*N Sync Encounters

Mall of America - May 16, 1998

Chicago, Illinois - June 28, 1998

Detroit , Michigan - December 5, 1998

Grand Rapids, Michigan - March 28, 1999

Still to come...

Burlington, Iowa - June 25, 1998
Chigago, Illinois - July 28, 1998
Cleveland, Ohio - July 30, 1998
Royal Oak, Michigan - July 31, 1998
Flint, Michigan - August 1, 1998
Janesville, Wisconsin - August 2, 1998
Grand Rapids, Michigan - August 25, 1998
Indiapolis, Indiana - December 3, 1998
Detroit, Michigan - March 25, 1999
Nobelsville, Indiana - May 5, 1999
Chicago, Illinois - August 1999

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