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![](https://members.tripod.com/winnfamilytree/bosworth/bosworthwilliam2.jpg) William Bosworth
He was born in Leicestershire, England, April 22, 1828. His father, Obadiah Bosworth, was born in the same county about 1796, and came to the United States when the subject of this sketch was but nine years old, bringing with him his wife, eight children, and his son-in-law. The maiden name of his wife was Hannah Vials. They came by sailing-vessel, and were seven weeks on the ocean, leaving Liverpool on March 1, and arriving at New York April 22, 1837, having experienced heavy seas and head winds, and having been, as they verily believed, in imminent danger several times of going to the bottom of the sea. During the voyage Mrs. Bosworth was very ill, and was not expected to survive; but, when the vessel was off the banks of Newfoundland, she began to improve, and in a short time regained her health and strength.
Upon landing in this country, the family at first located at Waterville, Oneida County; and, being without cash capital, Mr. Bosworth accepted the first work he could obtain, which was for a farmer, who at the end of his first day's labor gave him a liberal supply of corned beef and pork. He continued to work thus for about four years, then rented a farm in Oneida County, which he cultivated for some years, and in 1855 removed to Chenango County, where he purchased a farm of seventy-five acres in the town of Columbus. This farm he sold in 1866, and removed to the town of Lenox, Madison County, into the present home of our subject, two miles south of Clockville. Here Mr. Bosworth lived until his death, which took place in 1878, when he was eighty-two years of age. He left five children: William V.; Thomas, a resident of Cortland, N.Y., and a tailor by trade; John, a resident of Minnesota, and a shoemaker by trade; Sarah, widow of F. R. Nash, of Canastota; and Charles 0., a farmer, of Canaseraga. The latter served three years during the late war, and at its close was honorably discharged. The children deceased were: George, who enlisted in Company H, Seventy-sixth Regiment, fought bravely for the flag, and was killed at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863; Eli, who died in the prime of life, leaving a widow; Maria, who married John Judson, their son, William Judson, being at the present time owner and editor of the Lumberman at Chicago; and two other daughters, each of whom was married and left a family.
William V. Bosworth was reared to farm life and labor, acquiring strength of body and habits of industry and economy which have been of great use to him through life. His education was obtained in the district school. He was married at Clockville, January 4, 1853, to Maria P. Wilcox, daughter of Alanson Wilcox, and a sister of Alanson C. Wilcox, whose biographical sketch appears elsewhere in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Bosworth began life on a farm of seventy-five acres which they had purchased two miles south of Clockville, and upon which they lived ten years. To the seventy-five acres they added other land, until at the present time the farm contains one hundred and sixty acres. From this farm they removed to their present home in 1863; and in 1887, having erected a fine, large dwelling-house, they moved into the new house and removed the old house to another lot. Mr. Bosworth has always been successful. That he has been trusted and confided in to an unusual degree is proven by the fact that he has been elected to several important offices of honor and responsibility, having been Deputy Sheriff of Madison County twenty-one years, besides serving a part of that time as Constable. In politics he is a Republican. Both he and his wife are members of the Baptist church, he being deacon and clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Bosworth have buried one daughter, Laura, who died when one year old. Their living children are as follows: Frank A., of Utica, who is married, and has a son and daughter; Cora 0., a young lady, at home; and William V., Jr., residing near his parents on a farm, married, and has one daughter, named Laura. Frank A. Bosworth, of Utica, has been in the Oneida County Bank for twenty years, and has been its Cashier for the past four years. Before going to Utica, he was well known in Canastota as clerk in the First National Bank of that place, and since going to that city he has won and now maintains a high standing as a bank official and financier. This position he has won by ability and steady application. He married Nellie Sherwood, daughter of B. Franklin Sherwood, of Utica. William V. Bosworth, Jr., is engaged extensively as an apiarist. He married Alice Buckley, daughter of Rev. George Buckley of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Mr. Bosworth has been a farmer all his life, with the exception of fourteen years, when he was a produce broker, dealing successfully in butter, cheese, fruit, and eggs, but most extensively in eggs, shipping his produce from Clockville to Eastern markets. In the village of Clockville and adjacent thereto he owns thirty-three acres of land, which is worth from one hundred to three hundred dollars per acre; and his house is one of the best in the place. The farm of one hundred and sixty acres mentioned earlier in this sketch he is still conducting with the assistance of hired help.
During the year 1886 Mr. Bosworth was very ill, and obliged to give up active work, but has now regained his health, and is enjoying the leisure to which his long, active, and successful life entitles him. He is looked upon by his friends and neighbors as one of the best citizens of Madison County.
![](https://members.tripod.com/winnfamilytree/hattie_sketch2.jpg) Hattie Bosworth Winn Hattie Bosworth was the daughter of Charles O. and Charity Sabin Bosworth. William Bosworth was her uncle. She had one sister named Nettie May and at 12 years of age is cited on the 1880 census as being insane. She died young, aged 27. Her father Charles served during the Civil War for 3 years and was discharge honorably. He was killed by a train in 1903 just outside of Canastota NY. It appears that he must have been struck by the train as he walked home along the tracks. Hattie married John H. Winn in the late 1890's. He was a farmer. They had 9 children together. Their son, Ernest died in infancy. The rest of their children, Charles, Mae, Sarah, Ray, Russell, Mildred, Marjorie and Margaret grew to adulthood. Hattie taught school in a one room school house in the town of Sullivan. I am still trying to find more information about the school and Hattie's time there. She could play the piano. After her husband, John died of cancer in 1928, she left the farm in Sullivan and moved her family to Oneida NY. She worked as a housekeeper in a private home according to the 1930 census. Hattie contracted TB and was in poor health for many years. She passed away on May 16, 1941 in Oneida NY. ![](http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u320/leenie312/harrietwoodard.jpg)
Harriet Woodard Tompkins Hattie Bosworth's maternal grand aunt