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To search, type the word(s) you are looking for in the form below, and click the Start Search button. Sorry, but if your browser does not support "forms", you cannot use this feature.

Search results will be displayed below the form and will list each page that contains the word(s) you searched for. Clicking on a page listed in the search results, will take you directly to that page. For further instructions see Search Tips.

Search Form

Search for these words:

Search Tips

This search allows you to enter one or more words. If you enter more than one, the search will treat it as an "OR". In other words, it will find all pages containing ANY of the words you entered. For best results, be as specific as you can.

To refine your search, you can use the 'keywords' AND, NOT and OR, and may enclose them in parentheses.

Here are some examples:

Search words
Search results
Ho Chi Minh Museum
all pages containing 'Ho Chi Minh' OR 'Museum'
Ho chi MinH AND musEum
all pages containing 'Ho Chi Minh' AND 'Museum'
(ho Chi miNH AND museum) NOT IN hanoi
all pages containing 'Ho chi minh' AND 'museum' EXCEPT any that contain the word 'in Hanoi'.
(ho chi minh AND museum) OR in Hanoi
all pages containing 'ho chi minh' AND 'museum' OR any pages that contain the word 'in Hanoi'.

This search is NOT 'case-sensitive'. It does not matter whether you type 'Castle' or 'castle', the results are the same.

When your search results are displayed, you will see the name of the page(s) that were found, the date and time each was last updated, and a search 'score'.

The higher the "score", the more relevant the page to your search (according to the search gizmo).

If you have trouble with your search, I would be pleased to help.

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