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Manga Summaries and Scans
Our Introduction to Yami no Matsuei
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Volume 1
Vol. 1 Scans

Volume 2

Vol. 2 Scans

Volume 3

Vol. 3 Scans

Volume 4

Vol: 4: Hokkaido/ New Years / St. Michael Arc

Fukiya Yuma:
 Area 9 Shinigami that is outgoing.

Torii Saya:
 Area 9 Shinigami that is a bit quiet.

Beatrice, the
Snow Queen
Disappeared when passed out from eating one of Tsuzuki's muffins.
Sebastian (Music professor), Yan (Castle doctor), Katsue (Queen's steward): Loyal retainers to the Snow Queen. They are spirit animals that were abused by humans.
Cait-Sith (Queen's Diviner): Loyal servent to the Snow Queen.
Spirit of Mashuko: The old man dislikes traspassers and has no respect for Shinigami

Mashuko's true form
Sohryu (Blue Dragon)
One of Tsuzuki's 12 shikigami.  He controls the element of water and is guardian the East gate in Gensou Kai.  Sohryu is one powerful shikigami and is leader and father to other shikigami.
Watari: Well this story starts off with Chief Konoe displaying his mastery of darts and hits Hokkaido for the company trip.

Tsu: We finally went to a place that had food!

Unicorn: Hokkaido is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean located in the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk. The island features a diversity of breathtaking mountain scenes, extensive wetlands, natural lakes and marshes with beautiful landscapes. It has a cool, dry climate, with little concern about rainy seasons or typhoons.

Hokkaido is the home of extensive camping and outdoor sports facilities, many within easy reach of Sapporo. In summer, mountain hiking, cycling, fishing, canoeing, and white-water rafting are only a fraction of the activities available in and around the city. While in winter, cross-country and alpine skiing, snowboarding, and skating are common, with over 7 ski areas within the city boundaries, many with floodlit night skiing facilities.

Hokkaido prides itself on the freshness and taste of its seafood and vegetables. Fresh crab, sushi, and a seafood stew known as Ishikari-nabe are favorites, as is Genghis Kahn, a lamb barbecue served with vegetables. Local specialties also include potatoes, corn, asparagus, and dairy products.

Tsuzuki: I went off to tell Hisoka-kun about our yearly company trip. The little bookworm was reading Edda instead of giving me his full attention.

Hisoka: You interrupted me five times earlier that day. >.<

U: The Edda or The Poetic Edda is the collection of Norse-Icelandic mythological and heroic poetry. It contains the great narratives of the creation of the world and the coming of Ragnarok, the Doom of the Gods. The mythological poems explore the wisdom of the gods and giants, narrating Thor's adventures against the hostile giants and the gods' rivalries amongst themselves. The heroic poems trace the exploits of the hero Helgi and his valkyrie bride, the tragic tale of Sigurd and Brynhild's doomed love, and the terrible drama of Sigurd's widow Gudrun and her children. The composer Wanger and the author J.R.R. Tolkien got some ideas from this book.

Watari: No wonder the boy is all doom and gloom if he reads that kind of genre ^.^;

Tsu: Anyway, I told Hisoka-kun about my two female friends from Toshi-cho would be with us on the trip.

U: Saya and Yama arrived at that moment. Tsuzuki-kun was happy see them. Then they noticed Hisoka.

H: The two girls ran up to me, and they started touching me and talking girly things. I finally heard them wanting to put me in a dress with hose!! I think, I believe in cooties now T-T

Tsu: My partner ran off, but I was able to find him when it was time to leave.

U: The little shinigami group makes to a nice hotel. Tsuzuki-kun and Watari-kun become cute and pig out on food. They even get to eat some Japanese King crab (Alaskan King crab, or Russian crab) weighing up to 25 pounds and measuring up to 10 feet. But, they are quota-controlled due to decreasing numbers.

Kat: Then it was time for karaoke singing. Karaoke is a word formed from putting two Japanese words together. "Kara" that comes from Karappo and means empty and "Oke", shortened from Okesutura meaning "orchestra". So, karaoke means "empty orchestra.

U: ^.^; Umm, their singing could ward off evil spirits.

Tsu: After the singing fun, Watari-kun and I were able to drag Tatsumi-san off to the hot spring for men. I felt a little warm from drinking too much and I disrobed. Strangely, Tatsumi-san and Waatri-kun were looking at me all weird-like.

U&K: *Giggles out loud*

Tat: I see nothing funny about that scene.

W: I am still trying to forget how I reacted to my friend.

U: Well, they warmed up some more in the hot springs. The monkeys they were sharing the hot spring with were Japanese Macaques. They live in the northern mountains region of Japan and seem to be very fond of onsen/hot springs and in winter to keep warm, they are seen bathing happily and finding food in natural or man made springs that bubble up among the mountains. No primate, with the exception of humans, is known to live in a colder climate. Though their thick fur can make them appear much larger, adult macaques weigh about 33 pounds (15 kilograms) and stand about 2 feet (0.6 meters) tall. And though they are a relatively familiar animal throughout the mountainous areas of Japan, they are considered an endangered species.

K: In the colder months, it is not uncommon for the monkeys to use the outdoor bath at Korakukan as well.

Tsu: Tatsumu-san and Watari-kun complained that Hisoka-kun did not join us. I vowed to hit Muraki-san for what he did to my little buddy >.<

Muraki: Soo, it was you who made me sneeze with your ill thoughts that day.

U: Hisoka-kun, were you being shy about your curse marks?

H: I thought they would tease me about being a kid.

