Guest Fanworks


   There are currently 13 fanfics archived here.

    Hurry up and send in your submissions too!  All pieces are (or will be) linked by the author to a separate page which has all of that author's works together.  Everything is rated and described at the author's page.  I encourage everyone to send the author comments, but please read my Flame Policy first. The only thing is, I haven't heard back from johnbear80, so I don't know if his address works or not, which is what caused the delay in this posting (I wanted to wait until he checked over it all).  So if anyone knows johnbear80, please tell him to come check out his page!  Read his fic too, it's really good!  One more thing, all fics are written with the N.A. version names, unless otherwise noted.  I made a Name Conversion Chart to help people figure out who's who if they are not familiar with one version or the other.

Author                                            Title                                           Type

johnbear80                           Darkness and Light           Fanfic

Sammi-chan                        When Will the Pain End?    Shortfic (ANGST)

KMW                                 Crystal Clear Destiny         Fanfic

                                                      Friends Forever                Shortfic

                                          A Lost Cause                    Fanfic (series,ANGST)

                                          The Children of Mercury    Fanfic (series)

                                              Memories                         Fanfic (long)

                                                     Home To You                  Songfic

                                                     Minako's Bitter End           Shortfic

                                           What A Life                      Fanfic (series?)

                               NEW!  An Old Legend                  Fanfic (series)

Cyperian of Cyprus   NEW!  A Love Like No Other       Fanfic (long, chapters)

                                       NEW! Head Games                      Fanfic (long, angsty)

    Now, if you send something in, you too will get your own page.  But I want everyone to know that you can send in images or whatever to make it interesting.  johnbear80's page is just kind of the "default".  You can send in whatever you want; a background image, a pic of you, or you could just tell me you want a different color or something.  One thing I won't do is put one of those midi files that automatically play when the page comes up.  The reasons are: 1) I don't know how to 2) those things are soooo annoying if you are listening to something else already! and 3) they make the page take foreeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr to load!  But maybe if you had a sound file I could put in a NON-AUTO play or let people download it.  Other than that, just read the Guidelines to Submission.

Mail Me
Mail johnbear80
Mail Sammi-chan
Mail KMW
Mail Cyperian of Cyprus
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