WHAT'S HAPPENING Around Australia
Anything to do with any kind of classical music. Anywhere in Australia.
Q. Why advertise with HoveaMusicEvents.com?
A. Not just because it's VERY CHEAP.

Why advertise here? | Rates | Submit a listing | Australia | International

Musical Synergy

A natural alliance exists between classical music publishers, teachers and promoters.
Many of YOUR members, students or audience are now on the internet, hungry to find useful web sites that are relevant to them.
Hovea Music Events is the most cost-effective way
of promoting your organisation and events.
  • Much cheaper and easier than you could do by yourself.
  • A great way to release late-breaking news, including cancellations and changes to venues.
  • It's totally focused on classical music.


The Deal

So that all your members or audience will see your updated details often, you need to helps us create as much traffic as possible at the Hovea Music Events site.

By using your promotional resources we can keep the advertising fees very low.

We simply require that the internet page address, www.HoveaMusicEvents.com, be used in your own newsletters, bulletins, flyers, web sites and perhaps letterheads. See suggested wordings below.

24 hour, 7 day-a-week


How much detail?

Our FAST LOADING, easy to use site is well organised for easy access, and is constantly being improved.

So there's no overall limit to how much material you can have on the site, because we can always make more hyperlinked pages for more details, including photographs.

Already have your own site?

Even if you develop your own web site you'll want to keep a presence on the Hovea Music Events web site. That's where everyone interested in classical music will be constantly visiting.

You can have reciprocal links between your site and ours.

Customised flyers

We can supply you with customised ready-to-use ads or flyers about the event listing service, with your details included.
Make initial enquiries NOW.
Talking time is free!
The number of classical music things we list is growing all the time.
MULTIPLE LISTINGS - Other States. MULTIPLE LISTINGS - Several Events in the Same State.
BULK DISCOUNTS. CHANGES TO YOUR AD: You can fine-tune your ad or make small corrections, even after it's been uploaded to the web site, free of charge. CANCELLATIONS: A fifty per cent (50%) credit may be given for future advertising.
We're interested in more-or-less classical music performances, broadcasts, competitions, educational seminars and workshops etc. So we're talking about eisteddfodau, music society concerts, classical music ensembles, new music groups, the big classical venues like concert halls, and smaller ones like performing arts centres and local halls. And, no doubt, many other things we haven't thought of or don't yet know about. How about the odd amphitheatre?

Why only classical?

Like most people, we enjoy other types of music! We're very keen to promote events with other musical styles, but only if they have at least SOME classical content. A clear focus is important. But we define 'classical' very broadly.

We can make a simple web page for you, with a link to it from the Events Listing. This will add more content to your listing. For example, you may like to include an online booking form, or a page with background details about your performers, including photographs.




Contact HMP's associates, Argyle Editing Services, for all your text editing needs. Don't say you don't need an editor, because that's the first sign of madness. Er, sorry, ... it's the first sign that you DO need an editor. Phone 08 9382 4874 or email jean@mypostbox.com

MUSIC RETAILERS, WHOLESALERS, MANUFACTURERS: Contact us for rates and conditions. We reserve the right to run free listings and offer other special deals to selected advertisers.

It is an essential condition that you use the URL www.HoveaMusicEvents.com in your own publicity materials. You may like to mention it in your editorial or feature articles. Talk to us about putting the URL in your newsletters, bulletins, promotional flyers, web sites and possibly letterheads.

Some suggested wordings:

  • "For all our upcoming events and late-breaking news, see www.HoveaMusicEvents.com on the internet"
  • "Find out more about [name of your organisation] and classical music in [name of your town] on the internet at www.HoveaMusicEvents.com".
  • "Visit www.HoveaMusicEvents.com on the web to see what's happening in Classical music performances and workshops".


Let's all look forward to making it easier and easier for anyone even remotely interested in classical or art music to find out what's going on near them. We have many plans for ongoing development for the site, but please feel free to give us more suggestions on how to improve Hovea Music Events.
Write to:
Hovea Music Press
PO Box 227
For all enquiries email hmp@mypostbox.com
HMP Home Page HoveaMusicPress.com
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