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May is the fairy of days, months and time.
May is the days and months that go by. She is also the time that ticks day by day.
May is my Birthday fairy, that is the month that I chose when I got May at ~Angel's~ page. She really likes the month May because it is very warm during that time. Plus I really can't wait til my b-day because I turn 16 then.
Nighingale's Room||Oona's Room||Vanessa's Room||Starlite's Room||Baltor's Room||Tyler & Twinkle's Room||Butterfly's Room||Tiny's Greenhouse||May's Room||Valine & Valerie's Room||Lady Mysteria's Room||Enchantress's Room||Patricia's & Clover's Room||Moonlite's Room||Bunny's Room||Glimmer's Room||Sparkles & Sunflower's Room||Fairies of Fathers||Wonders of Watermelons||Monthly Fairies||Fairies of Christmas||Other Fairies||Fairies of Fantasy