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© Copyright 1999,
Coventry Teachers Assoc.
Created Monday 1 September 1997.

Page created by
Kevin Noble


Coventry Teachers Association NUT logo
National Union of Teachers

Ten good reasons to join the N.U.T.

  1. We are the largest teachers' Union both locally and nationally. We have over 1500 members in Coventry.
  2. We are run by our members. All members vote for school reps., Executive members and officers and policy is decided at Union meetings.
  3. Legal and counselling advice is available free to all our members. Our Regional Office has a fully trained legal department.
  4. Locally the NUT has negotiated some of the best conditions of service in the country. This includes the cover agreement providing protected non-contact time and one of the longest maternity leave schemes.
  5. We have a staffed Union Office where Officers are available to answer or respond to your enquiries.
  6. The NUT is represented on the Education Committee and on the Teachers' Consultative Committee allowing us to raise the views of teachers on educational issues. We continue to take the lead in highlighting the effect of current legislation and defending the quality of education in the city.
  7. Representation enables the Union to defend and promote Conditions of Service issues on behalf of members. We constantly press for effective Management/Trade Union consultation at school level.
  8. We continue to raise the issues of teacher stress and class-size and their relationship to pupil disruption/dissatisfaction, with the LEA and continue to support appropriate action in schools to protect our members.
  9. The NUT offers opportunities for discount shopping via its 'Countdown Card' scheme which is accepted at numerous local outlets. Travel, insurance and breakdown discounts are also available to members.
  10. Additional support available includes savings and investment advice and the Teachers Benevolent Fund - giving financial support in times of need.


    Last updated: 10th February 1999
    Helen Noble - Secretary (Union Affairs)