My Fanfiction

I've decided to start hosting other people's fanfiction.  Please read the Guidelines.
Guests' fanfics and other works can be found at Guest Fanworks
I created a Name Conversion Chart to help people!
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My first fanfic is titled "Little Sister". It's set in Sailor Moon R, a little after the DUB cut off (about episode 70, I think) right after the 4 sisters had left the Black Moon, but Rubeus is still the enemy.  Serena and Darien are back together, and everyone knows that Renie knows their identities, but they haven't been to the future yet.  I know this is a REALLY weird time period, but trust me, they will get to the future later.
Right now it's written with the DUB names, but someday I might like to change them all to the original Japanese names.

    Little Sister Part 1
    Little Sister Part 2
    Little Sister Part 3
    Little Sister Part 4
    Little Sister Part 5
    Little Sister Part 6
    Little Sister Part 7

Untitled--The Vision of Escaflowne Fanfic
This fanfic is set in the future, so you don't need to have seen the show (^.^);


 Back to the Moon Palace

Disclaimers: Sailor Moon does not belong to me, it belongs to The Great Naoko Takeuchi.  But this story is mine.  Please don't sue me.
This background came from the Transparent Gif Shop.
I made the usagi picture at the bottom, so please don't steal it.  Besides, it sucks.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at