W: Back to the story, we discovered that the women's pool was next door. We overheard Yama and Saya's strange girl talk. Later, we saw a hare, alligator, and a fox in antique English clothing talking to each other.

H: Then I think I heard Tsuzukui scream for help as I was thinking in my private pool. Baka, you made me slip and fall on the pool's edge. *Tsuzuki dodges a book that was tossed at him* I thrown on my yukata and geta (Japanese dress robe and wooden sandals) to see what was wrong.

W: The girls heard the commotion and looked over the fence to see what was the matter, and we had to dive back into water to keep our dignity. The girls should have warned us. ^-^;

K: Warned you?! They want to peek!! hehehe

W: Ah, hentai!!

U: The girls recognized the odd talking animals as friends. Hisoka-kun comes out running and is mobbed by two girls for being cute in his yukata.

H: Why do those girls have to tackle me all time >.<

K: Coz you're cute. ^-^ *tackles Hisoka*

H: Help!!

U: You wold have made a great super fashion model ^-^

Tat: We later discovered that their snow queen was missing and needed help. We were not going to work for free, so I made a deal to get compensation for using our vacation time.

U: Kids, the lesson learned here was Money Talks. e.e

T: Cheapskate.

Tat: What did you SAY!! >o<

T: Cheesecake anyone? ^__^ ;

K: The little group went to the snow queen's ice castle. There is a Japanese myth of a type of snow queen called Yuki Onna (The Snow Mother or The Lady of the Snow). She is a beautiful and malicious spirit who appears to travelers along frigid mountain roads as a pale and fragile young woman dressed in fur and carrying a bundle in her arms. When she encounters a hapless wayfarer, she will approach, teary-eyed, and beg him to hold her baby. If he is foolish enough to take the bundle she offers, his blood will instantly be frozen to ice. Yuki-Onna is supposed to represent Death, for from her lips, life-blood from her unfortunate victims are drawn.

U: If Matsusheita was following Norse-Icelandic mythological, it could be the Snow Queen that drives a white sleigh pulled by white reindeer that appears in snow storms. It is said the she steals lost or naughty children away and are never seen again. One way to scare kids to behave and not wander off (Hans Christian Andersen wrote stories on this one). On the side, the YnM's snow queen name was Beatrice and can be refer to Beatrix Potter with the human-like animal stories.

H: Anyway, Tsuzuki got friendly with local squirrels and almost fainted from hunger. He once again failed in cooking by trying to poison us with an apple pie made out of Jonathan Apples (Roundish, deep yellow apples with bright red stripes and creamy white, semisweet flesh. They are perfect for pies or baking of any kind because it is sweet and tart). Then we were all amazed that Yama and Saya said the pie was good with a straight face.

K: Even good apples cannot save Tsuzuki's cooking. ^^;  

U: Yuma and Saya told Tsuzuki a white lie on liking the muffin he made for them. They had no clue what they had do with it half a year ago. In the Queen's chamber, Tsuzuki slipped on Caith Sith's geta. The cat was drunk on Matatabi wine and his diving direction are the opposite direction he states ^.^; He said the Queen was west, so Hisoka, Tsuzuki, Caith, and Katsue went off to the east to search.

K: Cait Sith, Cait Sith literally means fairy cat, the creature was said to haunt the Highland region. It is described as being as large as a dog, black with a white spot on its breast, with an arched back and erect bristles. This, probably, would be when it was angry. Like a real cat it could be ferocious if stumbled upon. Many highlanders believed that this was actually a transformed witch, and was therefore solid and tangible, unlike most fairy creatures. It is possible the belief is related to some of the mysterious black cats that have been caught in the region. The Highlands are also still populated with the wild cat in some places, they are extremely aggressive if cornered. In this story, Cait Sith would most probably refer to the character in Final Fantasy 7 game. It is described as a moggle with a cat on top of its head.

H: Back to the story, I became very uneasy moving around the night with no moon to light my way.

Tsu: I gave him my hand to hold while I guided him through the darkness. See, I can be very helpful.

H: Yeah right, I will remember that the next time you get us lost ¬_¬

U: Later, Hisoka felt the Snow Queen was nearby and Tsuzuki took an arrow that was meant for Hisoka. The spirit of Mashuko [Lake Mashuko is in Akan National Park] appeared and was displeased to them. The spirit turned into a dragon to force them to leave.

Tsu: I lost my temper because her was soo rude to us. I summoned Sohryu to teach the spirit some manners. Then I tripped over a snowman that turned out to be the Snow Queen ^.^;

U: The queen was taken back home and it turned out she had found a sweet aka Tsuzuki's bad muffin. She went off secretly to cheat on her diet and the muffin was soo bad that the Queen faited v.v;

Tsu: My cooking cannot be that bad ;-;

Tat: Yuma and Saya told us the truth that the muffin was from Tsuzuki. We were blamed for the trouble and were not paid for our services >.<

New Years

Hanako, Tsukiko, Yukiko Kanawa: Area 3 shinigami (They could be relating to the myth of the 3 Fates, 3 Wise Women, or Graces)
Kannuki Wakaba:
Area 4 shinigami that is able to control Terazuma when he changes to his shikigami.
Terazuma Hajime:
Area 4 shinigami, who has a dislike to Tsuzuki and shows physical aspects related to his shikigami.
Terasuma's  which is the type that needs a host to be summoned.

Unicorn: Kat did you get you know who to come over?

Kat: Hai, he is coming, I hope ^.^;

Terazuma: *Slides open the door and notices Tsuzuki is in the room and glares*

Kat: Ah, there is are speciel guest for today.

