Oona is the fairy of the spirit of man kind.
Oona is everyone's spirit. How they act and their attitude. She makes every one individule and their own peson. When a person is born she blesses that child a spirit, and from then on their spirit then develops to the way they act these days.
Oona is different. I received her from ~Angel~ for helping her voting for the "site fight". Many others have received the fairy but if you are just starting your page or wanting to adopt a fairy from ~Angel~, then it's way late to get this fairy.
Nighingale's Room
||Oona's Room||
Vanessa's Room
Starlite's Room
Baltor's Room
Tyler & Twinkle's Room
Butterfly's Room
Tiny's Greenhouse
May's Room
Valine & Valerie's Room
Lady Mysteria's Room
Enchantress's Room
Patricia's & Clover's Room
Moonlite's Room
Bunny's Room
Glimmer's Room
Sparkles & Sunflower's Room
Fairies of Fathers
Wonders of Watermelons
Monthly Fairies
Fairies of Christmas
Other Fairies
Fairies of Fantasy