WHAT'S HAPPENING Around Australia

Guidelines and Conditions for Listings

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By email or disk

Send your cheque in the mail straight away. Your ad will not be listed until it arrives.

Use ordinary TEXT in your email. DO NOT SEND ATTACHMENTS unless they are gifs. Please provide a contact phone or email address in case we need to query something. If we can't check unclear details with you we might not list your ad.

Include a note confirming the spelling of unusual words or names.

By snail mail

Follow the instructions as per "By email" above, but send a copy of your ad and any notes to Hovea Music Press at the address above, with your cheque or money order enclosed. Also include any flyers you have about the event. A $4.95 handling surcharge applies to each listing submitted this way (handwritten or printed hardcopy).


To clearly distinguish between the information to be listed and private material which is not to be listed, place the public information between two lines of EQUAL signs, thus:
Dear HMP,

we really like your site. Here's the stuff we want to advertise, EL PRONTO.


Saturday 14 October 2000, 8pm. Tonight's Ensemble. Dylan What's 'is Name, Matt WhozimiCallit, premier piano duo. Backblocks Performing Arts Venue, 12 Dodecaphonic Avenue, Longone Hills WA 6910 (parking near Church in Wanderinby Lane). $25 ($15 stnts/pens), pay at door or by credit card: phone Mary 08 9*334321 (Mon-Fri 8am-4pm). Email Mary


Please run the listing from Tuesday 20 June until Saturday 14 October. Give me a ring on 9111*222 any night until 11pm if there's any problem with it, or if that cheque hasn't arrived.

Note: WhozimiCallit has two capitals.

See Ya,



  • State the date as well as the DAY OF THE WEEK, like this: Sunday, 25 June 2000;
  • Time of day, including am or pm;
  • Names of performers / teachers etc;
  • Location, including Australian state and the postcode (of the event's location, not your office!), plus any helpful hints like "Opposite Coles carpark";
  • A PUBLIC contact phone and / or email address, web site (especially if it relates to the event eg photos of performers) for inclusion in your ad;
  • A PRIVATE contact phone and / or email address, in case we need to contact you to check details;
  • A name and address for your receipt;
  • Prices and method of payment. Will you have door sales?
  • Inclusive dates for the ad to run, eg. Monday 22 May to Friday 11 August 2000.


It is an essential condition that you use the URL www.HoveaMusicEvents.com or HoveaMusicEvents.com in your own publicity materials. You may like to mention it in your editorial or feature articles. Talk to us about putting the URL in your newsletters, bulletins, promotional flyers, web sites and possibly letterheads.

Some suggested wordings:

  • "For all our upcoming events and late-breaking news, see www.HoveaMusicEvents.com on the internet"
  • "Find out more about [name of your organisation] and classical music in [name of your town] on the internet at www.HoveaMusicEvents.com".
  • "Visit www.HoveaMusicEvents.com on the web to see what's happening in Classical music performances and workshops".


Ads must not be deceptive, discriminatory, misleading or defamatory. They must not be in breach of copyright, registered designs, trademarks or other property rights or intellectual rights under Australian laws.

The listings may expand into other areas in the future. We reserve the right to move or duplicate your listing to another suitable category or page and make other changes to the web site.


HMP relies on other service providers. Therefore, HMP offers no warranty or guarantee of service. The web site may on occasions be temporarily unavailable or not updatable due to various circumstances.

It is a necessary condition that you, the advertiser, guarantee to indemnify the publisher (Hovea Music Press) if the publisher suffers any liability or if any legal action is instigated against the publisher because of the information you supplied to us. You agree to imdemnify Hovea Music Press for any and all costs associated with any and all legal liability incurred, or any action to which the publisher is joined, which arises out of or in connection with the advertisement. The maximum liability of the publisher---for the liability of the advertiser arising out of the placement of the ad---is limited to the publisher's fee for placing the ad. Submitting your ad implies acceptance of these conditions and all other conditions herein.



We can make a simple web page for you, with a link to it from the Events Listing.

Graphics (photographs etc) can be used on your own page. These should be emailed or sent on a disk (Mac or IBM), saved as gif files. If you prefer us to scan your photos at HMP this incurrs a $11 fee per item, plus a $11 set-up fee (minimum is $22). All prices include GST.


Contact HMP's associates, Argyle Editing Services, for all your text editing needs. Phone 08 9382 4874 or email jean@mypostbox.com
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