YOUR OWN WEB PAGE We can make a simple web page for you, with a link to it from the Events Listing. This will add more content to your listing. For example, you may like to include an online booking form, or a page with background details about your performers, including photographs.
Contact HMP's associates, Argyle Editing Services, for all your text editing needs. Don't say you don't need an editor, because that's the first sign of madness. Er, sorry, ... it's the first sign that you DO need an editor. Phone 08 9382 4874 or email jean@mypostbox.com
It is an essential condition that you use the URL www.HoveaMusicEvents.com in your own publicity materials. You may like to mention it in your editorial or feature articles. Talk to us about putting the URL in your newsletters, bulletins, promotional flyers, web sites and possibly letterheads.
Some suggested wordings:
- "For all our upcoming events and late-breaking news, see www.HoveaMusicEvents.com on the internet"
- "Find out more about [name of your organisation] and classical music in [name of your town] on the internet at www.HoveaMusicEvents.com".
- "Visit www.HoveaMusicEvents.com on the web to see what's happening in Classical music performances and workshops".
Let's all look forward to making it easier and easier for anyone even remotely interested in classical or art music to find out what's going on near them. We have many plans for ongoing development for the site, but please feel free to give us more suggestions on how to improve Hovea Music Events.