (see 2417) 2436. Johann III, Count of Salm and Chiney (see 624) 2437. Guillemette (Wilhelmine) de Vergy born circa 1376 of Hardemont, Vosges, FR married 1403.03.20 to Johann III, Count of Salm and Chiney in Hardemont, Vosges, FR died pre 1422 2438. Johan (Jan?) van Rotselaer, 'heer van Haecht, van Retie en van Vosselaar, erfdrossaert van Brabant en voogd van Maastricht'? born 1380? of Rotselaer, Brabant, BE 2439. Marie de Berlaymont/Barlaymont born 1382? 2440. Johann I, Count of Mörs Saarwerden born circa 1384 of Mörs, DE married circa 1419.12.01 to Adelheid von Geroldseck died 1431.07.02 near Bulgneville, Vosges, FR [same as 624/2436 Johann III of Salm & Chiney] 2441. Adelheid von Geroldseck born circa 1396 of Geroldseck, DE married circa 1419.12.01 to Johann I, Count of Mörs Saarwerden died post 1440 2442. Emich VI, Count of Leiningen Hartenburg born circa 1364 of Hardenburg, DE married 1412.07.11 to Beatrix von Baden died 1452 2443. Beatrix, princess of Baden born 1400.06.24 of Hochburg, DE married 1412.07.11 to Emich VI, Count of Leiningen Hartenburg died circa 1431 2444. Heinrich III Vinstingen born pre 1395 married 1422 to Elisabeth Kirburg 2445. Elisabeth Kirburg born pre 1405 2448. Thibaut VII, seigneur de Neufchâtel born circa 1361 married 1373 to Alix de Joinville at Arc-en-Barrois killed in battle 1396.09.28 at Nikopolis, BG 2449. Alix de Joinville, dame de Chatel-sur-Moselle, dame de Bainville married 1373 to Thibaut VII de Neufchâtel died 1413.06, buried Clairlieu 2450. Henri, de Montfaucon or Montbéliard, seigneur d’Orbe (see 1038) 2451. Marie de Chatillon (see 1039) 2456. Jacques de Vergy, seigneur d'Autrey married 1374 to Marguerite de Vufflens died 1398 2457. Marguerite de Duin, dame de Vufflens, dame de la Motte, dame de Champvent married pre 1362 to Aymon III, seigneur de La Sarra (d. circa 1369) married 1369 to Ludwig, Graf von Neuenberg/Louis, comte de Neuchâtel (d. 1373) married 1374 to Jacques de Vergy, sire d'Autrey "Elle fera son testament au château de Champvent, le 24 août 1400." died 1403 2458. Raoul de Gruyère/Greiers?, chevalier 2459. Antoinette de Salins, dame de Vaugrenant died 1443 2464. Ludwig X, Count of Öttingen (see 2464) 2465. Imagine, Css. of Schaunberg (see 2377) 2466. Boleslaw III, prince of Münsterberg (see 2378) 2467. Eufemia (or Ofka), Princess of Beuthen (see 2379) 2468. Guglielmo I della Scala (see 2380) 2469. Onesta Mortone (see 2381) 2470. Hans, Graf von Frauenberg-Haag (see 2382) 2471. Barbara Marschalk von Oberndorf (see 2383) 2472. Johann II von Waldburg (see 2408) 2473. Ursule von Abensberg (see 2409) 2474. Konrad VI von Bickenbach zu Miltenberg (see 2473) 2475. Jutte von Runkel (see 2387) 2476. Eberhard VI, Graf von Kirchberg (see 1186) 2477. Agnes, Countess of Werdenberg-Heiligenberg-Bludenz (see 1187) 2478. Heinrich V, Graf von Fürstenberg-Baar (see 2412) 2479. Anna von Tengen und Nellenburg (see 2413) 2480. Friedrich XI, Graf von Zollern (see 2304) 2481. Adelheid, Countess of Fürstenberg-Haslach (see 2305) 2482. Heinrich VI, Baron of Räzüns (see 2306) 2483 Verena von Stoffeln (see 2307) 2488. Friedrich V Burgrave of Nürnberg (see 1544) 2489. Elisabet of Meissen/princess of Thuringia (see 1545) 2490. Friedrich, Duke of Bavaria-Landshut (see 1546) 2491. Maddalena Visconti (see 1547) 2492. Wartislaw VIII, Duke of Pomerania Wolgast (see 2316) 2493. Agnes, princess of Saxony Lauenburg (see 2317) 2494. Julius I, Count of Wunstorf (see 2318) 2495. Jutte von Diepholz (see 2319) 2560. Amadeo VI, Count of Savoy born 1334.01.04 married 1355 to Bonne de Bourbon died 1383.03.01 2561. Bonne de Bourbon born circa 1340 of Château du Bois de Vincennes, FR? married 1355 to Amadeo VI of Savoy died 1402.01.19 2562. Jean I "le Magnifique", prince of France born 1340.11.30 at the Château du Bois de Vincennes, FR married 1360.06.24 (cont.) with Jeanne d'Armagnac died 1416.03.15 at the Château de Nesles, Paris, FR 2563. Jeanne d'Armagnac born circa 1346 married 1360.06.24 (cont.) with Jean I de France died 1387.03.15 2568. Hugues IV, roi de Chypre [1324-59] 2569. Alix d'Ibelin 2570. Philippe, duc de Brunswick-Grubenhagen died 1421 2584. Charles de Chatillon-Blois, Duc de Bretagne, Comte de Penthievre, Vicomte de Limoges, Seigneur de Guise, de Mayenne, d’Avaugour, de l’Aigle born 1319 married 1337.06.04 to Jeanne de Bretagne killed in Combat 1364.09.29 at Auray? 2585. Jeanne de Bretagne, Comtesse de Penthievre et Duchesse de Bretagne born 1319 married 1337.06.04 to Charles de Chatillon-Blois died 1384.09.10 2594. John “of Gaunt”, Prince of England born 1340.03 in Abbaye de St Bavon, Ghent, BE married 1359.05.19 to Blanche Plantagenet in Reading, Berkshire, England died 1398/99.02.03 at Leicester Castle, Leicester, England 2664. Adolf II, Graf von der Marck married 1332 to Margaret of Cleves died 1347 2665. Margaret of Cleves married 1332 to Adolf II von der Marck 2681. Isabelle, Comtesse de Foix 3010. Jean II, sire de Rieux et de Fougeray, Marechal de France died 1417.09.07 at Château Rochefort 3011. Jeanne, dame de Rochefort et d'Ancenis died 1423.03.03 3024. Philippe d'Harcout born 1355 married 1374 to Jeanne de Tilly died 1403 3025. Jeanne de Tilly married 1374 to Philippe d'Harcourt 3026. Jean V Malet, seigneur de Graville died post 1448 3027. Jeanne de Bellengues 3028. Hugues III d'Arpajon, vicomte de Lautrec died circa 1437 3029. Jeanne de Sévérac 3030. Guy II de Chauvigny, vicomte de Brosse married post 1459.05.22 to Antoinette de Cousan died 1422.08.20 at Château de Cluis-Dessous 3031. Antoinette de Cousan 3060. Pierre I de Luxembourg-St. Pol et de Brienne (see 1040) 3061. Marguerite de Baux (see 1041) 3064. Robert de Bournonville dit "Le Roux", seigneur de la Vallée Capitaine du château de Desurenne et Brunemberg, seigneur Winterthun, Cocquarderie He served the Duke of Burgundy killed 1436 in the Battle of Ardres 3065. Adelis de Flahaut, dame de la Valée et de la Cocquarderie 3066. Robert de Fiennes dit "de la mothe", Baron de Bellebrune 3067. Catherine de Crequi ***** begin svenska records 3072. Erich I, Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg, born 1275, died 1359. Married 1316 to 3073. Elisabet of Pomerania, born 1290 ca, died 1349 16/10. 3074. Johann III Count of Holstein, born 1297 ca, died 1359 27/9. Married 1327 9/8 to 3075. Miroslawa of Schwerin-Wittenberg, born 1300 ca. Alive in 1368. 3076. Magnus I, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg, born 1304, died 1369. Married 1327 ca to 3077. Sofia of Brandenburg, born 1305 ca, died 1356. 3078. Bernhard III, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg, born 1300 ca, died 1348 20/8. Married 1339 to 3079. Mat hilda of Anhalt-Zerbst, born 1310 ca. Alive in 1354. 3080. Wartislaw IV, Duke of Pomerania in Wolgast, born 1291, died 1326 1/8 in Stralsund. Married to 3081. Elisabet of Lindau-Ruppin, died 1350/56. 3082. Ernst I, Duke of Braunschweig-Osterode, born 1297 ca, died 1361 11/3. Married 1335 ca to 3083. Adelheid of Everstein, born 1324 ca. Alive in 1373. 3084. Gerhard III Count of Holstein, Duke of Schleswig, born 1292, died 1340 1/4 in Randers. Riksbefore ståndare in Denmark. Married 1315 to 3085. Sofia of Werle, born 1298. Alive in 1339. 3086. Albrecht II, Duke of Mecklenburg, born 1318, died 1379 18/2 in Schwerin. Married 1336 10/4 in Rostock to 3087. Eufemia of Sweden, born 1317, died 1370 16/6. 