Unicorn: *Puts Terazuma in a head lock* Not soo fast! *Drags him in*

Terazuma: Why does he have to be here...¬_¬

Kat: Be a good sport for once for us, please

Terazuma: T-T

Unicorn: Okay Tsuzuki, you go first.

Tsuzuki: *Ignores Teazuma* We are playing Hyakunin-isshu with Tatsumi as the dealer. There are several varieties of cards called Karuta. Today, with the three most popular being Hyakunin-isshu, Hana-karuta (Hanafuda), and Iroha-karuta. It can be assumed that there were two central origins of Japanese Karuta, a culture which has lasted for 450 years. One is from a card game from Portugal called Carta while the other is a Heian game called Kaiooi where players compete in matching the correct pair of clam shells based from their designs from all the clam shells spread in front of them. Soon, a game called Utagai wherein each pair of clam shells which consisted of the first part of a waka poem printed on one shell while the remaining half on the other shell. In the Edo era, several pieces of cardboard were used for the game instead of clam shells. It is from this the form of Karuta played today such as Hyakunin-isshu was introduced.

Hyakunin-isshu is an anthology of one hundred waka poems by one hundred of Japans finest poets. There are the reading cards (on which only the first part of the waka poems is printed), and the playing cards (on which the second part is printed). To play the game of Hyakunin-isshu, the cards that have only the second part printed on them are spread out on the floor, and as one person reads out a poem from a reading card, others (two or more people) try to pick up the matching card as soon as they can. The winner is the one who picks up the most.

Tatsumi: Mmm...did you just have a brain transplant?

Tsuzuki: How mean. I was really playing well since the loser would treat everyone. Eel...yummy. There are only few of us since the others were tired from the new year party last night. Watari isn't here since he is working on his gender-changing medicine. Such an workaholic, he should be having fun.

Tatsumi: Unlike you. Well, this guy had made a mistake during the game so he had to be penalized. really looked like a loser with that circle on your right eye. makes me laugh when I remember it. *tears in his eyes* Bwahahaha

Hisoka: That is so unlike you, Tatsumi-san. Tsuzuki and Konoe had started to talked about a certain occasion wherein Konoe would definitely enter. I asked Tatsumi-san what it was and it turned out that every seventh day of the new year, there is a Kyudo contest wherein each section would have a three member team as representatives in the contest. The purpose of this tournament is to train one's spiritual power.

Unicorn: Spiritual power, riiight... e.e

Kat: Kyudo is a form of Japanese archery that is heavily influenced by zen. It is an elegant, ceremonial, non-combative method of shooting the traditional Japanese bow and arrow. Modern Kyudo is descended from the Heki school of Kyujutsu, the art of killing by the bow, combined with a branch of ceremonial archery, the Ogasawara school. The branch of Kyujutsu, as all martial arts in Japan, embraced Zen as its spirit--possibly because of its lack of moralizing and its value in training the spirit of a warrior to actually be able to KILL.

Kyudo, the Way of the Bow, is the oldest and purest of Japan's traditional martial arts. The bow has been used in Japan since prehistoric times. From the fourth to the ninth century, close contacts between China and Japan had a great influence on Japanese archery, especially the Confucian belief that through a person's archery their true characters could be determined.

Kyudo is a spiritual art. The main purpose of modern Kyudo is that by learning it, you should be learning about yourself and by improving in Kyudo, you should be improving yourself. It is a highly meditative martial art whose ultimate goals are Shin (Truth i.e. the ultimate reality), Zen (Goodness) and Bi (Beauty).

Tsuzuki: Later on, we went to visit Watari at his laboratory. Watari asked me to bet as to who would win but I don't have any money. Sniff. But, I do want to join because the prize is a 12 day paid holiday. I just don't have any talents in Kyudo. Watari then asked if Hisoka's linage is really old. I learned that it was and his lineage had even served the Kamakura shougunate.

Kat: The Kamakura shogunate (1185-1333) was the first shogunate. It was founded by the Minamoto family, also known as the Genji, a provincial family of warriors who came to wield great power in the 12th century. The Kamakura shogunate was named after the site of its capital, Kamakura, which is located an hour's train ride to the southwest of modern Tokyo. The shogunate established a new government controlled by samurai who imposed order throughout the empire and re-established contact with China. The new Chinese contacts brought in new sects of Buddhism, especially Zen Buddhism, which flourished. Kamakura is now a quiet sea-side town with large temples scattered beautifully throughout.

Hisoka: That is where I lived and I would be the seventeenth head of the family who served the shougunate if I'm still alive. Tsuzuki was quite surprised about it. Hmph, I never told him since he never asked. Well, because of my lineage, I do know some martial arts including Kyudo. I remembered that my father doesn't want me to inherit the lineage but then, I think, it would be fine if it would be someone else.

U: Our modest Hisoka-kun also mentioned the martial arts of Kendo, Aikido, Iai, and Naginata. Kendo is the Way of the sword, in other words, Japanese stylized swordplay in which bamboo swords / shinai are used. Aikido is the Way of Harmony of the Spirit in which a self-defense system of various holds and circular movements are used to exploit to one's advantage an opponent's strength and weight. Iai (Drawing Sword) / Iaido / Iado is the Way of drawing the sword that emphasis is placed on sword drawing and sheathing (Meaning, you are using a real = katana / unsharpened = iaito steel sword instead of bamboo). There are four basic skills or "waza" that are entirely kata-based in iado: Nukitsuke (drawing the sword), Kiritsuke (cutting with the sword), Chiburi (cleaning blood from the sword), and Osame (re-sheathing the sword). Naginata is very similar to a Glaive being five to six feet long with a steel blade on a wooded pole (Today, they are made of bamboo), which a person can fight a swordsman or horseman (Women mainly used this weapon).

