Your Political and Military Leaders

The benevolent face above, is of course that of Emperor Palpatine, sovreign of the Galactic Empire, and mastermind behind our glorious New Order. It is, of course, to the Emperor that we owe all that he has given us, and to whom we serve.

The picture to the left is that of Grand Moff Tarkin, a noted Governor and strategist within the Empire before his untimely demise. Below, is Moff Jerjerrod, recently having retired from active service in the Admiralty, and serving as suprervisor to an important project.

Below is a picture of Admiral Piett, who succeeded the late Admiral Ozzel for command of the Imperial Fleet, after Lord Vader became disappointed with his performance.

Above, is the individual in question. Lord Darth Vader, one of the most influencial men in the Empire, and the Emperor's primary servant. Lord Vader is currently involved in the hunting down and finding of the Rebel Headquarters. The fearsome looking armor you see him wearing commands a great deal of respect and awe from his men, and serves a practical purpose too. Darth Vader apparently needs it to survive, having suffered a terrible accident when fighting the rebellious Jedi, who are now, thankfully, exterminated.
Below, you can see a picture of Vader's custom built TIE fighter, which, unlike standard Imperial models, features both deflector shields and hyperdrive, with no loss of speed, due to the elongated, hex wings it sports.

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