New Appendix (© 2000-2020) to
As stated on our main euchre page, and in the back since initial publication on March 1, 1999 (additions to the first edition, incorporated in the second, follow) : |
Revision (with additions), pages 8-9 (September 17, 2017; thanks to John McLeod (host of the Card Games web site) and others: “Bower” and “march” – two other strange terms of euchre (besides the word “euchre” itself) – have German roots, “Bauer” and “Marsch.” “Bauer” is German for “farmer,” or peasant, colloquial for the jack in a deck of cards (this derivation is widely known; some euchre players yet spell the trump jack “Bauer”). “Marsch” is German for both “march” and “marsh”; so you can say that, when one side takes all the tricks in a round (that’s a “march” in euchre), the victors have “marched” through the vanquished (I’m told that that’s what the Germans meant, but it might as well mean “marsh,” since the vanquished are “swamped”). Further confirmation of the origin of euchre in or about Alsace is found in the game Bauern, still played in Saarland and the Hunsrück region of the Rhineland, just up the road in Germany (less than 100 kilometers from Strasbourg). Both areas use 32-card decks ranked as for euchre. The Hunsrück version is closer to euchre, but has two teams of three players each. Both versions are scored downward – winners are the first to zero. . . . [Further description of Bauern from Mr. McLeod (not in the book): In Saarland, four players are dealt eight cards each. The first player has to choose tump after getting the first four cards, and the maker's team needs to take five of the eight tricks to win a point. In a variant with a 20-card deck (eliminating 7's through 9's), players get only five cards each. [The game in Hunsrück is for six players in two teams of three players each. Five cards are dealt to each player in batches of three and then two, and one of the two remaining cards is turned up. If no one wants this trump, trump can be named (as in euchre). [The Saarland game starts at 8 points and goes to zero; the Hunsrück game, at 5 and to zero. If the trump makers take more than half the tricks, they subtract a point from their score; if not, they add a point and the opponents subtract one.] [back to the book:] Henry Anners’ book Hoyle’s Games (1845) had a four-page section on euchre, calling it “a German game”; but it is not commonly played in Germany – even Jucker seems to have been limited to Alsace, and Bauern to southwestern Germany. See reviews of books on euchre published before and after The Columbus book of Euchre: Reviews of several new books on euchre also have been added: The Complete Win at Euchre, by Joseph D. Andrews (2004); Euchre Strategies, by Fred Benjamin (2007); Euchre for Dummies, by Barry Rigal (2004); Euchre Anyone? Euchre Solitaire, by Richard Buchko (2009); The Think System: A Light-Hearted Guide to Serious Double Deck Bid Euchre, by Bob Baiyor and Kevin Easley (2012); Euchre Explained, by Nick Buzzy (2010); Euchre for Beginners, by “COBER101” (2016,) and Power Euchre, by Eric Zalas (2016). |
Footnote to term “Edinburg fault,”
“Safety” (new, June 20, 2004): The better term is "safety." It is not wholly unlike a "safety" in football (and not only because the opponents are likely to score two points on the play in euchre, as they are guaranteed in football). In fact, the two games should trade terms: "Donation" would be a better term for the football play (since, although it is usually unintentional, it always gives the opponents two points); and "safety" would be a better term for the euchre play (which is always intentional, and is intended to limit the opponents to two points, but sometimes gives them nothing, and scores instead). The issue arose in one of my columns. Accordingly the item "Columbus coup" in the PLOYS & AXIOMS section of The Columbus Book of Euchre has been rewritten this date, as follows: |
The Columbus coup is one of the most eso- teric tactics in the bag of the good player. It consists of ordering up for the purpose of being euchred, to squelch a loner in the opposition (it’s better to lose two points than four). Some call this a “donation”; some, a “safety.” The coup developed from a principle known as “Ordering at the bridge.” When a team has 9 points, it is said to be “at the bridge.” If the dealer’s team has 6 or 7 and you are in the lead and “at the bridge,” you must order up whatever is turned, according to this principle, unless you have a sure trick in the suit turned. In this manner you guarantee that the dealer’s team will not take the game on that hand, or even tie the score. Cor- respondingly, if you and the second player pass, your partner must order if he has two reasonably sure tricks, since he knows that you, having passed, have one sure trick. This and other basic princi- ples of euchre are eloquently explained by Paul H. |
Seymour in Laird & Lee’s Hoyle Standard Games (Albert Whitman & Co., Chicago, 1952. Seymour’s euchre article contains also an excellent section on leading).