Hisoka: The next day, I'm off to work when I saw this guy who is practicing his Kyudo. I was amazed at his talent but he accused me of being a spy. I explained that I worked here and happened to pass by when I saw him. When he learned of my name, he suddenly perked up, saying I'm someone's...

Tsuzuki: Someone's lover boy? *Hisoka hits him on the head* Ahh...there are birds flying around my many are @_@


Tsuzuki: Gomen, I just trying to see if they are still reading. At work, Tatsumi told us that Konoe had hurt his hip yesterday. Watari examined him and it wasn't good news. Tatsumi had to stay there to restrain Konoe. He then asked us to participate. Of course, I refused because I don't want to be in the same team as that 'weirdo'. I'm not even convinced when Tatsumi told me that person won't compete because he had a lot of work.

Terazuma: How dare he call me a weirdo >.<

Tatsumi: So, I just have to give the stupid puppy that extra push by enticing him with all the puffer fish he can eat. Kids, remember to have a licensed chef prepare your puffer fish, you don't want to end up like us -- dead.

Kat: Edible fugu [the japanese name for pufferfish/blowfish] are very popular in our country, Japan, in the last twenty years especially in the Kansai region around Osaka. The ones that are caught in the wild would need a licensed chef to handle it since nowadays, there are farm raised fugu. Even with all the precautions, every year one or more people die from eating fugu. Even with that kind of risk, it is still very expensive and in high demand. There are many ways of serving it from multi-course meals to the most common way of serving it as sashimi.

Tsuzuki: Stop it already, you are making me drool all over the place.

Hisoka: And so, he took the bait even though Tatsumi is bluffing. ^^; I am tasked to teach this moron how to Kyudo. At first shot, I got hit on my cheek. After a few more practice, the guy hit the arrows all over the place but not the target. The ruckus had caused the archer I met earlier to reprimand us. Then, to my shock, I learned that he, Terazuma, was also a Shinigami. Honestly, I ought to get Tsuzuki to introduce people to me so that I won't be always looking like a fool. Wait...could there be really brains in him and it was all deliberate? Mm...

Terazuma: You are giving him too much credit. Don't think too much.

Tsuzuki: Hey! Well, I really hate that guy and he hates me back so don't believe everything he says. I had to ask Hisoka for us to practice elsewhere since he might be bad influence for Hisoka. Oh ya, I almost forgot to say, I hate you Tatsumi for tricking me about Terazuma not joining the contest. Where did I put the curse doll? *Ouch* Ah, Tatsumi-san, it is my evil side who made me say that. *grins* So would you please put that curse doll somewhere else, please?!! Ahem, I explained to Hisoka that Terazuma used to be a detective and was not happy about me being all powerful to just be in an area which had few problems. I don't see a problem with that.

Tatsumi: I do! With all the bills that I have to compute because of you. I want you to ship some place else like at Terazuma's area and let's see how you would make all their problems go away.

Hisoka: ^^; Do you need to ask? He would just blow everything to kingdom come and compounds the problems!! Sniff, my library.

Tsuzuki: Are you sure you are my friends? ~_~

Unicorn: Hey Tsuzuki-kun, do you want to play a game of William Tell ? ^____^

Tsuzuki: I never heard of the rules to the game.

Unicorn: The rules are simple. *Blind folds Tsuzuki and places an apple on his head* You just stay real still.  *Gets out a bow and arrow from the other side of the room*

Tsuzuki: What do you do?

Unicorn: I will try to shoot the apple in half on your head.

Tsuzuki: YOU WHAT!!!! *Apple splits in half and he faits*

Terazuma: Can I be next!

Kat: After practice, Terazuma and Hisoka would help Tsuzuki practice during their spare time since they would have to participate alternately in the contest. Out of the blue, The notorious Kanawa Three Sisters of Yukiko, Tsukiko and Hanako appeared before them and started to boast that their competition are nothing and they would win this year. The three sisters didn't like Terazuma since he made them lose for the last fifteen years straight and they claim to have a special weapon against him.

Hisoka: I would not be peeved on them if only they didn't say I'm a weak kid. Since Terazuma is also peeved, we dragged the-guy-who-could-not-shoot-straight back to the ranges for more practice until he gets it right.

Tsuzuki: Sniff...and that is all I did until the contest, practice. I even dreamt of hitting them with arrows as targets and not the William Tell-type with apples. *evil grin* So, did all that practice paid off in the tournament? Read on.

Kat: Then, the day of the contest has arrived. The elder Gushoshin was hosting the event. He told the audience that this contest was their way of determining which district excels in military arts, one of which is archery. The competitors for that year are the EnMacho group who were composed of Terazuma, Hisoka and Tsuzuki and the SouTeiCho group composed of Yukiko, Tsukiko and Hanako.

Unicorn: Guys against girls ^.^;

Watari: I was so tense at that time that I unconsciously squeezing 003. Why you ask? Well, I bet lots of money on our team and I didn't know that Konoe would be replaced by Tsuzuki. Our team is the top seed for this contest and was the champion last year.

Unicorn: If this is land of dead, why does money still have value here O_o?

