Sparkles is the pixie of morning dew.
Sunflower is the pixie of every blooming flower.
Sunflower and Sparkles work together to make every morning very beautiful. Sunflower makes the flowers bloom in the morning, while Sparkles makes tiny drops of dew appear upon everything.
Once the sun rises it would be a most beautiful sight for all to see.
Fairies of Fathers
Nighingale's Room||Oona's Room||Vanessa's Room||Starlite's Room||Baltor's Room||Tyler & Twinkle's Room||Butterfly's Room||Tiny's Greenhouse||May's Room||Valine & Valerie's Room||Lady Mysteria's Room||Enchantress's Room||Patricia's & Clover's Room||Moonlite's Room||Bunny's Room||Glimmer's Room||Sparkles & Sunflower's Room||Fairies of Fathers||Wonders of Watermelons||Monthly Fairies||Fairies of Christmas||Other Fairies||Fairies of Fantasy