EARLY HISTORY OF THE GEORGE BAKER FAMILY OF BENNINGTON CO., VT., AND OTSEGO CO., N.Y. Compiled by Zervia Barnes Birdsall and Mildred Birdsall Covert 1908-1912 George Baker was one of the pioneer settlers of Pownal, Vermont. This place was first settled by the Dutch in 1724, but the town government was not organized until 1763, when the town was named in honor of Thomas Pownal, governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1757-1760. It formed part of the territory know as the New Hampshire Grants, over which there was so much trouble with New York, as that colony claimed the land which really belonged to the New England territory. The first known reference to George Baker contained in early records is found on page 283, Vol. I, Vermont Historical Society Collection, where his name appears, with other residents of Pownal, as one of the signers of a petition to the King, dated Nov. 1766, in which the King is requested to restrain the New York colonists from further encroachments on the New Hampshire Grants. Prior to 1766 nothing is positively known concerning George Baker but it is believed that he was born in Massachusetts about 1730. Some papers belonging to Leroy Baker of Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa., record statements made by Chauncey Baker (son of George, whose father was Daniel Baker) to the effect that Daniel's father, George Baker of Pownal, Vt., came to this country with two brothers, one of whom was Col. William Henry Baker. But as no other record to substantiate this has been found, it seems more probable that he was a descendant of Edward Baker of Lynn, Mass., who was a freeman of that town in 1638 and who died there in 1687. The "New England Genealogical and antiquarian Register," Vol. V, p. 190, contains considerable data concerning this family, in substance as follows: It is known that this Edward Baker had five sons, possibly more - Joseph and Timothy of Northampton, Edward and Thomas of Lynn, and John of Dedham. Timothy was the leading character of Northampton. He had five children, John (1680), Thomas (1682), Edward (1685), Prudence (1687), Deliverance (1689). The oldest son, John, Capt. John Baker, lived on the old homestead in Northampton and was one of the most influential men of the town. He had seven sons, John, Noah, Aaron, Elisha, Stephen, Timothy, Elijah, and two daughters. All the sons except Timothy, who died while on the expedition against Louisburg, married and settled in western Massachusetts; all lived to be 80 years old or over, and all left numerous families whose descendants are all over the United States from Vermont to Texas. Perhaps George Baker was son 2 one of the younger sons of Thomas or Edward, sons of Timothy Baker of Northampton, or it may be that his father was one of the other sons of John Baker who was the oldest son of Timothy. The early records of Pownal town give the following data about George Baker and some of his family. In the earlier records the name is spelled Bacor, but afterwards Baker. (1) There were six school districts in Pownal in the early days, and the fifth district is described as follows: "Beginning at John Matison's north to George Bacor's, thence to Bennington line, going east on the First District, all to be one district." (2) A deed given by George Gardner to Benjamin Gardiner, recorded in Vol. II of the town records gives one boundry as follows: "thence running to the old fence now standing where George Bacor once lived." This deed is dated "the 22nd day of February in the 15th year of His Majestie's reign," that is Feb. 22, 1775, as George III became King in 1760. The clause "where George BAcor once lived" is significant as it proves that he had changed his place of residence in Pownal prior to 1775. (3) Vol. II of the records contains several lists of Pownal freemen and of those who took the freeman's oath for the first time in certain years. The list of those resident in 1773 include George Baker and the same list records Joseph Briggs, afterwards Capt. Briggs, and many others who were in Briggs' company with George Baker and Daniel Baker, in service of the United States during the Revolution. The list of those who took the freeman's oath in 1782, all of whom must have been 21 years old or over, gives Daniel Baker, probably the son of George. This lists in the early records of Pownal are fast becoming illegible and for that reason they are given. Names of Freemen of the Town of Pownal, 1773. Elder Benjamin Gardner Nathaniel Seeley David Page Peter Robards Stephen Perigo John Lareby Stephen Osborn Charles Wright Richard Weaver Daniel Miers Jeremiah Eldrich Nathan Eldrich Jonothan Oles Benjamin Pratt Samuel Popple Abraham Gardner Silas Watson Rufus Weaver David Gardner Benjamin Card Daniel Phillips JOSEPH BRIGGS John Dunning Samuel Eldrich John Sykes Amos Hungerford Caleb Morgan David Cary William Bates James Philips Benjamin Morgan Daniel Eldrich Benjamin Briggs Micha Briggs Joseph Barber Daniel Card John Aylesworth Job Green Isaac Wholey Joseph Williams, Jr. Joseph Williams Isaac Groover Jonothan Card Elijah Woolcott Francis Bates William