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Please note that I do not retail essential oils. I do have an association with two online book store companies and have links below.

Top Essential Oils

Chamomile -- Anthemis nobilis (Roman chamomile) or matricaria chamomile (German chamomile) It is analgesic, anti-allergic, anti-convulsive, anti-depressive, antiseptic, antispasmodic, digestive, sedative, stomachic, vasoconstrictor, and several more.

Chamomile dominates a blend so it�s great to add a touch of lavender to it. German chamomile is more bitter than Roman, which is sweet.

It works on the nervous system -- as an antidepressant, sedative; eases insomnia, restlessness, nervous irritability, over-sensitivity, temper tantrums, anger.

For the digestive system -- has antispasmodic, digestive, and carminative qualities. This explains why it has been a favorite soothing digestive for centuries. It aids dyspepsia, difficult digestion, flatulence and gastric ulcers.

Excretory system -- urinary and intestinal antiseptic, diuretic, aids cystitis, kidneys stones, stimulates and restores the liver and spleen, aids in leukocyte production.

Reproductive system -- PMS, menstrual discomfort, irregular periods. German chamomile eases engorged breasts after childbirth, mastitis, and menstrual problems linked to nervous disorders.

Muscles and joints -- good analgesic for dull, continuous pain and inflammation in the joints.

Inflammations -- chamomile is inflammatory due to it�s azulene content. Useful in treating skin inflammations, children�s teething, earaches, facial neuralgia, anything that is red or "angry." It�s one of the few safe oils to use on children.

Skin Care -- great for sensitive skin, allergic rashes, dermatitis, chapped skin, broken capillaries, promotes healing. Calms eczema.

Clary Sage Salvia Sclarea -- Is anticonvulsive, antidepressive, antigalactagogic, antiseptic, antirheumatic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, carminative, deodorant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogic, lymphatic, nervine, sedative, stomachic, tonic, and uterine.

Clary sage has a very sedating effect on the nervous system, great for stress and postnatal depression, good for nervous exhaustion. It�s a euphoric which uplifts your spirit; good in a migraine blend. About three drops each clary sage and lavender sprinkled on your pillow case helps an unsettled mind at bedtime. May be a dream enhancer. Clary is a good muscle relaxant, deals with muscular tension, stress and tension-causing muscle spasm. Clary is a hormone balancer, good used for late menstrual periods or to enhance scanty ones. It has a plant hormone which is useful for those going through menopause when hormones are diminishing. It eases pain during labor and helps Mother relax. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus and other chemotypes: citriodora, dives and radiata) -- is analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, cicatrisant, deodorant, diuretic, expectorant, stimulant. It�s a dominator in a blend, and blends well with tea tree and pine, lavender and benzoin.

It helps the respiratory tract by drying phlegm and combating sinusitis. It has also been used for emphysema, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, coughs, and pulmonary congestion. It is an antiviral and kills airborne bacteria. Eucalyptus citriodora is a good fever reducer. Try it by rubbing a drop on the bottom of the feet, or diffuse it into the air.

It treats burns, wounds, herpes and shingles blisters and is a good insect repellant. It functions as a urinary antiseptic for cervicitis and cystitis. It helps clear up vaginal infections involving discharge. It treats rheumatism and has anti-neuralgic qualities. It increases circulation and warmth to a painful joint. Psychologically, it clears the mind, reminding one of cleanliness and open spaces.

Geranium Pelargonium odorantissimum or the graveolens -- is a tonic, astringent, antiseptic, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, analgesic, parasiticide, insect repellant, antidepressant, diuretic, adrenal cortex stimulant, hormone balancer.

It aids eczema, wounds that weep, burns and ulcers; stops hemorrhaging; is a spleen tonic; helps balance the hormonal system. Relieves breast engorgement for nursing mothers. Helps produce estrogen and relieves uterine hemorrhage, and helps edema. It's a kidney tonic, reducing diarrhea and mucous in stools and urine. It helps relieve bladder stones, jaundice and is a liver tonic.

Lavender lavandula officinalis, lavendula angustifolia or lavendula vera -- bactericide, sedatie, analgesic, antispasmodic, anticonfulsive, antidepressive, antiseptic, cytophalactic, diuretic, insect repellent, anti-rheumatismal, parasitic, emmenagogic, antimigraine. Increases alimentary canal secretions.

Eases sinusitis, influenza, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis, whooping cough, throat infections, fevers. Aids migraine, nervous tension, insomnia, fainting, hypertension. Soothing and sedating and balances nervous system. The best remedy for burns and wounds, abscesses, eczema, dermatitis, pediculosis, psoriasis. In childbirth, use it to even out contractions and as an analgesic. Helps balance menstruation.

Orange Citrus aurantium var. amara (bitter), Citrus aurantium var. dulcic (sweet) -- antidepressant, antispasmodic, digestive, mildly hypnotic and sedative, normalizes the peristaltic action of the intestines, stomach.

In digestive upsets use in bath or massage on abdomen. Same for excretory system. Psychologically is used in the bath, inhalations and massage. Skin care, compresses and lotions and steaming.

Peppermint Mentha piperita -- antigalactagogue, analgesic, antiphlogistic, antispasmodic, carminatiave, cephalic, cordial, febrifuge, hepatic, stimulant, sudorific, vasoconstrictor, emmenagogue, stomachic.