3088. Johann II Burgrave of Nürnberg born circa 1310 of Nürnberg, DE married pre 1333.03.03 to Elisabeth von Henneberg-Schleusingen died 1357.10.07 3089. Elisabeth von Henneberg-Schleusingen born circa 1289 of Schleusingen, Sachsen, DE married pre 1333.03.03 to Johann II Burgrave of Nürnberg died circa 1377/1391 3090. Friedrich II "der Ernsthafte", Margrave of Meissen/Landgrave of Thuringia born 1310.11.30 in Gotha, DE married 1328.07.01 to Matilda von Bayern in Nürnberg, DE died 1349.11.18 in Wartburg, DE 3091. Mathilda von Bayern born 1309 of München married 1328.07.01 to Friedrich II von Meissen died 1346.07.02 in Wartburg or Meissen, DE 3092. Stefan II, Graf von Bayern born 1313.12.22 or 1316.12.22 of München, DE married 1328.06.27 to Isabella di Sicilia died 1375.05.10 in Landshut, Bayern, DE 3093. Isabella di Sicilia/Elisabetta of Sicilien born 1310 of Palermo, Sicilia, IT married 1328.06.27 to Stefan II von Bayern died 1349.03.31 probably in Landshut, Bayern, DE 3094. Barnabo di’ Visconti (see 2058) 3095. Beatrice della Scala (see 2059) 3096. Friedrich II "der Ernsthafte", Margrave of Meissen = 210 3097. Mathilda of Bavaria = 211 3098. Heinrich VIII Count of Henneberg-Schleusingen, born 1300 ca, died 1347 10/9. Married 1317 ../8 to 3099. Jutta of Brandenburg, born 1301 ca, died 1353 1/2. 3100. Magnus II, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg = 98 3101. Katarinaof Anhalt-Bernburg = 99 3102. Wartislaw VI, Duke of Pomerania in Barth, born 1345, died 1394 13/6. Married 1363 4/4 to 3103. Anna of Mecklenburg, born 1346. Alive in 1397. 3104. Magnus II, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg = 98 3105. Katarinaof Anhalt-Bernburg = 99 3106. Wartislaw VI, Duke of Pomerania in Barth = 222 3107. Anna of Mecklenburg = 223 3108. Friedrich V Bggr of Nürnberg = 104 3109. Elisabet of Meissen = 105 3110. Friedrich, Duke of Bavaria-Landshut = 106 3111. Maddalena Visconti = 107 3112. Otto I Count of Stolberg, born 1305 ca, died 1338. Married to 3113. NN of Hohnstein-Heldrungen. 3114. Albrecht II Count of Mansfeld, born 1328, died 1361/1362. Married to 3115. Jutta of Schwarzburg-Blankenburg, died 1361 30/6. 3116. Günther XXIX Count of Schwarzburg-Blankenburg, born 1352, died 1416 17/6. Married 1375 to 3117. Anna of Leuchtenberg, born 1354, died 1423 24/1. 3118. Friedrich, Duke of Braunschweig, born 1365 ca, died 1400 5/6. Married 1386 to 3119. Anna of Saxony, born 1370 ca, died 1440. 3120. Wartislaw VI, Duke of Pomerania in Barth = 222 3121. Anna of Mecklenburg = 223 3124. Erich II, Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg = 96 3125. Agnes of Holstein = 97 3126. Magnus II, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg = 98 3127. Katarina of Anhalt-Bernburg = 99 3128. Bogislaw V, Duke of Pomerania in Stolp = 100 3129. Adelheid of Braunschweig = 101 3130. Heinrich II "den järnhårde" Count of Holstein = 102 3131. Ingeborg of Mecklenburg = 103 3132. Ziemowit III "Starszy", Prince of Masovien, born 1310 ca, died 1381 16/6. Married 1335 to 3133. Eufemia of Troppau, born 1319 ca, died 1359. 3134. Olgierd St, Prince of Litauen, born 1296, died 1377 ../5. Married 1349 to 3135. Juliana of Tver, born 1330 ca, died 1392. ***** end svenska records 3296. Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania born circa 1260 of Vilnius, LT died 1341/2 3297. Olga Vsevolodna, Princess of Smolensk born circa 1270 3298. Aleksandr I Mikhailovich, Grand Duke of Tver and Vladimir born 1301.10.07 of Tver, RU married 1320 to Anastasiya Yurevna, Princess of Galicia died 1339.10.22 3299. Anastasiya Yurevna, Princess of Galicia born circa 1295 of Pskov, RU married 1320 to Aleksandr I Mikhailovich, Grand Duke of Tver and Vladimir died 1365 3300. Ivan, Prince of Golshany born circa 1340 of Golshany, BY married circa 1362 to Agrippina Svyatoslavna, pss. of Smolensk died 1401 3301. Agrippina Svyatoslavna of Smolensk born circa 1342 of Smolensk, RU married circa 1340 to Ivan of Golshany 3302. Dymitr Ivanovich, prince Drucki 3304. Albrecht III "the Braided", Duke of Österreich born 1348.09.09 of Wien, AT married 1375.03.04 to Beatrix von Nürnberg died 1395.08.29 in Laxenburg, AT 3305. Beatrix, Burgravine of Nürnberg born circa 1362 of Nürnberg married 1375.03.04 to Albrecht III von Österreich died 1414.06.10 bei Wien, AT 3306. Albrecht I, Duke of Bayern born 1336.07.25 in München, Bayern, DE married 1353.07.28 to Malgorzata of Brieg in Passau, Bayern, DE died 1404.12.13 in 's Gravenhage, Zuid Holland, NL 3307. Malgorzata princess of Brieg born circa 1340 of Brieg, DE married 1353.07.28 to Albrecht I von Bayern in Passau, Bayern, DE died 1386.02.26 in 's Gravenhage, Zuid Holland, NL 3308. Karel IV (Vacvel Karel), Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire born 1316.05.14 in Praha, CZ married 1363.05 to Elisabeth of Pomerania died 1378.11.29 in Praha, CZ 3309. Elisabeth, princess of Pomerania born circa 1345/47 of Slupsk, Koszalin, PL married 1363.05 to Karel IV (Vacvel Karel), Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire died 1393.02.14/15 3310. Hermann II, Count of Cilli-Ortenburg born circa 1365 of Celje, SL married 1377 to Anna von Schaunberg died 1435.10.13 in Pozsony, HU 3311. Anna, Countess of Schaunberg born circa 1358 married 1377 to Hermann II of Cilli-Ortenburg died 1396 3352. Petr "Pešek" z Vrtby died "KOL" 1390 3384. Henryk VIII of Glogau born circa 1345 died 1397.03.14 3385. Katarzyna of Oppeln [Katharina von Schlesien-Oppeln] born ca 1365 of Opole, PL married pre 1388.06.25 to Henryk VIII of Glogau died 1420.06.06 3480. Petr "Pešek" z Vrtby (see 3352) 4095. Last person in this generation Generation 13 --------------------------------------------------------------- 4096. Friederich III “the Pacific”, Markgraf of Baden (1348-53) born circa 1327 married circa 1345 to Margareta of Baden died 1353.09.02 4097. Margareta of Baden married circa 1345 to Friedrich III of Baden died 1367.09.01 4098. Johann III von Sponheim married 1331 to Mathilde, Countess Palatine of the Rhine died 1398 4099. Mathilde, Countess Palatine of the Rhine married 1331 to Johann III von Sponheim died 1375 4100. Ludwig X, Count of Öttingen (see 2376) 4101. Imagine, Css. of Schaunberg (see 2377) 4102. Ulrich X (XI), Count of Helfenstein born circa 1314 of Wiesensteig, DE married pre 1352.04.26 to Marija Kotromanic died 1372.05.05 4103. Marija Kotromanic born circa 1333 of Vrh Bosna, Bosnia Hercegovina, BA married pre 1352.04.26 to Ulrich X (XI), Count of Helfenstein died 1403.04.27 4104. Raoul, Duke of Lorraine born < 1319 in Nancy, FR 4105. Marie de Chatillon 4106. Eberhard III "der Rauschebart", Graf von Württemberg (1344-1392) born 1315 of Stuttgart, DE married 1340 to Elisabeth, Css. of Henneburg-Schleusingen died 1392.03.15 4107. Elisabeth, Css. of Henneburg-Schleusingen born circa 1320 of Schleusingen, Sachsen, DE married 1340 to Eberhard III, Count of Württemberg died 1389.03.30 or 1393.04.01 4108. Ruprecht II, Count Palatine of the Rhein born 1325.05.12 in Amberg, Oberpfalz, Bayern, DE married 1345.05.14 to Beatrice, Pss. of Sicily in IT died 1398.01.06 in Amberg, Oberpfalz, Bayern, DE 4109. Beatrice, Pss. of Sicily born 1326 of Corneto, Viterbo, IT married 1345.05.14 to Ruprecht II, Count Palatine of the Rhein in IT died 1365.10.12 probably in