Dominar Rygel XVI
Commander John Crichton, Jr.
Ka D'argo
Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan
Dominar Rygel XVI
Officer Aeryn Sun
Captain Bialar Crais
Joolushko Tunai Fenta Hovalis
Utu-Noranti Pralatong
Sikozu Svala Shanti Sugaysi Shanu
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Ignore the green slob.

Rygel XVI


You're lying! You know how I know? Because you always lie. You have no honor, you have no integrity. You lie, you steal, you cheat, you stuff your face. That's you!

picture from farscape fantasy :)

Name: Dominar Rygel XVI
Nicknames: Sparky, Fluffy, Buckwheat, Guido, Furball, Little Bubba, Spanky
Species: Hynerian
Age: Hundreds of Cycles (unknown, but over 300)
Outstanding qualities or special abilities: Once ruled over 6 billion people (royalty), good negotiator, greedy, can spit big lougeys, vomit at will, has 3 stomachs
Notable Accomplishments: Survived over 300 years of PeaceKeeper torture and imprisonment; escpaped PeaceKeeper imprisonment; took part in the destruction of a PeaceKeeper Gammak Base, a Shadow Depository and a PeaceKeeper Command Carrier
Past/Present Love Interests: Aurren (deceased)
Relevant Family Members: Bishan (cousin that deposed him)
Popular Saying/Quote: Respect! My tiny shiny hiney; It's gonna get us killed.

Rygel on Talyn

I've been around long enough to know how ignorant I am. I don't assume the universe obeys my preconceptions. Ha, but I know a frelling fact when it hits me in the face.

Rygel hiding....as usual

Chiana: (high pitched) You little toad. You had to go fart helium now?
Rygel: I'm nervous. It happens. We're in court, so sue me.

The Dominar's Domain

But I love this and you won't buy me anymore. I want Kit-Kat and M & M's and Pez and Reece's Pieces.

Rygel and DRD's on Moya

I am nobody's puppet!