It is a great remedy for digestive upsets such as indigestion, colic, flatulence, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, sea or travel sickness and diarrhea. In pregnancy, use the tea; not the essential oil. It�s best used in place of aspirin for headaches and many times helps migraines, and clears up liver congestion. It stimulates the circulation and nervous system. Good for lung and respiratory infection and sinusitis. Use at the first sign of a cold or flu. This oil also relieves breast engorgement and tenderness due to PMS.

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis -- astringent, adrenal cortex stimulant, analgesic, antidiarrheal, antiseptic, general stimulant, hypertensive, cardiac tonic, antigout, cerebral stimulant.

Combats arteriosclerosis, high cholesterol, hepatic disorders, cirrhosis, gall stones, gout, bile secretions. General stimulant, fainting, headache, mental fatigue. Tonic for digestion, diarrhea, hepatic stimulant and detoxifier. Good for overworked muscles, circulatory stimulant, arthritis, rheumatism, scalp disinfectant and tonic.

Tea Tree Melaleuca alternafolia -- antibiotic, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, fungicidal, immuno-stimulant, cardiac tonic, sudorific.

Aids the recovery from trichomonal vaginitis and other vaginal infections, leucchorea. Chronic cystitis, urinary infections, diaper rash, wounds, psoriasis, burns, colds, flu, throat, sinus infections, bronchial. Infected gums and mouth ulcers. Strengthens immune system against viral infections. Treats chicken pox, shingles, Epstein-Barr, glandular fever, athlete�s foot, ringworm, fungal infections under toenails, yeast imbalance, candida albicans, thrush.

Copyright 2008 Kimberly Nixon Written permission to copy and post elsewhere must be obtained by the author!


Please remember that using essential oils is in no way a guaranteed cure. Always seek the advice from your qualified health professional. Essential oils should pose no problems when used in conjunction with medical care, but do consult your health care provider if you are taking allopathic medicinces or have any serious health conditions before using essential oils.

Remember that a little essential oil does go a long way. Best advice is to use essential oils diluted in a massage oil carrier such as almond, apricot kernal, grapeseed, jojoba, or olive oil. Cold pressed oils are best. Or use oils diluted 6-10 drops of a single oil or blend of oils to a full tub of water. Foot baths work with about 5 drops of oil or less. The only oils ever suggested for use neat on the skin are Lavender and Tea Tree, sometimes Helichrysum. Some essential oils can cause skin sensitization. Tea Tree is tested at low dose to be non-toxic, but could cause possible skin irritation, not tested for sensitization at levels higher than 1% dilution. Patch testing oils is recommended. When using essential oils be sure you have read up on them, there are some excellent reference works out there available to you. This web site is in no way to be construed as treatment advice for you, how you use the information presented here is for you to decide. The web site owner takes no responsibility for how an individual uses this information shared here. Be responsible and do some self study if you're new to aromatherapy.

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Safety Precautions in Essential Oil Usage

There are many ways to use essential oils, but the issue of safe use and knowledge of which essential oils to avoid is an important one. Know your oils and be certain you are getting purity from your supplier.

Some essential oils are used internally, and doctors in Europe prescribe them, but only safe oils may be taken this way -- on a sugar cube or in capsule form. The oils are excreted quickly through the urinary system bound with glucuronic acid, and by our breath and sweat. Usually the oil is excreted in 1-4 hours. When essential oils are taken internally, they should be taken with food to keep from irritating mucous membranes.

Doses are generally taken according to weight -- 1 drop per every 55 pounds of body weight (or less, if safety data says otherwise). Two-to-four drops are taken 3-4 times a day for no more than four weeks. Longer treatments are not usually needed.

When applied on the body, essential oils display dermal absorption -- they pass through the skin. Essential oils are fat-soluble and some oils can dissolve the myelin sheath around nerves and promote neuro-toxicity.

In skin permeability tests, concentrated synthetic aromatic chemicals were used as prototypes for essential oils, but they really don't compare to essential oils. Some dermal tests could be unreliable for humans, as unfortunately, they have been tested on animal skin. Whole lavender diluted at 2 percent tested and put on human skin only showed two chemicals in the bloodstream -- linalool and linalyl acetate. Essential oils can undergo molecular transformation by skin enzymes, and they also enter the bloodstream very quickly through inhalation if there is enough aromatic oil in the air.

The safest way to use essential oils is highly diluted as part of a massage. Safe application is dilution at 1 percent and 5 percent (15 drops essential oil in 30 ml nut or vegetable oil).

Increased permeability of the skin can mean increased irritation and sensitization, which usually happens if you have damaged skin, hyper-sensitive due to conditions such as hay fever, eczema, or asthma. Irritation may be caused by temperature of the skin, such as after exercise, a sauna, sunbathing, a bath, or from therapist's hands. If you soak in a bath, your normally water-resistant skin becomes hydrated and more permeable to detergent, soaps, solvents -- and essential oils.

Source: Aromatherapy Practitioner Manual by Sylla Sheppard-Hangar

Copyright 2008 Kimberly Nixon Written permission must be obtained from the author in order to copy and post elsewhere!

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Hi friends, I've fixed the linking errors to my first bookstore site that is in association with Amazon.com, and offer aromatherapy titles in addition to some titles relating to holistic things too. I would appreciate your patronage by buying Amazon books through my site. Thank you!

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