Distance Never Separates Two Hearts
That Really Care..

Distance never separates
two hearts that really care,
For memory spans the miles
and in seconds we are there.
We hear the voice, we see the smile,
and deep inside we know
That friends remain a part of us
wherever we may go.
So we can visit anytime,
no matter when or where,
For distance never separates
two hearts that really care.

Emily Matthews

To my friends far and near,
To let you know how very dear
you are to my heart.
When the days are long,
and I feel there is no song
left in my world,
there you are to remind me
that the sun will shine
in the morning,
even after the longest night.


The door to the human heart
can only be opened from the inside.

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Friends are... Distance never separates.. Treasures
Valentine And Still Special People
After All Yet not for.... Butterfly Kisses
Strange & Wonderful Time You've got a way
coming soon..    

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