Ka D'argo
Commander John Crichton, Jr.
Ka D'argo
Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan
Dominar Rygel XVI
Officer Aeryn Sun
Captain Bialar Crais
Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis
Utu-Noranti Pralatong
Sikozu Svala Shanti Sugaysi Shanu
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Sometimes you're a real pain in the ass.

Ka D'argo


Name: Ka D'argo
Nicknames: D, Big Guy
Species: Luxan
Age: early 30's
Outstanding qualities or special abilities: Strong, powerful warrior, can render people unconcious with his long tongue, excellent sense of smell
Notable Accomplishments: Saved his General in battle; has been through two battle campaigns; escaped PeaceKeeper imprisonment; was instrumental in the destruction of a PeaceKeeper Gammak Base, a Shadow Depository, a PeaceKeeper Command Carrier, Scarren Base Katratzi; discovered and commands an ancient Luxan ship, Captain of the crew on Moya
Past/Present Love Interests: LoLann (deceased), Chiana
Relevant Family Members: Jothee (son), LoLann (wife, deceased)
Popular Saying/Quote: John, I gotta tell you something. I never actually put this into words before. I love shooting things.

Chi and D'argo

Jool: Maybe you weren't Vella's intellectual equal.
D'Argo: Well I am now. She's a rock.

D'argo and Zhaan

D'argo and Chiana


Save Farscape!


D'argo: I have no idea why you do anything that you do.
John: Catch a clue, pal, 'cause I'm tired of sticking my hand out only to have you snap at it.
D'argo: Every time I let down my guard, you disappoint me.
John: Sorry, I'm only human.
D'argo: You look so much like a Peacekeeper, I often forget.
John: Is that it? Or do you always have to be the Alpha male?
D'argo: Alpha male?
John: Yeah, the big shot. The one with the big britches...the leader. You are so childish.
D'argo: You are selfish.
John: Can be. What about you - selfish?
D'argo: Sometimes....
John: I ever come after you with a weapon? This isn't gonna work, is it? We're never going be friends.
D'argo: Friendship is a lot to ask.
John: Then how about respect? We can be allies.