Kat: The rules of the contest were: The contestants will take turns in shooting three arrows and try to knock down the target Maridama, a ball of wrapped string that has a tassel underneath. There are different sizes of Maridama in different heights and each has a corresponding point. Some balls have written instructions inside. If the instructions aren't followed, the points for the Maridama that was hit will be forfeited.

Tsuzuki: Then, the elder Gushoshin mentioned that along with him to comment on the competition are the Earl and Wotoson. *shivers* That pervert started to daydream about me then, he called me. I shouted at him what he wanted. He told me that he betted on us too, and if we lost, he will collect my debts and that means....*faints from over-imagination*

Hisoka: *fans Tsuzuki and slaps him to wake up* Hey, you are still narrating! Anyway, the Earl started to tell Tsuzuki that it was okay if he lost which freaked Tsuzuki more. Terazuma and I ignored him since we do not want to get involved in that matter.

Terazuma: I washed my hands of the baka ¬_¬

Tsuzuki: *wakes up* Then, Wakaba, Terazuma's partner, came to the competition to help in cheering for the team. Terazuma doesn't like girls, but it was his fate to be stuck with her. Hisoka was puzzled then, but I told him to wait and see why later on.

Kat: The contest had started. The first one to compete was Terazuma who got many points by getting the difficult balls. Yukiko giggled to herself that even if he was good, they will win in the end. Then, it was Yukiko's turn and she also hit high points balls. So, they have the same points. The EnmaCho group talked about their strategy. Terazuma was sure that the sisters will start using dirty tricks in the second round so he and Hisoka will score the points while Tsuzuki will just get the easy targets.

Tsuzuki: When it was Terazuma's turn again, he was aiming then suddenly, Hanako patted him on his chest and told him that she liked him. Terazuma freaked out and shouted for her not to touch him. *giggles* Anyway, even if the arrow was way off course, it somehow hit a ball. Well, Hisoka now knew of Terazuma's secret. hehehe, His major weak point are girls so when he is touched by a girl, he turns into his other form, the Kagakokushungei aka. the red-eyed black lion.

Unicorn: Terazuma other form looks more like a Chimaera...

Terazuma: No comment ¬_¬

Hisoka: Wakaba immediately put an fuda on Terazuma to revert to his original form. Wakaba warned Terazuma that if he transformed again, it will take an hour to change back since it takes time for the fuda to re-charge. I now know why he was fated to be with her since she is the one who can change Terazuma back to normal.

Unicorn: Or, for some reason he thinks Wakaba is one of the guys *snickers*

Kat: The ball that Terazuma accidentally hit had an instruction inside. The instruction was to give a passionate kiss to one of his teammates. Terazuma tried to object since his teammates are all guys, but he had no choice. The Earl was threatening Terazuma not to kiss Tsuzuki, so Terazuma picked Hisoka to kiss.

Unicorn: Kissy kissy, Hisoka-kun X3

Hisoka: I was really shocked at that time, so I don't know how to react. The Kanawa sisters are already calling Terazuma a pervert. ^^;; Tsuzuki was also protesting. Since I can read one's mind, I can easily read through Terazuma. He was trying to psyche himself up to kiss me all for the name of victory, but he imagined me as a girl so....

Unicorn: Oy, there goes the neighborhood again -_-;

Tsuzuki: He changed back to lion mode. hehehe But, unfortunately, we got penalized with 100 points. While Terazuma was out of commission, we had a hard time competing with the Kanawa sisters, so we are losing. The Kanawa sisters are rejoicing, but I was quite pressured because the Earl wanted me to lose and Watari would break our friendship if we lost.

Unicorn: Poor Tsuzuki-kun, can't even win for losing.

Hisoka: Terazuma came back and the two started blaming each other whose fault it was that they are losing, Terazuma's problem with his body or Tsuzuki's bad archery skills. How about both? ^^;; So, I decided to depend on myself to win. I was about to aim when the bowstring snapped. It was one of the Kanawa sisters' doing. I had twisted my wrist, so I cannot compete anymore. Terazuma wanted to expose it, but we had no proof that they did it. I was really furious that they are using dirty tricks to win for if it is a fair fight, I would have accepted that we had lost.

Tsuzuki: I decided to replace Hisoka even though Terazuma protested. He had no better solution to our problem. The Kanawa sisters didn't target me since ah...

Hisoka: They knew you were not good.

Tsuzuki: Do you have to tell them? So, I did my best. Hanako and Tsukiko were a bit worried, but Yukiko underestimated me. I was about to get a hit and we won. Then, that stupid Terazuma started scolding me for not showing my talent earlier. So, we argued more about that.

Hisoka: The Kanawa sisters were leaving and they decided to polish their techniques, not in archery but in dirty tricks so that they will win next year. Tsuzuki could just yell at them for not changing their ways. Terazuma and I are not looking forward to another contest with them.

Kat: And so, EnmaCho won its 16th victory in the military arts competition. Later on, we learn that Tatsumi is the acting chief while Konoe is still recuperating.

Tsuzuki: I wanted to use my paid vacation but that evil Tatsumi told me that I don't have a paid vacation since I have to pay the repair costs of the buildings that I had destroyed earlier. I wanted to cry in frustration since I cannot quit for I would still have to pay the damages. Where would I get the money? *teary eyes*

Hisoka: Watari, Terazuma and I discussed that maybe strict Tatsumi is the real boss in this division. Then, Tsuzuki just had to call Tatsumi a demon. So, Tatsumi threatened to withdraw the offer of puffer fish for the win. Tsuzuki is defeated.

