If "We The People" don't do something about it right now, all is lost.
Not just in the Pain Issue, but and issues of truth across the board. We
must demand the truth out of our government now or it will soon be too
I'm reading the book "Assassination Science" right now, and one of the
things they've unearthed is a CIA memo sent out in the 1960s telling
their workers to take advantage of all their "assets" in the news media,
editors, news producers, etc. and to squash any of the critics of the
Warren Commission by calling them "Assassination Buffs," "Communists"
and all kinds of other names, to put down any decent.
(Note: see damming document # 1035-950 sent to: "Chiefs Certain Stations
and Bases," stating "DESTROY WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED". It was for reaching
"friendly elite contacts especially politicians and editors" and it was
never intended that we see this. It said that "open discussion" plays
"into the hands of the opposition" or in other words, US, anyone who
wants to know the truth. What the AMA did for them in 1992 to help prop
up this lie, was amazing. With the AMA in their pocket there's not a
chance they are going to help Pain Patients or doctors who provide for
them. The AMA was sued in 1992 by Dr. Crenshaw and it cost them over
$400 per word for their article in the JAMA on the Assassination, that
claimed the good doctor wasn't even IN trauma room 1 in Dallas that day.
They tried to claim that President Johnson DIDN'T call the doctors from
the White House, when they were working on Lee Harvey Oswald. That pack
of lies was all published to discredit his book "Conspiracy of Silence"
that revealed the truth. If even the AMA's Journal is firmly controlled
by the CIA, what chance to we have to get our truth out about drugs?)
Well, the only problem with all this is that the CIA's charter forbids
any actions INSIDE the United States against the people. But they've
never paid any attention to that "law" since well before the day JFK was
Not only have they been forming the nation's opinion on the JFK hit,
(while 70% still don't believe the government's position), but they've
been supporting the Drug War with this "hidden power" to sway public
opinion on all fronts with their Propaganda costing millions of our tax
dollars from behind the scenes. I'll have more on how these "assets"
were used in the War On Drugs to take away our access to pain medication
in my post: "JFK & Pain" that I'm working on now. It's frightening. He
wanted to "break the CIA into a thousand pieces" and one can see why. So
what do they do? They hire the former head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, who
JFK had fired, to look into the murder which is like asking the Fox to
guard the Hen House. That's why the Warren Commission didn't interview
any of the witnesses who saw or heard the shots fried from the Grassy
Knoll. That's why 300 people who knew some truth about the killing,
became DEAD just before testifying.
With their powerful Cray computers they "comb" the conversations of
millions of Americans on the phone lines. When the computers pick up key
words, they lock on and record for later use by humans. They can dial
your number and your phone doesn't ring, but they can hear a whisper
anywhere in your house. We need to bring that into open court, but even
that would be an uphill battle since they control most of the judges.
For those working for the government and elsewhere, to think they need a
subpoena to tap their lines, or listen in, that's just not the case.
They can access any records they want to and bring them up on their
screen. They can drive by your house in a van and "see" what you're
typing on your computer screen. We're no longer "a nation of law." We
are "a nation of lawlessness," and the laws are being broken by the very
bureaucrats who's paychecks we provide. We don't vote them into office,
and they don't go out of office when a new Administration comes in, they
are always there and they don't have to abide by any "rules." Even new
Presidents soon learn to fear them.
This powerful "equipment" to sway public opinion has been used for
decades, and when people see how well it was used in the Kennedy
killing, they will see why it was so effective in feeding lies to the
people about "Drugs." If the public knew for instance that the chance of
"addiction" was less than one half of one percent for a Pain Patient, or
that tens of thousands MORE people die from LACK of drugs, than die as a
RESULT of them, that millions of innocents are in jail for nothing, they
would know the scare was all propaganda. By instilling FEAR in the
American People about "Drugs" they can better control them. First it was
FEAR of the USSR, now it's drugs. The entire undertaking is to get
people so afraid of a non-threat that they are willing to give up the
Constitution in order to be "protected" from the alleged threat. The
only "threat" that's out there is the attack on the truth.
This is eroding our Rights under the Constitution, Bill of Rights and
the Declaration of Independence, and the only way they can do that is by
doing it in secret. Secrecy, supposedly in the name of "national
security," is the greatest single threat to the American People today.
Using that weapon they can make any lie look like the truth. When we
say: "It's time we take back what is rightfully ours!" it may well be
too late.
This is by the President of the foundation "American Society Against Pain Laws" Or ASAP
(Uh don't quote me on that, I think that's what it stands for(=>P) or (DUH)
Send E-mail to me, Steve Wilson for any comments on this site -swilso02@earthlink.net THANK YOU
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