At MBS, we seek to ....

... provide a solid biblical foundation for church planting, mission and practical ministry.
... sharpen skills for a competent handling of the Word of God for the preaching and teaching tasks of the church.
... integrate faith, life, learning and practical ministry.

We believe that life and ministry must be both Word-centred and Spirit-led.

At MBS, we are committed to help Christians fulfil their call as effec-tive servants and minsters of God for the manifold ministries of the church.

Malaysia Bible Seminari (MBS), founded in 1978, is dedicated to the task of preparing men and women for the manifold ministries of the Church, through biblical and theological education; ministerial and professional development; and spiritual-personal formation.
In its attempts to fulfill its goal, MBS strives for excellence in the service of Jesus Christ, under the authority of Scripture, the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of the Father.


Evangelical Commitment
The Seminary accepts, without reservation, the divine inspiration and trustworthiness of the Bible together with a confidence in the unity of God's truth in its application to all aspects of the life of man.

Interdenominational Breadth
The Seminary is committed to the service of the entire Church of Jesus Christ in its various expressions, recognizing the distinctives of each denomination or organization.

Educational Excellence
The Seminary believes that excellence in education is a Christian calling; it is therefore committed to achieving and maintaining the highest academic quality in its teaching coupled with a program that encourages and fosters the spiritual formation and enhances the practical ministry of the individual.

Ministerial Concern
The Seminary is committed to the nurture of the whole person that enhances the spiritual, personal, emotional and social aspect of the individual to better enable and equip him/her for the work of ministry by using his/her gifts for the upbuilding of the Church.


The Graduate Studies Programs (GSP) offer training to degree holders (or those with their equivalents) from Bible Colleges and Universities, which leads to one of the following diploma or degree:-

Diploma in Christian Studies
This is a 1 year full-time program which forms the foundational graduate program for the Master of Christian Studies (M.C.S.). It is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the Christian faith. Emphasis is placed on biblical and theological studies at the graduate level.
This program is also offered on a modular basis, regulated at three to four courses per year. This is a flexible program that allows for studies at one's own pace and may be linked with our regular internal courses.

Master of Christian Studies

This is a 2-year full-time program which carries on from the 1 year full-time Dip. C. S. program. It may also be extended longer. This course normally leads to the 3-year Master of Divinity (M. Div.) program. This course can also be taken on a modular basis.

Master of Ministry
This is a 2-year program offered on a modular basis. It is designed to equip Christian leaders to be more effective servants of the Lord. Emphasis is placed on sharpening practical ministerial skills.


The Undergraduate Studies Programs (USP) seek to train and equip committed Christians for the ministry of the Church. The three programs offered are tailored to meet this need.

Certificate in Theology
This is a 2-year program designed to provide the student with a general but well-rounded and biblical-based understanding of the Christian faith, together with a basic introduction to the practical ministry.

Diploma in Theology
This is a 3-year program that takes the student beyond the training offered by the Cert. Th. program. Electives allow the student to develop his/her own chosen areas of interest and calling.

Bachelor of Theology
This is a 4-year program for the mature student who wishes to develop his training beyond the Dip. Th. program. The higher percentage of electives provides opportunity for greater specialization and indepth study. Requirements for this program include a thesis which calls for more rigorous theological reflection and articulation.

Bachelor of Ministry
This is a 3½ year program that takes the student beyond the training offered by the Dip. Th. program. In addition to its more ministerial emphasis, a project paper on a topic of ministerial relevance is required.


Certificate in Theology (Extension)
This program is conducted through evening classes, weekends and/or week-long seminars and extension courses. Those who complete 12 courses will be awarded this certificate.

Candidates seeking to be admitted into Full-time studies should normally satisfy the following conditions:-

_ be a committed Christian, with a clear calling from the Lord,
_ be of good standing in a local church,
_ be not less than 20 years of age at the time of application,
_ possesses at least an SPM, with minimum Grade 2 or equivalent,
_ has worked for at least two years.

Christian workers and Church leaders who are unable to study as full-time students may be accepted as part-time students. Under special circumstances, the Seminary will accept pastors, full-time workers and other committed Chrisitans who are on Sabatical or study leave.


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