Heidelberg, DE 4110. Friedrich V, Burgrave of Nürnberg born circa 1332 of Nürnberg, DE married 1350.09.07 to Elisabeth of Thuringia in Jena, DE died 1398.01.21 in Plassenburg, Bayern, DE 4111. Elisabeth of Thuringia born 1329.11.22 in Wartburg, DE married 1350.09.07 to Friedrich V, Burgrave of Nürnberg in Jena, DE died 1375.04.21 4112. Albrecht I, King of the Germans born 1248.07 of Habsburg, Aargau, CH married 1274.12.20 to Elisabetha, Pss. of Kärnten at Nürnberg, DE died 1308.12.20 bei Brugg, Aargau, CH 4113. Elisabetha, Pss. of Kärnten (Carinthia) born 1263 of Kärnten married 1274.12.20 to Albrecht I, King of the Germans at Nürnberg, DE died 1313.10.29 at Königsfeld Stift 4114. Ulrich III, Count of Pfirt born “< 1274 of Montbeliard, Doubs, FR” 4115. Jean de Chalon-Montbeliard born “< 1278 of Ferrette, Haut-Rhin, FR” 4116. Stefano Visconti, Lord of Milano and Arona (sic) born circa 1282/89 of Milano, IT married 1318 to Valentina Doria died 1327.07.04 in Milano 4117. Valentina Doria born circa 1293 of Milano, IT married 1318 to Stefano Visconti died 1359 in Milano, IT 4118. Mastino II della Scala, Lord of Verona, Vicenzo, Brescia, Parma and Lucca born 1308 in Verona, IT married 1328.09.01 to Taddea de Carrara in Venezia, IT died 1351.06.02 or 3 in Verona, IT 4119. Taddea de Carrara born circa 1304 married 1328.09.01 to Mastino II della Scala in Venezia, IT died 1375 in Verona, IT 4120. Trojden I, Prince of Sochaczew born circa 1285 of Sochaczew, Warszawa, PL married circa 1309 to Mariya, Princess of Galicia Vladimir died 1341.03.13 4121. Mariya, Princess of Galicia Vladimir born circa 1288 of Halicz, Stanislav, UA married circa 1309 to Trojden I, Prince of Sochaczew died 1341.01.11 4122. Mikulas II, Prince of Troppau born circa 1288 of Opava, CZ married circa 1318 to Anna, Princess of Ratibor died 1365.12.08 4123. Anna, Princess of Ratibor born circa 1298 of Raciborz, Opole, PL married circa 1318 to Mikulas II, Prince of Troppau died pre 1340.08.22 4124. Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania (see 3296) 4125. Olga Vsevolodna, Princess of Smolensk (see 3297) 4126. Aleksandr I Mikhailovich, Grand Duke of Tver and Vladimir (see 3298) 4127. Anastasiya Yurevna, Princess of Galicia (see 3299) 4128. Gerhard, Count of Katzenelnbogen born circa 1274 of Katzenelnbogen, Hessen, DE married 1299.01.25 to Margarethe, Countess of the Mark 4129. Margarethe, Countess of the Mark born circa 1278 married 1299.01.25 to Gerhard, Count of Katzenelnbogen 4130. Johann I, Count of Isenburg-Limburg born circa 1252 of Limburg A.d. Lahn, Hessen, DE died 1312.09.29 4131. Elisabeth von Geroldseck born circa 1268 of Veldenz, DE 4132. Gerlach I, Count of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein born circa 1286 of Nassau, Hessen, DE married pre 1307.05.18 to Agnes, Princess of Hessen in München, DE died 1361.01.07 4133. Agnes, Princess of Hessen born circa 1292 of Marburg, DE married pre 1307.05.18 to Gerlach I, C. of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein in München, DE died 1332.01.13 4134. Friedrich IV, Burgrave of Nürnberg born post 1287.08.15 married pre 1307.08.02 to Margarethe, Princess of Carinthia died 1332.05.19 4135. Margarethe, Princess of Carinthia born circa 1290 of Karnten, AT died 1348.06.26 4136. Diether V, Count of Katzenelnbogen born circa 1225 of Lichtenberg, Starkenberg, Hessen, DE married circa 1261 to Margarethe, Countess of Julich died 1276.01.13 4137. Margarethe, Countess of Julich born circa 1238 of Julich, DE married circa 1261 to Diether V, Count of Katzenelnbogen died 1292/93.10.12 4138. Otto I, Count of Waldeck born circa 1262 of Waldeck, DE married pre 1276.11.24 to Sofie, Princess of Hessen 4139. Sofie, Princess of Hessen born circa 1264 of Marburg, DE died post 1331.08.12 4142. Emich I, Count of Nassau-Hadamar born circa 1271 of Nassau, DE married pre 1297.01.03 to Anna Burgravine of Nürnberg died 1334.06.07 4143. Anna Burgravine of Nürnberg born circa 1280 of Nürnberg married pre 1297.01.03 to Emich I, Count of Nassau-Hadamar died post 1355.03 4144. Eberhard III, Count of Württemberg (see 4106) 4145. Elisabeth, Css. of Henneburg-Schleusingen (see 4107) 4146. Ludwig IV "der Bayer", Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (1314-1328-1347), Graf von Bayern born 1282.04.01 in München, DE married 1324.02.25 or 26 to Margaretha, Countess of Holland in Köln, DE died 1347.10.11 in Kloster Fürstenfeld, Fürstenfeldbruck, Oberbayern, DE 4147. Margaretha, Countess of Holland, Zeeland and Hainault born 1311 of Le Quesnoy, Nord, FR married 1324.02.25 to Ludwig IV, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in Köln, DE died 1356.06.23 in Le Quesnoy, Nord, FR 4148. Stefano Visconti (see 4116) 4149. Valentina Doria (see 4117) 4150. Mastino II della Scala (see 4118) 4151. Taddea de Carrara (see 4119) 4152. Henri I de Montfaucon, Count of Moempelgard (Montbeliard) married 1320.04.24? to Agnes de Bourgogne died pre 1367.12.05 4153. Agnes de Bourgogne, Comtesse de Montbeliard born circa 1295 married 1320.04.24? to Henri I de Montfaucon died 1377.11.02 4154. Jean II de Chalon, Sire d'Arlay d'Arguel et de Cuiseaux married pre 1332 to Marguerite de Mello died circa 1362.02.25 4155. Marguerite de Mello married pre 1332 to Jean II de Chalon died 1350.12.24 4156.Guy de Châtillon, vicomte de Blaigny and/or Sire de La Fere married circa 1324 to Marie de Lorraine died 1362.10.02 4157. Marie de Lorraine married circa 1324 to Guy de Châtillon buried Igny 4158. Guillaume, seigneur de Coucy married 1311.05 to Isabeau de Châtillon died 1355 4159. Isabeau de Châtillon married 1311.05 to Guillaume de Coucy died post 1351 4160. Guy de Luxembourg born "< 1337" 4161. Mahaut de Chatillon born "< 1339 " 4162. Louis de Enghien born circa 1335 of Bassily, Hainault, BE died 1394.03.17 4163. Giovanna di San Severino born circa 1340 ? died post 1393? 4164. Bertrand III des Baux died pre 1350 4165. Margaret d'Aulnay died pre 1350 4166. Nicola Orsini/Nicholas des Ursins born 1331 died 1398? 4167. Jeanne/Giovanna de Sabran born "< 1322" died 1379? 4168. Robert de Bar born circa 1337 in Bar-le-Duc, FR married 1364.06.04 to Marie, princess of France in Bar-le-Duc, FR died 1411 4169. Marie, princess of France (dau. of King Jean II of France and Jutte of Bohemia) born 1344.09.18 in St-Germain-en-Laye, FR married 1364.06.04 to Robert de Bar in Bar-le-Duc, FR died 1404.10.15 4170. Enguerrand VII de Coucy born 1342 of Coucy-le-Château, Aisne, FR married 1365.07.27 to Isabel, princess of England in Windsor, Berkshire, England died 1397.02.18 in Bursa, TR Note: he is mentioned prominently in “A Distant Mirror” by Barbara Tuchman 4171. Isabel, princess of England (dau. of King Edward III of Eng. and Philippa d'Avesnes) born 1332.06.16 in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England married 1365.07.27 to Enguerrand VII de Coucy in Windsor, Berkshire, England died pre 1379.05.04 at Grey Friars, Newgate, Middlesex, England 4172. Jean I de Bethune born circa 1320 died 1373 4173. Jeanne Marie de Coucy born circa 1325 died 1386 4174. Jean de Ghistelles, sgr Ingelmunster died 1415? at ?Azincourt, FR? 4175. Jeanne de Châtillon 4176. Guillaume II de Croy born circa 1315 of Airaines, FR married 1345 to Isabeau de Renty died 1384.03 4177. Isabeau de Renty, born circa 1322 of Renty 4178. Jean I de Craon, Seigneur de Dommart born circa 1334 of ?Laon, Aisne, FR? 4179. Marie de Châtillon 4184. Friedrich III, Count of Mörs Saarwerden born circa 1354 of Mörs, DE married circa 1376.09.10 to Walburg, Countess of Saarwerden (sic) died post 1417.05.12 4185. Walburg, Countess of Saarwerden (sic) born circa 1358 married circa 1376.09.10 to Friedrich III, Count of Mörs Saarwerden died 1418.10.23 4186. Adolf III von der Marck (I of Cleves), [Archbishop of Köln (1363-64)] (see 1332) 4187. Margaret of Jülich (see 1333) 4188. Ruprecht III "Clem", King of the Germans (see 2054) 4189. 