Players may be of nearly any type with their own non-core-book supplement.  This includes Gypsies, Mortals, Sorcerors, Kinfolk, Kinain.  Changelings will also be permitted (see below), but be warned--Bliss is banal.

Special Merits & Flaws
Any from Jeff's White Wolf High special listing.

Normal Mortal-7 Point Flaw

You are a normal mortal.  As such, you start out with no sorcery and no numina.  You are not a ghoul.  You are not Kinfolk or Kinain.  This flaw can be "bought off" by learning sorcery or numina with XP at double cost.  If you are ghouled, you immediately learn the dot of Potence, but you must then pay the appropriate XP cost to learn the dot.  (This buys off the flaw too.)

Deep Sleeper-3 Point Flaw

You are largely inable to get up in the morning, to the point that you must really apply yourself in order to get out of bed.  In game terms, you do not regain willpower through a night's sleep.

Changeling-6 Point Merit

You are a changeling.  You gain an extra dot in your primary and secondary attribute groups.  You gain 2 extra dots in your primary and secondary ability groups, as well as an extra dot in your tertiary ability group.  You can learn Arts & Realms as would a changeling, including spending starting points on them.  You can adjust your backgrounds to reflect your faerie background at character creation.  You gain a Glamour rating.  However, your Knowledges are now raised with XP at CRx2.

Vampire Affinity-3 Point Merit
You have an unusual bond with vampires.  You can sense them when they are near (the Highlander vibe).  You can also buy up to one dot in each of up to 3 disciplines at 1.5x normal XP cost.  You cannot buy these disciplines on starting points.

Chimerical Companion-3 Point Merit
You have a chimerical companion.  You don't know it, but he/she is there with you all the time.  Changelings around you notice it and will likely react more favorably to you.  Design this chimera with 15 chimera points.  Changelings and Kinain cannot take this merit.

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