Tsuzuki: Sniff, it is so unfair. I blame it all on you, Terazuma!

Terazuma: Me! You are the one that blow things up and start fights with me!! >o<

Tsuzuki: I Do NOT! *Starts to fight with Terazuma, but Kat and Unicorn kick them out before the 2 do any damage*

St. Michael Arc

Fujisawa: School bully that was murdered in wanting Mitani.
Father Robert: He was poisoned by Mitani for knowing that he was gay and wanting to report it to the police.
Okazaki Izuru / Focalor(Fohkaroru): Izuru was the 1st boy to be found dead (his death was done by his own design) and his body became host the demon Focalor, who was after Tsuzuki to gain a position in the Akuma Empire.
Maeda: Hisoka's roommate at the school.
Mitani: Soft spoken young Christian history teacher that had a sensitive spirit. He tried cover up the death of Izuru in the beginning.
Tsukiori Kira: Protended to be a 2nd year student dorm chief, but was the demon exorcist of Enmacho. She was sent to protect Tsuzuki.

Ah I'm flowing into the dark frozen sea
With the wave of history

Before long, the curtain will rise
I use an ephemeral dream to start a fire in controversy

Someday the heart I lost sight of
Will repeat a sin it could forget
That corrupted love that raises a mistake
The paradise that builds on debris

forbidden lover...... Ephemeral memory
Even though I hold it tightly, the colors won't mix
I secretly swear
The end of a sweet love is the sudden prank of time

I am surrounded by a burning flame
My life is on the crumbling boat
My scared eyes look up to the sky
I shout God's name

High in the sky this heart dances
I was passing higher than a nightmare
I let this thought loose to you
I let the radiance go to the far off ground

Before long, will the day even come to the new world
When we are passing through the same road again?

forbidden lover......

Kat: Before we begin, can we put in a reminder?

Tsuzuki: This story is rated-18 and is more on shounen ai or boy's love.

Unicorn: In other words, R-rated and includes boys kissing each other. It also shows a bad portrayal of Catholic priests.

Hisoka: If you don't like this kind of stuff and are offended by such stories.

Tatsumi: Please don't read.

Watari: You have been warned.

Muraki: And, I'm not even in this story.

Aw, you poor thing e.e

All: So get lost already!!

I'll be back!! *Gets his bags and went on a vacation in Transylvania*

Muraki! We did not say you could stay here while we are out on missions, you freeloader! >.<

On a stormy night outside a cathedral....*thunder sounds* ..........Watari!!! The sound effects are too loud!

Opps, sorry....*signals 003 to lower the volume*

On a stormy night outside a cathedral, someone is confessing to the priest regarding someone whom he/she had killed....the person whom he/she loved.

I was giving the new assignment to Tsuzuki and Hisoka regarding Izuru Okazaki, a 2nd year high school student who died of violent shock upon falling into the ocean. By the time the body was discovered, it was already crushed. According to the fisherman who saw it, the body was bloated because it had absorbed the water and some fish nibbled the skin. I was interrupted by weird looks from my audience.

Well, how could you look at that hologram of Okazaki with a straight face?! I just ate you know!!

Hmph, how was I to know? Just thinking of what you cooked for lunch today made me want to throw up.

What did you say?! It was one of my secret recipes.

From hell... e.e

You haven't even tasted it yet!

I can already tell from the way it looks.

 *lets the two bicker* Ahem, let's continue. The police were a bit stumped because it is full of mysteries and they don't have a suspect yet. The puzzles were that Okazaki's ring and pinky fingers on both hands and feet were severed.


 And it was done while the victim was still alive.

*Pained look* That would hurt...

I think you shouldn't be in the forensics....and please stop making faces.

There are many scars on not easily seen parts of Okazaki's body and even in the genital area, there are some marks. At his back, there are words burned by the suspect. The words were "Forever my lover" Tsuzuki and Hisoka thought that the suspect was a woman but they are in for a surprise. Okazaki was a student of Nagasaki's Saint Michael Senior High School, which is a Catholic all-boys school. The mission is to recover Okazaki's missing spirit and leave the search for the culprit to the police. Tsuzuki would communicate to us about the information he gathered through a cross.

Once again we return to Nagasaki (See vol. 1 for map) and I think there is a Saint Michael there made in the 1930s.

The school was located facing the ocean, just above a rocky hill, like a castle. It enforces strict religious commandments and its education is solely based on Christianity. In the cathedral, Tsuzuki disguised himself as a priest and led the others to a mass. Some students are commenting on their new priest.

Being handsome.

^.^; Tsuzuki-kun , what you said did not sound right

 ^^; Maede, a student and Hisoka's roommate, compared him to Father Robert who was quite strict. Maeda commented that Hisoka got some bad luck for transferring now to their school because of Okazaki's death and of another person. Before Hisoka could learn who it was, Tsukiori reprimanded them for talking while there was a mass.

 After the mass, I noticed someone looking at the stained glass panels of the cathedral. When I asked him what's the matter, he was quite surprised. I had to help him calm down a bit. He introduced himself as Mitani, a teacher of Christian history. I invited him to the kitchen.

Cannot stop thinking about food, huh?

No, I was just inviting him for some tea for he was a guest. Mitani discussed of some of the stained glass windows, which he admired. He said that he liked the effect of the evening light on the stained glass.

Mitani was talking about the stained glass windows copied from The Cathedral of St Etienne in Bourges, France called The Annunciation (1150), but I think author was referring to the huge pattern design there.  The Annunciation is a very small section piece. The other was copied from Augsbrug's Cathedral of St. Ulrich in Germany named The Prophets (1215) that includes Daniel (pic), Moses, Horsea, and Jonas.

