....and some more pics of the car....


Blue paint - at last. Finally she's starting to look like a car again.

The '69 chassis is now in place and the paint is starting to go on.......  

...... after the interior had been sprayed the window and door apertures were masked up to allow the exterior to be painted without getting overspray inside the car..... Interior painted and masked up ready for exterior to be painted
Front view. ..... after oven-baking the paint this is what she looked like. In the background the deck lid can be seen - still in primer.
Looking much better now...... Side view of painted body on '69 chassis.
Starting to look goooooooooood ! ..... from any angle.

This is about as far as I've got at present. I hope to continue as funds allow.

You never know - she might be on the road for summer ....... er ......  better make that summer 2000 !!!

