Used  Drill  Pipe  Inspection

Bending stresses, rotational stresses, torsional stresses and compressional stresses can all build up during the punishing drilling process, resulting in microscopic fatigue cracks. Unless these tiny cracks are detected by a through inspection process, they propagate - accelerated by stress concentrators like corrosion pitting, mashes and dents - until they cause a washout and the premature failure of the entire drill string.


Which can mean extensive downtime from tripping and fishing. Or even loss of the entire well. That's why it pays to perform routine inspections as part of a preventive maintenance program.Investing in an  effective inspection and maintenance package for your used drill pipe more than pays for itself, even if it helps you avoid just one drill string failure. Simply because the consequences of a failure downhole are so costly.

Establish a planned drill pipe maintenance program with Tuboscope and avoid those unnecessary costs. Our programs include the most technologically advanced inspection procedures available, designed to identify defects long before they can threaten your drill string. Or your operating budget.



We've developed advanced equipment and techniques that are unsurpassed at detecting drillingrelated flaws like corrosion pitting, fatigue cracking and wear, as well as mechanical damage that occurs during tripping, handling, transport and storage.

Tuboscope has developed sophisticated inspection procedures with well-trained operators whose high level of expertise has set the standard for the entire industry. Make us your maintenance partner and help your drill string work a lot harder, a lot longer.

Our technology identifies defects   before   they cause  problems.

The culmination of everything we've learned about electromagnetic inspection (EMI) technology over the past six decades is in our Drill Pipe (EMI) inspection system. This microprocessor-driven system will detect defects that can shorten the life of your drill pipe. And the system is just as effective at a well site as it is in a pipe yard.The inspected pipe is classified according to API RP7G or your own specifications. We are also  able to inspect to the tough  standards of T.H.Hill - DS 1  Specifications..

Our critical Ultrasonic end-area inspection catches hard-to-find defects. A drill pipe's end area is extremely susceptible to fatigue cracking.


Over 85% of drill pipe failures occur in this upset transition zone. And, since a number of physical circumstances - including scale, coating, corrosion pitting and body wall geometry - make it difficult to find defects there using conventional inspection methods, we developed a  highly specialized ultrasonic inspection technique for this critical area.

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 Web Site created and maintained by  Jayesh  Bhatt  at  Tuboscope , Indonesia.
Copyright © 1998  [Tuboscope]. All rights reserved.
Revised: January  30,1998