Zhineng Qigong

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An Introduction to the Science of Zhineng Qigong
Table of Contents

90% of this book has been translated and compiled into Life More Abundant.
Chapter I An Introduction to Qigong

  • Section I Implications of Qigong
    • The understandings about Qigong.
    • The origin of the term - Qigong.
    • The definition of Qigong.
    • The differences between Qigong and sports (physical exercises).

  • Section II Types of Qigongs
    • The classifications of qigongs.
    • The sects and the common features.

  • Section III The Enlightenments from the History
    • The historical stages of Chinese Qigong.
    • The contemporary needs and requirements for the practice of Qigong.
    • Inheriting the essences and making innovations.

  • Section IV The Benefits of Qigong Practice
    • Enhancement of health.
    • Attainment of longevity.
    • Prevention and healing of illnesses.
    • Development of intelligence.

  • Section V The Significance of Qigong Development
Chapter II An Introduction to Qigong Science

  • Section I A Summary of Qigong Science
    • Qigong science is an unique science.
    • The structure of qigong science.
    • Marking correct bounds between the intensions and extensions of qigong science.

  • Section II The Methodology of Qigong Science
    • A summary of Inner Perception.
    • The practicality of Inner Perception.
    • The Principle of Inner Perception - Methodology Issue.

  • Section III The Methodological Foundation of Qigong Science - The Hunyuan Concept of Entirety
    • The Hunyuan Theory.
    • The Concept of Entirety.

  • Section IV Two Ways for Understanding and Transforming the world
    • A Brief Introduction to Outer Observation Method.
    • The dialectical relationship between the Inner Perception Method and Outer Observation Method.

  • Section V The Rising of Qigong Science
    • The upsurge of qigong science as a requirement for the development of human civilization.
    • From traditional qigongs to qigong science.

  • Section VI The Building and Perfecting of Qigong Science
    • Setting up a deserved standing for qigong science - it is a unique science different from all modern sciences.
    • Drawing a complete blueprint for qigong science.
    • Conducting extensive and profoundly influential mass qigong practice.
    • The necessity of employing modern science in the development qigong science.
    • The significance of the development of qigong science.
Chapter III A Introduction to the Science of Zhineng Qigong

  • Section I The Summary of Zhineng Qigong and the Science of Zhineng Qigong.
    • The Summary of Zhineng Qigong.
    • The Summary of Zhineng Qigong Science.

  • Section II A Brief Introduction to Zhineng Qigong.
    • The outstanding features of Zhineng Qigong.
    • The differences between Zhineng Qigong and other qigongs.
    • The benefits of Zhineng Qigong practice.

  • Section III Developing Zhineng Qigong in the Right Way.
Chapter IV The Optimal Practice of Zhineng Qigong

  • Section I Establishing a solid ideological base
    • Building a firm faith and confidence.
    • Being clear about the aims of Zhineng Qigong practice.
    • Holding a correct concept of merits and powers.

  • Section II Doing away with unenlightened believes

  • Section III Abiding by the laws of Zhineng Qigong
    • Respecting the Tao and the teachers.
    • Practicing conscientiously and seriously.
    • Relaxation, tranquility and naturalness.
    • Integrating practice with nourishment and rest.
    • Applying both concentration and observation.

  • Section IV Cultivating a Deep Zhineng Qigong Consciousness
    • Enhancing the study of qigong theories.
    • Cultivating a qigong consciousness through qigong practice.

  • Section V Adopting a correct attitude towards reactions in practice
    • Adopting a correct attitude towards morbid reactions.
    • Adopting a correct attitude towards transmutative reactions of internal chi.

  • Section VI Adjusting One’s Way of Life
    • Increasing nutrition in food.
    • Keeping a good balance of the internal body and the external environments in proper clothing.
    • Creating a pleasant residential environment.
    • Performing a just and honorable conduct.
Chapter V Qigong, Chinese Medicine and Special Abilities

  • Section I Qigong and Chinese Medicine
    • The Entirety Concept of Life as the common theoretical foundation of both Qigong and Chinese Medicine.
    • The theory of qi and its transmutation as the essence of Chinese medical theory.
    • The true existence (scientific conformation) of qi and the main and collateral qi channels.
    • Qigong practice as the vital source of Chinese medical theories.
    • Qigong as the basis and essence of Chinese clinical medicine.

  • Section II Qigong and Special Abilities
    • Special abilities as the intrinsic functions of the human body.
    • The relationship between special abilities and qigong.
    • The Necessity of combining the research on special abilities with the modernization of Chinese medicine and scientific research on qigong.

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