This page was last updated on 23 February 2000.
The outgoing Chairman, Walter Green, reported on key accomplishments of the year, highlighting the variety of types of meetings: a formal presentation on Y2K, a tabletop exercise, a formal presentation on Virginia Power's new emergency operations facility, and a joint meeting with the Business Recovery Association of Virginia as 11th hour Y2K preparation meeting. The Chair introduced the concept of an Best Practices Program to recognize new and innovative programs in our member organizations (see details below), and this was adopted by unanimous vote. The Chair also presented Professional Member certificates to the newly elected Professional Members (see list below).
Steve Harrison briefed the members on the new Virginia Power operations center, and highlighted interesting design features that permit sustained operations in a variety of environments. He also reported in the International Atomic Energy Agency's visit to Virginia Power, the first such visit to a United States commercial nuclear power company in ten years. He indicated that there were interesting cultural differences in focus in the emergency program, due to concerns about some elements of potential reactor accidents. All-in-all it had been a very worthwhile visit, with learning by both Virginia Power and the IAEA visitors.
Members present included: Clarence Elliott (Business Recovery Association of Virginia), Dr. Walter Green (University of Richmond), Steven Harrison (Virginia Power), Michael Reik (National Disaster Medical System), William Sammler (National Weather Service), Thomas Steiler (Federal Bureau of Investigation), Kenneth Updike (American Red Cross), and LTC David Wrenn (Virginia Army National Guard).
Kenneth Updike, Chairman (American Red Cross Richmond Chapter)
Steven Harrison, Secretary (Virginia Power)
In recognition of sustained support for the MREPG the following have been elected as Professional Members:
Clarence Elliott, Walter Green, Steven Harrison, Michael Reik, William Sammler, Thomas Steiler, Kenneth Updike
To recognize outstanding initiatives by member organizations of the MREPG, we will be formally recognizing them as Best Practices and posting them on a page within this site. Practices nominated should be new (defined as within the last three years for initial nominations), be clearly innovative departures from the previous way of doing business, and be of a nature that would make them of interest to the general emergency management community.
To nominate a practice print a copy of the nomination form on the linked page, request a nomination form, including your name and fax number, by using the e-mail contact link below, or send an e-mail to with the following information:
(1) program or activity name.
(2) type of activity - for example, training program, exercise, new facility, etc.
(3) date covered by the nomination.
(4) organization conducting the program or activity.
(5) description of the program or activity.
(6) why is this an exemplary practice?
(7) name, title, telephone number of the person making the recommendation.
9 March 1:30 pm - BUSINESS RECOVERY ASSOCIATION OF VIRGINIA MEETING, room 201, Tyler Haines Commons, University of Richmond. The primary focus will be a debriefing of significant outcomes from Hurricane Floyd and the Y2K transition.
20-22 March - VIRGINIA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, sponsored by the Virginia Department of Emergency Services and the Virginia Emergency Management Agency, at the Williamsburg Marriott.
16 May 10:00 am - METRO RICHMOND EMERGENCY PLANNING GROUP MEETING. Tentatively scheduled as a visit to the National Weather Service Office at Wakefield, followed by a working lunch at the Virginia Diner.
P. O. Box 799
Glen Allen, VA 23060-0799
United States