The “Columbus coup” is engaged not only
Some good players believe that the lead must |
not necessarily
weak altogether. It may be time for the coup when you have a loner in the oppo- site color.
The coup is almost never properly engaged by
The coup is normally engaged only when your |
Engaging the Columbus coup when your opponents have fewer than 6 points is called the “Bubinski.“ It is highly intuitive, as it depends on a “sense” of a loner in the oppo- sition. But often it is a good move. The most appropriate time for the Bubinski is when you have at least six points and your opponents have fewer than 4. In that case, you will retain your lead even if euchred; and the euchre will not put your opponents within range of winning the game even on a lone hand on the next deal.
Early in my days I attempted the Columbus |
with a high likelihood” of being euchred
rather than “for the purpose” of being euchred. Note also that, as in football, a “safety” gives oppo- nents two points when it does turn out to be a donation).
Not nearly so rare, unfortunately,
is the
The dealer, however, can engage the coup, |
sider picking up whenever the opponents are at 6 or 7 and he does not have a sure trick in each of the remaining three suits, but he may engage the corollary at any time. More than any other player he can rely on intuition.
Making the hand on the Bloomington corollary
Making the hand on a Gnawbone gaffe is not |
July 5, 2003:
“End play” – 1. Playing last on a trick.
“Finesse” – An attempt to win a trick with
“Tenace” – A holding of two strong cards April 2, 2001: |
“Missouri loner” – A loner without bowers.
“Hoosier loner” – The hand of a trump maker
“Louisiana loner” – A “Hoosier loner” that
“Kentucky loner” – In this case help is avail- |
Footnote to variant spellings of
“euchre” in Author’s Preface, page 7 (July 5, 2003): |
It’s even “yoker” (rhymes with “poker”) in Roy Bookbinder’s rendition of the hillbilly blues song “In the Jailhouse Now.” |
Footnote to definition of
“renege (revoke)” (July 5, 2003): |
Exposing a hand: When a player not go- |
“Playing out of turn”).
[Note: Exposure of multiple cards is an |
End play (July 5, 2003): | the end, you don’t have to put the lower card in your tenace at risk; you need play only high enough to take the trick.
Say each team has a trick; you hold right
You may set up an end play also with |
the opponent on your left. It’s
a matter of leading weak from a weak hand – or even from a marginal hand if you need only one point to win the game, or to enhance an al- ready healthy lead without risk. For exam- ple, you already have a trick; and you hold the right bower and king of trump, a king of one suit off trump, and a nine or ten of an- other. Lead the off king instead of the right bower. If it does not take the trick, the op- ponent on your left may take it and have to lead back into your pocket (your right-king tenace). Finesse, a new section added July 5, 2003, along with End Play, was revised February 12, 2009. |
Spankings (June 21, 2001): |
High / low [p. 48; new, Sept. 20, 2000]: If your partner has made trump, you have two trump, and you can trump the first trick at sec- ond or third hand (without trumping your part- ner’s ace, play your higher trump (to guard against being overtrumped on your left) and lead the lower (to put your partner in charge). You can trump in even with the left or right bower in this situation; you can assume your partner has the other bower. |
your little hearts may take a spade trick later, or be led back to your partner when you take your red ace. Second hand low can turn a one-point hand into a two-point hand, and it can save a one-point hand. On defense, it can euchre. If the dealer (your partner) made trump and Second hand low does not apply when you |
Call Ace Euchre [p. 64; Sept. 3, 2000] “Call ace” euchre is a game of floating part-
Many a marginally good player will not |
Your aces are no good if they are trumped. Someone will eventually lead to or from your aces. Lead trump!
Lead low trump when going next: Lead away from your king [insert p. 50, |
lish a king – either in trump or off suit – by leading low from a king-high doubleton. If you lead the king, it usually will be topped by the ace or a trump; and the nine or ten you have left will be no good either. But if you lead the low card first, the king will often come back for a second trick in the same suit. This strategem may work particularly well a- gainst a two-suited trump maker. It rarely works from a tripleton because no one else is likely to have a doubleton in that suit to lead back from.
It is presumed that the dealer will discard a |
then presume that the dealer has another card of that suit. So if he leads the same suit back, through the dealer, his partner has a good chance to trump for the trick. Even if the deal- er had a singleton, the lead back puts the play- er to the dealer’s left in position to overtrump. The same principle applies when the third It is usually not a good idea, especially |
because it is a lead through strength.