1670925. Elisabeth, Burgravine of Nürnberg (see 2055) 4190. Friedrich III, Count of Veldenz born circa 1372 married circa 1393 to Margarethe of Nassau 4191. Margarethe, Countess of Nassau born circa 1372 married circa 1393 to Friedrich III of Veldenz died 1427.01.22 4192. Jean d'Estouteville, s. de Torcy married circa 1351 to Jeanne de Fiennes killed 1356.09.18 at battle of Poitiers, FR 4193. Jeanne de Fiennes married circa 1351 to Jean d'Estouteville 4200. Robert III de Loré 4208. Prigent de Coëtivy 4209. Catherine de Romadec 4210. Alain de Greven 4212. Guillaume du Chastel 4213. Alix de Lesourny 4214. Guillaume du Lescoët 4215. Typhaine de Kerenrais 4216. Charles V de Valois, King of France (1364-1380) born 1337.01.21 at Vincennes, FR died 1380.09.16 at Beauté-sur-Marne, FR 4217. Jeanne de Bourbon 4218. Étienne de Bavière-Ingolstadt 4219. Taddea Visconti 4222. Raoul de Maignelais 4228. Nils Jonsson Rickby-ätten born circa 1278 of Rickeby, Stockholm, SE lived at Rickeby, Vidbo parish died circa 1316/19 4229. Kristina Kriestiernsdotter born circa 1282 of Oland, SE died post 1349.04.13 4230. Kettil Ragnvaldsson Puke born circa 1284 of Ostergotland, SE died post 1336 4232. Johan Krummedige born circa 1294 in DE 4234. Peder Skram born circa 1302 in DK? 4235. Edel Saltensee born circa 1280 in DK? 4238. Nicolaus Limbek born circa 1312 in DK? 4239. Ide born circa 1315 in DK? **** added from Svenska 4240. Magnus Sture. Knight. Mentioned 1356-1391. Married before 1356 to 4241. KatarinaAlgotsdotter. died before 1379. 4242. Bo Bosson (Natt o Dag), died 1389/1391. Knight, Councillor of the Realm in Ringshult, Torpa parish. Mentioned 1339-1389. 4244. Johan Hemmingsson (Lejonansikte). Knight in Ringhult, Fagerhult parish. Mentioned 1333-1349. Married to 4245. Ingeborg Anundsdotter (Ving-ätten). Alive in 1346. **** added from svenska 4248. Bengt Turesson Bielke born circa 1291 of Krakerum, Monsteras, Kalmar, SE 4249. Ingeborg Magnusdotter Lejon born circa 1307 died in Vadstena, Ostergotland, SE 4250. Arvid Gustafsson Sparre born circa 1310 of Wik, Balingsta, Uppsala, SE died circa 1379/80 4251. Elena Magnusdotter Sparre born circa 1315 of Wik, Balingsta, Uppsala, SE 4252. Ulf Abjornsson Sparre born circa 1279 of Tofta, Adelso, Uppsala, SE died pre 1350.03.07 4253. Christina Sigmundsdotter born circa 1295 4254. Israel Birgersson Brahe born circa 1314 in Finsta Skedevid, Ostergotland, SE died pre 1351.05.10 in Riga, LV 4255. Bengta Karlsdotter Farla born circa 1309 **** beginning of svenksa 4258. Johan Magnusson (oä Folkunge). Knight, superior judge in Västmanland in Benhamra, Vada parish. Mentioned 1328-1340. 4260. Olof Kase, died 1348/1350. Biskops Bailiff . Married to 4261. Kristina Siggesdotter. Alive in 1350. 4262. Bengt Nilsson (Oxenstierna). Knight, Councillor of the Realm in Ängsö, Ängsö parish. Mentioned 1357-1373. Married to 4263. Ingeborg Nilsdotter (Sparre of Tofta), died 1370/1377. 4268. Tomas Andersson (Årby-ätten). Alive in 1368. 4274. Anders Tomasson (Årby-ätten) = 86 4277. Ingrid Olofsdotter. Alive in 1381. 4278. Nils Petersson (Länna-ätten). Circuit judge, undersuperior judge in Länna, Almunge parish. Alive in 1398. 4280. Harald Ernilsson (Gren). Mentioned 1343-1360. Married to 4281. Torkelsdotter 4282. Nils Magnusson, died 1361/68. Councillor of the Realm. Mentioned 1335-1361. Married to 4283. Kristina Ivarsdotter. 4284. Heyne van Vitzen. Esquire. Alive in 1399. Married to 4285. Sigrid Bengtsdotter (Bielke), died 1392. 4286. Henning Königsmark, died 1415/16. Knight. **** end of svenska 4608. Friedrich, Graf von Zollern born circa 1320 of Zollern, DE married pre 1343.02.01 to Margarethe, Countess of Hohenberg Wildberg died post 1364.12.16 4609. Margarethe, Countess of Hohenberg Wildberg born circa 1320/24 of Hohenberg, Schwarzwaldkreis, DE married pre 1343.02.01 to Friedrich, Graf von Zollern buried at Kloster Stetten 4610. Hugo, Count of Fürstenberg born circa 1328 of Haslach, DE married 1347 to Adelheid von Krenkingen died 1371.05.24 4611. Adelheid von Krenkingen born circa 1322 of Krenkingen, DE married 1347 to Hugo, Count of Fürstenberg died pre 1359.07.15 4612. Ulrich Brun II von Räzüns died circa 1414, 1415, or 1417.02.14 4613. Elisabeth von Werdenberg-Heiligenberg born circa 1367 died circa 1397.10.15 or 1417? 4624. Johann II, Burgrave of Nürnberg (see 3088) 4625. Elisabeth, Countess of Henneberg (see 3089) 4626. Friedrich II, Landgrave of Thuringia (see 3090) 4627. Mathilde, princess of Bayern (see 3091) 4628. Stefan II, Graf von Bayern-Landshut (see 3092) 4629. Isabella, princess of Sicily (see 3093) 4630. Barnabo di’ Visconti (see 2058) 4631. Beatrice della Scala (see 2059) 4632. Wartislaw VI, Duke of Pomerania Barth Wolgast born ca 1345 of Wologoszcz, Szczecin, PL married 1363.04.04 to Anna, princess of Mecklenburg Stargard died 1394.06.13 4633. Anna, princess of Mecklenburg Stargard born circa 1350 of Stargard, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, DE married 1363.04.04 to Wartislaw VI, Duke of Pomerania Barth Wolgast died post 1397 4634. Erich IV, Duke of Saxony Lauenburg Ratzeburg (see 768) 4635. Sofie, Princess of Braunschweig (-Lüneburg?) (see 769) 4636. Ludolf IV (III), Count of Wunstorf born circa 1310 of Wunstorf, Hannover, DE married pre 1377 died post 1391 4637. Richza von Homburg born circa 1330 4638. Johann von Diepholz born circa 1343 of Diepholz, DE died 1422 4639. Kunigunde, Countess of Oldenburg born circa 1356/69 of Oldenburg, DE 4672. Rudolf VI, Markgraf of Baden (see 2048) 4673. Matilde von Sponheim (see 2049) 4674. Ludwig XI, Count of Öttingen (see 2050) 4675. Beatrix, Countess of Helfenstein (see 2051) 4676. Jean, Duke of Lorraine (see 2052) 4677. Sofie, Countess of Württemberg (see 2053) 4678. Ruprecht III “Clem” King of the Germans (see 2054) 4679. Elisabeth, Burgravine of Nürnberg (see 2055) 4680. Albrecht II “the wise”, Duke of Österreich (see 2056) 4681. Johanne, Countess of Pfirt (see 2057) 4682. Barnabo di’ Visconti (see 2058) 4683. Beatrice della Scala (see 2059) 4684. Ziemowit III, Prince of Mazovia (see 2060) 4685. Eufemia, Princess of Troppau (see 2061) 4686. Algirdas, Grand Duke of Lithuania (see 1648) 4687. Yuliyana Aleksandrovna, Princess of Tver (see 1649) 4688. Johann II, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 2064) 4689. Elisabeth von Isenburg-Limburg (see 2065) 4690. Adolf I, Count of Nassau-Wiebaden-Idstein (see 2066) 4691. Margarethe, Burgravine of Nürnberg (see 2067) 4692. Wilhelm I, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 2068) 4693. Adelheid, Countess of Waldeck (see 2069) 4694. Gerhard VII Dietz (see 2070) 4695. Jutte, Countess of Nassau (see 2071) 4696. Ulrich, Count of Württemberg (see 2072) 4697. Elisabeth, Princess