Brown Israel Williams William Card 3 Names of Freemen of Town of Pownal, 1773 - Con. Abiathar Angel William Hendrick Elisha Parker Elish Card Benjamin Gardner, Jr. Josiah Bates Samuel Robards Micah Dunning John Potter Return Burlison, Jr. George Parker Abel Parker Joshua Mattison Nicholas Potter GEORGE BAKER John Perigo Isaac Harlo Dickenson Jenks Elish Herendon Witherel Witton Joseph Morgan Caleb Reynolds John Eldrich James Mattison Thomas Jewett Josiah Wright David Mallery Ebenezer Seeley Samuel Welch Richard Brown Hugh Thompson William Brown List of Freemen Qualified in 1782. Jacob Martin B_______ Deal Oliver Sanford John Sherman Derius Moon Jeremiah Briggs Leut. Dehooty Joshua Hamilton Job Phillings Amos Potter David Stamrerd DANIEL BAKER Peter Bavit Calib Gibs (4) The first known recorded deed of property owned by George Baker is given in Vol. II of the Pownal records. By this deed, dated and recorded April 28, 1784, David Page conveys to George Bacor, both of Pownal, a parcel of land situated in the N.W. part of Pownal, bounded as follows: "Adjoining west on a lot of land lately owned by Capt. Briggs, now the property of Abel Parker, north on a 90 A. lot laid out for the use of schools in Pownal town, east on Francis Bates' land, south on the highway north of Jonathan Cards' land, containing 45 A. and is the 4th division lot laid out to the right of Nathaniel Phelps, original grantee in said town of Pownal." The price paid was £ 22. 10 s. (5) Vol. III records that November 28, 1788, Josiah Bates conveyed to George Bacor for the sum of £ 2, a small tract of land adjoining the property he bought of David Page. (6) Vol. V records the transfer of the above properties by George Baker (spelling changed in this deed) to Benjamin Gardner and Silas Card of Pownal. The total purchase price was $900.00. The date of sale is February 15, 1798, and the deed was recorded February 19, 1798. No other records of property transfer to or by George Baker occur in Pownal records, and it is supposed that he went to Otsego County, N.Y., directly after the sale of his Pownal farm. This farm of 45 A. is situated in the hill country a few miles from Pownal Center, in the N.W. part of Pownal township. It is now part of a 350 A. farm owned by Mr. Frank Wilson, but is still called the Baker lot. A complete record of all transfers of this property with description of boundries, and other interesting matter, has been compiled and is now in possession of the 4 historian. The place where the old house stood overlooks the highway which led from the Vermont settlements to those near Albany, N.Y. Looking to the south one gets a beautiful view of Greylock, the most famous of the Berkshire Hills, and it is worthwhile to remember that George Baker and his family, sturdy pioneers living there so many years ago, looked daily upon a landscape which is now one of the most famous in all New England. (7) Vol. III records the purchase of property by Wm. Bacor, possibly a son of George, who bought 25 A. of William and Gardner Hall July 10, 1794, the price being £40. In 1798 Wm. Baker sold this land, except a small tract containing a mill, and in 1799 he sold the mill with its surrounding plot. No further records of property owned by Wm. Baker appear in the Pownal records. He probably went to New York State, perhaps to Otsego County. According to tradition he afterward went to Philadelphia and became very wealthy. (8) The first census of Vermont, taken in 1790, records George Baker as follows: George Baker, Pownal Town, free white males of 16 years and upwards, including heads of families, one; free white males under 16 years, two; free white females including heads of families, three; no other persons, no slaves. This means that in 1790 there were only four children at home, two boys under sixteen, probably Joseph and Stephen, and two daughters, Asa and Susan. (9) The Vermont Revolutionary Rolls, p. 88, record George Baker and Daniel Baker as having served in the company of Capt. Joseph Briggs from October 1, 1778 - November 24, 1778. The Vermont records are very incomplete and no known record exists to prove that George Baker took part in the battle of Bennington, but family tradition and abundant proofs of his residence in Vermont, in the vicinity of Bennington, from 1766 to 1798, make one certain that such service was rendered. Perhaps he was a member of Col. Herrick's body of militia or of Capt. Dewey's company in Col. Brush's militia. Egbert Baker of Harpursville, who died in 1908, had the powder horn which, according to tradition, was carried by George Baker in this battle. Egbert received it from his father Reed, son of Thomas, to whom it was given by his (Reed's) grandfather, George Baker. Mr. Ezra Stevens, an old resident of Milford, recalls some stories of the Revolution which he heard told by Thomas Baker's children. He says that George Baker and three of his sons were at Bennington battle and that Thomas, who was but a lad, went with his father's team to help clear the slain from the field. The records in possession of Leroy Baker (see p. 1) also state that George 5 Baker and three of his sons were soldiers in the Revolution. Mr. Stevens says that one of the older sons, Abel Aylesworth Baker, was a colonel in the Colonial army. Ezra Stevens' father, William Stevens, came to Otsego County in 1784, and lived for many years near Schuyler Lake. When he went to live in the town of Milford in 1798, some of the Bakers were there and it is supposed they came in the early 90's, perhaps in 1792. The first recorded deed of property owned by the family is that of the Thomas Baker farm, 108½ A. from the Otego patent, purchased in December, 1794 of William Temple Franklin, through his agent, William Cooper. The price paid was £119. 