It works in mirror image, too, but not quite
Playing out of turn [p. 28; sub for
addi- |
trick; the card played out of turn stays in the trick (unless a renege, which can be correct- ed), and the player on the other team that played the higher card on that trick leads the next trick. Squeeze play [p. 20; definition revised,
Lead your longest suit – or lead next – |
aces (or one ace and a guarded king in an- other suit) should you lead one, to protect yourself against a squeeze play.
[added October 7, 2004] You must lead |
ered your partner up to go alone.
Not only is your partner likely to be short in “next,” but al- so he will have had an opportunity to discard it (which he must do, when he is ordered, if the discard creates a void and is not an ace. It’s a convention). See also “the Brownstown maneuver” under Don’t discard early. |
Additions to first edition; incorporated in second edition:
AUTHOR’S PREFACE [insert after first full paragraph on second page] – |
Yet it allows for the influence of écarté on euchre (since Alsace once bordered France, and is now part of France), while it tends to satisfy also the recurring consensus that eu- chre originated among the Pennsylvania Dutch (who are of Alsatian and other south- western German lineage).
Another clue:
Scholars tend to agree that |
tle French thrown in) to euchre,
came the jo- ker – originally a Jucker, perhaps, but pro- nounced joker because that’s about how an American would pronounce “Jucker” if he saw it in writing. It is important to note, lest you be looking for a shorter cut through these woods (or a way out), that (1) “Juck- er” is not German for “joker” (it’s a German surname, also meaning “carriage horse”), and (2) the joker was not depicted on cards as a court jester until after it was already known as the “joker” (some of the early jo- kers were even blank). DEFINITIONS B there – A lead back, by the third hand, |
ing “green.”
Likewise, if the dealer's part- ner calls the “next” suit, he is “going green.” Same deal if a player leads a suit of his op- ponents' strength. Pitcher – The dealer. See Batter. PLOYS & AXIOMS
Bull [addition to text on this subject at p. |
is one reason bridge (like chess) lends itself easily to computer programs while euchre does not. An intellectual might make a bet- ter bridge player; a psychic might make a better euchre player. Does this mean the bridge expert is a better card player?
Competence at euchre is of no help to a
Calling trump: What to order,
when to |
When to order or name trump depends, of course, first of all on your cards: Do you have three sure tricks in a particular suit? Then, of course – and go alone. Do you have two sure tricks in a particular suit? Then count on your partner for one and call trump. Do you have two probable tricks? Then, maybe.
But your position matters also.
Suppose |
can still go to diamonds, which are almost as good. And you have the control, since you have first choice once the dealer turns the card down (as the lead says to the dealer in Columbus, “You’re pitching, but I’m bat- ting”).
The second player should rarely order up |
go through him:
The dealer is in position to trump him on an off suit, or overtrump him. Example: Diamonds are trump, and you hold Left-King-Queen of Diamonds and A-9 of Spades. Looks pretty good, huh? Spades lead. If you’re the dealer, you can wait to see if it’s good before committing your Ace (which may be good later if not on the first trick). At third hand, you have to risk its being trumped by the dealer. Or, suppose diamonds lead (as they should, from your partner, if you called them at third hand): You have to risk your Left to the dealer’s possible Right (and the dealer might have the Ace of trump behind his Right). If you’re the dealer with that holding, how- ever, your Left is safe. |
The second player faces the same trap of being led through; but his partner is the stopper, and can take or hold back (if he has no cards or two in the suit led).
And not only do your cards and your po-
The Columbus coup [addition to text on |
33] – Some good players believe that the lead must order, regardless of the turned card, when the dealer's team has 6 or 7 points and the lead does not have a sure trick. It is high noon at the OK Corral.
[addition to text after third full paragraph |
euchre will not put your opponents within range of winning the game even on a lone hand on the next deal.
[addition to text in last paragraph, at p.
The dealer cannot pass [addition to text on |
rules do not allow the dealer to pick up the turned card if he has no other cards of that suit in his hand.
This is a bullshit rule.
It negates the Bloo- |
ington corollary – this maneuver is compel- led even more if the two black cards are not aces.
To deny the dealer the right to pick up a
Don’t sort your cards (or . . . ) [new] – If |
This practice can be a little dangerous, however, if you’re careless, or drink too much (as I do). The safer practice is to wait for trump to be made and then sort your cards, and always sort then (even if your cards are already in perfect order: You can reposition them and keep them in order).
