Time Cannot Change

The Glow of a Sunset

The Beauty of Flowers

The Colors of a Rainbow

The Sparkle of Stars

And the warm feeling

Of two hearts in Love.


You Will Always

Have My Love !

In everything you hope or do,

I'll encourage you and believe in you,

For your every joy is my joy, too~

You will always have my love...

You don't have to keep

your doubts inside,

there is nothing you need to hide,

For, Whatever feelings you confide~

You will always have my love...

No matter what, no matter where,

You can count on me and I'll be there,

To understand, to show I care ~

You will always have my love,

From my Heart to yours,

from today til always ~

I Love you !

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Friends are... Distance never separates.. Treasures
Valentine And Still Special People
After All Yet not for.... Butterfly Kisses
Strange and Wonderful Time You've got a way
coming soon....    

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