4s. 9d. Since 1794 this farm, near Milford, N.Y., has been owned by some member of the Thomas Baker family. It is now the home of Ralph Baker, son of Warren L., whose father was Leonard, son of Thomas, son of George Baker of Pownal. Edward Baker's farm was also from the Otego patent, bought of Thomas Mumford in November 1796, 46 ¾ A., for £130. 19s 8d. The first recorded deed of property owned by George Baker in Otsego County was placed on file March 18, 1819, though the farm was purchased in 1812. It contained 102 A. and was distinguished as farm, or subdivision B of lot No. 45 in the 13000, A. of land, on a branch of the Susquehanna River and Cherry Valley Creek, granted by letters patent to Volkert Outhoudt and six others. It is probable that George Baker lived on this farm, some years before he owned it. The farm was purchased of the executors of Catherin Lawrence of New York City and the sum paid for it was $612.00 "of good and lawful money of the United States." The descriptions and legal terms of the old-time deeds differ from those of today, and as a matter of interest and as something of a curiosity, the following quotation from the deed of the property to George Baker is given: Folio s p. 78 - Records of Conveyances, Otsego County, N.Y. Samuel Lawrence, Robert Watts, Junior, Stephen N. Bayard and John W. Patterson, all of the city and county of New York (Executors of the last will and testament of Catherine Lawrence, late of said city of New York, widow and relict of John Lawrence, formerly of said city, Esquire, deceased, she the said Catherine Lawrence, being also now deceased) of the first part conveye to George Baker of the town of Milford in the County of Otsego and State of New York, farmer, party of the second part, the piece or parcel of land herein described which is a part of her real estate which her executors are empowered to sell and dispose of at their discretion. ********* 6 "This indenture witnesseth that they, the said parties of the first part, executors as aforesaid, for and in consideration of the sum of Six Hundred and twelve dollars $612$ of good and lawful money of the United States to them in hand by him, the said party of the second part at or before the unsealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is also hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, released, etc., conveyed and confined and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, release, convey, etc. unto him, the said George Baker, all that certain piece or parcel of land (part of the real estate whereof the said Catherine Lawrence, died siezed as aforesaid) situate lying and being in the town of Milford, in the county of Otsego and State of New York, known and distinguised as the farm of subdivision B of the lot number forty-five (No. 45) in the division of a tract of thirteen thousand acres of land, on a branch of the Susquehanna River and Cherry Valley Creek, granted by letter paptent dated Aug. 18, 1741, to Volkert Outhoudt and six others, which said farm, or subdivision B, begins at a small crooked Ironwood Tree and a Beech Tree marked with the letter L, being at the southwest corner of the aforesaid patent, and runs from thence (as the needle pointed in 1770) north 45º 30´, east 26 chains to the southeast corner of farm A in the same lot No. 45, thence north 70º 30´ west 48 chains to a large beech tree marked A B, standing in the east bounds of lot No. 44 of the same tract, thence south 70º 30´, east 39 chains to the place of beginning, containing 102 A. of land, together with all and singular the privleges, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, etc. etc., to have and to hold the above granted and bargained premeses, etc., unto him, the said George Baker, his heirs and assigns, to the sold and only proper use and benefit of the said George Baker, his heirs and assigns forever, subject to conditions of the letters patent aforesaid---" (Then follows statement that no previous disposition of this farm was made by the executors and that it is not "incumbered" and that the title is clear.) S. Lawrence, Executor R. Watts, Jr., Executor S. N. Bayard, Executor J. W. Patterson, Executor Witness for identity of men, Daniel Ryan (appeared Feb. 24, 1812 before P.J. Hildreth, Master in Chacery) Recorded March 18, 1819, 2 o'clock p.m. 7 Immediately following the record of this deed, the transfer of this farm, March 17, 1819 by George Baker and Elizabeth, his wife, to their