If holding five unsorted cards confuses
Go alone [addition to text on this sub- |
Canada) observe a rule requiring the deal- er’s partner to go alone if he orders. It’s an unnecessary rule, and overly restrictive (like those Michigan rules discussed elsewhere in this book). There are enough incentives for the dealer’s partner to keep his mouth shut – the principal of which is the danger of squel- ching his partner’s lone hand by ordering up. In general the second player, on the first round, should keep his mouth shut unless he senses there is no chance the dealer holds a loner. See Calling trump....
Don’t trump your partner’s ace [additions |
lead on the first trick in all lone hands to the left of the loner (but not all – e.g., the Offi- cial Rules of Card Games published by the United States Playing Card Company leaves the lead to the left of the dealer, even speci- fying that it goes to the second player when the third player goes alone. Parlett concurs, tacitly).
But even where the lead does not shift to Another rule commonly observed in Mi- |
chigan requires the dealer to discard before he picks up the turned card. This protects the opponent to the left from leading against a late discard, but it's kind of like requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets, or other mo- torists to wear seat belts, or (same thing) swimmers to wear water wings. I mean, if the guy on the left isn't paying attention, fuck him.
Playing with people from Michigan is, in |
Next for my partner [addition to text on this subject beginning at p. 50] – If the play- er to the left of the dealer does not call “next,” it is often wise for the dealer's part- ner to call a suit of the other color – even if he has nothing of strength in the suit. There was a reason his partner turned the first color down. Even if the dealer has no support (because he has no hand), and the call results in a euchre, it may avoid a lone by the third hand.
Play cards [new] – I.e., PLAY CARDS! |
and politics and go to the bathroom all in 15 minutes.
Southerners cannot seem to do this.
God gave us hands, voices and brains.
We |
We need our brains for the former activity, but not necessarily for the latter.
Except for naming trump on the second |
ever been euchred.”
Get on with the game!
You don’t go alone with 8 points [addition |
The Rules According to Hoyle [substitute for next-to-last paragraph on this subject, at p. 63]
THE LEAD on the first trick in a lone Two-handed euchre [see p. 67] In another popular form of two-handed eu- |
chre, deal four cards face down, in a row, in front of your opponent; four cards face down, in a row, in front of yourself; four cards face up to each of you (each on top of a face- down card), and four cards to each hand (that's all 24 cards).
Each player then has eight of his 12 cards |
player passes.
The high bidder names trump (or no trump). It usually takes a bid of at least six of the 12 tricks to establish trump.
The player opposite the dealer leads – ei-
The scoring is one point for each trick ta- |
no trump) fails to take the number of
tricks he bid, he is euchred; and not only does he not score, but also the number of tricks he bid is deducted from his score (and, yes, it can go below zero).
Game is 24 points. A
player can “go a-
In another version of this form, there is no |
two points. If he
takes seven, eight or nine tricks, he scores a point; if he takes 10, 11 or 12, he scores two points; if he has announ- ced his intention to take all 12 tricks and takes them, he has “gone alone” and scores four points (but he’s euchred by a single trick taken by his opponent). Game is 10, and you score it with markers, just as in reg- ular euchre (and don’t have to use match- sticks or pencil and paper as you do in the bid version).
Some players allow “no trump” and “low Some (I know of such a group in Alabam- |
a) even play “no
trump” and “low trump” in four-handed euchre. But in most circles “no trump” and “low trump” are tabu in four- handed euchre. I think that’s because four- handed euchre is exciting enough the way it is (just like straight poker for high stakes, with nothing wild and no “low ball”). The use of “no trump” and “low trump” in two- or three-handed euchre, however, gives those games a little spice they otherwise would not have. Computer Euchre [new] –
Euchre has become popular on line, |
such as Sierra’s Hoyle.
As of the printing of this book, no one has
The values of “next” and good hands short |
development of
intelligence.” Computer programs require formulae; and as one will find trying to play by a certain author’s point system, one cannot play eu- chre by formulae alone. But it may be bet- ter than solitaire.
The on-line games are a little more satis- |
elbows, and spilling beer on your opponents’ markers. (And, how do you stab or shoot a partner who trumps your ace on line? All you can do is “flame” him, and that’s not “netiquette.”) It’s beyond the scope of this book to analyze the games on line further, as |
euchre on line is a developing game yet in its infancy. Better to get your analysis on line, in the games themselves and in forums on line, such as Yahoo!’s, and Borf’s links page and guestbook (see below). |
“Over hamburgers sold!”