The Purpose

The  Purpose....

This will be the Tenth Cookout for the all-male chapters of Alpha Phi Omega and the all-female chapters of Gamma Sigma Sigma.  The reason for this existence of the "Cookout Weekend" is keep the '25/'52 Family encouraged for their single-gender status.   It was meant to have an event for support of these chapters and older members of single gender groups. This is a non-national organization event that excites the very nature of the '25/'52 Family.   Every year the male brothers and female sisters join each other for a solid weekend of fun and service.  And over the years this event has become a site for reunions from the relationships that it has help to create.

In the beginning, a few male alumni of Alpha Phi Omega in Atlanta area, felt there ought to be a reunion of the men within Alpha Phi Omega from different all-male chapters.   It was the hope that this would energize all-male members and give them hope for future existence as we have always been.  This was because of the increase in the number of inactive chapters before 1993.   Our efforts always were to include the lovely women of Gamma Sigma Sigma. But lately we've also are attempting to include Phyettes (sweethearts of the brothers of Alpha Phi Omega) and the Jewels (an organization that brothers of Alpha Phi Omega helped to create). 

The first few "Cookout Weekends" had only brothers and sisters from the Atlanta area.  There was an effort to begin to maintain contact with those people.  Now, because of the deep love between the members of each organizations, the "Cookout Weekend" is a established event and will always grow.  With the Graduate and Undergraduate women of Gamma Sigma Sigma, the Graduate and Undergraduate the men within Alpha Phi Omega, the Graduate and Undergraduate women of Jewels, and  the Graduate and Undergraduate Phyettes you can etch this event in stone as a '25/'52 event that will always be for the "first family of service". 

The "Cookout Weekend"  was created mainly to give '25/'52 family a chance to have an event and to be theirselves, fellowship and create the excitement that individuals had while they were in college.  It has develop to become an event that also gives these groups a vacation from campus intra-organizational conflicts.  It allows information sharing between other chapters and Alumni indiviudals who believe in the '25/'52 family.  And it supports our relationship, when at times, there is so much indirect and legistlative effort to disposed of it. This relationship is one that began in the early 50's.  It has endured through several ups and downs.  And events of this nature becomes the refuge where the lovely women of Gamma Sigma Sigma and gentlemen of Alpha Phi Omega, Jewels and Phyettes can share love and to lend strenght to pride of being in the '25/'52 family member.



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