son Stephen, is recorded, the date of record being March 18, 1819, when George Baker appeared before John Russel, Judge of Common Pleas, and acknowledged the deed. The farm remained in Stephen's possession and he lived there until his death, February 13, 1831. After Stephen's death his son Daniel had the farm until February, 1832, when it was sold by him, ad administrator, to Moses and Ester Chidester of Milford. From time to time the Chidisters sold portions of the farm until only 77 ¾ A. remained of the original 102 A. This remaining plot changed hands several times and March 23, 1868, it became the property of Edward Seeger who paid $6000 for it. In 1870 he sold two lots, one of 10 A. and one of 8 A., and in November 1876, the remaining 59 ¾ A. were deeded to his son Dudley Seeger, who son Levant, now owns what remains intact of the farm George Baker purchased in 1812. The historian has a complete record of all transfers of this farm from 1812-1912. The house in which Mr. Seeger lives was built by Stephen Baker, but several changes from the original plan have been made since Edward Seeger became the owner. Originally there were two large fireplaces. These have been removed, though the foundation of the great chimney, about 12 feet square, is still standing in the cellar. It was impossible to remove this, as the whole structure rests upon it. The house is very desirably located on a gently sloping hill on the west bank of the Susquehanna River. The view from any point is attractive. The winding river merging into Goodyear Lake, the thickly wooded hills that bound the valley, the uplands from the flats occupied by prosperous farmers whose homes are most inviting, and just to the south, the little church at Milford Center with its white spire above the clustering maples, a landmark of historic prominence - all this and much more makes the old homestead seem a goodly heritage and one is glad to recall the valley as a place toward the settlement of which one's ancestors contributed both labor and capital. It is interesting to know that the site of the first school house in the town of Milford (1794) was on the George Baker farm. In this log school house, which stood a short distance to the north of the Baker homestead, the Baptist church of Milford Center was organized by Rev. Josiah Morris, March 13 and 14, 1805. George Baker lived to be a very old man. A Mr. Rowland of Milford, who died several years ago at 90 some years of age, told Alfred Baker of Laurens, 8 1819, when he acknowledged the deed of his farm to his son Stephen, and November 8, 1819, when Mr. Stevens was born. The vital statistics were poorly kept during the early days of Pownal and they contain no record of the marriage of Geoge Baker or of the birth of any of his children. It is supposed that he married Polly Brown, perhaps about 1756, and that they had ten children, as followes: Abel, Daniel (1760)?, William, Charles, Edward (1766)?, Thomas (1768), Asa (a daughter), Joseph, Stephen (177…Susan. It is possible that the wife, Polly, died, before George Baker left Vermont; indeed that may have been the reason for his disposing of his Pownal farm in 1798 and going to New York State, where several of his children had already established homes. The deed of the Otsego County farm to the son Stephen in 1819 is executed by George Baker and Elizabeth his wife, but the last name of the second wife is still unknown. Nine of George Baker's children married, and it is positively known that Daniel, Edward, Thomas, Joseph and Stephen came to Otsego County, N.Y. Probably Asa and William were for a time in Otsego county. The following information concerning the ten children mentioned above is of interest to all descendants of George Baker: (1) ABEL BAKER. The records of Seneca County, N.Y., under date of March 10, 1832, give Abel Baker as a resident of the town of Owasco, County of Cayuga and record the sale by him of some Seneca County property. The deed is witnessed by Elisha Baker. In the Cayuga records, the first entry under Abel Baker, April 23, 1822, records him as paying $1,000 for a portion of lot No. 38 in the town of Sempronius. Various other records follow which Abel Baker and Aurora Baker, his wife, transfer parts of this plot in lot No. 38, receiving in all much more than was paid for it. If the family records are true in respect to George Baker's son Abel going "out Seneca County way", the entries mentioned must refer to him, as no other Abel Baker is given in Seneca or Cayuga records prior to or from 1822 to 1832. Newell and Lorenzo Baker of Seneca County, grandsons of Abel Baker, were in the Civil War with Harrison T. Baker, son of Russel, son of Thomas of Milford, N.Y. (2) DANIEL BAKER. The town records of Pownal, Vermont record Daniel Baker as having taken the Freeman's oath in 1782, so he must have been at least 21 years old at that time. He is known to be one of George Baker's older children and it is probable that he was in the Revolutionary War with his father…On p. 88 of the Vermont Rolls a Daniel Baker is recorded as having served in Capt. Joseph Brigg's company from October 1, 1778 to November 24, 1778, the same company and service as that of George Baker. Family tradition has it…. 