of Bayern (see 2073) 4698. Barnabo di’ Visconti (see 2058) 4699. Beatrice della Scala (see 2059) 4700. Etienne, Comte de Montbeliard (see 2076) 4701. Marguerite de Chalon (see 2077) 4702. Gaucher de Châtillon, vicomte de Blaigny (see 2078) 4703. "Marie" or Jeanne de Coucy, dame de Condé en Brie (see 2079) 4704. Johann II Burgrave of Nürnberg (see 3088) 4705. Elisabet of Henneberg-Schleusingen (see 3089) 4706. Friedrich II "der Ernsthafte", Margrave of Meissen/Landgrave of Thuringia (see 3090) 4707. Mathilda of Bavaria (see 3091) 4708. Stefan II, Duke of Bavaria (see 3092) 4709. Elisabetta of Sicilien/Isabella, princess of Sicily (see 3093) 4710. Barnabo di’ Visconti (see 2058) 4711. Beatrice della Scala (see 2059) 4712. Friedrich III "der Strenge", Margrave of Meissen (see 1548) 4713. Katarina of Henneberg-Schleusingen (see 1549) 4714. Heinrich II, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg (see 1550) 4715. Sofia of Pomerania (see 1551) 4716. Leopold III, Duke of Österreich (see 1028) 4717. Verde Visconti (see 1029) 4718. Ziemowit IV, P. of Czersk (see 1030) 4719. Aleksandra, Princess of Lithuania (see 1031) 4720. Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania (see 3296) 4721. Olga Vsevolodna, Princess of Smolensk (see 3297) 4722. Aleksandr I Mikhailovich, Grand Duke of Tver and Vladimir (see 3298) 4723. Anastasiya Yurevna, Princess of Galicia (see 3299) 4724. Ivan, Prince of Golshany (see 3300) 4725. Agrippina Svyatoslavna of Smolensk (see 3301) 4726. Dymitr Ivanovich, prince Drucki (see 3302) 4728. Albrecht III "the Braided", Duke of Österreich (see 3304) 4729. Beatrix, Burgravine of Nürnberg (see 3305) 4730. Albrecht I, Duke of Bayern (see 3306) 4731. Malgorzata princess of Brieg (see 3307) 4732. Karel IV (Vacvel Karel), Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (see 3308) 4733. Elisabeth, princess of Pomerania (see 3309) 4734. Hermann II, Count of Cilli-Ortenburg (see 3310) 4735. Anna, Countess of Schaunberg (see 3311) 4738. Johann I (de Montfort?), Graf von Werdenberg in Sargans married 1367.04.05 to Anna von Räzüns died 1400 4739. Anna von Räzüns 4744. Wilhelm II, Graf von Kirchberg died 1357 or 1370.09.01 4745. Anna von Aichheim died 1369 4746. Burchard VIII von Hohenberg Wildberg died circa 1381 4747. Anna von Hohenlohe-Brauneck-Brauneck [or less probably Verena von Habsburg Laufenberg] died 1365 4748. Albrecht II, Graf von Werdenberg Heiligenburg Rheinegg born circa 1323 married pre 1344.07.05 to Agnes von Nürnberg died circa 1371.07.06-1373.01.22 4749. Agnes, Burgravine of Nürnberg born circa 1318 married pre 1344.07.05 to Albrecht II, Graf von Werdenberg Heiligenburg Rheinegg died pre 1364.02.20 4750. Heinrich VII, Graf von Schaunberg married pre 1362.01.09 to Ursula de Görlitz died 1390.10.09 4751. Ursula, comtesse de Görlitz married pre 1362.01.09 to Heinrich VII, Graf von Schaunberg died post 1383 4752. Friedrich II, Graf von Öttingen born circa 1296 married pre 1332.12.20 to Adelheid von Werd died 1357.10.14 4753. Adelheid, Countess of Werd born circa 1306 of Woerth-sur-Sauer, B-Rhin, FR married pre 1332.12.20 to Friedrich II von Öttingen died 1387.01.22 or 02.16 4754. Heinrich, Graf von Schaunberg born circa 1310 4755. Anna, Countess of Truhendingen born circa 1314 4756. Mikolaj, Prince of Münsterberg born circa 1324 of Ziebice, PL married pre 1343.10.23 to Anezka Krusinova died 1358.04.23 4757. Anezka Krusinova born circa 1328 of Lichtenberg, Varnsdorf, CZ married pre 1343.10.23 to Mikolaj, Prince of Münsterberg died 1370.07.16 4758. Boleslaw, prince of Kosel Beuthen born 1313 of Kozielno, Opole, PL married pre 1347.03.02 to Marketa Ze Sternberka died pre 1355.10.04 4759. Marketa ze Sternberka born circa 1322/27 of Zabreh, CZ married pre 1347.03.02 to Boleslaw of Kosel Beuthen died post 1358.05.08 4760. Congrande II della Scalla, Lord of Verona & Vicenza born 1332.06.07/8 in Verona, IT murdered by his brother 1359.12.14 in Verona, IT 4768. Eberhard VIII von Erbach born circa 1320 married circa 1347 to Elisabeth von Katzenelnbogen died 1373.09.03 4769. Elisabeth, Countess of Katzenelnbogen born 1328 married circa 1347 to Eberhard VIII von Erbach died post 1385 4770. Hartmut IV von Kronberg born circa 1338 married pre 1355.03.24 to Adelheid von Nassau 4771. Adelheid, Countess of Nassau born circa 1342 of Beilstein? married pre 1355.03.24 to Hartmut IV von Kronberg died 1365 4772. Conrad IV von Bickenbach born circa 1339 died 1374.10.16 4773. Christine von Hohenberg ob der Wern born circa 1357 died circa 1365 4774. Dietrich III von Runkel born circa 1330 of Runkel, Hessen-Nassau, DE died post 1405 4775. Jutte, Countess of Sayn-Homburg-Vallendar or of Sayn Wittgenstein born circa 1340 4776. Kraft III von Hohenlohe-Weikersheim born circa 1315 married circa 1340 to Anna von Leuchtenberg died 1371.11.16 4777. Anna, princess of Leuchtenberg born circa 1327 married circa 1340 to Kraft III von Hohenlohe-Weikersheim died 1433 4778. Ulrich V, Graf von Hanau 4779. Elisabeth, Countess of Ziegenhain 4780. Ludwig X, Count of Öttingen (see 2376) 4781. Imagine, Css. of Schaunberg (see 2377) 4782. Boleslaw III, prince of Münsterberg (see 2378) 4783. Eufemia (or Ofka), Princess of Beuthen (see 2379) 4784. Eberhard I, Graf von Werdenberg Trochtelfingen born circa 1319 of Trochtelfingen died 1383.05.27 4785. Sofia von Geroldseck Lahr born circa 1321 died by 1391 4788. Ulrich, Count of Württemberg (see 2072) 4789. Elisabeth, Princess of Bayern (see 2073) 4790. Johann III, Count of Hohenzollern born circa 1369 of Nürnberg, DE married pre 1381.05.25 to Marketa, princess of Bohemia died 1420.06.11 in Plassenberg, Bayern, DE 4791. Marketa, princess of Bohemia born 1373.09.29 of Praha, CZ married pre 1381.05.25 to Johann III, Count of Hohenzollern died 1410.06.04 4792. Bernhard I, Markgraf of Baden (see 1024) 4793. Anna, Countess of Öttingen (see 1025) 4794. Charles I, Duke of Lorraine (see 1026) 4795. Margarethe, Princess of Germany (see 1027) 4796. Leopold III, Duke of Österreich (see 1028) 4797. Verde Visconti (see 1029) 4798. Ziemowit IV, P. of Czersk (see 1030) 4799. Aleksandra, Princess of Lithuania (see 1031) 4800. Heinrich II, Graf von Eberstein born circa 1294 of Eberstein, DE married circa 1335 to Margarethe von Öttingen died pre 1367 4801. Margarethe countess of Öttingen born circa 1369 of Öttingen, DE married circa 1335 to Heinrich II von Eberstein died circa 1393 4802. Eberhard VIII von Erbach (see 4768) 4803. Elisabeth, Countess of Katzenelnbogen (see 4769) 4804. Burkard II von Vinstingen born 1358 4805. Elisabeth von Rappoltstein born circa 1358/71 died 1381.01.17 4806. Johann IV "the Elder" von Lichtenberg born 1349.12.20 of Lichtenberg, Bas-Rhin, FR married 1370 to Lorette von Zweibrucken-Bitsch died 1405.08.23 4807. Lorette, countess of Zweibrucken-Bitsch born circa 1350 of Bitche, Moselle, FR 4808. Gottfried V von Eppenstein born circa 1308 of Eppstein, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1328 4809. Luitgard von Breuberg born 1310 of Schloß Breuberg, Starkenburg, Hesse-Darmstadt, DE married 1328 to Gottfried V von Eppenstein 4810. Philipp VI von Falkenstein born 1331? of Falkenstein, DE 4811. Agnes von Falkenstein born 1335? 