My Reviews on Today's Feature Films!

	This is the site where you can get reviews on films at the box-office you
may have not seen yet but would like to.  There might not be many choices to 
see right now, but unfortunately, there's a little annoyance called "age limit"
on getting a driver's liscence, so I don't have transportation.  But, if you're
interested in what I DO have, take a look=:)  Hopefully you'll be convinced to see
some of these movies!

My Rating System

The Force is With It! * * * *
A Powerful Ally! * * *
Growing Strong * *
Must Learn Control *
Bantha Fodder! BOMB

*Coming soon* Information on films that are currently in production(like the Star Wars

Current Reviews!

TITANIC: It's unforgettable!
"The Truman Show": One word: EXCELLENT!
"The X-Files:Fight The Future": A thrill ride!

You are avid moviegoer number to want to see another film!