9 some of George's children came to Otsego Co. several years before he did. Chauncey Baker states, in the records which Leroy Baker has, that Daniel came to Laurens, N.Y. when his son George was about 10 years old, or about 1799, but is seems probable that he came earlier than that. Possibly the Daniel Baker recorded in the first census (1790) as a resident of Otsego town, Montgomery County, N.Y., is this Daniel Baker. The following is given concerning him: Free white males over 16 years, two; free white males under 16 years, two; free white females, three. The first recorded ded of property owned by Daniel Baker is that which conveyed to him in 1800 a 50 A. plot in Otsego County, in Lot No. 45 of the Otego patent, granted to "Thomas Wharton and others." Daniel Baker's estate at the time of his death comprised several hundred acres, as there are records showing that his son George bought of Daniel Baker's heirs (1) 100 A. March 8, 1813; (2) of Nathan Baker and his wife Hannah, 100 A. of land belonging to the estate of Daniel Baker, and a little late (3) 50 A. more, July 17, 1819; also 100 A. of Benjamin Howe and wife, the plot being described as part of the lot belonging to the heirs of Daniel Baker. In December 1822 James Green and Asa Baker Green, his wife, signed over their claim to her brother George, which leads one to conclude that George Baker, son of Daniel, may have acquired title to all of his father's property. These records establish the fact that Daniel Baker must have died between the year 1800 when he purchased the 50 A. plot and March 8, 1813, when the first sale of property belonging to the heirs of Daniel Baker is recorded. His wife survived him many years. The county records state under date of May 25, 1830, that Susannah, wife of Daniel Baker, deceased of Laurens, deeded to George Baker a 100 A. lot. Early family records give the name of Daniel's wife as Anna Cumins; either he was twice married or the name Anna was short for Susannah. * Daniel Baker had ten children: Nathan (b. 1785, m. Hannah Wood), Betsey (b. 1786, m. John Richardson), ** George (b. 1789, m. Susan Nott), Asa (b. 1792, m. James Green), Loray (b. 1795, m. Elizabeth Lamb), Lydia (b. 1796, m. Jeptha Baker), Hannah (b. 1798, m. Benjamin Howe), Polly (b. 1791, m. Joseph Guiles), Aaron (b. ____, m. Polly ____), Anna (b. 1801, m. Benjamin Gile). * Dower Book #1, Otsego County Surrogate's Office, Cooperstown, N.Y.: page 11 22 October 1814. Annie, wife of Usual Green of town of Laurens and relict of Daniel Baker, late of the town of Otego near Laurens, entitled to one-third of land of Daniel Baker as her dower-right. Erastus Crafts, Phineas Cook, and 10 Erastus Dean, Esq. Appointed admeasurers. (This record is not in original book. Mkw 1977) ** The Chauncey Baker records state that George died in 1862, aged 76 years, 6 months, 18 days, which would make his birth date 1785. 3. the only available data concerning William Baker is given on page 7. (page 4 of this copy). 4. CHARLES BAKER did not marry. 5. * EDWARD BAKER married Hannah Mumford - children: Mumford, Belinda, George, Mary, Arnold (1789-1868?) m. Margaret Coonradt. 6. THOMAS BAKER (1768-1838) married Sarah Watson. They had twelve children: Lenard (1792-1861, m. Deborah Burnside), Allen (b. 1793), Reed (1795-1872, m. Julia Harrison), Russel (b. 1798, m. Maria Thomas), Hannah (1799-1818), Windsor (b 1802), Clark W. (1804-1839), Almira (1806-1807), Spencer (1808-1853, m. Elisabeth _____), Roana (1811-1819), Sally (1813-1815), Thomas D., known as Darwin (1815-1904, m. Priscilla Sillman). * See "History of Otsego County" by Duane H. Hurd and page 9 of this history. (page 5 of this copy). 7. ASA BAKER married first a Mr. Cumins. Children: Pelic, Peleg, Hannah. Her second husband was named Beving. 8. JOSEPH BAKER married Anna Church. Children: Betsie, George, Rachael, Patchen. 9. STEPHEN BAKER (1776?-1831) married Rachael Bowen. They had seven children: Nancy (b. 1801, m. ____Deliver), Hannah (1803-1893, m. John Barnes), Daniel (1806-1887, m. Nancy Keys), Patty (1804-1811), Mary (b. 1810, m. ___ Stone), Abel (1812-1813), Lovina (1814-1865), m. Ira Barnes). 10. SUSAN BAKER married a Mr. Sunderland. They went to Steuben County, New York. In the genealogy of the George Baker, which is being compiled by the historian, over a thousand descendants are recorded, but the record of names and dates is not strictly accurate nor is it sufficiently complete to warrant publication. This brief history is of more importance than the genealogy would be, as much of the information has been obtained from records that many of the family cannot consult conveniently. Sufficient data is given to enable any member of the family to prove eligibility for membership in the patriotic societies, Sons of the American Revolution and Daughters of the American Revolution, provided his or her ancestry can be traced back to George Baker of Pownal, Vermont, or Daniel Baker, his son, also of Pownal. The first descendant to join the DAR on the service of George Baker was Harriet Lorena Birdsall (admitted February, 1910) of Binghamton, New York, daughter of Zervia Barnes Birdsall, whose mother was Lovina Baker, daughter of Stephen, son of George Baker of Pownal. Other members of the family in the Stephen Baker, Daniel Baker, and Thomas Baker lines have joined this Society, and without doubt the coming years will see many of the George Baker family enrolled in the DAR and also in the SAR. With grateful acknowledgement of assistance received from many of George Baker's descendants in the compiling of this history, it is respectfully, submitted by (MRS. W. O.) ZERVIAH BARNES BIRDSALL, Historian August 6, 1912.