Mitani then revealed to me that Father Robert whom he described as gloomy, was actually poisoned and didn't died of some illness as publicly reported.

Back at the school, Maeda told me that Tsukiori, a 2nd year student was the dorm chief. The position was suppose to be for a 3rd year but Tsukiori won it through a duel. Maeda was so into Tsukiori that it is quite frightful. Reminded me of some pervert doctor. Fujisawa came by and told Maeda not to admire Tsukiori that much. Sigh, it turned out that Fujisawa is also a pervert, trying to look at me strangely and saying that I looked like a girl.

 *making faces* Like this?

 *looked at Tsuzuki who was just bumped into the head with a book* Ahem..he even told me I'm the type to be raped. I would have smacked him like that guy *points to Tsuzuki* but since I'm undercover, I kept my poise and told him that I can take care of myself. Good thing he left. Maede told me that Kurosaki always pick on the new students. I decided to ask more questions for Maede is quite talkative. I'm working hard while this fool was having tea.

hehehe...and it was delicious.

Hisoka learned that there are three student leaders who have the strongest authority. First is the Student Council Leader, Vice Leader and the Dorm Chief. If any student opposed them, he would be driven out of the school. The teachers didn't say anything since they might lose their job. There was also an intense rivalry toward each other for the lower ones always wanted to get to the top.

Okazaki wanted Fujisawa to disappear while Fujisawa was aiming for Okazaki's position. Tsukiori wanted to defeat them both. The number one suspect is Fujisawa because he isn't only after Okazaki's position but also for a certain man. Tsuzuki freaked out about that. Hmph, and he should freak out when Muraki is all over him....but he didn't.

Well, he is using some hypnosis on me!!

*ignores Tsuzuki's denials* Yeah right. It also seemed that Tsukiori is a cultist for he was rumored to have curse to death anyone who is more beautiful than him.

I wanted to sleep with Hisoka because I'm scared but sniff...I was turned down.

Because you keep on kicking during your sleep. *points at bite mark on the arm* See this? You had a nap and bit me because you thought I'm a Bayerische Erdbeercreme...

Yummy.....*runs off to buy some*

Hisoka walked around the path while thinking of how the body has been thrown to the ocean from the landing for it was a bit too far. He wondered if there are more than one suspects for the body to be thrown from such a distance. He then noticed Mitani who warned him not to walk outside at this time for it is dangerous.

I took this chance to ask him about Okazaki's death on the hands of his male lover. Mitani reacted by saying that it was impossible for they are in a Catholic school and the students shouldn't do such filthy acts. Then, when he has calmed down, he asked that if it's not needed why did God grant such feelings. I was quite puzzled and didn't know how to answer.

From a balcony above, Tsukiori was watching them and saying, Lord Help Us, Lord Save us. That night, Fujisawa was having sex with a certain guy. Fujisawa asked the guy if he was the one who killed Okazaki but dismissed it for he doesn't care since the guy is now...forever his lover. Suddenly, Fujisawa was chopped with a huge cleaver. Mm..schools always have huge cleavers...^^;;

*Covering her eyes* I guess cleavers make a bigger mess for bad guys to use.

The next day, there are a lot of people near the seashore and I saw Tsuzuki approaching Mitani who was quite stunned over what had happened. It was Fujisawa who was butchered and his fingers were severed. Mitani said that the school must have been cursed by the devil. I noticed that Tsukiori was smirking.

*returns as he wipes his mouth of leftover snack* Back in the chapel, I wondered about the mystery as to why the bodies were thrown over the ocean for it isn't a good way to hide the body. The morning tide would eventually bring the body back to the shore. Mitani came by and ask me if I would hear his confession.

Meanwhile, sitting outside, Maede is chilled too death as he waited for Tsukiori. Inside the dormitory, Tsukiori walked with a candle and said some prayer regarding St. Michael to help them from the disaster coming from the sea. Tsukiori then took out a sword and held it up over Hisoka who was sleeping. Tsukiori continued with the prayer by saying that with the blood of this lamb, cleanse us.

Tsukiori tried to stab me, but I had leaped aside. I asked why he was doing this but he kept on attacking me. I was careless that I had used by psychic power to shield myself. Tsukiori then reprimanded me about it and Tsuzuki should have warned me about using my powers against ordinary humans. I was surprised as to how did he knew my name and Tsuzuki's. He then introduced himself as the demon exorcist Kira, EnmaChos' Elite. It was just then that I realized that Tsukiori was a girl.

A thunderstorm had started outside as Kira explained to Hisoka that she was there on a mission to protect Tsuzuki from Akuma Empire's goons for there are demons involved in this case. Hisoka was surprised over this fact. Kira told him that Tsuzuki was targeted since Tsuzuki was involved with Saagatanasu before. [ Demon's Trill Arc] The decree among them was that whoever won against another, he would have that position. Grand Duke Ashitatorte, the head, was willing to accept Tsuzuki, a human for that vacant position.

Meanwhile, Mitani started his confession by asking me why God forbids love between the same gender. I was stumped with his question and I was puzzled as to why he was asking this. Mitani said that God made everything that exists to have meaning yet nothing of meaning come from love of the same gender. Mitani then confessed that they had broken that law. I was surprised and shocked for I had guessed that he and Okazaki are lovers. Mitani admitted it.

