~ The impossible has happened. Or at least what we all thought was impossible has happened. Mandarb bonded to Tiaik! I didn't think Mandarb would ever bond to another dragon. Though, bonding to a full Night dragon does make sense. They're the first Night-Night bonding and their children are the first Night dragons in DRAC to not be from Wild Clutches. Nice to know that Mandarb has gotten over his being twice-abandoned. I was afraid he wouldn't for a while there. Oh, but I'm rambling on and on now. I meant to tell you about Mandarb and Tiaik's first clutch! That's right, both ShinShien and I got to keep one of the eggs out of it. This little one is Tiaida (pronounced Tee-eye-da). Wonder if she'll take after her parents temperments. Wouldn't that be a scary thing indeed? Last thing we need is another overly grumpy crazy Night dragon running around, but I'm sure they'll all turn out just fine.
~ I was sitting in my main room, going through an old tome when I heard a cracking. I looked up and there was Tiaida's egg, right next to Blake's, beginning to move. So I set down my book, as it could wait for later, and went over to watch the little one get out. I never tire of seeing dragon's hatch. It didn't take her long to get out of the eggshell. And isn't she such a pretty dragon? I think she's even darker than Mandarb was. I'm wondering just how much she'll take after her parents. Neither of them particularly care for Day dragons (which is an understatement, I know). I guess we'll see...
~ I wonder why my parents have such a problem with the day. It isn't so bad, afterall. And many interesting dragons are there too. There's this one cute dragon, the son of Noelle called Confucious. He's pretty cool. But he tends to walk around with skulls on his head. Makes me wonder about him. He's Blake's brother though. I don't think that Blake cares for him. Ah well.
~ I am one of the oddest Night dragons out there. I mean, I'm from the clutch of Mandarb and Tiaik, you'd think I'd be just as mean, cruel, and day-hating as them. But I'm not. Oh well, I don't mind the day, it's just as good as night. And I'm getting used to it. Being out in the sun for long periods of time doesn't even burn me or anything. Odd. Well, recently I've been hanging out with Confucious, Firecracker, and Blake. There were these two other dragons too, but they ran away when we came near. I can't figure out why either. Firecracker said that one of them was his brother, so that doesn't make much sense. Then again, maybe his family is a lot like mine. I run away whenever my mother comes near us. Afterall, she'd just make a fuss about me being out during the day instead of at night. Booooring if you ask me, and extra hassle that I just don't need to deal with. I would like to talk to father though, but I probably shouldn't. Mandrake said that father disowned him for being a Dayish dragon. I would rather not be disowned or be disowned and not know about it....
Dragon StatsName: Tiaida ~ Blake, Confucious, Firecracker, and I all live in a place we call the Lonely Mountain. I think that it's a lot like the Circle of Mountains that Blake and Confucious' parents live at, except that it's only one mountain instead of several. Also, I'd like to note that Firecracker is a most handsome dragon. Red and rainbow. Quite wonderful. But then, so is Confucious, though he's blue, black, and purple. I don't think that either of them really like me though, I'm not sure. I mean, they're both mean and cruel dragons, so I can't really tell how much I can trust them.... ~ Well, for a little while there, Confucious and Firecracker were really cool. but then they decided that I was nothing more than an object or something and that they could discard me whenever they wanted. I guess that you just can't be friends with mean dragons, it'll always come back to haunt you. Mean dragons just can't change their ways. I think I'll change my schedule back to nights. My parents were right. Night dragons should stay in the night and leave the day to those who should be there. ~ Well, Confucious, Firecracker, and I are all friends again. Also, Firecracker and I lifebonded. But, it really hurt Confucious, who asked me to be his lifemate just before Firecracker did. I think that's why he went out into the multi-horned herd beasts. Luckily, my father saved him, but he nearly died too. My best friend and my father could have both been lost because of me. This is all my fault. ~ Oh, lookit what Firecracker got me for Valentine's Day!!