4814. Dietrich III von Runkel (see 4774) 4815. Jutte, Countess of Sayn-Homburg-Vallendar or of Sayn Wittgenstein (see 4775) 4816. Eberhard II von Waldburg born circa 1312 married circa 1344 to Agnes, princess of Teck died pre 1362.03.14 4817. Agnes, princess of Teck born circa 1323 married circa 1344 to Eberhard II von Waldburg died 1384.09.26 4818. Johann II von Abensberg born circa 1350 4819. Agnes Liechtenstein born circa 1352 4820. Heinrich IV (or III?), Count of Montfort born 1340 4821. Adelheid, Countess of Habsburg born 1335 died circa 1370 4822. Albrecht III, Graf von Werdenberg Heiligenburg Bludenz (see 2374) 4823. Ursula Grin von Schaumberg (see 2375) 4824. Heinrich IV, Graf von Fürstenberg-Baar born circa 1344 of Wolfach, DE married pre 1372.06.15 to Sofie von Zollern died probably 1408.08.15 4825. Sofie, countess of Zollern born circa 1345 of Schalksburg, Schwarzwaldkreis, DE married pre 1372.06.15 to Heinrich IV von Fürstenberg-Baar died post 1427.04.02 4826. Johann, Graf von Tengen born 1374? of Tengen Hinterberg, DE 4827. Margarethe, countess of Veringen born 1378? 4828. Ulrich von Matsch born pre 1391 4830. Eberhard VI, Graf von Kirchberg (see 1186) 4831. Agnes, Countess of Werdenberg-Heiligenberg-Bludenz (see 1187) 4832. Ulrich IV, Graf von Hanau Munzenberg born circa 1334 of Hanau, Hessen-Nassau married pre 1367.03.12 to Elisabeth von Wertheim in Wertheim, DE died pre 1380.10.14 4833. Elisabeth, countess of Wertheim born 1347 of Wertheim, DE married pre 1367.03.12 to Ulrich IV, Graf von Hanau Munzenberg in Wertheim, DE died 1378 4834. Heinrich II, Graf von Nassau-Beilstein born circa 1340 of Beilstein, Hessen-Nassau, DE married pre 1383.06.05 to Katharine von Randerath died 1410/12 4835. Katharine von Randerath born circa 1362 married pre 1383.06.05 to Heinrich II, Graf von Nassau-Beilstein died circa 1415 4836. Ludwig IV von Lichtenberg-Lichtenau born circa 1366 of Lichtenberg, Bas-Rhin, FR married 1409 to Anna von Baden died 1434.08.28 4837. Anna, princess of Baden born 399.03.15 of Hochburg, DE married 1409 to Ludwig IV von Lichtenberg-Lichtenau died post 1421.12.06 4838. Albrecht I von Hohenlohe-Weikersheim (see 2388) 4839. Elisabeth, Countess of Hanau-Münzenberg (see 2389) 4840. Johann II von Isenberg Budingen born circa 1358 of Budingen, Oberhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt, DE married 1385 to Margarethe von Katzenelnbogen died 1408 4841. Margarethe, countess of Katzenelnbogen born circa 1365 of Katzenelnbogen, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1385 to Johann II von Isenberg Budingen died 1438.01.17 in Wenings, Oberhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt, DE 4842. Otto I, Graf von Solms-Braunfels born circa 1332 of Braunfels, Rheinland, DE married pre 1375.06.11 to Agnes von Falkenstein died 1409.10.27 4843. Agnes von Falkenstein born circa 1358 of Münzenberg, Oberhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt, DE married pre 1375.06.11 to Otto I von Solms-Braunfels died 1409.09.01 4844. Adolf II, Graf von Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein born 1386 of Wallrabenstein bei Idstein, Hessen-Nassau, DE married 1418.03 to Margarethe von Baden died 1426.07.26 4845. Margarethe, princess of Baden born 1404.01.25 of Baden, DE married 1418.03 to Adolf II von Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein died 1442.11.07 4846. Engelbert I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg (see 960) 4847. Johanna van Polanen (see 961) 4848. Bernhard I, Markgraf of Baden (see 1024) 4849. Anna, Countess of Öttingen (see 1025) 4850. Charles I, Duke of Lorraine (see 1026) 4851. Margarethe, Princess of Germany (see 1027) 4852. Leopold III, Duke of Österreich (see 1028) 4853. Verde Visconti (see 1029) 4854. Ziemowit IV, P. of Czersk (see 1030) 4855. Aleksandra, Princess of Lithuania (see 1031) 4856. Diether VIII, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 1032) 4857. Elisabeth, Countess of Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein (see 1033) 4858. Eberhard V, Count of Katzenelnbogen (see 1034) 4859. Agnes Dietz (see 1035) 4860. Eberhard IV, Count of Württemberg (see 1036) 4861. Antonia di Visconti (see 1037) 4862. Henri, Comte Montbéliard (see 1038) 4863. Marie de Chatillon (see 1039) 4864. Johann II, Count of Dhaun born circa 1314 of Dhaun, DE married 1370.10.13 to Jutte von Leiningen died 1383.02.26 4865. Jutte, countess of Leiningen born circa 1340 of Alt-Leiningen, DE married 1370.10.13 to Johann II von Dhaun died 1383 4866. Gerhard III, Count of Kyrburg born circa 1346 of Kyrburg, DE married 1386 to Adelheid von Veldenz died 1408 4867. Adelheid, countess of Veldenz born 1358? 4868. Ulrich IV, Graf von Hanau Munzenberg (see 4832) 4869. Elisabeth, countess of Wertheim (see 4833) 4870. Heinrich II, Graf von Nassau-Beilstein (see 4834) 4871. Katharine von Randerath (see 4835) 4872. Johann II, Count of Salm and Chiney (see 1248) 4873. Philippa van Valkenburg (see 1249) 4874. Guillaume III de Vergy, seigneur de Port-sur-Saone born 1350? married 1377.03.20 to Isabelle von Rappoltstein killed in battle 1396.09.28 in Nikopolis, BG 4875. Isabelle/Isabella von Rappoltstein/de Ribeaupierre, dame de Vignory born circa 1354? of Hohrappoltstein, Haut-Rhin, FR married 1377.03.20 to Guillaume III de Vergy 4880. Friedrich III, Count of Mörs Saarwerden (see 4184) 4881. Walburg von Saarwerden (see 4185) 4882. Heinrich V von Geroldseck-Lahr born 1372? 4883. Ursule, countess of Eberstein born circa 1376 of Neu-Eberstein, DE died post 1431 4884. Emich V, Graf von Leiningen born circa 1312 of Hardenburg, DE married 1362 to Margarethe von Habsburg Kyburg ied 1381 4885. Margarethe, countess of Habsburg Kyburg born circa 1335 of Kyburg, Zurich, CH 4886. Bernhard I, Markgraf of Baden (see 1024) 4887. Anna, Countess of Öttingen (see 1025) 4888. Jakob Vinstingen (son of Hugelmann III) born pre 1356 4889. Margarethe Vinstingen (dau. of Ulrich) 4890. Gerhard III, Count of Kyrburg (see 4866) 4891. Adelheid, countess of Veldenz (see 4867) 4896. Thibaut VI, sire de Neufchâtel born 1333 married 1360 to Marguerite de Bourgogne died 1384 or 1400/01, buried Lieucroissant 4897. Marguerite de Bourgogne, dame de Chemilly born 1340 diec circa 1397, buried Lieucroissant 4898. Henri, seigneur de Joinville born circa 1327 married 1347 to Marie de Luxembourg died 1365 4899. Marie de Luxembourg died post 1375 4900. Etienne, Comte de Montbeliard (see 2076) 4901. Marguerite de Chalon (see 2077) 4902. Gaucher de Châtillon, vicomte de Blaigny, sire de la Fere (see 2078) 4903. "Marie" or Jeanne de Coucy, dame de Condé en Brie (see 2079) 4912. Jean de Vergy, seigneur de Fouvent, Champlitte, d'Autray died 1353 4913. Gillette de Vienne died 1364 4916. ¿Rodolphe, le comte de Gruyère? 