Klavier is a mech pilot. He is fifteen, so he's been passed up for one of the greatest opportunities, which you must be fourteen. So he's hired by the second-rate company next door, Martis. There, he meets up with Ihsoy and Hoseki, two kids who have been there for a long time. He immediatly leaves his "housemate" Shaine to talk to Ihsoy. He's a kid who's also fifteen, and has very long silver hair. As him and Ihsoy grow closer and realize all the strange things that they have in common, Ihsoy's health seems to be getting worse all the time. Rai, the head scientist. . . although no one's ever seen any OTHER scientists, keeps doing tests on Ihsoy which are quite painful. Everyone feels as though someone is watching them, and they are all getting paranoid. All the pilots are falling apart mentally, and no one seems to be able to determine the cause. Rai must know, because she made the machines. But she won't tell them and continues to play dumb. After an unfortunate incident with Ihsoy, Klavier totally falls apart. He can't do anything normal, and he is beginning to scare the girls. As people keep disappearing and appearing again in worse shape than ever before, everyone is beginning to wonder what's going on. Do Ihsoy and Hoseki have some strange bond? Theya re so similar, and Hoseki seems to trust him the most. She also trusts Klavier and Shaine, but in different forms. Ihsoy' constant bleeding is yet still a problem, but in a different way. Rai is getting worse as well, and no one seems to be able to control their own thoughts any more. What in the world is going on?

No pictures, but the story is up. Okay, it WAS up. But you know what? It sucked and I'm rewriting it! So MEH!

| Hit Me! | Ningyo no Nikutai | Nothing Else Matters | Splendour |