What to say?
not sure
Topic: Get this...
Well, you all knew I went to Estrella last weekend - Yes, it was wonderful, yes it was fun - and yes, it was very dusty - and the air was very bad to breathe, what with the dust kicked up by 6,500 people and the campfires at night, and the pollen from trees blooming (Yes, spring in the desert occurrs in February/March). My lungs rebelled, I have been a complete asthmatic for at least a week and a half now, maxed out on my meds, etc., but still, it was all worth it. :)
The bardics were incredible. Every night, we had a bard visit our fire, tucked away as it was, and we had the privilege of hearing them sing. True Thomas (AKA Thomas Whitehart) was there for several hours one night, and a singer I knew only as James (or Jim) came by for about 4 hours one night. I loved everything he sang, but then it only figures because it turns out he has "made it" in Nashville. Love it.
We were even 'treated' so various songs and stories by the Squire Choir, and in particular, Lord Colum, which made the stay so much more fun - we were camping with Sir Dmitri and Mistress Tatiana and the squires all belong to Dmitri anyway - it was great. OH, and Chris recieved his red Squire's belt from Dmitri, which was really cool too. Needless to say, many friendships strengthened/made over the course of the weekend.
On Sunday afternoon during the Queen's Tea, there were literally dozens of people who came to perform - the Knowne Wolrd Choir was one of them and they were wonderful! There was a chance for me to perform as well, but truly, I had more fun listening, (And incidentally, inciting "The Wave" when particularly impressed.) LOL
On Sunday night, there was a bardic festival the likes of which I have rarely seen. They had professional musicians from all over the Knowne World, including our very own Whiskey Bards among others. It was great. The first half was a family show, Peter and I enjoyed it very much. Then later was the "Adult" bawdy show - which was VERY bawdy - no children allowed!! and was still hysterically funny. (Maybe we were all just punchy from all of the dust poisoning and smoke and cold, but I had so much fun!)
Anyway, enough of the music at the war, that was a tangent. (Great as it was...)
The real reason I wanted to blog today was to vent a little bit about something that occurred on Friday morning of the war.
I left work on Wednesday, and stayed late to finish up everything necessary to my three days of vacation. I had no inkling that there was anything wrong or even really hinky, other than that I&G has been a terrible place to work lately. (Very low morale, lots of people leaving, and even I have been thinking about it). At any rate, there was no explanation, but Friday morning at about 10:30 or 11:00 or so, I got a call from Erica (the receptionist) telling me that K___ (I____ of I____ & G______) had told HER to call me and tell me I would no longer have a job when I got back, and that Tuesday they have someone new starting, so I had better come in on Monday to clean out my desk.
Talk about surprised. Yow.
What a rude way to fire someone!!
And though I was not terribly disappointed (Other than the fact that I didn't get to say "I quit!"), it was still a bit of a shock, and a not nice thing to do when someone is on vacation. And there was no explanation. Realize this, I have never been 'spoken to' about any problems or issues, no one has ever told me that my work was at issue or my attitude, nothing. I have never been reprimanded and the people I worked with told me they were happy with my work. Even my Christmas bonus was quite nice, considering the short amount of time I had worked there (Only 7 or 8 months at that point) and even though it was late (beginning of January) it was no problem to me.
So I would really like to know why. I keep putting off calling Kyle, not sure why, but I really do need to know why I was so summarily dismissed.
Very rude.
At any rate, I cleaned out my desk Monday (Left Estrella early) and moped all day Tuesday. Wednesday I went to Kerry's Referrals and by Thursday I was working.
I decided that I would like to try temping for a while - bosses and me do not mix lately it seems.
So that is where it stands, I will try to make an appointment for an 'exit interview' so that he can explain himself somewhatand (if my old boss has the nerve to tell me to my face exactly why I was fired, which I doubt. Rude people after all)
(I know, I know, If wishes were horses, beggers would ride, but it's a thought anyway).
So, on with the rest of my life - I admit that it IS nice to not have to deal with the mean girls anymore!! :)
And any of my friends that are reading this that don't have my current email address, just leave a message in comments and I will email you with it right away. :)
Posted by greeneyed_irish_girl
at 1:49 PM MST
Updated: Monday, 1 November 2010 9:49 PM MDT