4918. Ansel de Salins, seigneur de Vaugrenant, Montferrand, Monservin et Pleurre 4928. Friedrich II, Graf von Öttingen (see 4752) 4929. Adelheid, Countess of Werd (see 4753) 4930. Heinrich, Graf von Schaunberg (see 4754) 4931. Anna, Countess of Truhendingen (see 4755) 4932. Mikolaj, Prince of Münsterberg (see 4756) 4933. Anezka Krusinova (see 4757) 4934. Boleslaw, prince of Kosel Beuthen (see 4758) 4935. Marketa ze Sternberka (see 4759) 4936. Congrande II della Scalla, Lord of Verona & Vicenza (see 4760) 4944. Eberhard II von Waldburg (see 4816) 4945. Agnes, princess of Teck (see 4817) 4946. Johann II von Abensberg (see 4818) 4947. Agnes Liechtenstein (see 4819) 4948. Conrad IV von Bickenbach (see 4772) 4949. Christine von Hohenberg ob der Wern (see 4773) 4950. Dietrich III von Runkel (see 4774) 4951. Jutte, Countess of Sayn-Homburg-Vallendar or of Sayn Wittgenstein (see 4775) 4952. Konrad VI von Kirchberg (see 2372) 4953. Anna von Hohenberg-Wildberg (see 2373) 4954. Albrecht III, Graf von Werdenberg Heiligenburg Bludenz (see 2374) 4955. Ursula Grin von Schaumberg (see 2375) 4956. Heinrich IV, Graf von Fürstenberg-Baar (see 4824) 4957. Sofie, countess of Zollern (see 4825) 4958. Johann, Graf von Tengen (see 4826) 4959. Margarethe, countess of Veringen (see 4827) 4960. Friedrich, Graf von Zollern (see 4608) 4961. Margarethe, Countess of Hohenberg Wildberg (see 4609) 4962. Hugo, Count of Fürstenberg (see 4610) 4963. Adelheid von Krenkingen (see 4611) 4964. Ulrich Brun II von Räzüns (see 4612) 4965. Elisabeth von Werdenberg-Heiligenberg (see 4613) 4976. Johann II Burgrave of Nürnberg (see 3088) 4977. Elisabeth von Henneberg-Schleusingen (see 3089) 4978. Friedrich II "der Ernsthafte", Margrave of Meissen/Landgrave of Thuringia (see 3090) 4979. Mathilda von Bayern (see 3091) 4980. Stefan II, Graf von Bayern (see 3092) 4981. Isabella di Sicilia/Elisabetta of Sicilien (see 3093) 4982. Barnabo di’ Visconti (see 2058) 4983. Beatrice della Scala (see 2059) 4984. Wartislaw VI, Duke of Pomerania Barth Wolgast (see 4632) 4985. Anna, princess of Mecklenburg Stargard (see 4633) 4986. Erich IV, Duke of Saxony Lauenburg Ratzeburg (see 768) 4987. Sofie, Princess of Braunschweig (-Lüneburg?) (see 769) 4988. Ludolf IV (III), Count of Wunstorf (see 4636) 4989. Richza von Homburg (see 4637) 4990. Johann von Diepholz (see 4638) 4991. Kunigunde, Countess of Oldenburg (see 4639) 5120. Aimon, Count of Savoy born 1291.12.15 married 1330.05.01 to Yolande, princess of Montferrato died 1343.06.22 5121. Yolande, princess of Montferrato born circa 1318? of Monferrato, IT married 1330.05.01 to Aimon, Count of Savoy died 1342.12.24 5136. Gui died 1303 5137. Eschiva/Eschive d'Ibelin died 1312 5138. Guy d'Ibelin (1286-1308) 5139. Isabelle d'Ibelin 5168. Guy I de Chatillon, Comte de Blois & Dunois, Seigneur d’Avennes married post 1310.10.06 to Marguerite de Valois died après 1342.08.12 5169. Marguerite de Valois born circa 1295 married post 1310.10.06 to Guy I de Chatillon died 1342.07 5188. Edward III, King of England born 1312.11.13 at Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England married 1327/28.01.24 to Philippa, Queen of England at York Minster, York died 1377.06.21 at Shene Palace, Surrey, England 5328. Engelbert II von der Marck married 1299 to Matilda von Ar[en]berg died 1347 5329. Matilda von Ar[en]berg married 1299 to Engelbert II von der Marck 5362. Roger Bernard II, Vcte de Castelbon 6020. Jean I, sire de Rieux et de Fougeray died 1357 in Paris, FR 6021. Isabeau de Clisson 6022. Thibaud III de Rochefort killed 1364 in Bataille d'Auray 6023. Jeanne d'Ancenis 6048. Jean V d'Harcourt died 1355.04.05 6049. Blanche de Ponthieu died 1387.05.12 6052. Guy Malet, seigneur de Graville died post 1410 6058. Guy de Sévérac 6059. Jeanne d'Auvergne 6060. Guy I de Chauvigny, vicomte de Brosse married circa 1344 to Blanche de Brosse died circa 1360 6061. Blanche de Brosse, dame de Cesi 6120. Jean II de Luxembourg (see 2080) 6121. Marguerite de Enghien (see 2081) 6122. François de Baux (see 2082) 6123. Justine (Sueva) Ursins (see 2083) 6128. Jean de Bournonville dit "à la barbe" died in 1410 6129. Masse de Semelle ***** begin svenska records 386-511 should be 6146-6271 6144. Johann I, Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg, born 1248 ca, died 1286 30/7. Married 1270 ca to 6145. Ingeborg Birgersdotter, born 1245 ca, died 1302 30/6. 6146. Bogislaw IV, Duke of Pomerania in Wolgast, born 1255 ca, died 1309 19/2. Married 1283/84 to 6147. Margareta of Rügen, born 1265 ca, died 1318. 6148. Gerhard II Count of Holstein, born 1254, died 1312 25/10. Married 1293 to 6149. Agnes of Brandenburg, born 1257, died 1304 29/9. 6150. Niklot I Count of Schwerin-Wittenberg, born 1250 ca, died 1323. Married 1285 to 6151. Miroslawa of Pomerania, born 1270 ca, died 1328. 6152. Albrecht II, Duke of Braunschweig, born 1268, died 1318 22/9. Married 1284 10/1 to 6153. Richiza of Werle-Gustrow, born 1268 ca, died 1312/1317. 6154. Heinrich I, Margrave of Brandenburg, born 1260 ca, died 1318 14/2. Married 1298 to 6155. Agnes of Bavaria, born 1280 ca, died 1345 22/7. 6156. Bernhard II, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg, born 1260 ca, died 1324. Married 1290 ca to 6157. Helena of Rügen, born 1270 ca, died 1315 19/8. 6158. Albrecht I, Prince of Anhalt-Zerbst, born 1260 ca, died 1316. Married 1300 to 6159. Agnes of Brandenburg, born 1275 ca, died 1329. 6160. Bogislaw IV, Duke of Pomerania in Wolgast = 386 6161. Margareta of Rügen = 387 6162. Ulrich I Count of Lindau-Ruppin, died 1316. Married to 6163. Adelheid of Schladen, died 1322. 6164. Heinrich I, Duke of Braunschweig-Grubenhagen, born 1267 ../8, died 1322 7/9 in Salzderhelden. Married 1282 to 6165. Agnes of Meissen, born 1261/64. Alive in 1332 6166. Hermann II Count of Everstein, born 1295 ca, died 1351. Married to 6167. Adelheid of Lippe. Alive in 1324 6168. Heinrich I Count of Holstein, born 1258, died 1304 5/8. Married 1289 to 6169. Hedwig of Bronkhorst, died 1324/1331. 6170. Niklot II, Prince of Werle, born 1270 ca, died 1316 12/10. Married 1292 to 6171. Richiza of Denmark, born 1275 ca. 6172. Heinrich II "der Löwe", Prince of Mecklenburg, born 1267 in Riga, died 1329 22/1. Married 1315 6/7 in Dömitz to 6173. Anna of Saxony-Wittenberg, born 1290 ca, died 1327 22/11 6174. Erik, Duke of Södermanland, born 1282, died 1318 in Nyköpingshus. Married 1312 29/9 in Oslo to 6175. Ingeborg of Norway, born 1301, died 1361 17/6 6176. Friedrich IV Bggr of Nürnberg, born 1287, died 1332 19/5. Married 1305 ca to 6177. Margareta of Görz, born 1290 ca, died 1348 6178. Berthold VII Count of Henneberg-Schleusingen, born 1272, died 1340 14/4. Married 1284 to 6179. Adelheid of Hessen, born 1268, died 1317 7/12 6180. Friedrich I "der Freidige", Margrave of Meissen, born 1257 16/11, died 1323 16/11 in Wartburg. Married 1300 24/8 in Gotha to 6181. Elisabet of Arnshaugk-Lobdaburg, born 1286, died 1359 22/8 in Gotha. 6182. Ludwig IV Tysk-Romersk kg o kejsare, born 1282 1/4, died 1347 11/10 in Fürstenfeld. Married 1309 to 6183. Beatrix of Glogau, born 1294, died 1322 24/8 in München. 6184. Ludwig IV Tysk-Romersk kg o kejsare = 422 6185. Beatrix of Glogau = 423 6186. Federico II, King of Sicilien, born 1272, died 1337 25/6 in Palermo. Married 1302 to 6187. Eleonora of Neapel, born 1289, died 1341 9/8 in Catania. 6188. Stefano Visconti, died 1327 4/7 in Milano. Married 1318 to 6189. Valentina Doria, died 1359. 6190. Mastino II della Scala signore di Verona, born 1308 in Verona, died 1351 3/6 in Verona. Married 1328 to 6191. Taddea di Carrara, died 1375 in Verona. 6192. Friedrich I "der Freidige", Margrave of Meissen = 420 6193. Elisabet of Arnshaugk-Lobdaburg = 421 6194. Ludwig IV Tysk-Romersk kg o kejsare = 422 6195. Beatrix of Glogau = 423 6196. Berthold VII Count of Henneberg-Schleusingen = 418 6197. Adelheid of Hessen = 419 6198. Hermann I, Margrave of Brandenburg, born 1275 ca, died 1308 1/2. Married 1295 ../9 to 6199. Anna of Austria, born 1278, died 1328 19/3. 