
< IMG SRC="http://homepages.go.com/homepages/o/c/t/octuber_19 /Image/Aninkas.gif" BORDER="" ALT="Aninkas' around the wolrd" USEMAP="https://members.tripod.com/~amiani/Welcome.html" >
Thank you Aninka
Thank you Aninka
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Fiebres' game room
Irt Org games

Three and a half months in the making. Directed by Fiebre, Produced, Edited, Advised by my dearest friend Aninka. Hope our friends enjoy this site and welcome new visitor in the hopes of making new friends.

Also please reload if you see missing gifs thank you kindly. . . . . . . . . .

The Producer Fiebre

Thank you my sweet friend
Pattie 05/22/00