Guide to the Imperial Navy

The is the backbone of the Imperial Military. Without it's ships, travel to the various planets that are under the Emperor's great New Order.

Within this page are a variety of the ships that are used within the Navy. Above, a Lambda class shuttle streaks towards one of our newer Super Class Star Destroyers, which are about 8 times as long as our Imperial Star Destroyers. Such a ship is virtually indestructable, and is by and far,the most powerful capital ship to date.

To the left is a stunning portrait of the battle of Yavin, which Imperial forces in TIE fighters had nearly routed the forces of the Rebellion. Although the loss of the space station in the background was unavoidable, rebel losses were high enough to be considered a firm Imperial victory.

The picture to your left is that of the more common TIE/ln fighter, the most common starfighter in the Empire. Although TIE fighters are not shielded, and have no hyperdrive they are exceptionally fast, and quite maneuverable. Expert testing has shown them to be absolutely safe to use, even in the thickest combat.
Below is a TIE Interceptor, one of the more elite starfighters in the Empire, which is much faster and more agile than it's predecesor. As such, we have no fear that it will easily overmatch any fighter the rebellion has in use, despite the fact that, like the TIE/ln, the Interceptor is also without shields. The talents needed for flying TIE fighters is exceptionally rigorous, and only the best recieve such an opportunity. Those that wash out of flight school are more likely to find themselves assigned as gunners, stationed on capital ships, or flying shuttles.

This happy fellow is one of our fine pilots of the Imperial Navy. As you can see, every precaution is taken to ensure that the pilot's are protected in case of hull damage.

Of course, not everyone can become a pilot, and we of the Navy realise this. Crewman, bridge officers, and troopers are also needed. Below, is an Imperial space station, being protected by an older Corellian Corvette.

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