Lenora's Fiction Archive

Lenora's Poems

I am not a poet, but in some of my English classes we had to write poems. Thus, I have included these poems here for your enjoyment.

Bullet"The Five Sisters of Kintail" is about Scotland. (Spring 1995)

Bullet"The Admiral" is about a Navy Admiral. (Winter 1996)

Bullet"The Computer" is a personification of a computer. (Winter 1996)

Bullet"Ekaterina" is about figure skating star Ekaterina Gordeeva. (Winter 1996)

Bullet"Rosie" is about my cousins' dog Rosie. (Winter 1996)

Bullet"Culloden Moor" is about the last battle of the 1745 Scottish rebellion. (Winter 1996)

Bullet"Art, For Monkees Sake" is a sonnet written for a Creative Poetry class in Summer 1998.

Bullet"The Constellations are Lovely Tonight" is another poem written for my Summer 1998 class.

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Hosted by Tripod

Created by Lenora McCoy

Last updated 19 JUN 98

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