Activity 1
Role 1: An American businessman

Imagine you are an American businessman traveling to the Middle East. You are visiting the region to open a restaurant chain. While doing business in this region within the Arab culture, ask yourself some of the following questions.

Journal Questions

To help you with evaluating and investigating this interesting culture, you are to maintain a journal to record your notes and thoughts. This journal will be assessed for a grade at the conclusion of this project.

In your investigations refer to the website links below. Ask the following questions to gain a basic understanding of the region.

  1. What are the clothing styles of the region? Can I wear a business suit?
  2. Is a "Dewaniah" a type of food? What exactly is it?
  3. What are some common Arabic phrases that I may want to use in addressing my colleagues?
  4. Before embarking on a trip, it is a good idea to know what kind of diseases and health issues may be encountered.1 What is the most frequent health concern when traveling to this region?
  5. What can I do to protect myself from diseases of the region?
  6. What are some common customs of the culture? How do I greet women? How do I receive gifts and give gifts?
  7. When dining with my host, what are the customs?
  8. Will there be any limitations on what my restaurant can and cannot serve? Such as types of food and/or drinks.
  9. Shopping in the Middle East is different than shopping in America? Give examples of why? (i.e. time, places)
  10. The work-week in the Arab culture is different than in America? How?
  11. I would like to exchange $200 USD to the Saudi Arabian and UAE currency? What is the name of the Saudi Arabian and UAE currency and how much will I receive?
  12. What are some ways that the Islamic faith is part of the daily life in the Arab culture?

Journal Entry

At the completion of this activity, give a synopsis of what you can expect as an American businessman in an Arab culture/country. Were you surprised?

The Links

The Arabian Culture and Customs
The information provided here was taken from the Arabian Business & Cultural Guide. Here you will find descriptions of some of the Arabian customs followed in social interactions, eating & drinking, invitations, dressing, and other daily activities.

Arabic Language & Script
Use RealAudio Player to listen to greetings in Arabic.

CDC Travel Information to Middle East
This is a very popular cite from the Center for Disease Control. If you're traveling, you must refer to this site for "healthful" information.

OANDA 164 Currency Converter
For any traveler, this is also a must! See how much of your USD converts to the country you are visiting. Prints out a travel cheat sheet to take with you!

Dubai Lifestyle
Dubai is located in United Arab Emirates. This site provides a list of information for tourists and expatriates.

Living and teaching in the desert - Locals in Kuwait share observations.
Teachers Mark and Heather Pachiorka share their first-hand impressions and observations of living in the desert nation near to one of the world's political hotspots. It is an insightful article about the specific aspects of living in Kuwaiti culture as a foreigner.
Now continue onto Activity 2.


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Last Revision: May 30, 1998