My descent from George Baker of Pownal, Vermont George Baker (1730-1819) Daniel Baker (1762-1813) George Baker (1789-1862) Chauncey Baker, 1817-1907 George Baker, 1845-post 1907 Abbie Baker, born April 1874 Lee Hurlburt, 1893-1963 Clara Edna Hurlburt (1912-1969) Clara Babcock Anthony D'Agostino ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3 Generations of descent from Chauncey Baker and Abigail Marshall numbers = their children letters = their grandchildren roman numbers = their great grandchildren Chauncey Baker (1817.02.19-1907.10.24) born Otsego County, NY, died Shippen, PA married 1838.09.22 to Abigail Marshall (circa 1822-1865.03.19) born Chenango County, NY, died Knoxville, PA their children: 1. Eliza Baker 11 in 1850, 21 in 1860 born in PA * 2. Henry G. Baker 10 in 1850, 19 in 1860, 39 in 1880 born in NY a “tin pedlar” in Deerfield, Tioga, PA in 1880 married to Euphamine (age 39 in 1880, born in PA) a. Emmet E. Baker 18 in 1880 (born in PA) b. Martha L. Baker 15 in 1880 (born in NY) c. Lorenzo Baker 12 in 1880 (born in PA) 3. Erastus Baker 7 in 1850, 17 in 1860 born in NY (in Smithville, Chenango, NY in 1880?) 4. George Baker (1844.03-post 1910) born Otsego County, NY, living in Afton in 1910 married circa 1862 to 1st wife Mary/Marietta/Marriette Richards (1842.03; died 1907.04.06) born Gilbertsville, NY; died Bainbridge, NY 2nd wife Lydia age 54 in 1910 children from 1st marriage: a. Ada Baker 4 in 1870, 14 in 1880; b. Frederick Baker born 1871.12 i. Edward Baker born 1889.08 ii. Ray O. Baker born 1891.06 iii. Flossie Baker born 1895.03 iv. Janie? Baker born 1900.01 c. Abby/Abbie Baker (1874.04-1942.03.24) born Chenango County, NY, died Binghamton, NY married to Burtren "Burt" Hurlburt (1863.05.29-1947.11.27) born in Oxford, NY, died in Sidney, NY i. Ernest L. Hurlburt (1891.04.17-1936.07.15), born in NY ii. Lee Hurlburt (1893.01.07-1963.03.05) born in Bainbridge, NY, died in Oxford, NY iii. Robert C. Hurlburt (1894.05.18-1954.07.30), born in NY iv. Harry Sylvester Hurlburt (1901.01.17-1981.09.29) v. Fred Burtren Hurlburt (1904.05.31-1963.03.16) vi. Floyd Howard Hurlburt (1909.03.25-1967.03.31) vii. Jesse Frank Hurlburt (1911.02.15-1957.12) viii. Ella Rebecca Hurlburt (1914.12.27-1998.11.19) 5. Jonathan A. Baker 3 in 1850, 13 in 1860 born in NY (a coalminer in Kingston, Luzerne, PA in 1880?) 6. Samuel H. Baker 1 in 1850, 11 in 1860 born in NY, 31 in 1880 (in Knoxville, Tioga Co., PA in 1880) married to Mary Matteson (age 29 in 1880, born in PA) a. Lillian L. Baker age 6 in 1880 born in PA 7. James Baker (1851.03.25-1909) born in Bainbridge, NY, in Deerfield, Tioga Co., PA in 1880, died in Afton, NY married 1878 to Augusta L. ? (born 1861.03.25 in NY) a. Albert Baker age 2 in 1880 born in PA b. Harvey S. Baker, (1881.09.12-1956.11.06) born in Knoxville, Tioga Co., PA; died in Oneonta, Otsego, NY married 1902.08.20 to Emeline Bailey (born 1883.06.10 in NY) in Gilbertsville, NY 8. Susan Baker 7 in 1860 born in NY 9. Mary Baker 5 in 1860 born in NY 10. Charles L. Baker (born 1856.04 in PA) married circa 1875 to Anna M. born 1857.10 in PA a. Clarence L. Baker born 1883.05 in PA b. Stephen G. Baker born 1885.02 in PA 11. Elizabeth A. Baker born 1858.02 in PA married circa 1886 to Chester Schoonover born 1860.11 in PA a. Walter E. Schoonover born 1888.08 in PA (in Elk twp., Tioga Cnty., PA in 1910) b. Leah M. Schoonover born 1895.09 in PA c. Lee M. Schoonover born 1895.05 in PA 12. Alford Baker 4/12 in 1860, born in NY -------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyotsego/histmil1.htm EARLY HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MILFORD AND OTHER PARTS OF OTSEGO CO. From 1773 to 1903 by EZRA STEVENS George Baker's Family George Baker of Bennington, was the next settler at Milford Center. He came in 1785, purchased a farm just north of Mr. Mumford's large purchase, which is owned & occupied by Dudley Segar at present. Mr. Baker had seven sons & two daughters. His sons names were Abel, Daniel, Charles, Thomas, Edward, Joseph, & Stephen. His daughters names were Asie & Susan. Mr. Baker sold his farm in Vermont, when he removed to Milford, there was $500 remaining unpaid on it. He sent his oldest son, Col. Abel to Vermont for the money. He collected the money & that was the last ever heard of him. It was believed by some that he skipped with the money; & by others that he was robbed & murdered. At all events he was never heard from after he received the