When this site was originally created, Mrs. Waldo was alive and fighting. Unfortunately, she just passed away between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM on December 18, 1998. May this extraordinary individual rest in peace at last.
Today, December 17, 1998, may be the last day Mrs. Waldo (a nickname
given to her by members of the Haddon Heights Marching Unit) will ever live
to see. She is suffering with Congestive Heart Failure, a complication of
Cancer: according to doctors, she has 4-5 days to live and this day in particular (December 17, 1998)
may not be her last, but only time will tell. I know I should've put this page up before, but the reality hasn't set
in until now. Mrs. Waldo is my best friend's mother, he's 15 and he's really
being very brave about this whole unfortunate thing. Jean is one of THE
most caring, helpful, concerned, loving, (the list goes on because there
aren't enough words to describe how wonderful she is) individual I've ever
met and came to know in my 16 years on this earth. She has done so much
for me and all the members of the marching unit throughout the past 4
years. She's, like, the "hardcore band mom of the year." She told her family
not to spend money on an expensive funeral and donate it to the marching
unit. How someone so wonderful could be taken from this earth by such a
disease is absolutely unconceiveable. She's a saint and should live forever.
She deserves it. I'm asking everyone who reads this to pray for Mrs. Waldo,
her family, and especially her kids who are probably suffering just as much
as she is. They're losing their mother, could you imagine losing yours? I
couldn't. Also I want to ask you all to pray for other people and their families
who are suffering from Cancer, they need support and love to pull through.
And to all of the people who are suffering from Cancer, and their families as
well, be strong, fight the disease all the way, and have faith in God: he's the
only one who can truly help. Good luck to everyone. My heart is with you all
who are suffering from any disease, please, let your heart be with Mrs.
Waldo and her family. Thank you for reading.