6200. Magnus I, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg = 196 6201. Sofia of Brandenburg = 197 6202. Bernhard III, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg = 198 6203. Mathilda of Anhalt-Zerbst = 199 6204. Barnim IV, Duke of Pomerania in Wolgast, born 1317 17/7, died 1365 22/8. Married 1343 to 6205. Sofia of Werle-Güstrow, born 1325 ca, died 1364 5/9. 6206. Johann I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Stargard, died 1392. Married 1346 ca to 6207. Anna of Holstein, born 1326 ca, died 1358 3/1. 6208. Magnus I, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg = 196 6209. Sofia of Brandenburg = 197 6210. Bernhard III, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg = 198 6211. Mathilda of Anhalt-Zerbst = 199 6212. Barnim IV, Duke of Pomerania in Wolgast = 444 6213. Sofia of Werle-Güstrow = 445 6214. Johann I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Stargard = 446 6215. Anna of Holstein = 447 6216. Johann II Bggr of Nürnberg = 208 6217. Elisabet of Henneberg-Schleusingen = 209 6218. Friedrich II "der Ernsthafte", Margrave of Meissen = 210 6219. Mat hilda of Bavaria = 211 6220. Stefan II, Duke of Bavaria = 212 6221. Elisabetta of Sicilien = 213 6222. Bernabo Visconti = 214 6223. Beatrice della Scala = 215 6224. Heinrich IV Count of Stolberg, died 1329/1333. Mentioned 1291-1329. Married to 6225. Jutta of Hadmersleben. Alive in 1347. 6226. Dietrich III Count of Hohnstein, died 1329/1330. Mentioned 1286-1329. Married to 6227. Elisabet of Waldeck, born 1288 ca. Alive in 1371. 6228. Gebhard III Count of Mansfeld, born 1308 ca, died 1331/1335. Mentioned 1314-1331. Married 1327 to 6229. Luitgard of Falkenstein. 6230. Heinrich X Count of Schwarzburg-Blankenburg, died 1336. Married to 6231. Elisabet of Orlamünde. Alive in 1363. 6232. Günther XXV Count of Schwarzburg-Blankenburg, died 1368 6/6. Married to 6233. Elisabet of Hohnstein. Alive in 1381. 6234. Johann I, Landgrave of Leuchtenberg, born 1325 ca, died 1404 2/12. Married 1353 to 6235. Mechthild (Mecella) of Rosenberg, died 1380 3/10. 6236. Magnus II, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg = 98 6237. Katarinaof Anhalt-Bernburg = 99 6238. Wenzel K, Prince of Saxony, born 1335, died 1388 15/5. Married 1367 29/1 to 6239. Cecilia di Carrara, born 1350 ca, died 1430/1434. 6240. Barnim IV, Duke of Pomerania in Wolgast = 444 6241. Sofia of Werle-Güstrow = 445 6242. Johann I, Duke of Mecklenburg-Stargard = 446 6243. Anna of Holstein = 447 6248. Erich I, Duke of Saxony-Lauenburg = 192 6249. Elisabet of Pomerania = 193 6250. Johann III Count of Holstein = 194 6251. Miroslawa of Schwerin-Wittenberg = 195 6252. Magnus I, Duke of Braunschweig-Lüneburg = 196 6253. Sofia of Brandenburg = 197 6254. Bernhard III, Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg = 198 6255. Mathilda of Anhalt-Zerbst = 199 6256. Wartislaw IV, Duke of Pomerania in Wolgast = 200 6257. Elisabet of Lindau-Ruppin = 201 6258. Ernst I, Duke of Braunschweig-Osterode = 202 6259. Adelheid of Everstein = 203 6260. Gerhard III Count of Holstein, Duke of Schleswig = 204 6261. Sofia of Werle = 205 6262. Albrecht II, Duke of Mecklenburg = 206 6263. Eufemia of Sweden = 207 6264. Trojden I, Prince of Masovien, born 1285 ca, died 1341 13/3. g before 1310. Married to 6265. Maria Jurjevna of Galizien, born 1290 ca, died 1341 11/1. 6266. Niklot II, Duke of Troppau, born 1288 ca, died 1365 8/12. Married 1318 ca to 6267. Anna of Ratibor, born 1295 ca, died 1338/1340. 6268. Gedymin St, Prince of Litauen, born 1257, died 1341/42. Married to 6269. Olga Vsevolodovna of Smolensk, born 1275 ca, died 1344 ca. 6270. Alexander I Michajlovitj St, Prince of Tver, born 1301 7/10, died 1339 28/10. Married 1320 to 6271. Anastasia Jurjevna of Galizien born circa 1305 died 1365 ***** end svenska records 6704. Sezema z Vrtby died "KOL" 1344 6768. Henryk V, P. of Glogau born circa 1319 died post 1369.04.08 6770. Wladislaw II of Oppeln born circa 1330 of Opole, PL married circa 1352/55 to Elisaveta Basarabowna died 1401.05.08 in Opole, PL 6771. Elisaveta/Elzbieta Basarabowna born circa 1340 of Wallachia, RO married circa 1352/55 to Wladislaw of Oppeln died circa 1367/69 6960. Sezema z Vrtby (see 6704) 7770. Wladislaw II of Oppeln (see 6770) 7771. Elisaveta/Elzbieta Basarabowna (see 6771) 8191. Last person in this generation Generation 14 --------------------------------------------------------------- 8192. Rudolf IV, Markgraf of Baden (1291-1348) born circa 1278 married 1st pre 1318.02.28 to Liutgard von Bolanden (died 1324/25) married 2nd pre 1326.02.18 to Marie von Oettingen died 1348.06.25 8193. Marie von Oettingen married pre 1326.02.18 to Rudolf IV of Baden died 1369.06.10 in Lichtenthal 8196. Heinrich II, Graf von Sponheim married pre 1314.01.20 to Loretta von Salm-Obersalm died 1322 8197. Loretta von Salm-Obersalm married pre 1314.01.20 to Heinrich II von Sponheim died 1345/46 8303. Elisabetta Gradenigo born 1252 in Venezia, IT died 1311.08.13 9610. Bruno I von Rappoltstein born circa 1344 died 1398.05.14 9611. Johanna von Blamont died circa 1362/81 9638. Hartnid, Graf von Liechtenstein born 1300 died 1359 9639. Agnes Heinzel born 1315 died 1353 9750. Ulric IX von Rappoltstein died 1377 9751. Marguerite de Lorraine 10242. Theodoros I Palaiologos born circa 1291 married 1306 to Argentina Spinola died 1338.04.21 [son of 20484. Andronikos II, Emperor of the Byzantine Empire & grandson of 40968. Michael VIII, Emperor of the Byzantine Empire] 10242. Argentina Spinola born circa 1294? 10274. Jean II d'Ibelin, seigneur de Beyrouth born 1253 10276. Balian d'Ibelin, seneschal de Chypre (1240-1302) 10277. Alice de Lampron [dau. of Hethum de Lampron & Eschive de Poitiers] died post 1312 10724. Roger Bernard I, Vcte de Castelbon 12096. Jean IV d'Harcourt killed 1346.08.22 at Crecy 13408. Sezema z Krašova died post 1284 13536. Henryk II (IV), P. of Glogau circa 1292 died 1342.01.22 13542. Nicholas Alexander Basarab the Voivode of Wallachia [Nicholas Alexander was the son of Basarab, the Voivode of Wallachia (27084), grandson of Tihomor/Toktemir/Thocomerius (57168) who was the purported great grandson of Juchi (the possible son of Genghis Khan). Also, he was the great great grandfather of Vlad Dracula.] 13920. Sezema z Krašova (see 13408) 15542. Nicholas Alexander Basarab the Voivode of Wallachia (see 13542) 16383. Last person in this generation NOTES ABOUT THIS WEBPAGE: Dates are stored in a Year/Month/Day (YYYY/MM/DD) format People in the Ahnentafel ("Ancestor Table") are numbered according to the Sosa-Stradonitz Number System. Double a person's number to find their father and then add 1 to get the mother's number. Abbreviations: AT Austria BE Belgium BG Bulgaria BY Belarus (Byelorussia) CH Switzerland CY Cyprus CZ Czech Republic DE Germany DK Denmark ES Spain FR France GB Great Britain HU Hungary IT Italy LV Latvia LT Lithuania LU Luxembourg NL the Netherlands PL Poland PT Portugal RU Russia SE Sweden SK Slovakia SL Slovenia TR Turkey UA Ukraine Descendants of August Georg Simpert von Zähringen? Many histories claim that Margrave August Georg was childless. However, there are several traditions in America of a daughter who eloped with one of the family's servants to escape an unwanted marriage. Click on the link below for more information.