money. Mr. Baker's 4th son Thomas married Sarah Morton & located at Edson Corners. Edward married Hannah Mumford. Charles, Stephen & Joseph all married & raised large families. Daniel married Susannah (Anna) Cumins. Charles, Stephen, and Joseph all married and raised large families and located in different towns. Edward Baker's oldest son, George left home and went to New York in 1830 and never returned to Milford. He remained in the city and when the T______ cholery broke out in 1832, it was supposed he was one of the subjects for he was never heard from after. His daughter Linda and his youngest son, Mumford Baker, removed to Pennsylvania. Both married and never returned to Milford. George, Daniel's son, married and settled in Laurens. Stephen remained on his father's farm in Milford Center until his death. He had one son Daniel who married Nancy Keyes, sold the old farm that was first settled by his grandfather and returned to Laurens. The following served in the Northern Division under Arnold, Gates, and Stark: Col. Abel Baker, major Gidean Marlette, Privates George Baker, Daniel Baker, Charles Baker, Artemas Ward, James Frasier, James Westcott, Lemuel Lilly. George Baker and his three sons Abel, Daniel, and Charles, and Judah Waters, and Jacob Wellman participated in the battle of Bunker Hill, and afterwards Abel Baker, Judah Waters, and Jacob Wellman were transferred to the regular army under General Washington. Biographical History of the Baker Family George Baker, the senior of the Baker family, was born in England before 1600, and was persecuted for his religious proclivities; consequently, he took refuge in Holland. He joined the Puritans and embarked in the Mayflower, with the Pilgrims and came to America, and landed at Plymouth in 1620. Mr. Baker, afterwards, settled near Boston, Massachusetts. I think that George Baker., the first Baker that settled in Milford was a grandson of the Baker that came from England. George Baker, of the first Milford, one of the settlers, was at Concord, Lexington, and Bunker Hill. At the battle of Bunker Hill, his three oldest sons, participated with their father in the fight. His sons' names were Abel, Daniel, and Charles. Abel was promoted to the office of Colonel and after was under Washington in the main Army. It is stated in an antecedent chapter, that Abel was sent to Bennington by his father to collect a sum of money and that was the last that was heard of him. That was a mistake. It was learned after that he procured the money and with what he had of his own, he went to Philadelphia, and went to speculating and became immensely rich. But he never returned his father's money. The old gentleman, when he 1earned the facts in the case, felt very much grieved over his misconduct towards his father. He was a man that stood high in the community, and little did he think, his son would resort to so comtemptible and outrageous an act as to rob his father of his money, when he had placed confidence in his integrity. The old man felt very much grieved and said he deserved severe punishment. The poor old man had the misfortune to die a horrible death from the effects of a cancer. Mr. Baker was in the hard fought battle of Bennington, under General Stark, who said, we will win this battle or Mollie Stark will sleep a widow tonight. Mr. Baker sent for his son Thomas to fetch his horses to carry in the wounded, and disabled soldiers, and tell the people we have killed all the Indians and Tories this side of hell. 1850 Census - Bainbridge, Chenango County, NY Chauncey Baker age 32, b. NY Abigail age 28 Eliza age 11 Henry age 10 Erastus age 7 George age 5 Jonathon A. age 3 Samuel H. age 1. 1900.06.19 Census - Bainbridge Village, Chenango County, NY George Baker age 56 born March 1844 in NY married 38 years Mary E. age 58 born March 1842 in NY married 38 years 1900.06.07 Census - Shippen, Tioga County, NY (house visited 48, family visited 49) Baker, Charles L. age 44 born Apr. 1856 in PA with parents from NY married 25 Anna M. age 42 born Oct. 1857 in PA with parents from NY married 25 Clarence L. age 17 born May 1883 in PA Stephen G. age 15 born Feb 1885 in PA 1900.06.07 Census - Shippen, Tioga County, NY (house visited 49, family visited 50) Schoonover, Chester age 29 born Nov. 1860 in PA married 14 Libbie A. age 42 born Feb. 1858 in PA with parents from NY Walter E. age 11 born Aug. 1888 in PA Leah M. age 4 born Sept 1895 in PA Lee M. age 4 born Sept 1895 in PA Baker, Chauncey age 83 born Feb. 1817 in NY with Parents from CT & NY Dear Mary, I think I’ve had a breakthrough on our family tree concerning Chauncey Baker. On the Mormon website at www.familysearch.com, I found an entry for a “Chauncey Baker” who was born on Feb. 12, 1817 in Milford, (Otsego County) NY to Susan Nott and George Baker and died in 1907 in Knoxville, PA. I knew our Chauncey Baker was born in Otsego County around that time, so I sent to Pennsylvania for his death certificate which showed him as dying in Shippen, PA on October, 21, 1907 and being buried in Knoxville, PA on October 24, 1907. The death certificate listed his father as George Baker