Mitani also admitted that he had killed Okazaki and Fujisama. Tsuzuki become more shock than ever. Okazaki was smitten by him even though he was puzzled at first but he couldn't reject him. Their relationship become closer until they had sex and they did it repeatedly. Mitani is swept by his guilty conscience and Okazaki had noticed Mitani's hesitation so every night when they are together, Okazaki would mutilate himself.

So, all those wounds and severed fingers are all made by Okazaki himself. I don't have a stomach to do such things.

Yup, if you just trip down on the floor, you'll cry already. I have to give you a candy for you to stop crying.

Shh....why are you revealing my embarrassing moments.

Ah, where are we? Yes, Mitani tried to stop Okazaki from doing those things but it was too late for in the end, Okazaki had finally died on top of him. Mitani blamed himself for Okazaki's death. Mitani being a researcher wanted to see the world, which God had forbidden humans --- a world of sin. He was too curious to see if it was a paradise or a land of darkness. Tsuzuki empathized with him for he also had a forbidden love. Now, Tsuzuki, tell us who it was? Hisoka? *sees Hisoka giving her an angry stance* Eh, Muraki? *sees Muraki giving her a large grin and Tsuzuki is about to summon his shikigami at Kat.* I'm kidding....

Well, it's a secret.

Back to the story, Tsuzuki then asked if Father Robert knew. Mitani said he did, but he wanted to tell the police for he couldn't keep it a secret. Mitani got scared, so he poisoned him and killed him. Mitani denied that it was he who dumped the bodies into the ocean. Tsuzuki wondered who it was when suddenly, his cross communicator was acting up. Tatsumi informed him that Okazaki's corpse had disappeared from the morgue. Then, a bloodied human figure spattered upside down on one of the windows.

Meanwhile, Kira continued to explained to me that Tsuzuki was targeted by the other lower akumas who wanted to steal the position from him in the same way Tsuzuki got it from Saagatanasu. She learned that the akumas had infiltrated the school so she got in as a male student and she could easily gather information as the Dorm Chief. From the similarities of Okazaki and Fujisawa's deaths, she was able to determine the akuma's identity. Suddenly, we heard a huge crash from the church. Kira told me to hurry for the goal of that akuma was to kill Tsuzuki.

Back in the church, the bloodied human figure was the decomposing body of Okazaki. Tsuzuki was shocked for how could he still be alive. Mitani seemed to be surprised as he asked if it was really Okazaki. Okazaki began to tell Mitani about his love for him. Tsuzuki tried to warn Mitani to get away from Okazaki, but Mitani didn't listen as he kissed Okazaki. From Okazaki's mouth, some organ muscle thing with a face was pushed down to Mitani's mouth that went inside of him.

Kira arrived to make Okazaki get away from Mitani with some blessed water. We then learned that the one controlling Okazaki's body was Fohkaroru, an akuma. Kira asked how Tsuzuki was and he said he was fine, but he was concerned about Mitani. Fohkaroru was angry over the interruption and spitted more of that organ muscle stuff with eyes. I quickly shielded Tsuzuki and myself.

Mitani who had some internal injuries, sat by the wall. Mitani was talking to himself but it was addressed to Okazaki. He said that he doesn't really care their love being forbidden but since he was the teacher and Okazaki was the student, he didn't have the self-confidence that he could make Okazaki happy. Even thought he was hesitating and confused, in the end, he couldn't go against their love. He apologized for not being able to say it while Okazaki still lives but of all the people, it was Okazaki whom he loved.

Tsuzuki was asking why this had happened. Fohkaroru being the blabber mouth that he is told us everything. He did all this to lure Tsuzuki to the school. Mm, same tactic as Muraki used.

I'll sue for copyrights!!

Fohkaroru told us that he just fulfilled Okazaki's desire to be loved by Mitani in exchange for his body and spirit, and also dumping the bodies into the ocean. Kira explained that Fohkaroru was a general of ocean and wind. He had a bad habit of throwing dead bodies into the ocean. Fohkaroru boasted that he will be the next Imperial Dragon Cavalry Brigade Commander. Wow, such a long title. Fohkaroru and the other akumas don't want a human commander.

I was furious that he killed everyone and caused all of this just for his selfish reasons. I could not forgive him for that so I toast him with Suzaku.

Unfortunately, the church also got wrecked.

 Well, I lost my temper. I quickly went to assist Mitani but it was too late. He had died from his injuries. Kira started talking about reporting the incident to Makai, the akuma's world and that I should not become the next commander. She will handle the rest. I wasn't listening for I believe what happened to Mitani was my fault as well as the rest, everyone whom I get in contact with dies, just like that time. Hisoka snapped me out of it and told me that it wasn't my fault. I couldn't do anything, but cry for Mitani.

This arc is loosely based on the novel, The Name of the Rose. It was the first novel of Umberto Eco, an Italian semoitician. The novel is set in the year 1327 at a tiny, but wealthy abbey in Italy. William of Baskerville, a Franciscan who is accompanied by his young scribe, Adso of Melk were to mediate between delegations from Pope John XXII and Michael of Cesena and to solve the mysterious death of Adelmo, who was found lacerated at the bottom of a cliff. William uses the logic of ancient philosophers to solve the mysteries. The theme of the story seemed to be that the hunger for knowledge and truth is dangerous, divisive, and ultimately illusory.

There are some elements in the novel, which is the same with the St Michael Arc.

Like the fire in the Tsuzuki, you should be working now to pay off the damages.

And, fifty Hail Mary's and Our Father's for burning down a church.

Tsuzuki: *cries*

This ends Vol. 4

Vol. 4 Scans Not up