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Our Introduction to Yami no Matsuei   |   Volume 1   |   Vol. 1 Scans   |   Volume 2   |   Vol. 2 Scans   |   Volume 3   |   Vol. 3 Scans   |   Vol. 4 Scans
Our Introduction to Yami no Matsuei
Two figures uncloaked and landed in the middle of a hallway.  The tallest figure opened an office door and they entered the room with people typing away.  

Tatsumi came out of the chief's office and spotted the two new figures. "Who are you two and what are you doing here?!" he yelled and took a defensive position.

"Hiya, and you must be Tatsumi-san.  We are here to see Tsuzuki-san, and we have Enma-sama's permission," said the tallest figure.

"Hai, Hai, Tsuzuki told us soo much about you (heart)," added the second figure.

"Please identify yourselves!"

"My name is Unicorn."

"And, I am =)Kat," and the two figures bowed.

"We are from a special unit that handles odd paranormal cases," continued Unicorn.

"No one has told me about this visit! You two are not authorized to be here."

Unicorn and =)Kat put on their sunglasses and both held out a silver pen.

"I must tell you to leave, and what are you doing?"

"Watch the blue light," said Unicorn.  A little blue light flashed from the silver pens. *Tatsumi @.@*

Watari came out of nowhere and asked Unicorn, "Kakkoii! Where do you get that? Can I borrow it? I want to study it." Unicorn hesitated but Watari offered, "Hey, I let you borrow 003 in return for the pen. How about that?" Unicorn thought it would be nice to have an owl on her shoulder so she agreed. Watari tossed a startled 003 at Unicorn and ran off to his lab to investigate the pen. There was a huge explosion heard just a few seconds later.

Unicorn hoped that her pen would still be in one piece as she yelled, "Duck and cover everyone!" and put up magic barrier as debris flies in.

"Ah....I hope your pen is alright. Mmm...I guess Tsuzuki forgot to tell Tatsumi that we were coming today," said =)Kat and sighed.


"Unicorn-chan!" cried Tsuzuki as he ran toward Unicorn.

"Tsuzuki-kun!" cried Unicorn and ran toward him.

"Tsuzuki-san, how could you forget about me?!" cried =)Kat as she hit him with a huge fan out of nowhere.

"Oh, =)Kat-chan, I didn't see you. Gomen na sai! Here is a new game that I want to you to try out." said Tsuzuki as he wagged his tail so that =)Kat would forgive him.

"Okay....don't let that happen again." said =)Kat as she pockets the game. "Group Hug!!" They hugged each other and whirled around.

"I am soo happy to see you again!" They said in unison and laughed out loud.

"Hey, hey, stop making all this noise, Tsuzuki!  I cannot read my book with all this racket!" said Hisoka angrily.  He noticed the two and asked "Who are you people?" as he shuddered as he wondered if they are the same as the dreaded two from Hokkaido.

"Umm, Unicorn-san this is my partner Hisoka-san.  Hisoka-kun this is my friend Unicorn-san," answered Tsuzuki.

"Glad to finally meet you Hisoka-san, and this my partner =)Kat."

"Tsuzuki, you did not tell me you had more friends!"

"Sorry, it must have slipped my mind.  Oh, that is right I forgot to tell Tatsumi-san that the two of you were coming over today."

"Hai, We met him already. But, we had to blank his mind because he wanted us to leave.  Sorry about that."

"Nani?" said Hisoka.  He saw a spaced out Tatsumi and rushed over to him. "What did you do to him! Tatsumi snap out of it!" and Hisoka shook him.

"Do not worry Hisoka-san, Tatsumi will come out of it in a minute," comforted =)Kat.

Shortly Tatsumi came to his senses.  "Wha…Why are you standing around, get back to work!  And, who are you two?" Tatsumi felt as if he has already asked this question.

Tsuzuki replied, "These are my friends, Unicorn and =)Kat-san, who are visiting me today.  Enma-sama said it was okay for them to come."

"Noo, there goes our finance budget!"

"Not a problem due to our rule, we cannot receive money," replied Unicorn.

"You work for free!! Then stay as long as you like here," and Tatsumi wondered off.

 "Okay, Tsuzuki tell me where you met these two from?" questioned Hisoka.

"Oh, I met them by chance on a case I was solving, and we became good friends after that."

Actually, Tsuzuki and I smacked our heads together over a double fudge cake and we had to share it," said Unicorn.

"I had to buy some ice packs for their huge bumps on the head but then, they didn't mind the pain much since they were busy eating the cake," =)Kat continued.

"Later that night, he called us to take him home because drank to much sake and could not remember how to get home," added Unicorn.

"I e-mail them all time on what we have done," said Tsuzuki.

"Like over ten e-mails a day," mumbled =)Kat.

"They are visiting me now since they want to review the cases we have finished. You are also invited to join us in our case musings."

"How come I never herd of your names before?" said Hisoka.

"Ah, Enma-sama uses us as undercover agents to investigate oddities of the paranormal and keep track of certain mortals that step out of their realm," answered Unicorn.

"Let's get other people to join in our assignment Tsuzuki-kun," said =)Kat.

"Great idea =)Kat-chan!" And, the small group went off to find others to join.