May 9, 1998 It's a river, you'll never stop it It's a high-flying butterfly, you'll never catch it It's the air, you'll never see it I don't get it, Just get away from me Like looking for a pebble in the middle of the ocean, you won't find it Like looking for a four-leaf clover in a patch of only threes, you won't ever see it Like looking for your shadow in a sunless world, it won't ever follow you I don't get it, Just get away from me It's like feeling for dryness in a sea of tears Or feeling for a warm heart that's colder than ice can freeze Or feeling for a soft touch in a pile of sharp needles I don't get it, Just get away from me It's like trying to breathe underwater It's like trying to run through quicksand It's like crying when there are no tears left to cry because you've already cried everyone I don't get it, Just get away from me I can't conceive how you cannot see the futility of your efforts Just get away from me... ~Peggy~