Jadwiga story No. 2: The green card  Now that Jadwiga had her green card (it’s pink, by the way),
she could work again. This is what she
did. It is said that having a Polish cleaning lady is a status
symbol for an upwardly mobile middle class African-American family in
Chicago. Finding no UMMCAA’s here in
our rural County in Kentucky, Jadwiga found an elderly German widow on the
other side of the river to work for. Both were very happy with the arrangement (and Jadwiga made more money
than I did some weeks). The German widow, Lotte, spoke extremely halting English and
knew no Polish, and Jadwiga spoke extremely halting English and knew no
German. So the two of them communicated
with each other in pidgin English – but, one of them in German pidgin and the
other in Polish pidgin; and it was not at all clear that either of them had the
slighest idea what the other was saying.
It was quite entertaining to overhear the conversations. I could have sold tickets . . . .
New Jadwiga stories since publication of the book: Jadwiga story No. 36: The red T-shirt
"Polska" is Polish for "Poland." The emblem on the shirt is Poland's
national emblem. The colors are those of thge Polish flag. And where
did Jadwiga find this shirt? At the St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store in
Brownsville, Ky., where she works, of course. . . .
Jadwiga story No. 48: Polish cuisine I have been fed only potato salad, potato
soup, and potato chips today.
Lucky man.
– Marysia F.
Now top it off with some medicinal potato vodka .
– Gary L.
I hope you are well .
What’s the alcohol they make from potatoes? Have any of
that, too? ;-)
– The Blenster
We actually have a Polish potato vodka in the house right now, which
Jadwiga purchased on our last trip to the liquor store, Luksusowa .
I’m glad that both of you are having fun.
– Marysia F. Looked it up as I’d never heard of vodka made from
potatoes. Not only did it show Luksusowa vodka but informed me that vodka
can also be made from fruit or just plain sugar .
– Carole O.
And Jadwiga does not even drink! She
quit drinking years ago, not long after I quit smoking. . . .
How funny – that means it will last her a long time.
–Renée R . I’m not a vodka drinker, but that sounds tasty. Does it have a potato taste?
– Fred D.
Tastes like a deadly chemical. Gary and I greatly prefer our homemade “ropa.”
Which is another reason it will last us a long
time. | |