and his mother as Susan Knox. It also says that he was born on Feb. 19, 1817 in Otsego County, NY. I still wanted more evidence that this was our Chauncey, so I checked out the Census records to see if there were any other Chauncey Bakers around the same age. In the index to the 1850 census I found five Chauncey Bakers. Our Chauncey Baker was 32 years old living in Bainbridge, NY. Of the other Chaunceys, one in Allegany County was 57 years old (too old to be confused with our Chauncey). Another in Granger County, Ohio was age 47, also too old to be confused with our Chauncey. The remaining two were Chauncey S. Baker, a 27 year old clergyman, who was born in Vermont, living in Lancaster, NY and Chauncey Baker age 31 living with his 27 year old wife Emeline in Sodus, NY. I then looked for these three Chauncey Bakers in the 1880 census. The 1880 Census index showed four Chauncey Bakers born around the same time. The first was born in Maine and was living in California, definitely not our Chauncey. The second was the Chauncey S. Baker, born in Vermont, and still living in New York State (the clergyman from the 1850 Census). The third was a New York born Chauncey Baker living in Antwerp, Michigan with his wife Emmaline (obviously the Chaucey from Sodus, NY). The remaining Chauncey was living in Deerfield in Tioga County Pennsylvania. He was 63 years old, born in New York living with a wife named Lucy in the home of his son James Baker (aged 28) also born in New York. Since this last is obviously the Chauncey Baker who died in 1907, and we know he was born in Otsego County like our Chauncey, I feel certain that this is probably our ancestor. Since our Chauncey was married to an Abigail in 1850 and the Tioga county Chauncey was married to a Lucy, I am guessing that he remarried after Abigail’s death sometime between 1850 and 1880. I did not find Chaucey or George Baker in the 1860 Census in either Bainbridge, NY or Shippen, Knoxville, or Deerfield Township, Pennsylvania. I did find George Baker aged 24 in the 1870 Bainbridge census. I also found Chauncey in the 1900 Census for Shippen in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He was living with his daughter Libbie A. Schoonover (born Feb. 1858 in PA) and her husband Chester Schoonover. They were living next door to Charles L Baker (born April 1856 in PA) and his family. I think it is likely that Chauncey and his family moved to Pennsylvania between 1850 and 1856 and that George Baker returned to Bainbridge, NY before 1870. According to the Mormon website, George Baker, (the father of Chauncey Baker) was born in Pownal, Vermont on April 15, 1789 to Daniel Baker and Susanna Cumins and died on Sept. 25, 1862 in Laurens, NY. His father Daniel was born around 1760 in Pownal Vermont to another George Baker and Polly Brown. Daniel died on March 8, 1813 in Milford, NY. Daniel’s father, George Baker is listed as having been born in Massachusetts in 1730 and having died in Milford, NY on November 8, 1819. I looked up George Baker (1789-1862) in the 1850 & 1860 Censuses. The 1850 Census shows him age 61 living in Laurens, NY with his wife Susannah (age 54) and five children. He is listed as having been born in Vermont and his wife is listed as having been born in New York. In the 1860 Census they are now alone. He is age 71 and she is age 64. They are both listed as having been born in Connecticut. I also found a website at http://www.rootsweb.com/~nyotsego/histmil1.htm which is titled “EARLY HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MILFORD AND OTHER PARTS OF OTSEGO CO. From 1773 to 1903” by EZRA STEVENS. It includes a lot of information about the Baker family and how Daniel and George fought in the Revolutionary war and were among the first settlers of Milford, NY. Some of the information is not completely accurate however. They claim the Bakers go back to a George Baker who fled to Holland for religious freedom and then came over on the Mayflower. I checked the records and there was no George Baker on the Mayflower. Perhaps it was an ancestor by a different name who came on the Mayflower. I also doubt that they took part in the battles of Lexington and Concord since they lived in Vermont. If I find anything else, I’ll let you know. I plan to look for Chauncey in the 1860 & 1870 censuses and to see if I can find his burial records in Knoxville, PA. Perhaps I can find Abigail’s burial as well. Wish me luck! Your cousin, Tony Research Update 2004.12.24! 1860 Census confirms that the Chauncey Baker in Tioga county Pennsylvania and the Chauncey Baker who lived in Bainbridge, New York in 1850 are the one and the same. Chauncey, his wife Abigail, and their children Eliza, Henry, Erastus, George, Jonathan, & Samuel are in both censuses with their ages changed by 10 years as we would expect. 1860.07.21 Census - Town of Chatham, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, page 121, lines 15-28 NAME AGE BIRTHPLACE Chauncey Baker 42 NY Abigail 38 " Eliza 21 PA Henry 19 NY Erastus 17 " George 15 " Jonathan 13 " Samuel 11 " James 9 " Susan 7 " Mary 5 " Charles 4 PA Elizabeth 2 " Alford 4/12 "